Meeting documents

Joint Staff Consultative Committee
Wednesday, 19th September, 2012 3.00 pm

Time: 3.00pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Tricia Cowley(Chairman), Councillor Tom Brindley, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Jacqui Hamilton(Unison), Mrs D. Levett(Unison), Chris Carter(Staff Consultation Forum) and C. Corr(Staff Consultation Forum).
 IN ATTENDANCE: Strategic Director of Customer Services
Corporate Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Development Manager
Employee Relations Officer
Committee and Member Services Officer
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Judi Billing.

Due to it being inquorate, this meeting was not minuted. Instead, notes had been taken and the Committee agreed that the Notes of the JSCC meeting held on 27 June 2012 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business was put forward for discussion at this Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed Members and all officers to this meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee.

Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires that they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.
SCF Minutes 4.7.12
SCF Minutes 1.8.12
SCF Draft Minutes of 5.9.12

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) referred the JSCC to the Minutes of the meetings of the Staff Consultation Forum (SCF) held on 4 July, 1 August and the Draft Minutes of 5 September 2012, for details of the meetings, actions taken and the items carried forward.

She provided a summary of the main points from each meeting as follows:

4 July 2012
The CHRM touched on the Matters Arising from Previous Minutes relating to dripping taps and the waste of hot water, together with the current faults still in the newly-refurbished toilets.

The Committee was reminded that the full Staff Survey Report was an item on this JSCC Meeting's Agenda and would be discussed later on.

The CHRM then revealed that a large number of NHDC staff had volunteered to assist with marshalling and crowd control when the Olympic Torch passed through Letchworth on Sunday 8 July.

Instead of the usual staff Christmas celebrations, it had been suggested that a large event be organised for interested staff at an outside venue, e.g. Hitchin Town Hall. This suggestion was currently being considered and staff would be asked for their views.

1 August 2012
Regarding Home Working/Office Accommodation, the system for logging on was changing and the old portal had now been closed.

Parking for NHDC staff would no longer be available in Hillshott car park, as this was required for public using the Howard Park and Gardens and visiting the town centre. Staff would therefore be permanently accommodated in the Letchworth multi-storey car park.

5 September 2012
The Head of Development and Building Control attended this meeting to outline a proposed restructure for Strategic Planning and Enterprise. SCF is used for consultation on restructuring proposals.

The Senior Building Surveyor also attended this meeting and gave helpful explanations, such as the numerous ways in which the DCO building trapped and retained heat and that refurbishment options for the building would be presented to the Cabinet in October.

It was also confirmed that the use of Zip boilers rather than kettles to heat water was not economical, due to the boilers keeping on the boil all day long, and the expense required to keep them at boiling point. The first floor kitchen currently used a Zip boiler and kettles were used elsewhere in the building.

Under Green Issues, the SCF were informed that compostible items had been found in the wrong recycling bins, which negated the effect of separating out the waste items. Staff were asked to ensure that the correct items were placed in each of the recycling bins, and this included removing plastic windows from food packaging and cling film, and putting them in the general waste bins. This would be fed back to Property Services.

Discussion of the Staff Survey would be presented at the next SCF Meeting.

The CHRM recorded thanks to staff for ceasing to use the Hillshott car park and also advised that filming for a new film called "World's End" would be carried out in Letchworth during September, November and December.

The Chairman was given clarification of how Childcare Vouchers worked and the CHRM provided an explanation of some of the staff benefits currently available.

It was agreed: That the information provided in the three sets of Minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum be noted.

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) presented the Committee with the quarterly update on the progress made to the People Strategy 2011-2015 Report, which also incorporated the Council's Workforce Development Plan.

It was revealed that the key piece of work dominating this was the Shared Support Services programme, especially the planning of the potential TUPE transfer of a significant number of staff to Stevenage Borough Council.

The progress of projects was listed, with special mention given to:
- The successful planning of adequate resources during the summer holidays and the Olympic games, together with media arrangements for staff;
- Plans for the recruitment of an apprentice to the Parking Services team;
- The HR staff supporting staffing aspects and matters related to the closure of Hitchin and Letchworth Museums and Hitchin Town Hall;
- An audit of learning and development carried out by SIAS resulting in substantial assurance;
- 93.7% of all appraisal forms were logged in by HR before the 31 July deadline and to date 98% had been received;
- Review of appraisal quality had been completed and a discussion paper containing outcomes and recommendations prepared for the September SMT meeting.

Committee debate raised questions about: the training process for an apprentice to Parking Services (on-the-job training/work experience - providing generic rather than specific sector vocational training). The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SDCS) explained that modern apprentices have a wider scope and are no longer always a very technical post - they will also learn skills over a year.

The CHRM advised that reducing absence rates was a good-news story. August had been a good month, in fact there had never been one as good as that, perhaps due to the feel-good effect on staff of the Olympics and Paralympics.

The Chairman remarked that the last few years have not been 100% (since 2006/2007/2008) for appraisals, but this only equates to 1 or 2 staff..

It was agreed: That the Committee note the progress against the People Strategy and HR People Strategy Work Plan for 2011/2015.

The People Strategy supports the achievement of the Authority's key priorities.

The Employee Relations Officer (ERO) presented the report of the Corporate Human Resources Manager regarding the current position on equalities in employment and the Council's retention rate.

She advised that 53% of staff who have left NHDC employment have either relocated or gone on to new jobs. 6 leavers were in the 55 to 64 age group and all those who had retired were aged 60 years or over. The resignations were spread throughout the age ranges and 38% of these were from the 45-54 age category.

The overall rate was still low, although the resignation rate was higher than in recent years.

Members asked if there was an exit questionnaire or interview, and were told that there was a robust procedure in place.

It was agreed: That the Committee notes the update on the retention and progress with equalities in relation to our employees.

To maintain the awareness of the retention and equalities situation by the JSCC.

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) presented an update on the Local Government Pension Scheme and went through the table, explaining the changes.

She stated that when changes were introduced in 2008, employee contribution rates for staff on lower grades went down. Members were advised to note the new Employee Contribution Rates and note the contribution flexibility, where employees are able to pay less for a specified period of time.

The Death in Service Lump Sum would remain the same.
Pay Update
Appendix 1

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) advised that this report was the result of a request for an examination of effect of the pay freeze and RPI on employees' earnings.

There was some discussion about how changes to contribution rates for pensions had also effected earnings over the same period as the pay freeze.
Staff Survey 2012

The Corporate Human Resources Manager stated that she did not intend to go through the Full 2012 Staff Satisfaction Survey Report which had been issued to the Committee for their information. Highlights of the report would also be discussed as part of the following item on the Agenda.

The Corporate Human Resources Manager introduced the discussion topic and confirmed that long periods of job insecurity, redundancies etc inevitably led to low staff morale.

She explained that a range of methods were used to calculate the financial cost of low morale and one model concluded that an organisation with 500 employees could save £1,000,000 by improving staff satisfaction and performance.

The Committee were reminded that the key findings from the staff satisfaction survey were listed on pg 88 of the Agenda and overall gave pleasing and encouraging results.

Key staff concerns noted were job security, career progression, dissatisfaction with office accommodation and the long period of pay freezes. The Human Resources Development Manager (HRDM) has implemented various career development initiatives to support career development e.g. mentoring, coaching, career development workshops and 1:1 interviews etc. The survey showed that the majority of staff from Town Lodge, now in DCO were hot-desking and therefore were less satisfied with their work accommodation. The Committee were advised that when an organisation has to make changes, unexpected costs can arise. Long periods of job insecurity etc can lower staff morale and lead to a higher rate of absences and affect job satisfaction.

When staff are less content, this can lead to a drop in output, whereas staff who are happy in their work and surroundings focus better on their jobs.

It was stated that managers need to significantly raise staff morale by communicating and being more involved with them, although this could lead to more work for them.

The Chairman commented that lessons could be learned from this and things could be changed or improved. Members were informed that NHDC now had 430 staff and 50% of these had completed the survey. It was remarked that morale definitely affects staff production and the Strategic Director of Customer Services remarked that relatively high satisfaction rates probably reflected that staff had a job in the current economic climate. External indicators showed an upward trend as people became used to living in austere times and change was therefore well managed. However, the warning was given that goodwill could not last forever and staff should not be complacent.

The Committee discussion then raised such points as: the economic climate affects jobs for staff; there was no significant loss of output; unknown factors such as film-making, the Torch Relay, games-making and the Royal visit to North Herts all had an effect on people's work as situations such as these made jobs more complex and exciting, which helped to motivate staff; the movement of staff from Town Lodge to the District Council Offices went very smoothly and was an example of good management; staff in the scope for Shared management Services were still enthusiastic and committed to everyday work.

It was agreed: That the discussion paper on The Paradox of Cost Cutting and the NHDC Staff Satisfaction Survey be noted.

The Committee discussed the list of Suggested Discussion Topics presented by the Human Resources Development Manager and the subject chosen for the next meeting was Helping to prepare the organisational culture for shared services working.