Issue - decisions



(1)       Fire Announcement


The Vice-Chairman advised that no testing of the fire alarms was expected. If the alarm did sound those attending were to leave the building by the fire exits.


(2)     Mobile Phones


The Vice-Chairman reminded those present to turn off mobile phones or mute the ring tone and other sounds.


(3)     Climate Emergency


Members were reminded that this Council had declared a Climate Emergency.  This was a serious decision and meant that, as this was an emergency, all of us, officers and Members had that in mind as we carried out our various roles and tasks for the benefit of our District.


(4)     Audio Recording


The Vice-Chairman advised that, in accordance with Council policy this meeting was being audio recorded.


(5)     Declarations of Interest


Members were reminded to make declarations of interest before an item, the detailed reminder about this and speaking rights was set out under item 3 on the agenda.


(6)     Refreshments


The Vice-Chairman invited all Members to refreshments after the meeting in Committee Rooms 2/3.


(7)     Comfort break


The Vice-Chairman advised that. if the meeting went on beyond 9pm, he would call a 5 minute comfort break. He reminded Members to remain in the room prior to this to ensure they could vote.


(8)     Councillor Helen Oliver


The Vice-Chairman, on behalf of the Council, congratulated Councillor Helen Oliver on her recent marriage.


(9)     Rules of Debate


The Vice-Chairman reminded Members that in accordance with the Constitution please could Members ensure that no speech exceeded five minutes without the consent of the Chairman.


(10)   Business Rate Pooling Application – Use of Urgency in Relation to Call-In


Attention was drawn to the Information note which advised Council of the use of urgency provisions, which in accordance with the Constitution must be reported to the next meeting of the Council.


(11)   Order of Business


The Vice-Chairman advised that he would be taking Item 8 – Notice of Motions immediately following Public Participation.