Meeting documents

Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham (Chairman), Councillor T.W. Hone (Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor Tony Hunter, Councillor David Levett and Councillor Bernard Lovewell.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive, Strategic Director of Finance, Policy & Governance, Head of Finance, Performance & Asset Management, Head of Leisure & Environmental Services, Head of Development & Building Control, Accountancy Manager, Strategic Planning & Projects Manager, Parks & Countryside Development Manager, Customer Services Manager, Senior Estates Surveyor, Principal Strategic Planning Officer, Acting Senior Lawyer, Democratic Services Manager and Committee & Member Services Manager.
 ALSO PRESENT: Councillors John Booth (Vice-Chairman of Finance, Audit & Risk Committee), Ian Mantle (Chairman of Scrutiny Task & Finish Group on Parking) and R.L. Shakespeare-Smith.
3 Members of the Public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Jane Gray.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 27 January 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.

There was no notification of other business.

(1) The Chairman advised that there was a press reporter present at the meeting who may from time to time be taking a few photographs;

(2) The Chairman reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question; and

(3) The Chairman asked that, for the benefit of any members of the public present at the meeting, Officers announce their name and their designation to the meeting when invited to speak.

There was no public participation.
Appendix A - Top Risks of Waste and Street Cleansing Contract Renewal (and various sub risks); and Increased homelessness and use of B and B

The Vice-Chairman of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee presented the following referral from that Committee, made at its meeting held on 18 March 2015 in respect of a Risk Management Update (Minute 66 refers):

"(1) That the Cabinet Top Risk ‘Waste and Street Cleansing Contract Renewal' be amended to include the following six sub risks:

a. Co-mingled Waste;
b. Northern Transfer Station and Ancillary Facilities;
c. Trade Waste;
d. Waste and Recycling Service for flats;
e. Street Cleansing; and
f. shared Procurement Opportunity; and

(2) That it be agreed that the current Top Risks of "Co-mingled Waste" and the "Northern Transfer Station and Ancillary Facilities" be included under the main Waste and Recycling Contract Renewal risk (as set out in (1) above), rather than as separate risks."

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT stated that he had no problems with the above recommendations.


(1) That the Cabinet Top Risk ‘Waste and Street Cleansing Contract Renewal' be amended to include the following six sub risks:

a. Co-mingled Waste;
b. Northern Transfer Station and Ancillary Facilities;
c. Trade Waste;
d. Waste and Recycling Service for flats;
e. Street Cleansing; and
f. Shared Procurement Opportunity; and

(2) That it be agreed that the current Top Risks of "Co-mingled Waste" and the "Northern Transfer Station and Ancillary Facilities" be included under the main Waste and Recycling Contract Renewal risk (as set out in (1) above), rather than as separate risks.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure management of Cabinet Top Risks.
Appendix A - Response to Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan Consultation

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise, assisted by the Principal Strategic Planning Officer, informed Members of the current position regarding strategic planning matters, with particular reference to Household projections; Central Bedfordshire examination; Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan; Government consultations; Economic Development Strategy; and North Hertfordshire Local Plan. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Response to Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan consultation.

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise updated Cabinet on the following matters:

- Household projections - this was a complicated matter, as there appeared to be a number of anomalies, with further work needing to be undertaken. What was clear, however, was that the projections were not decreasing in numbers;
- Central Bedfordshire examination - there were a number of concerns in the way the Inspector had interpreted some areas of the National Planning Policy Framework and Duty to Co-operate. NHDC had asked the Local MPs for some clarification. Central Bedfordshire Council had resolved to seek a Judicial review into the outcome of the examination;
- Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan Consultation - reference was made to the robust response of NHDC to this consultation set out at Appendix A to the report; and
- NHDC Economic Development Strategy - the Strategy was still out for consultation, until 30 March 2015.

In respect of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan, the Principal Strategic Planning Officer advised that, to date, 5,100 comments made to the Preferred Options consultation document had been processed, from 3,100 individuals or organisations.

RESOLVED: That the report on Strategic Planning Matters be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Cabinet is kept informed of developments on strategic planning matters.
Appendix A - General Fund Summary

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT advised that the Accountancy Manager (Tim Neill) was attending his final NHDC Cabinet meeting, prior to him leaving the Council's service in the near future to take up a more senior position with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council. He thanked Tim for his hard work and support in preparing various financial reports over the past seven years.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT presented the report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance in respect of the Third Quarter Budget Monitoring 2014/15. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - General Fund Summary.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT referred to the Executive Summary and the various tables of information contained in the report, as follows:

- Net General Fund expenditure for 2014/15 (Table 1) - Forecast net expenditure at third quarter was £15.212million. This was £380,000 (2.5%) lower than the working budget, and £424,000 (2.79%) lower than the original budget. Of this reduction in spend, £188,000 was requested to be carried forward and spent in 2015/16;
- Budgets Carried Forward from 2013/14 (Table 2) - Of the £351,000 of budgets carried forward into 2014/15, £188,000 (53%) had been spent by the end of the third quarter. There were five carry forwards at amber status that may not be spent by the end of the year, and one carry forward at red status which would not be spent at all;
- Achievement of Efficiencies (Table 3) - It was expected that £1.572million (103.8%) of agreed efficiency proposals would be achieved in 2014/15. This was an overachievement of efficiencies of £58,000;
- Key Financial Indicators (Table 4) - One indicator was at amber status, the rest were at green status;
- General Fund Reserve Balance (Table 5) - The General Fund reserve was now forecast to have a balance of £5.4million at 31 March 2015. This was £3.4million higher than the originally approved minimum balance of £2million;
- Allowance for financial risks (Table 6) - The budgeted minimum General Fund balance of £2million included an allowance of £1.2million for known financial risks. As at the end of the third quarter, £252,000 of these risks had been realised;
- Earmarked Reserves (Table 7) - As at 1 April 2014 there was a balance of £4million in other useable earmarked reserves. The balance was forecast to be £4.6million at 31 March 2015; and
- Funding of Net Expenditure (Table 8) - A net total of £2.408million was anticipated to be receivable in the general fund with regard to Business Rates. This was slightly lower (£102,000) than the budgeted amount of £2.510million.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT invited the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Environmental Health to update Cabinet in respect of homelessness.

The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Environmental Health advised that NHDC had always been proud of the low number of its homeless people having to be housed in Bed and Breakfast (B and B) accommodation. However, due to legislative changes, numbers in B and B had increased, as it was proving more difficult for homeless people in receipt of housing benefit to access private rented accommodation. The numbers of North Hertfordshire homeless housed in B and B had peaked at 19, and was currently 14. It was hoped that this number would be further reduced in the short term, but that the longer term issue needed to be addressed. The Portfolio Holder was working with officers and partner organisations in an attempt to develop processes and procedures to alleviate or eradicate this problem.


(1) That the report be noted;

(2) That the changes to the 2014/15 General Fund Budget, as identified in Paragraph 8.1, Table 1 of the report, and involving a decrease in net expenditure of £380,000, be approved; and

(3) That the changes to the 2015/16 General Fund Budget, as identified in Paragraph 8.1, Table 1 of the report, and involving an increase in net expenditure of £139,000, be approved.

REASON FOR DECISION: To monitor and request appropriate action of Directorates who do not meet the budget targets set as part of the Corporate Business Planning process; and to ensure that changes to the Council's balances are monitored and approved.
Appendix A - Treasury Management Update - December 2014

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT presented a report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance in respect of the Third Quarter Treasury Management Monitoring 2014/15. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Treasury Management Third Quarter Review - December 2014.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT advised that the Council had operated within the treasury and prudential indicators set out in the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and in compliance with the Treasury Management Practices.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT stated that the Council had generated £0.384M of interest during the first nine months of 2014/15. The average interest rate agreed on new deals during the quarter by the cash managers (Sterling and Tradition) was 1.0%. The average interest rate on all outstanding investments (including in-house deals) at 31 December 2014 was 1.48%. At 31 December 2014, the Council had 17% of its investments with banks and 83% with building societies.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT explained that the amount of investment interest expected to be generated during the year was £0.485M, which was just below the working budget of £0.493M.

RESOLVED: That the position of Treasury Management activity as at the end of December 2014, as set out in the report, be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure the Council's continued compliance with CIPFA's Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the Local Government Act 2003, and to ensure the Council manages its exposure to interest and capital risk.
Appendix A - Capital Programme Summary 2014/15 onwards
Appendix B - Capital Programme Detail 2014/15 onwards

The Portfolio Holder of Finance and IT announced that he would be dealing with this report in two parts. He would present the report relating to Recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 first, and then would present the remainder of the report relating to Recommendation 2.3, to allow for Members with an interest in the North Hertfordshire Museum/Hitchin Town Hall Community Facility to declare and, if necessary, withdraw from the meeting.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT presented the report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance in respect of the Third Quarter Capital Programme Monitoring 2014/15, in so far as it related to Recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 in the report. The following appendices were submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Capital Programme Summary 2014/15; and
Appendix B - Capital Programme Detail 2014/15 onwards.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT drew attention to the tables in the report with regard to the Scheme Timetable Revision and Changes to Capital Schemes commencing in 2014/15.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT advised that the balance of useable capital receipts available at the start of the year to fund capital expenditure for 2014/15 and onwards was £1.339million. The 2014/15 Capital Programme of £6.3million required a total of £5.3million from the Council's capital resources. As a result, it would be necessary to draw down approximately £3.8million from the Council's set aside receipts to fund the current programme. Council land had been identified for disposal, and it was hoped that completed sales would generate approximately £4.75million over the next few months. In 2014/15, a total of £861,000 of third party contributions and grants was expected to be applied, including £270,000 of Section 106 receipts.

A number of Members expressed concerns at the number of significant Capital Schemes contained in the Programme, and the capacity of the organisation to deliver the schemes in a timely manner. The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT advised that options to address this potential problem would be either a complete review of the Capital Programme or the possible use of third parties to assist in the progression of some of the projects (although there would be costs associated with this option). He undertook to discuss these options with officers.

Prior to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT's presentation of the report relating to Recommendation 2.3, Councillors Bernard Lovewell, Peter Burt and Julian Cunningham declared that they would be withdrawing from the Chamber, and therefore not voting on this particular recommendation, as they were Members of the Cabinet Sub-Committee (Council Charities), which was responsible for making decisions on the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility on behalf of the Hitchin Town Hall: Gymnasium and Workmans Hall Trust. Accordingly, they withdrew from the meeting for the remainder of the presentation, debate and vote upon this item.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT advised that Recommendation 2.3 concerned changes to the Capital Programme as a result of the action taken by the Chief Executive under the special urgency procedure, and the subsequent decision of Full Council on 10 March 2015. It was noted that the total project budget in the Capital Programme in respect of the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility was now £5.007million.


(1) That the changes to the projected Capital Programme for 2014/15 onwards arising from the re-profiling of schemes, as identified in Paragraph 8.3, Table 1 of the report, and totalling a decrease in expenditure in 2014/15 of £1.978million, be approved;

(2) That the changes to the projected Capital Programme for 2014/15 arising as a result of changes to the capital schemes, as identified in Paragraph 8.4, Table 2 of the report, and totalling an net decrease in expenditure of £53,000, be approved; and

(3) That the changes to the projected Capital Programme for 2014/15 and onwards arising for the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility for an increase in budget of £69,000 agreed by the Chief Executive under the special urgency procedure, the increase in budget of up to a maximum of £253,000 agreed by Full Council on 10 March 2015, and the re-profiling of this scheme into 2015/16, to reflect the latest timetable for completion, resulting in a net decrease in expenditure of £899,000 in 2014/15 (as referred to in Paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6 of the report), be approved.

REASON FOR DECISION: To approve revisions to the Capital Programme, and to ensure that the Capital Programme is fully funded.
Appendix A - Current Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy
Appendix B - Updated Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy
Appendix C - Current Complaints Process (flow chart)
Appendix D - Proposed Complaints Process (flow chart)

The Cabinet Chairman presented a report of the Strategic Director of Customer Services in respect of a proposed updated Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy. The following appendices were submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Current Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy;
Appendix B - Updated Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy;
Appendix C - Current Complaints Process (flow chart); and
Appendix D - Proposed Complaints Process (flow chart).

The Cabinet Chairman advised that the Policy had been updated to provide a clear and easy to understand explanation about how North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) managed and dealt with customer feedback, with the following key points:

- The updated Policy followed good practice guidance set out by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO);
- The introduction of an Unreasonable Complainant's Policy and the Community Trigger in 2013 and 2014 had been cross-referenced in the updated Policy; and
- The updated policy included an amendment to the current two stage process, namely to introduce criteria to allow a complaint to escalate to Stage 2 of the complaints process and, if the criteria was not met, to signpost the complainant to the LGO for an independent review.

In addition, the Cabinet Chairman stated that a recent internal audit of the Customer Service Centre carried out by Price Waterhouse Coopers on behalf of the Shared Internal Audit Service in January 2015 had recommended that the Policy should be updated.

The Cabinet Chairman reminded Members that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a report twice a year, reporting key data relating to the volumes and performance handling of Comments, Compliments and Complaints.

The Cabinet Chairman explained that the current policy had a two stage process which applied to all complaints. This meant that if a complainant was dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint at Stage 1, which would have been investigated by a service manager, they could choose to escalate it to Stage 2 to have the complaint reviewed by a Head of Service or senior manager. If the complainant was still dissatisfied with the Stage 2 outcome they could choose to escalate it to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) for an independent review.

The Cabinet Chairman commented that, in most cases, the outcome of a complaint did not change at Stage 2 and, whilst the numbers of Stage 2 complaints were not unmanageable (there were 12 in the first six months of 2014/15 of which none were upheld), there was usually no change at Stage 2, either because the complaint had been handled correctly at Stage 1 or the complaint related to a disagreement with Policy.

To manage customer expectations effectively and to ensure the most effective use of Senior Management resources, the Cabinet Chairman stated that the updated Policy would still allow a complaint to be escalated to Stage 2, but only under certain circumstances, listed below:

(1) The customer believed the complaint had not been fully understood or investigated thoroughly due to a misunderstanding of the original complaint.

(2) That all points raised in the complaint had not been fully responded to.

(3) A response to the Stage 1 complaint had not been provided within the prescribed timescales and an indication of when a response could be expected had not been received.

The Cabinet noted that a number of actions had already been or would be implemented to support this change, including;

- The introduction of timed reminders and automatic escalations in the new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to remind managers of due completion dates of complaints and alert Senior managers at an early stage if complaint completion target dates were breached. Additionally, quarterly reporting of high level complaint data to the Senior Management Team (SMT) with more detailed reporting presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee twice a year;
- Effective complaint handling training had been delivered by the LGOs office to a number of managers who deal with complaints; and
- Updated manager's guidance and letter templates would be made available on the intranet to ensure consistency in approach to responding to complaints.

The Cabinet was supportive of the updated Policy, and proposed that further wording be added to Paragraph 4.5 to clarify the type of issue that, if resolved quickly, would not come under the remit of the Policy; and the addition in a suitable place in the Policy that the key data relating to the volume and performance handling of Comments, Compliments and Complaints was monitored twice a year by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

RESOLVED: That, subject to the following amendments, the updated Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy, as attached at Appendix B to the report, be approved:

- Paragraph 4.5 - further wording to clarify the type of issue that, if resolved quickly, would not come under the remit of the Policy; and

- The addition in a suitable place in the Policy that the key data relating to the volume and performance handling of Comments, Compliments and Complaints is monitored twice a year by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the NHDC Policy for Comments, Compliments and Complaints was up to date, clear and easy for customers to understand whilst being aligned with current good practice set out by the Local Government Ombudsman.
Appendix A - Additional information on retail use

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues presented a report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management in respect of Performance Management Measures for 2015/16. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Additional information on retail use.

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues reminded Members that the proposed Performance Management Measures for 2015/16 were considered on 9 December 2014 at the Performance Workshop. He drew attention to the following Performance Indicators set out in the report:

- MI-LI015 - Number of visits to leisure facilities - each monitoring report would provide details of the usage at each of the leisure facilities. The contractors had agreed the target. The refurbishment at North Herts Leisure Centre may have an impact in the year, but the aim would be to keep the facility open for use throughout the works, so any impact should be minimal;
- NI191 - Kg residual waste per household - it was pleasing to note that this target had been reduced, due to North Hertfordshire being a high performing area in terms of recycling and production of less residual waste; and
- TC001 to TC004 - Number of retail units in use in the District's four town centres - these would be broken down in accordance with definitions A1 to A5 on the Use Classes Order: A1 (Shops, assisted by the information set out in Appendix A to the report); A2 (Financial and Professional Services); A3 (Restaurants and Cafes); A4 (Drinking Establishments); and A5 (Hot Food Take-Aways).

RESOLVED: That the Performance Indicators and any associated targets, as set out in the report, which will be monitored by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee throughout 2015/16, be approved.

REASON FOR DECISION: To provide an assurance that service delivery in a number of key front line services will be monitored throughout 2015/16.
Appendix 1 - Map of area to be designated as St. Ippolyts Neighbourhood Plan area
Appendix 2A - Application letter from St. Ippolyts Parish Council
Appendix 2B - Application map from St. Ippolyts Parish Council
Appendix 3A - Schedule of representations
Appendix 3B - Maps accompanying schedule of representations
Appendix 4 - Response from St. Ippolyts Parish Council to alternative suggestions

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise invited the Principal Strategic Planning Officer to present report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise in respect of the St. Ippolyts Neighbourhood Plan Area. The following appendices were submitted with the report:

Appendix 1 - Map of area to be designated as the St. Ippolyts Neighbourhood Plan area;
Appendix 2 - Application letter and map from St. Ippolyts Parish Council;
Appendix 3 - Schedule of representations and accompanying maps; and
Appendix 4 - Response from St. Ippolyts Parish Council to alternative suggestions.

The Principal Strategic Planning Officer advised that the application by St. Ippolyts Parish Council to designate the whole civil Parish as a neighbourhood planning area attracted more representations than any of the other neighbourhood plan area designations consulted on previously. The representations included the following suggestions for different boundaries for the neighbourhood planning area:

(i) exclude those parts of the Parish within the Hitchin settlement area;

(ii) exclude the site known as Pound Farm (Site HT2 in the Local Plan Preferred Options consultation paper);

(iii) exclude the area identified as safeguarded land to the west of Stevenage in the Local Plan Preferred Options consultation paper;

(iv) designating only the settlements of Gosmore, St. Ippolyts, St. Ibbs and Little Almshoe within the neighbourhood planning area; and

(v) designating only the settlements of Gosmore, St. Ippolyts, St. Ibbs, Little Almshoe and Tatmore Place.

The Principal Strategic Planning Officer explained that St. Ippolyts Parish Council was asked for its views on each of the options above. The Parish Council's response to each of the options raised in the representations to the consultation was attached as Appendix 4 to the report. The Parish Council's preferred option, also supported by Officers, was Option (iii) above, for the reasons set out in the report.

In order to provide greater clarity as to the preferred option, a revised Recommendation 2.1 to that contained in the report was tabled at the meeting.


(1) That, having regard to the representations made and with the agreement of St. Ippolyts Parish Council, the designation of a neighbourhood planning area for St Ippolyts comprising that part of the civil parish of St. Ippolyts which is not identified as safeguarded land west of Stevenage in the Local Plan Preferred Options Paper of December 2014, as discussed as Option (iii) in paragraph 8.8 of the report and shown as the grey shaded area on the map in Appendix 1: St Ippolyts Neighbourhood Planning Area, be approved; and

(2) That the funding available from the Department of Communities and Local Government for the financial year 2014/15 to assist local authorities in the preparation of neighbourhood plans, as set out in Section 10 of the report, be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable St. Ippolyts Parish Council to formally prepare a neighbourhood plan.
Report and Appendices

The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Recycling and Environment presented a report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services in respect of options for the Countryside Management Service (CMS) and Groundwork Hertfordshire. The following appendices were submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Countryside Management Service 2014/15 Work Programme; and
Appendix B - Green Space Management Strategy Projects.

The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Recycling and Environment stated that, from April 2015, it was intended to enter into a new Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) hosted framework contract for the continued delivery of the functions of the CMS and Groundwork Hertfordshire. However, HCC received no bidders for this contract, and so for the present the CMS was remaining with HCC. In order to continue achieving the aims of the Green Space Strategy, the existing Memoranda of Understandings for the CMS and Groundwork Hertfordshire had been extended for a period of one year. This would allow time to tender out the functions currently undertaken by Groundwork and to enter into a new contractual arrangement with HCC for works being delivered by the CMS.

The Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, Recycling and Environment referred to three options in respect to the future procurement of these services, as set out in the report. He recommended Option 1, namely that NHDC continued to use the CMS by entering into a new contractual arrangement with HCC and developed its own specification and tender independently for the procurement of services currently delivered by Groundwork Hertfordshire.


(1) That the extension of the existing Memoranda of Understandings (MOUs) until March 2016 for the Countryside Management Service and Groundwork Hertfordshire be noted;

(2) That discussions be entered into with Hertfordshire County Council to secure a new contractual arrangement for the continued delivery of services provided by the Countryside Management Service relating to the Council's adopted Green Space Management Strategy 2014-2019;

(3) That a tender be developed for the delivery of the work programme contained in the Council's adopted Green Space Management Strategy 2014-2019 for the items of work identified for Groundwork Hertfordshire to undertake; and

(4) That the Human resources Implications listed at Section 15.2 of the report be noted, namely "Any changes to the procurement of services currently provided by the Countryside Management Service and Groundwork Hertfordshire's arrangements may impact on the resources of this team and this will need to be reviewed based on what is decided".

REASON FOR DECISION: To provide a cost effective means that retains the benefits currently achieved by the CMS and Groundwork Hertfordshire in securing options for external funding and volunteer involvement for the delivery of the work programme of the Council's adopted Green Space Management Strategy 2014-19.
Appendix A - NHDC Car Parking Tariffs for 2015/16

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues presented a report of the Head of Development and Building Control in respect of proposed increase in off street car parking tariffs for 2015/16. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - NHDC Car Parking Tariffs for 2014/15.

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues advised that, as part of the income generation proposals presented in the Corporate Business Planning Budget - 2015/16 to Full Council on 12 February 2015, it was agreed to increase car parking tariffs in the Council's off street car parks in accordance with the Council's ‘inflation policy' for 2015/16. This resulted in an increase of £29,000 on the full year parking income budget and equated to a 2% increase in car parking tariffs, representing the increase in RPI as measured at November 2014.

The Cabinet was informed that Officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues, had considered a number of options. It had been agreed that the proposed increases should be based on the following principles, in accordance with the policies as set out in the NHDC Parking Strategy:

- that the actual costs of implementing the changes should be minimised;
- that the Council continued to support the aim of the Parking Strategy, which was to support its town centres, and therefore continued the freeze on 1 hour charges across the District;
- that the Council sought to resist increases in long stay charges, where possible, to protect surrounding residential streets from increased on-street parking from commuters and from town centre workers; and
- that the charges remained consistent with each of the town centre car parks.

The Cabinet noted the various increases in tariffs for off street car parks, season tickets and residents parking permits, as set out in the three tables in the report.

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues reported that he had consulted the Chairmen of the Area Committees. Three Chairmen had responded, raising no issues of objection to the proposed course of action.

In response to a question, the Strategic Planning and Projects Manager confirmed that, with the need to adhere to statutory timescales regarding newspaper advertising, the new charges were unlikely to come into effect before early May 2015.


(1) That the proposed car park tariff increases for 2015/16 for various off street car parks in Baldock, Hitchin, Letchworth Garden City, Royston and Knebworth, as set out in Table 1 at Paragraph 8.4 of the report, be adopted;

(2) That the proposed increase in season ticket prices by RPI for 2015/16 for each of the Council's long stay car parks in Hitchin, Letchworth Garden City and Royston, as set out in Table 2 at Paragraph 9.2 of the report, be agreed;

(3) That there be no increase in resident permits, visitor permits, business permits or visitor tickets for resident permit zones for 2015/16, and the prices remain as set out in Table 3 at paragraph 9.3 of the report; and

(4) That the proposed tariff increases referred to in Resolutions (1) and (2) above be implemented as soon as practicable, and that officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues, be authorised to proceed with the implementation as required.

REASON FOR DECISION: To implement an increase in car parking tariffs and season ticket prices in accordance with the Council's inflation policy for 2015/16, as agreed by Full Council on 12 February 2015, in the Council's short and long stay car parks in Baldock, Hitchin, Letchworth Garden City, Royston and Knebworth.
Appendix A - Scrutiny Task and Finish Report on Parking

The Chairman of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group on Parking (Councillor Ian Mantle) presented the final report of that Task and Finish Group. The following appendix was submitted with the covering report:

Appendix A - Report of the Task and Finish Group on Parking.

The Chairman of the Task and Finish Group on Parking referred to the recommendations in the report, as follows:

Recommendation 1: The Council should review its policies to ensure adequate provision of parking for town centre residents;

Recommendation 2: The Council should consider outsourcing the management and maintenance of its car parks, or sharing the costs with another authority, provided there is a good business case for doing so;

Recommendation 3: The Council should consider acquiring land in order to provide new car parks when there is a need and a good business case for doing so;

Recommendation 4: The Council should keep the problem of verge parking under review;

Recommendation 5: The Council's Parking Strategy should contain a section on parking for rail commuters;

Recommendation 6: The Council should review the opening hours of its car parks;

Recommendation 7: In order to do so, the Council should gather sufficient data about the usage of car parks, particularly at times when there is no charging, so it can make an informed decision about opening hours;

Recommendation 8: The Council should talk to its local MPs to see if they can facilitate a dialogue with Network Rail and the train operating companies about provision of more parking around stations in North Herts; and

Recommendation 9: The Council should review its policy on season tickets, including ways of boosting their sales. This could include better publicity; making sure the process of buying them is as straightforward as possible; using alternative outlets such as shops; and allowing season tickets to be transferable in some circumstances.

Cabinet noted the comments made by the Senior Management Team in respect of a number of the recommendations.

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues thanked the Chairman and Members of the Task and Finish Group for an interesting report. He had no problem with any of the recommendations, and advised that there was shortly to be a wholesale review of the existing Parking Strategy by the Senior Management Team. He commented that it would not be possible to immediately deal with all of the Task and Finish Group's recommendations, but that it was intended that they all be progressed at appropriate times in the future.

RESOLVED: That, taking into account the Senior Management Team's comments set out at Paragraph 7.3 of the report, Recommendations 1 to 9 contained in the Report of the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group on Parking be supported and progressed at appropriate times in the future.

REASON FOR DECISION: To respond to the report and recommendations of the Parking Task and Finish Group.
Appendix A - Location Plan

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT presented a report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management in respect of the Garages and Access Way at Garrison Court, Hitchin. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Location Plan - approximate and for identification purposes only.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT commented that the Garrison Court Garages were no longer required by the Council and were in a poor state of repair, which was why the site was being offered up for disposal. It was noted that some of the adjoining owners had established rights over the Council's land to gain access to their properties, and that it was proposed that these rights would continue following any agreed sale of the land. If approved, the decision would be subject to the Hitchin Committee raising no substantive objections to the proposal.

The Cabinet supported the recommendations, especially as it promoted the re-use and potentially better use of a derelict brownfield site.


(1) That, subject to the Hitchin Committee raising no substantive objections to the proposal, the freehold property located near Garrison Court, Hitchin, as shown coloured pink on the plan attached at Appendix A to the report, be offered for sale on the open market; and

(2) That, after receipt of offers, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT, to agree the terms of the sale contract, subject to the offer being the best consideration.

REASON FOR DECISION: To provide a financial receipt to help fund the 2015-2019 Capital Programme.

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise invited the Head of Development and Building Control to present a report in respect of the proposed Hertfordshire Authorities Project for Building Control.

The Head of Development and Building Control drew attention to the fact that similar joint projects for Building Control were taking place in local authorities in Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. He felt that, once established, the Hertfordshire Consortium could well face competition from these consortia, as well as from the private sector.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted, and that it be agreed in principle that the project should move forward, with the production of a full business and financial case for approval in the summer of 2015.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments in respect of the project.

RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
Appendix A - Hertfordshire Building Control Collaborative Venture - Business Case

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise invited the Head of Development and Building Control to present a Part 2 report respect of the Hertfordshire Authorities Project for Building Control - Business Case. The following appendix was submitted with the report:

Appendix A - Hertfordshire Building Control Collaborative Venture - Business Case.

The Head of Development and Building Control advised that the financial modelling contained the Business Case document had moved on significantly since November 2014. He commented that "do nothing" was not a realistic option.

The Head of Development and Building Control answered a number of Members' questions on the report and appendix.

RESOLVED: That the report and business case be noted, and that it be agreed in principle that the project should move forward, with the production of a full business and financial case for approval in the summer of 2015.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments in respect of the project.

The Cabinet Chairman re-iterated the comments made by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT in thanking the Accountancy Manager (Tim Neill) for his service to NHDC, and wished him all the best in his new role.