Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/10/2019 - Baldock and District Committee (Item 20)



Ms Christine Watson, Baldock Beats Waste, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – 19 Minutes 21 Seconds


Ms Christine Watson, Baldock Beats Waste, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application and drew attention to the following:


·                Main focus was to encourage the residents of Baldock to look differently at waste, especially packaging and single-use plastic;

·                Offered information and advice of what can and can’t be recycled discussing alternatives on both packaging materials and reduction of recycling;

·                Had been present and involved in several public events;

·                Facebook page - articles that had been posted attracted between 100 and 500 people viewers;

·                Twitter account to spread their word and were considering an Instagram account;

·                Posters and leaflet distribution;

·                Set up at the Community Centre a collection for crisp packets which were then sent on to Terracycle for recycling; and

·                Waste Management discussions with several local business and litter picking outings had taken place.


Ms Watson informed the Committee that Baldock Beats Waste aimed to change perceptions and recycling habits for the benefit of the environment, provide information and influence.  They had decided to look into the SAS Scheme to gain Plastic Free status for Baldock, which would inevitably incur more expenditure.  Baldock Beats Waste’s request for grant funding was mainly to assist with venue hire and publicity costs.


All of the Members of Baldock and District Committee asked questions of Baldock Beats Waste and contributed to debate and discussion of the application.


The Chairman thanked Ms Watson for her presentation.