Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/10/2019 - Baldock and District Committee (Item 19)



Mr Rob Hemmings, Baldock Rotary Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application.



Audio Recording – Start of Item – 8 Minutes 21 Seconds


Councillor Jim McNally declared a declarable interest.  He informed the Committee that within his capacity as the Chairman of the Baldock Events Forum that he was involved with the Baldock Rotary Club with respect to the Christmas Tree and Christmas Lights for Baldock.  He stated that whilst he was involved, he did not feel that this would disable him from taking part in an impartial decision in respect to that grant application and remained in the room for the presentation, discussion and vote.


Councillor Michael Muir declared a declarable interest.  He informed the Committee that he was a member of Baldock Rotary Club, however, he too felt that he was able to make an impartial decision in respect to the grant application and remained in the room for the presentation, discussion and vote.


Mr Rob Hemmings, Baldock Rotary Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application and drew attention to the following:


·                Baldock Rotary Club had purchased and erected Christmas lights from 1978;

·                Invested heavily in new frames in 2009 with a cost of £2,525;

·                Last year, 2018, with assistance from the Festival Committee the increased cost was £10,940;

·                Baldock Rotary Club had invested a lot of money over years into Christmas lights;

·                Their Budget had been greatly reduced, however costs had risen; and

·                More legislation had been imposed over the last 2 years which had incurred yet more cost.


Councillor Michael Weeks and Jim McNally contributed to the discussion in respect of the application for grant funding.


The Chairman thanked Baldock Rotary Club on behalf of the Committee and Baldock, stating that a huge debt of gratitude was owed for all of their efforts and hard work in purchasing and erecting Christmas lights in the town year after year.


The Chairman thanked Mr Hemmings for his presentation.