Issue - meetings

Business Rate Pooling 2020/21

Meeting: 24/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 48)

48 BUSINESS RATE POOLING 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 92 KB



If NHDC is determined to be an optimum member of a Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, for the Council to join the pool and the potential financial benefits that this provides.




(1)       That it be approved in principle that the Council is part of a Hertfordshire Business Rates pool in 2020/21;


(2)       That, if it is proposed that Council is part of an optimum pool, that the authorisation for the final agreement be delegated to the Service Director- Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and IT.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: It is recommended that NHDC joins a Business Rates pool due to the expected financial benefits. The delegation is necessary due to the deadline imposed by the MHCLG.


Audio recording – 48 minutes 10 seconds


The Chairman reminded Members that the Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed for this item to be considered as an urgent item.


The Executive Member for Finance and IT presented the report entitled Business Rate Pooling 2020/21.


He proposed that Recommendation 2 be amended to read:


“That, if it is proposed that Council is part of an optimum pool, that the authorisation for the final agreement be delegated to the Service Director- Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and IT.”


It was proposed by Councillor Ian Albert, seconded by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb and




(1)       That it be approved in principle that the Council is part of a Hertfordshire Business Rates pool in 2020/21;


(2)       That, if it is proposed that Council is part of an optimum pool, that the authorisation for the final agreement be delegated to the Service Director- Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and IT.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: It is recommended that NHDC joins a Business Rates pool due to the expected financial benefits. The delegation is necessary due to the deadline imposed by the MHCLG.