Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 18th July, 2011 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor A.D. Young(Chairman), Councillor M.R.M. Muir(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland and Councillor I.J. Knighton.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Stuart Izzard (Community Development Manager)
Simon Young (Transport Policy Officer)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 2 speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M. E. Weeks.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 June 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman proposed that the Committee discusses the route to be taken by the Olympic Torch between Cambridge and Luton in 2012, and if the route ran through North Hertfordshire, Members put in a bid for it to pass through Baldock. This would be discussed after the items on the published Agenda.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee, particularly the two speakers from 3rd Baldock Guides, Dyan Crowther and Jackie Marvell;

(2) The Chairman reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.


3rd Baldock Guides
Dyan Crowther and Jackie Marvell addressed the Baldock and District Committee in support of their grant application for funding support for training and equipment. They thanked the Committee for giving them the opportunity to speak and gave some background on the Guide Unit, which was the only one currently operating in Baldock. There were 3 Leaders, 3 young Leaders and 26 Guides, with another 14 girls on the waiting list. Their aim was to maintain sustainability in Baldock and to keep local girls in the Girlguiding UK by means of:
 Bespoke training - of the Guiders and Young Leaders who had been recruited through the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. It was hoped that they would continue with the Unit and become Adult Leaders. Three of the older Guides were in the process of completing the Baden Powell Scheme and the Guiders had recently gained their Basic Food Hygiene qualification. £450 had been spent in the last year on training fees and associated costs.
 Resources - additional equipment was required, comprising tents, badges, and an overhead projector to bring the Guiding programme up to date and to continue their work in the community. The Guiders informed the Baldock Committee that they were currently exploring joint activities with the Scouts. They had carried out fundraising of £600 - it cost £500 to send a Young Leader to Uganda to help with the Water Aid charity scheme - and subscriptions were £70 per term. They would be very grateful for any funding assistance the Baldock Committee could give them.

The Chairman thanked the Guiders for their comprehensive presentation and opened the subject to Committee questions and debate.

One Member commented that the Guides had done significant fundraising to rebuild their HQ but the building is now deteriorating. The Community Development Manager (CDM) explained that there was a problem with vehicle access to the HQ and a Guider stated that they believed it was a question of land ownership. The Chairman asked the CDM to contact the Senior Estates Surveyor and ask him to bring an up-to-date report on the situation to the next Baldock and District Committee Meeting on 12 September 2011. The Guide building was "land-locked" and therefore could not be upgraded.

The Committee then enquired whereabouts the Guides in the Unit originated, and was told that they came from a large area, comprising Baldock, Weston, Sandon, Bygrave, Radwell, Newnham and Letchworth. The Guiders explained that they had limited the number of girls in 3rd Baldock Guides due to the capacity of the hall. This was the reason they had a large waiting list.

The Guiders were thanked by the Chairman on behalf of the Committee for their efforts for young people in the Baldock area and they were informed that the problem regarding vehicle access to the Guide HQ would be investigated and a report brought to the next Baldock and District Committee Meeting.
Appendix A

Councillors Ian Knighton and Michael Muir declared a personal interest in this item as they are members of the Baldock Community Centre Management Board.
The Community Development Manager (CDM) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. He informed the Committee that although the report was not very large, the detail was in fact contained in the appendix to the report, which consisted of the Draft Community Halls Strategy, some 50 pages long. An information report on the Strategy's development had been presented to Baldock and District Committee on 15 November 2010. The CDM explained the purpose of the Strategy, especially now that PACIF funding had ceased and stated that the proposed Strategy was currently open for public consultation and comment and would be presented to Cabinet once more on 27 September 2011.

Members were informed that the Strategy details information on the various types of halls and community centres throughout the District and that it will be an invaluable tool in securing support and assistance from future developments. He added that the themes and contents also cut across the work done by Community Development and Planning Officers.

The Chairman stated that he would like to thank North Herts District Council for PACIF which has now ceased, as three villages in the Arbury Ward have benefited from it. It turned out to be a lifeline to the villages in the Baldock area.

The CDM commented that the Rural Grants programme caters for three funding streams amounting to £50,000: village halls, playgrounds and environmental projects.

Committee debate raised points such as: funds could possibly be obtained from PACIF projects which had not gone ahead and that the financial amounts remaining could possibly be redirected; the Legal Department could write the Section 106s to obtain funds for halls; and that CDOs should continue to link up with Planning Department to unlock funds, as there is evidence of need in local areas; with the onset of Localism, the Council would be seeking advice from community organisations in the production of planning policies at local levels. If approved by Cabinet, this Strategy recognises different needs in different areas, providing flexibility with a practical approach as the principle and document are both excellent.

1) That Members note the need for a Community Halls Strategy and give their support in its development and implementation;

2) That Members comment on the current draft document as part of the consultation process leading to its reconsideration and adoption by Cabinet in September 2011.

1) To enable the establishment of a strategic position to provide best value for those community facilities operated directly by the Council and those owned by the Council but operated by local community organisations;

2) To establish a strategic position of support to those in the voluntary/community sector who operate community facilities entirely independently to serve the North Hertfordshire population;

3) To ensure that the standard and design of any new build community facility, as a result of a proposed new housing development in the District, meets Council requirements and those of the local communities that they will serve. This is also to encompass scenarios where new housing developments require an increase in services being provided by existing local facilities;

4) To enable an appropriate and affordable rationale to be developed in respect of the operation of the Council's own managed halls and also in respect of the support of those facilities owned by the Council but operated by voluntary groups;

5) To enable appropriate levels of community facility provision to be available across the District in relation to current and forecast levels of population up to 2031.

Councillor Ian Knighton declared a personal interest in this Agenda item as he is a Governor of Hartsfield JMI School, Clothall Road, Baldock. He is also the Chairman of the Baldock Community Centre Management Board.

The Transport Policy Officer (TPO) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise, which summarised the progress made with the Area parking review.

He stated that he wanted to re-examine parking in Simpson Drive and the Twitchell which could potentially cause displacement of up to 47 cars. The top of Baldock High street had been examined with regard to larger vehicles first thing in the morning and the disabled space and unrestricted parking was to be retained.

The TPO stated that when car parking charges were introduced in the Twitchell (50p to £1 per day), displacement to the southern part of Baldock High Street would occur - 29 cars had already been counted in that location. It was intended to maximise the capacity and make best use of the parking spaces in the High Street. The low car parking charges in the Twitchell would probably mean that it would be full of working people's cars all day. The TPO asked the Committee for their thoughts on changing the 2hr waiting TRO to 4hr waiting for medium term parking.

Committee discussion ensued, and Members commented that: investigations and a decision are needed regarding double yellow lines outside The Boot public house up to Cranbrook Road; where will the barrier be located for the Community Centre car park? (The TPO confirmed that it would be 4hrs limited waiting for the Community Centre. It was expected that this car park would fill up first and drivers would then use the Council car park. There were no plans to "barrier" anything off); there had been discussions between members of the Baldock Community Centre Management Board and their opinion was that there had to be a parking time limit. It was possible for one Member to send out an email quickly so that fast answers could be received back.

Varying the length of the TRO times would not work as it would cause confusion amongst motorists, local residents and Enforcement Officers (a consistent approach was necessary, rather than changes, if it can be avoided); the TPO offered to try and provide individual marked bays for the working motorists and said that the problem with the parking bays in Whitehorse Street would be investigated. The Chairman remarked that it was a great idea to designate an area for cars only and asked if the Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm could be extended by a day to Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm.

The TPO stated that he would take comments on the Parking Enforcement Officers back to the Parking Department at NHDC. He confirmed that the Baldock and District Committee were happy with the yellow line restrictions on Clothall Road.

The Chairman thanked the Transport Policy Officer for his presentation and declared that he and the Committee looked forward to be kept up-to-date with how the Baldock parking was being managed in the Town Centre.

1) That the Area Committee endorses the recommendations highlighted below:

a) That unrestricted parking is retained on the north and south sides of Simpson Drive with one disabled bay on the south side and amended yellow lines retained to protect junctions;

b) That in The Twitchell, parking on the west side (on either side of the access to the car parks) appears not to be needed by residents and it is therefore recommended that it remains unrestricted. On the east side it is recommended that parking be retained as Permit Holder Only, as originally agreed;

c) That unrestricted parking (plus the High Street area in para 4.4) could be restricted to certain clases of vehicles only, using individually marked bays. The restrictions could apply Monday-Friday from 8am to 6pm;

d) That the 2hr Limited Waiting on the east side of Baldock High Street in front of ‘Displayplan' be changed to 4hr Limited Waiting.

2) That the Area Committee receives regular updates on progress with the Parking Management proposals from the Transport Policy Officer.

To progress the Baldock Parking Management project towards implementation following the significant consultation work undertaken in 2010 and 2011.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and updated his report as follows:

Baldock Town Partnership

The Big Lunch
In 2010 Baldock was the only town in North Hertfordshire to run this event which proved very popular and in 2011 participants could choose from Indian, Greek or barbecued food.

Farmers Markets have proved so popular that they may increase to 2 per month. However, the Wednesday market is still struggling despite the best efforts of the Baldock Town Centre Manager (TCM) to publicise the market and increase the number of stalls.

Membership Scheme and Baldock Network Group
The Baldock TCM is very pleased with the fact that more businesses are signing up to the Membership Scheme. The membership scheme currently brings in approximately £900 a month while membership and subscriptions to the Baldock Network Group will bring in approximately £2,000 a year for the Partnership.

B'Fest - Be UR SELF 2011
Due to the appalling weather on the day, figures were well down on last years, which proved extremely disappointing to all those who had worked hard to organise the event and to make it a success.

Signage in Ashwell
It is hoped to replace the Ashwell signs on the A505 and the A507 with brown signs denoting a place of interest or a tourist attraction.

Baldock Half Marathon
Talks are in hand to set up this event for 2012 and if it proves to be a success, to hold it annually. The route can start and finish at Hartsfield JMI School and it may bring new visitors into Baldock and the surrounding villages. It could also bring in £3,000 to £4,000 each year for the Baldock Town Partnership.

Small Area Grants
This issue has been investigated by the Community Development Officer and Baldock East, Baldock Town and Arbury will each receive £160 this year and Weston & Sandon will receive the allocation in the financial year for 2012/2013.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District. He also thanked the local organisations for their hard work for the people of Baldock. He commented that it was a great shame that the bad weather had ruined the B'Fest and that it was vital that when planning next year's event, alternative arrangements were put in place to ensure that the day was not a total disaster.

The Committee looked at the Highways Programme and commented that the North Herts Highways-Joint Member Panel was unlikely to continue its existence into the next Financial Year. The traffic and highways issues would be dealt with by the appropriate departments at Hertfordshire County Council.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the following Fast Track grant awards be acknowledged:
a) Christchurch Baldock - £300 from Baldock East and Baldock Town Ward budgets to help with publicity costs for the ?Christchurch Baldock Summer Holiday Club and for purchase of craft materials;

b) 1st Baldock Scouts - £500 from the Baldock East and Baldock Town Ward budgets for essential equipment, including lighting and tents for use on camping trips;

c) Baldock Youth Council - £500 from Baldock East, Baldock Town, Arbury and Weston & Sandon Ward budgets to help with costs for publicising the B'Fest - Be UR SELF 2011 event and for the hire of Portaloos for the day;

d) George Orwell Festival - £200 from the Weston & Sandon Ward budget to help with publicity costs for the Festival;

e) Ashwell United Reform Church - £312 from the Arbury Ward budget to clear up damp in the hall;

3) That the Committee considers and agrees a grant application of £750 to 3rd Baldock Guides to assist with essential training costs, room hire charges and the purchase of equipment including an overhead projector.

1) To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) This report is intended simply to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.