Issue - meetings

22/01920/FPH 14 Oakfields Avenue, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, SG3 6NP

Meeting: 17/11/2022 - Planning Control Committee (Item 28)

28 22/01920/FPH 14 Oakfields Avenue, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, SG3 6NP pdf icon PDF 348 KB


Single storey rear and side extensions. Erection of attached double garage to the front of existing dwelling.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the application 22/01920/FPH be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager with an amendment to Condition 4 reading:


“Condition 4:


One replacement native semi-mature tree with a recommended girth of between 16-18cm must be planted in the front garden area of the property 14 Oakfields Avenue within 1 year of the date of this decision. Should the tree die within 5 years of it being planted, the tree must be replaced in the following planting season.


Reason: In the interest of local amenity.”



Audio recording – 2:31:21


Thomas Howe presented the report and gave a verbal presentation, which included:


·         Omit the report references saved policies and the emerging nature of the Local Plan. My recommendation still stands

·         There is an amendment to Condition 4 of Item 8 relating to the planting of a tree. There is some hoarding erected and some commencement of works related to extent permissions has occurred. It now should read “one replacement native semi-mature tree with a recommended girth of between 16-18cm must be planted in the front garden area of the property 14 Oakfields Avenue within one year of the date of this decision and should the tree die within five years of it being planted, the tree must be replaced in the following planting season”

·         Two applications are being considered at the same address so I will only introduce the site once

·         It is a detached bungalow to the north of Oakfields Avenue and is in a residential area of Knebworth

·         It isn’t listed or in the conservation area.

·         There is a tree that has now been felled

·         This application is looking to join up extant permissions with the emission of certain roof elements. A pitch has been erected to obscure and soften the flat roof.

·         The garage is retained and the rear extension with bifold doors is joining up to the garage.

·         The loss of the copper beech was strongly object to by neighbours and this tree was also considered to contribute to locality given its large size and pleasing crown. It was felled without being a breach of planning as it was not protected by a tree protection order and the site is not in a conservation area. A condition is attached to both applications requiring that a tree be planted in the front garden to replace the felled tree and contribute to the street scene.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Alistair Willoughby


In response Thomas Howe advised:


·         The Neighbourhood Plan does reference the design of the buildings. It is in traditional nature and is as expected for a dwelling of the size. It is my opinion but I believe it is the nature of the Neighbourhood Plan


The Chair invited Peter Calver to speak against the application.


Peter Calver thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave presentation which included:


·         The two applications should be considered together as they are effectively a single development to this plot.

·         It is surrounding a 1926 bungalow on all sides with flat roofed extensions is entirely out of character and sympathy with the existing building and surrounding properties

·         Oakfields Avenue should be considered as a character neighbourhood whose origins are from the inspired Knebworth Garden Village project from the early 20th century.

·         An image of this property can be seen in the original prospectus for the Knebworth Garden Village project

·         The bungalow should be described as a building of special architectural interest and should be treated with respect

·         The proposed plans will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28