Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2019 - Letchworth Committee (Item 24)



Mr Joe Heeney, Resolve, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – 11 Minutes 25 Seconds


Mr Joe Heeney, Resolve, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant application as follows:


·                Founder and CEO of Resolve.

·                Started business in 2008 with a community grant of £500 from Hertfordshire Community Foundation.

·                Abstinence based drug and alcohol treatment day service for adults.

·                Support with substance, alcohol addiction and homelessness issues.

·                Success had grown since Resolve ran a 16 Week long community engagement pilot project 4 years ago that North Herts had put together along with CVS, (Centre for Voluntary Services).

·                Outgrown Westmill Community Centre in Hitchin, but now had a brand new bespoke building in Letchworth Town Centre – strategically and perfectly positioned, for which a ten year lease had been secured.

·                It was the only organisation of it’s type in the whole of the district.

·                Approximately 80 percent of their team, including Mr Heeney himself, were recovering addicts – showing a wealth of experience and empathy for all of their clients.

·                Looking for capital funding for the re-fit of the new property and assistance with legal costs.


In response to a question raised by a Member, Mr Heeney provided the following information:


·                Whilst Resolve did provide a drop in service, they primarily ran structured group therapy sessions with qualified Counsellors.


·                Opening hours were Monday to Friday, however the point of moving into their own space was to allow expansion of current provision.


The Chairman thanked Mr Heeney for his presentation.