Issue - meetings

Strategic Planning Matters

Meeting: 31/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 55)




To provide an update on planning matters affecting the District.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the report entitled Strategic Planning Matters be noted;


(2)        That the submissions in Appendices A, B and C be noted and endorsed;


(3)        That the use of Conservation Area Character Statements for Charlton, Gosmore, Great Offley, Preston and St Ippolyts as listed in Paragraph 8.4.3 of the report as material considerations in decision making for planning applications and in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans be endorsed.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That Cabinet supports the proposed Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Hertfordshire Growth Board, attached as Appendix D, and recommends to Council the signing of the agreement.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent development on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.


Audio Recording – 2 minutes 52 seconds


The Executive Member for Planning and Transport presented the report entitled Strategic Planning Matters together with the following appendices:


·                Appendix A – Letter from NHDC to Local Plan Inspector;

·                Appendix B – Consultation response to Hertfordshire Local Industrial Strategy;

·                Appendix C – Consultation response to HCC Draft Developer Contributions Guide; 

·                Appendix D – Hertfordshire Growth Board MoU.


The Executive Members for Planning and Transport drew attention to the following:


·                 A Local Plan Project Board meeting would take place on 5 November 2019;

·                 A report regarding Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 would be presented to the Cabinet meeting due to be held on 17 December 2019;

·                 In respect of the declared Climate Emergency:

·                 Improved design of housing would be considered in the Design SPD;

·                 All Planning reports would contain an environmental impact assessment;

·                The consultation regarding London Luton Airport had commenced.


The Service Director – Regulatory advised Members of the issues relating to Central Bedfordshire’s Local Plan.


The Leader of the Council drew attention to the Hertfordshire Growth Board Memorandum of Understanding and explained that this was needed to enable all Hertfordshire Councils to speak as a whole.


The following Member asked questions and took part in the debate:


·                Councillor Ian Albert.




(1)       That the report entitled Strategic Planning Matters be noted;


(2)        That the submissions in Appendices A, B and C be noted and endorsed;


(3)        That the use of Conservation Area Character Statements for Charlton, Gosmore, Great Offley, Preston and St Ippolyts as listed in Paragraph 8.4.3 of the report as material considerations in decision making for planning applications and in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans be endorsed.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That Cabinet supports the proposed Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Hertfordshire Growth Board, attached as Appendix D, and recommends to Council the signing of the agreement.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent development on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.