Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 11th January, 2010 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: St. Mary's Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor I.J. Knighton (Chairman),Councillor M.E. Weeks (Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor M.R.M. Muir and Councillor A.D. Young.
 IN ATTENDANCE: David Charlton (Senior Estates Surveyor)
Claire Morgan (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: Paul David Jagger, Vice-Chairman, North Herts Crime Prevention Panel
Inspector Jason Thorne, Hertfordshire Constabulary
Murray Fastier, Baldock Town Centre Manager
4 members of the public.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Minutes - 16.11.09

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 November 2009 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman declared that a presentation on the North Herts Crime Prevention Panel would be taken as part of Public Participation. It was included in this Meeting as it tied in with the Policing Update already on the Agenda.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.

He stated that Sergeant Jon Vine, who was due to address the Committee, was unwell, so Inspector Jason Thorne had kindly offered to update the Committee on Policing in Baldock and the surrounding areas over the past 12 months.

The Chairman then reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest, and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared, at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of the relevant item on the Agenda.



Mr Paul David Jagger, Vice-Chairman and Press Officer of the North Herts Crime Prevention Panel (NHCPP), thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on the aims and work of the NHCPP. He revealed that membership of the Panel came from all over North Herts, and that it was the policing equivalent of the St Johns Ambulance organisation.

He explained that the object of addressing the Committee was to raise awareness of what they do and to recruit volunteers, and that he would be visiting all the Area Committees in North Herts with his presentation.

Mr Jagger went through the handouts that had been provided, stressing that the purpose of the Panel was to reduce crime and increase feelings of safety amongst the local community. He named the partners working with the Panel as: Hertfordshire Constabulary; Neighbourhood Watch; Police Community Volunteers; Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and North Herts District Council. The leadership team works under the broad direction of the local Police commander, complementing local policing. The volunteers do not detain or arrest suspects, are not involved in the detection of crime or prosecution of criminals, and when on duty wear a high visibility jacket clearly marked ‘Crime Prevention' and carry a Police ID card.

The Committee were informed that volunteers are involved in vehicle crime prevention, give public talks on Internet Safety, sell crime prevention products, advise on home security and personal security measures and communicate with the public on crime prevention matters through their website and email news announcements.

Mr Jagger stated that the NHCPP's involvement in Operation Tarantula, launched in January 2008 to reduce vehicle crime in North Hertfordshire, had had a significant impact on its crime reduction figures.

He gave as the main reasons for volunteers to join the NHCPP:

 To reduce crime and increase feelings of safety;
 To help vulnerable members of the community;
 To learn more about the work of the Police;
 To see behind the scenes of Police operations; and above all
 To keep Hertfordshire's crime levels low.

The Committee were informed that the Panel's area of operation ran from Royston in the north to Knebworth in the south, and that recruits did not have to be resident in North Herts, but should be able to travel there.

The criteria for becoming a volunteer with the NHCPP were to:

 Be a UK national at least 14 years old;
 Be willing to travel in North Herts;
 Be willing to undergo a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check;
 Have a reasonable level of mobility/fitness;
 Be willing to participate in at least five events per annum;
 Have good communication skills;
 Have access to the Internet (very desirable); and
 Undergo a period of probation.

Mr Jagger stated that the key benefits for volunteers were:

 An opportunity to work with the Police, Fire and Rescue and other authorities on interesting crime prevention operations;
 Full training and support;
 All reasonable expenses;
 an influential voice in local crime prevention matters;
 being fully insured whilst on crime prevention events;
 access to appropriate equipment and materials;
 the opportunity to develop new skills and add to the CV.

He stressed that volunteers were never asked to work on their own, and were usually accompanied by a uniformed police officer or police community support officer (PCSO).

Mr Jagger thanked the Committee for their attention to his presentation, and invited them to put any questions they may have. He was asked how members of the NHCPP can provide a feeling of safety, and replied that this is done by a visible presence alongside the Police and by visiting people's homes to offer advice. They can also be deployed to give reassurance and information, which could abate possible hysteria. Mr Jagger was then asked how the NHCPP ensured that the fears of the community were abated and not raised by a uniformed presence, and he replied that this was done by giving notice of visits and by handing out publicity on NHCPP before the visits.

He then brought to the attention of the Committee the Safer Internet Day on 9 February 2010 in the Howard Hall, Letchworth. This was a public talk on e-safety aimed at parents, teaching staff, youth group leaders and child care workers, and the contact email address for seat reservations was:

The Chairman thanked Mr Jagger for his useful and informative presentation.


Inspector Jason Thorne apologised for the absence of Sergeant Jon Vine of Hertfordshire Constabulary, who was unwell and could not attend the Meeting to give the Policing Update for Baldock and the surrounding district. Inspector Thorne stated that he would give the Policing Update, which gave a positive message.

He informed the Committee that crime statistics showed a 14.1% reduction in the area across all crime types, especially burglary, shoplifting and vehicle crime. Violent crime was down 20.8%, motor vehicle crime was down 21.6%, criminal damage was down 22.4% person robbery was down to nil and shoplifting was down 19.4%. However, robbery and dwelling burglary were both up by 1 crime each.
Inspector Thorne ran through each type of crime, giving rough details of the offences and the offenders detained. He explained that the period between October and February was generally a time of year when communities were more vulnerable to burglary crime, especially in the current economic climate. As a result, a large scale operation (Operation Saturnalia) had been launched in Baldock during October 2009.

Baldock Fair was usually a flashpoint for crime, but crime numbers had also decreased here, with all perpetrators being detained. Anti social behaviour (ASB) at the rear of Tesco was being continually monitored, with vehicles being targeted and identified. Holroyd Crescent was also being monitored in relation to ASB and problems have diminished there.

Inspector Thorne informed the Committee that the Rural Watch scheme was developing, as is the RIGS system, by which stakeholders and land owners ere provided with pagers to provide early warning messages to all other signatories to the scheme and the dedicated unit of Police. This system was due to spread to Royston rural areas.

Members asked Inspector Thorne for clarification on such subjects as: graffiti; complaints by residents of Nightingale Road regarding ASB in parks; a possible DPZ as in Hitchin and dispersal order, as is currently in place in Letchworth; and whether a representative from Herts Constabulary would attend a Residents Meeting to hear their concerns directly. Inspector Thorne agreed that this would be arranged in the near future.

A Member commented that Baldock appeared to be the Hertfordshire town with the greatest fall in crime rates, and that this was down to Inspector Thorne and his team, and their salutary efforts.

The Chairman thanked Inspector Thorne for attending the meeting and presenting the Policing update, and also thanked him, his team, colleagues and stakeholders for making Baldock the safest place to live in Hertfordshire.


The Senior Estates Surveyor (SES) presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management. The report was intended to obtain the views and comments of the Baldock and District Committee, which would then be reported back to Cabinet as part of the consultation process.

NHDC owned the freehold of a site between 5 Meeting House Lane and 5 and 7 Jackson Street, Baldock. The site had been let to Baldock Guides for several years and they had a hall on this site. The only access was via unregistered land off Meeting House Lane, which was narrow and restricted.

The District Council had been notified by Land Registry that the freehold owner of offices at 7 to 8 Meeting House Lane had applied to register land adjacent to his property, which included the access land used by Baldock Guides. This would mean that they would no longer have any legal vehicle access to the land.

Meanwhile, Baldock Guides had approached NHDC to extend the lease on the land and replace the existing hall with a new purpose-built building. Following a meeting between the interested parties and their legal representatives, it was agreed that the owner of 7 to 8 Meeting House Lane would grant permanent vehicle rights of access over his land to NHDC and its tenants in perpetuity by forgoing one of its parking spaces, in exchange for provision of two new parking spaces on the District Council's land. This would be subject to rights of vehicle access over the District Council's land. Baldock Guides' Trustees were consulted, have agreed to this and have repeated their request for a longer lease.

The Committee discussed the matter and the viability of the Council's legal claim to the land which could in future be valuable for development, but came to the final conclusion that they would support the proposed decision of both parties.

The Chairman thanked the Senior Estates Surveyor for presenting the report and for taking the Baldock and District Committee's support for the decision to the next meeting of Cabinet on 26 January 2010.

1) That the Senior Estates Surveyor be thanked for presenting the report of the Head of the Finance, Performance and Asset Management;

2) That the Senior Estates Surveyor take to the next meeting of Cabinet on 26 January 2010 the Committee's comments supporting the decision at which NHDC and the owners of 7-8 Meeting House Lane have arrived.

The recommendation is made in accordance with the Council's declared policy.

The Baldock Town Centre Manager, Murray Fastier, addressed the Baldock and District Committee.

He listed the plans made for introducing new markets, such as Italian and Farmers markets, to the French market and other events already confirmed for Baldock in 2010 in addition to his other activities. These were:

 January - website development and training
 February - Baldock Partnership luncheon (at the Orange Tree)
 March - Italian Market
 April - French Market, St George's Day festival, Partnership luncheon (at the White Lion)
 May - Baldock Festival, Farmers' Market
 June - Italian Market, Partnership luncheon
 July - Baldock Day, French Market (possible night market)
 August - Beer Festival (at the White Horse), Partnership luncheon
 September - Motorbike Show, Balstock (at the Engine)
 October - French Market, Farmers' Market, Partnership luncheon
 November - Firework display
 December - Christmas Fair, Ice Rink, Italian Market, Partnership luncheon.

He also mentioned ideas being considered for the future, such as a Buskers Weekend/Festival and a Classic Car Show.

Murray Fastier explained that he had come to Baldock from Biggleswade and currently worked on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the office in Whitehorse Street. He explained that so far he had: distributed collection boxes to Baldock businesses to raise money for new Christmas lights; organised Baldock Partnership Luncheons for alternate months throughout 2010; French, Italian and Farmers' markets would take turns throughout the year.

The Chairman congratulated Murray Fastier on his appointment as Baldock Town Centre Manager and thanked him for putting together such a comprehensive schedule of events for the benefit of Baldock and its residents.

The Committee discussed points raised by the Baldock Town Centre Manager, such as: the need to obtain modern Christmas lights and the budget required for this, together with whether they can be displayed on trees and lamp posts; the possibility of using a room in Baldock Town Hall as an office for the Town Centre Manager; whether Baldock's twin town (Eisenberg) could be of help with organising a German market, as most German markets tend to be very large, and last for around 7 days. One Member stated that a discretionary grant for approximately £4,000 could be obtained from Herts County Council, which would be matched by Baldock Rotary Club, enabling special Christmas lights to be obtained for Baldock. If North Herts District Council and Baldock and District Committee also contributed, it might be possible to raise up to £10,000 for Christmas lights. The Committee then made several suggestions on the best way to display lights in Baldock.

Members were reminded that the village communities outside Baldock should be made aware of future events, so that they could attend and add to their success.

The Chairman thanked the Baldock Town Centre Manager and James Lunnon, Chairman of the Baldock Town Partnership, for attending the Committee Meeting. He asked them to keep the Committee updated with events, and requested that the Baldock Town Centre Manager periodically return to address the Committee in the future, to which he agreed.

Appendix A
Appendix B

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District did not have much to add to her Champion News report, published in the Agenda. She took the Committee through the current expenditure and balances set out on the budget spreadsheet at Appendix A. She asked Members to contact her to allocate any carry forwards in this year's budget.

The Committee were reminded that a comprehensive update of the review of the Baldock Town Centre enhancements would be given at the Committee Meeting on 8 March 2010.

Regarding the feasibility study proposed for development of the new Youth Wing at the Baldock Community Centre, officers were still waiting to hear how the Community Association wished to proceed, and whether funds were required for legal help. The building needed to be upgraded to provide an outside area and disabled access.

Members discussed ways in which to resolve the parking issues at the junction of South Road and Pembroke Road. The consensus of opinion was that installation of bollards would prevent vehicles parking on the footpath, and that concrete or metal bollards would look out of place. The Committee agreed with the Highways Engineer that timber bollards would look much better as well as remedying the situation. They had received a list of costs for material and work to be done, and had yet to make a firm decision as to the source of the funds.

The CDO informed the Committee that a fast track grant had been awarded from discretionary budgets by the Ward Member for Weston and Sandon to the Parish Council, to fund printing of a free booklet providing information on the Weston Wildflower Meadow. This would be distributed to all schoolchildren in the village, and would also be available from the village shop, local public houses and the church.

A late grant application had been submitted by Weston Village Hall for equipment for the Strength and Balance classes held there.

A Ward member for Baldock Town tabled a funding application for The Knights Templar School towards replacement equipment for extra-curricular Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme expeditions. The Committee agreed to fund this application in principle with a percentage split, and this would be ratified at the next Committee Meeting on 8 March 2010, following the CDO's official recommendation.

The CDO ran through the comprehensive Area Committee Work Programme 2009/2010 at Appendix B.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for her presentation and efforts on behalf of the residents of Baldock.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That Members be asked to contact the Community Development Officer to allocate any carry forwards relating to their Wards in this year's budget;

3) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for the Baldock and District area be endorsed.

The allocation of funds would improve the services provided by the local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by various members of the community.


RESOLVED: That the sum of £200 be awarded to Weston Village Hall to help purchase equipment for Strength and Balance classes.

The allocation of funds would improve the services provided by the local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by various members of the community.


RESOLVED: That the sum of £162.50 be allocated to the Weston and Sandon Parish Council, by means of a Fast Track Grant, for printing of a free pamphlet to provide information on the Weston Wildflower Meadow.

The allocation of funds would improve the services provided by the local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by various members of the community.
