Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 19th July, 2010 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30 pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.E. Weeks (Chairman), Councillor A.D. Young (Vice-Chairman),S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton, Councillor M.R.M. Muir.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Louise Symes (Projects Manager - Planning Services)
Andrew Mills (Service Manager Grounds)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Roxanne Gloud (Hertfordshire Highways - Strategy Development Manager)
Nigel Schofield (Committee and Member Services Officer).
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

All Members of the Committee were present.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 June 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Minute 9 - (7)
The Committee noted that the meetings scheduled for 10 January 2011 and 7 March 2011 had been cancelled and that a meeting would be held on 21 February 2010. Concern was expressed at the gap of over two months between the meeting on 15 November 2010 and 21 February 2011 and it was agreed that an extra meeting could be arranged if necessary. Members requested that the schedule of six meetings for the Baldock Committee in 2011 - 2012 should be more evenly spaced over the Civic Year.

There was no notification of any other business to this Committee Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, notably the registered speakers and the Hertfordshire Highways Strategy Development Manager.

The Chairman advised the Committee that they should have a copy of Page 8 for Agenda Item 7 - Baldock Area Parking Review.

The Chairman then reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of the relevant item on the Agenda.

Declaration of Interest: Councillor Marilyn Kirkland advised the Chairman that she had a prejudicial interest as she was a Steering Committee member of the North Herts 50+ Forum and would leave the room and not participate in the vote on the grant application.

Mrs Hogan thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she was the secretary of the North Herts 50+ Forum, which was independent of NHDC and HCC. The Forum set out to provide older people with the opportunity to be active, stay sharp and involved in the community and represent themselves. Forum meetings were open and convened to inform members through an Action Group and the first meeting was held on 8 June and had adopted a constitution. Items discussed inter alia transport provision, withdrawl of bank cheques, use of the NHS and the challenge of the geographical shape of North Hertfordshire.

Mrs Hogan confirmed that funding had been received from Primary Care Trust and Comic Relief and that additional financial support was needed to expand the service outside Letchworth Garden City and hold more recruiting events and wished to place on record her thanks for the support provided by Claire Morgan the NHDC 50+ officer.

The next meeting of the Forum would be on 19 August 2010 held at the Council Offices. Letchworth Garden City at 7 p.m. and it was proposed to join the Volunteer Executive.

In response to an enquiry Mrs Hogan confirmed that an approach would be made to the Hitchin, Royston and Letchworth Area Committees for financial support but would not be making a presentation to the Southern Rural Committee.


1)That Mrs Hogan be thanked for the presentation;

2)That a decision on Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Mr Lunnon advised the Committee that he was representing Baldock Town Partnership and that the Partnership was going from strength to strength with regular community events held in Baldock e.g. Christmas Ice Rink, Italian Market combined with a visit from the Ferrari Owners Club, St. George's Day Luncheon, more than 300 visitors attended the Baldock Day on 18 July 2010 which was a free event and enjoyed by many local residents. There were ten more events planned for the remainder of 2010 and a new website allowed online ticket sales. Mr Lunnon clarified that Membership of the Partnership was in three parts: Gold, Silver and Bronze with appropriate fees and it was hoped to expand the membership as a basis for the extended employment of the Town Centre Manager to four days from 1 September 2010.

Mr Lunnon advised that there was a 400 per cent increase in footfall during the Baldock Day and although 300 tickets had been sold there was a small financial loss. At the moment it was forecast to operate on a budget of £24,000 to run the Partnership in a full year and accordingly funding would be sought from increased membership within Baldock and villages such as Ashwell, Weston, Newnham, Bygrave, Radwell and the rural business community and outside sources such as Market Towns Development Funds.

The Committee agreed that the Partnership was a very worthwhile project for Baldock and that perhaps charges could be increased for events and that an expansion of membership to say ‘ Friends of the Partnership' could be developed with a newsletter for a nominal fee to increase income.

The Chairman congratulated the Partnership, Mr Lunnon and Mr Fastier on the progress of the partnership and excellent events and it was agreed to discuss the grant application and a Memorandum of Understanding at Agenda Item 9.


1)That Mr James Lunnon be thanked for the presentation;

2)That a decision on the Grant Application and Memorandum of Understanding be made at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Mr G. La Roche thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that ‘Balstock' would take place on 12 September 2010 from 1p.m. to 7p.m. with the Battle of the Bands being the principle event during the afternoon, plus stalls and childrens' entertainment. The Committee noted that this would be a free event and that the participating bands would perform without fee. Any surplus funds would probably be shared by both 1st and 2nd Baldock Scouts (litter picking, flyer delivery) and St Marys Church Spire restoration fund.

However, Mr La Roche advised the Committee that a grant application had been made due to the requirement for security in the space between bands and public and the need for public liability insurance despite financial support from High Street businesses and sponsorship from Tesco.

The Chairman thanked Mr La Roche for the presentation and wished Balstock every success on 12 September and it was agreed to consider the grant application at Agenda Item 9.


1)That Mr Graham La Roche be thanked for the presentation;

2)That a decision on the Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Mr J. Harris thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he represented Team Baldock FC with the intention of providing the opportunity for another under 14 football team in Baldock. The Team had been accepted into the Royston Crow League and would play its matches at Grange Playing Fields.

In response to an enquiry Mr Harris confirmed that the annual subscription would be £85.00, that Baldock Town Football Club did not wish to run more than three under 14 teams and he had 12 players of whom six were from outside Baldock (Knebworth, Stotfold and Hitchin).

The Committee agreed that wherever possible financial support should be available to all sports clubs in Baldock including football and agreed to consider the grant application at Agenda Item 9.


1)That Mr John Harris be thanked for the presentation;

2)That a decision on the Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News and Finance Report.

The Service Manager - Grounds presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services and confirmed that the report would be presented to all five Area Committees and invited comments on the specific changes proposed to the grounds maintenance contract specification that was due for renewal at 31 March 2012.

The Service Manager described to the Committee the proposed changes to: Weed Control, Maintenance of River Culverts, Maintenance of Shrub Borders, Snow Clearance and Gritting concluding with proposals for Semi Rough and Rough Grass Cutting. The major changes would be the incorporation of annual arrangements into the formal long term contract including a reduction of herbicide applications. With reference to snow clearance it was proposed that this activity should only be at 50 per cent of normal day works. The cutting of grass would be set to one standard merging the cutting period of four weekly visits into the rough cut timetable of 6 to 7 weeks,

With regard to the cutting of grass the Member for Ashwell made a strong representation for co-ordinated grass cutting in this village as mowing was undertaken by NHDC, HCC and North Herts Homes and one particular location: Woodforde Close, was not cut due to uncertainty who was actually responsible for the grassed area. The Committee agreed that it was very desirable to achieve one standard specification for grass cutting throughout North Hertfordshire and the Service Manager agreed to look into this problem and contact parish councils adjacent to Baldock, but stressed that until he had all costs for cutting grassed areas he would be unable to assess the merits of combination and that the current proposals for combing semi rough and rough was forecast to save £5,000 per annum

Another comment was made as to the removal of weeds - especially nettles (urtica dioica) from alleyways in Baldock e.g. to the cemetery from Hopwell Road, and the Service Manager advised that until ownership was ascertained of this particular footway it was difficult to detail which organisation should be approached to clear this and other footways.


1)That the proposed changes to the Grounds Maintenance Contract Specifications be noted;

2)That the Service Manager - Grounds be requested to approach Parish Councils within the geographical remit of the Baldock Committee e.g. Ashwell Weston, Bygrave, Clothall, Sandon, Wallington, Rushden, Caldecote, Hinxworth, Newnham, with a view to co-ordinating a common standard of grass cutting and a sole contractor for the mowing of grass to semi-rough and rough grass levels and weed control and seek information on the service provided in Knebworth for comparison;

3)That Members be requested to forward any additional comments on grounds maintenance to the Service Manager - Grounds, preferably by email to;

4)That subject to any further comments on the proposed changes that the Service Manager - Grounds be requested to proceed with the preparation of a new contract for grounds maintenance;

5)That the proposal by the Service Manager - Grounds to present a report on the results of tendering process and award to a meeting of Cabinet on 28 September 2010 be agreed.

To allow consultation with the five Area Committees on the revised ground maintenance contract specification and allow the NHDC an opportunity to provide a better forecast for future financial commitments.

Agreed  Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance

Appendix 1
Appendix 2

The TPO confirmed that there was a lot of competition for on and off street parking in The Twitchell, Simpsons Drive and Thurnall Close identified as Zone 1 and that Zone 2 - Church Street, Orchard Road, Jackson Street, Football Close, Meeting House Lane, Pond Lane, Farriers Close, Brewery Lane, The Gardens, Icknield Way (from its junction with Old North Road to its junction with Norton Road) and Icknield Way East had many properties that did not have access to off - street parking, these roads were narrow and only allowed parking on one side and observations had shown that vehicles were parked all day close to junctions and dropped kerbs by rail commuters and town centre employees. The Committee noted that although some roads in this zone did not have parking problems at the moment there could be migration from nearby streets that were currently congested.

The TPO advised the Committee on a possible charging tariff for parking in The Twitchell car park e.g. 50 pence for up to 3 hours and £1 over 3 hours.

The TPO next briefly described the parking problems in Zones 3 and 4 and commented that Zones 5, 6 and 7 as detailed at Appendix 2 would be reviewed at a later date.

Following a lengthy debate on parking problems in Baldock Members agreed that further consultation on parking issues should take place in Zones 1 and 2 including a safety review, and that due consideration should be given to the inclusion of additional roads in Zone 3 viz. Grosvenor Road, Grosvenor Road West, Mansfield Road, Clothall Road (adjacent to station)The Gardens and Church Street. It was agreed that the TPO should report back to the Committee at the meeting scheduled for 13 September on the outcomes of the consultation in Zones 1 and 2 and if possible include observations of a similar survey undertaken in Knebworth.

The Committee concluded discussion on this item with the estimated costs of proceeding with consultation in Zone 3 and beyond. It was noted that with expected reduction in expenditure and savings of up to 40 per cent by 2014 that funds may be greatly reduced and not be available for this type of consultation and that funds were only allocated for Zones 1 and 2. Councillor M. Muir indicated that he might be able to allocate some of his County Council Locality Budget for further consultation and that he would contact his fellow County Ward Member to seek his views. Councillor Muir also queried if Section 106 monies might be available for such consultations.


1)That the proposal to progress with parking management work and commencement of consultation in Zones 1 and 2 (detailed at Appendix 2) be agreed;

2)That the Projects Manager - Planning Services be requested to note the following roads for possible inclusion in Zone 3: Grosvenor Road, Grosvenor Road West, The Gardens and Church Street;

3)That the Projects Manager - Planning Services be requested to present the outcomes and implications of the Zones 1 and 2 survey results to the next meeting of the Baldock Committee to be held on 13 September 2010, including an update on the outcomes of a similar survey in Knebworth.

To allow officers to progress parking management proposals for Baldock.
Agreed  Planning Projects Manager

Appendix 1

The Projects Manager - Planning Services (PM) presented the report of the Corporate Manager for Strategic Planning and Enterprise.

The PM reminded the Committee of the review process post completion of the Baldock Enhancement Scheme and that the defects period for correction of faults ended in late April 2010. The PM also confirmed that there would be no further action on the following items as agreed at the meeting held on 8 March 2010 (Minute refers) i.e. Ref A6, A.8, A10, B1, B2, B3 and C2 and detailed at Appendix 1 to this report.

The Committee proceeded to review the outstanding issues at Appendix 1 and noted the recommended actions proposed by officers and noted that the three main categories were: Design Issues; Parking Issues and Traffic Management Issues. The Committee agreed:
A1 - Church Street - Loading Bay, agreed to cancel further work on this;
A2, Taxi bays in High Street, agreed to continue with removal of signs;
A3 - Whitehorse Street - continue to investigate location of bench in High Streetas soon as the bench outside Zeus Hotel is replaced (following theft):
A4 - Mansfield Road and High Street Junction - Agreed to loss of one parking space and installation of one motorcycle parking space;
A5 - Hitchin Street - pedestrian crossing, agreed no further action but continue with monitoring of accident profile:
A7 - Hitchin Street - lighting levels, continue to monitor and await outcome of information from Phillips. Hertfordshire Highways to inform Members;
A12 - Design of disabled parking bays in Whitehorse Street, agreed to reconsider their design in the future if it becomes more of an issue ;
B1 - Business parking in Baldock, update to September meeting;
B2 - Resident car parking, update to September meeting;
B3 - Restricted Bays in Whitehorse Street, update to September meeting;
B4 - Non resident parking in Thurnall Close and the Twitchell, update to September meeting following public consultation as part of townwide parking review;
B5 - Church Street (Zone 2), update to September meeting following public consultation as part of town side parking review;
B6 - Overnight lorry parking, seek commencement of enforcement programme with Parking Services Manager;
C1 - Cycling in Baldock, no further action;
C2 - Traffic speeds in town centre, no further action;
C3 - Bollards in Royston Road/Clothall Road - work completed;
C4 - no right turn at junction of North Road with Icknield Way, Police objection therefore update to September meeting (Committee wished to see this traffic control reinstated);
C5 - Traffic Light Design at junction of Station Road and A507, no further action;
C6 - Traffic queuing in Norton Road and Hitchin Street, there will be a snagging exercise on loop electrics and that the system should be monitored;
C7 - No left turn for lorries from A507 into Royston Road, no further action.

Following this review of the outstanding actions at Appendix 1 the Committee urged immediate action by officers to undertake enforcement of the ban on lorries in excess of 5 tonnes parking overnight in Baldock between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m.


1)That the issues raised under the review and the recommendations as set out in the Review Schedule as presented at Appendix 1 (Parts A, B and C) be noted;

2)That the Projects Manager - Planning Services (NHDC) and the Strategy Development Manager (HCC) be requested to report to the next meeting of the Baldock Committee scheduled for 13 September 2010 with progress against the outstanding items listed at Appendix 1 (Parts A,B and C);

3)That the Projects Manager - Planning Services be requested to co - ordinate with the NHDC Parking Services Manager to implement an enforcement programme in respect of vehicles in excess of five tonnes parking overnight in Baldock as soon as possible.

To ensure that the issues raised in the Review Schedule presented at Appendix 1 were addressed and progressed in accordance with current funding arrangements.
Agreed  Planning Projects Manager

Appendix 1 Area Committee Budget Spreadsheet
Appendix 2 Hertfordshire Highways Work Programme
Appendix 3 Area Committee Work Programme 2010/11
Appendix 4 Memorandum of Understanding for Baldock Town Partnership
Appendix 5 Grant report for Baldock Town Youth FC
Appendix 6 Fast Track report for North Herts Over 50s Forum
Appendix 7 Grant report for Team Baldock FC
Appendix 8 Grant report for Balstock Music Festival

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District took the Committee through the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development which detailed the CDO's activities since the last meeting held on 14 June 2010.

The CDO advised the Committee of the confirmed date in Local Democracy Week with Baldock Member participation as Friday 24 September 2010 from 11am to 1pm and held at Knights Templar School, Baldock. The Chairman requested that Members should decide who would attend this event and advise the CDO in good time.

The CDO also advised the Committee that progress had been made towards the possible installation of a CCTV camera and a key pad gated entrance - funded by Section 106 monies for Community Safety - on the Baldock Industrial Estate and the location was under discussion with the directors of Baldock Industrial Estate Limited.

The Committee reviewed the Baldock Development budget for 2010 - 2011 as presented at Appendix 1 and the proposed Memorandum of Understanding as presented at Appendix 4 which was agreed and subsequently addressed the four grant applications in turn and the allocation from Baldock Wards as detailed at Minutes 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 below.

1)That the current status of the budget expenditure, balances and carry forwards for the 2010-2011 Development Budget be noted;

2)That the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between North Hertfordshire District Council and The Baldock Town Partnership as presented at Appendix 4 be agreed and as per the funding confirmed in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 at Minute 24 below;

3)That a decision on funding for a feasibility study for a pedestrian crossing at Weston Way Baldock be deferred subject to the outcome of the meeting of the JMP on 26 July 2010;

4)That the recent fast track grant award of £250.00 to Caldecote Church Friends be noted and agreed;

5)That the CDO be thanked for his actions which had promoted greater community capacity and well - being for the Baldock and District Area.

To ensure that the Committee are kept up to date on the activities of the CDO, the balances of the Development Budgets and provide financial support to Community Projects in Baldock and surrounding villages.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - AH


RESOLVED: That a grant of £250.00 be awarded to the North Herts 50+ Forum as a contribution towards the costs of recruiting more members to the Forum and the development of further initiatives throughout North Hertfordshire, with funding as follows: Baldock Town Ward = £130.00., Baldock East Ward = £40.00, Arbury Ward = £45.00 and £35.00 from Weston and Sandon Ward.


1)That the Memorandum of Understanding as presented at Appendix 4 be agreed;

2)That a funding of £2,500 per annum for two years - 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 be agreed;

3)That the funding be allocated each year as follows: Baldock Town Ward = £1,900 and Baldock East Ward = £600.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - AH


RESOLVED: That a grant of £750.00 be awarded to the Balstock Music Festival 2010 as a contribution towards the costs of security and promotion of the event, with funding taken from the Baldock Town Ward Discretionary budget of £700.00 with a contribution from Baldock East Ward of £50.00
Agreed  Community Development Officer - AH


RESOLVED: That a grant of £500.00 be awarded to Team Baldock FC as a contribution towards the costs of coaching, development of young people and to ensure that learning takes place in a fun and safe environment, with funding of £450.00 from the Baldock Town Ward Discretionary budget and £50.00 from the Baldock East Ward Discretionary Budget.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - AH


Declaration of Interest: Councillor Michael Weeks advised the Committee that he had a prejudicial interest as a member of his immediate family was a player at Baldock Town Football Club and would not participate in the vote on this grant application.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500.00 be awarded to Baldock Town Football Club as a contribution towards the costs of football kit and equipment for the under 7's and under 8's teams, with the total funding from Baldock Town Ward.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - AH