Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 6th January, 2014 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor I.J. Knighton(Chairman), Councillor M.E. Weeks(Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Harris, Councillor S.K. Jarvis and Councillor A.D. Young.
 IN ATTENDANCE: David Miley (Democratic Services Manager)
Tim Neill (Accountancy Manager)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 5 members of the public, including the speakers for Public Participation.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Councillor M.R.M Muir sent his apologies for absence.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 November 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no additional business raised at this Meeting of the Baldock and District Committee.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the public, the speakers for Public Participation, Members and NHDC officers. He wished them all a Happy New Year;

(2) He congratulated Tony Hartley, who would give an Update on Local Scouting at Agenda Item 6, on his recent appointment as District Commissioner for Letchworth and Baldock Scouts;

(3) Bob Hemmings of 1st Baldock Scouts would address the Committee under Public Participation, regarding a grant application submitted to the Baldock and District Committee for financial assistance with the purchase of a patrol tent, a marquee and assorted equipment for the Scouts;

(4) Finally, the Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and they are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote. The declarations of interest must be made either at this point of the Meeting or immediately preceding the relevant item on the Agenda.

The Chairman introduced Mr Bob Hemmings, who is a Leader with 1st Baldock Scouts, and who explained that they welcomed boys and girls from not only Baldock but from the some of the other villages nearby. One of the Scouts is currently helping to take down the Christmas lights in Baldock as part of his Community Award.

Mr Hemmings explained that he was at the Baldock and District Committee Meeting to explain the reason behind the 1st Baldock Scouts' application for a grant award. During the Autumn camp this year, a 34-year-old patrol tent was torn irreparably, and needs to be replaced, at a cost of over £600. In addition, a marquee is required by the Scout troop, to house the Scouts and Cubs when doing crafts and other activities, especially during bad weather. Money to match the amount requested has already been raised and use of the tents will naturally be shared with 2nd Baldock Scouts and Ashwell Scouts.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hemmings for his presentation and asked the Committee for their comments or queries. The Member for Arbury declared himself willing to contribute to Ashwell Scouts, but revealed that he had never been asked for help with funding. On being asked by the Chairman for a rough breakdown of where the Scouts live, Mr Hemmings stated that 1st Baldock had 43 Scouts and 63 Cubs, with 25% of the young people in 1st and 2nd Baldock being girls. The Member for Baldock East asked if help could be provided from the Scouts and Cubs for a bulb-planting event on Clothall Common and he was informed that they would be happy to help. The children would be adequately supervised. On being asked about publicity, Mr Hemmings declared that they do not advertise for members as such, but through word of mouth, friends of current members and their community work "on the streets", publicity stalls at fairs etc. They attracted a large number of new members in this way and through being active and enjoying it, this attracts others. To help in the community they do not go for jobs requiring an adult amount of "muscle", but they are happy to weed, plant bulbs and do other such jobs appropriate to children. In addition, they turn out in force on St George's Day for the Parade and occasionally give presentations in schools. In fact, at times there have been up to 50 children at a meeting in one hall!

On being asked about recruitment of Scout Leaders, the Committee were informed that this process was self-limiting.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hemming once more, and wished him and 1st Baldock Scouts all the best. He informed him that the relevant grant application for funding assistance would be discussed later on the Agenda.


(1) That Bob Hemmings be thanked for his presentation to the Committee on 1st Baldock Scouts and their activities, and the rationale behind their grant application;

(2) That the Baldock and District Committee wishes 1st Baldock Scouts the best for the future;

(3) That the grant application relating to 1st Baldock Scouts would be discussed and considered later on the Agenda at Item 9.

The Chairman introduced Mr Tony Hartley and congratulated him on his recent appointment as District Commissioner for Letchworth and Baldock.

Mr Hartley then introduced himself as a Scout Leader with 2nd Baldock Scouts and the District Commissioner for the Letchworth and Baldock area. He had been appointed in September 2013 and before that had spent 10 years as Assistant Scout Leader with 4th Letchworth Scouts.

He informed the Committee that there were nine groups in the whole District, of which Ashwell had a large Scout group and Baldock had two. All the Units were comprised of boys and girls, with Beavers aged 6 to 8 years, Cubs 8 to 10 years, Scouts were aged 10 to 14 years and the Explorer Scout Group, comprising 60 members, were aged between 16 and 18 years. There was a total of around 1,000 children and 150 Leaders in the Letchworth and Baldock Scout District.

Mr Hartley explained the networking which kept children in the Scout Movement, with a number moving on to help with Beavers, Scouts and Cubs as they got older and then some went on to become Scout Leaders in their own right.

He stated that the Scouts were searching for community projects so they could offer their help, and to this end he would, after this Meeting, write personally to each Member of the Baldock and District Committee so that they had his email address, to ensure a fast response when anything of this sort arose. Mr Hartley concluded by offering to return to the Baldock and District Committee at 6-month intervals to update them on the activities on which the Scout Group has worked since the last meeting.

The Committee echoed the Chairman's congratulations on Mr Hartley's prestigious appointment and for attracting large numbers of young people to the Scout Movement. He was asked, and confirmed, that there was a lot of interaction between the two Scout Units in Baldock. Ashwell Scouts were a large Scout troop who were more or less self-sufficient and did not appear to ask for anything. Mr Hartley confirmed that children from Weston go to Baldock Scouts and those from Buntingford attend Royston Scouts.

The Chairman once more thanked Mr Hartley for his informative update on local Scouting and voiced the Committee's best wishes for the future.


(1) That Tony Hartley of 2nd Baldock Scouts and District Commissioner of Letchworth and Baldock Scouts be thanked for his informative update on local Scouting;

(2) That the Committee commend 1st and 2nd Baldock Scouts and their Leaders for their activities and work to support the community in Baldock and wish them the best for the future.
Appendix A - AAA
Appendix A - AAA map
Appendix A - AAB
Appendix A - AAB map
Appendix A - ABA
Appendix A - ABA map
Appendix A - ABB
Appendix A - ABB map
Appendix A - F1
Appendix A - F1 map
Appendix A - FA
Appendix A - FA map
Appendix A - FAA
Appendix A - FAA map
Appendix A - FCC
Appendix A - FCC map
Appendix A - FD
Appendix A - FD map
Appendix A - FDD
Appendix A - FDD map
Appendix A - FE
Appendix A - FE map
Appendix A - FS1
Appendix A - FS1 map
Appendix A - FS2
Appendix A - FS2 map
Appendix A - FX
Appendix A - FX map
Appendix A - FZ
Appendix A - FZ map
Appendix B

The Democratic Services Manager (DSM) presented the report of the Chief Executive, which sought a decision from the Baldock and District Committee regarding the re-establishment of polling districts and polling places in the Baldock area for a further four years. Also, the Committee were asked to comment upon the location of polling stations as listed at Appendix B.

The DSM advised the Committee that the current and proposed Polling Districts were indicated on the street listings presented at Appendix A. The DSM confirmed that each ward was divided into Polling Districts and should be a suitable size for the administration of an election. A Polling Place was a convenient area within a Polling District in which to site a polling station and the DSM confirmed that NHDC Area Committees were responsible for defining Polling Districts and Polling Places which were co-terminus. The DSM advised that there had been no need for a change to the boundaries in recent years and the current arrangements also assisted election campaigns. Appendix A also consisted of maps for orientation purposes only and Appendix B listed the Baldock and District Area Polling Station addresses.

The DSM next advised Members that the Acting Returning Officer (ARO) was responsible for the location of Polling Stations (Appendix B) and that the ARO must review the location of Polling Stations at the same time that NHDC reviewed Polling Districts and Polling Places.

The Chairman thanked the Democratic Services Manager for the presentation and invited comments and questions from the Committee.

- On the subject of seven houses in Great Ashby still being located in the polling district of Weston, the DSM explained that the Boundary Commission had stated some time ago that this would be rectified, but it had still not been done despite several reminders. The Chairman asked the DSM to remind the Boundary Commission again that this must be done as soon as possible;

- On being asked whether all potential residential properties were listed, the DSM confirmed that this was the case;

- The DSM confirmed that consideration would be given to returning the electors of Clothall village to the village hall, once it became available.


(1) That the Baldock and District Committee re-establishes the polling districts and polling places, set out at Appendix A, for a further four-year period, commencing forthwith;

(2) That the Baldock and District Committee request that the Acting Returning Officer (ARO) once more negotiates with the Boundary Commission the issue of seven houses in Great Ashby being located in the polling district of Weston;

(3) That the comments of the Baldock and District Committee regarding the electors of Clothall village on the polling stations listed at Appendix B, be submitted to the ARO for consideration.


(1) To fulfil the requirement to review Polling Districts and Polling Places;

(2) To assist the Acting Returning Officer to undertake a review of Polling Stations.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7.1
Appendix 7.2
Appendix 7.3
Appendix 8

The Accountancy Manager presented the report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and informed the Baldock and District Committee that the 2014/2015 provisional settlement was within expectations, although the 2015/16 settlement is less certain. He went through the report, taking questions and comments from the Members as follows:

- It was noted that Cabinet had removed efficiency proposals E1, E6 and E7 from the Draft Budget proposals and no further comment was required;
- The Council need to find as many efficiencies as possible;
- With reference to the planned reduction in the Council Tax Reduction Scheme grant payable to Parish, Town and Community Councils (E5), it should be noted that a small change can have a significant impact on forward planning for the Councils. It should be ensured that the Councils have been properly consulted in a timely manner to ensure that there has been adequate warning;
- Regarding the growth in expenditure for development of the Local Plan (R1), it was questioned whether there was now a change in the timescales which should be reflected in an adjustment to the estimated spend in 2014/2015.

There was a discussion on the requirement for a new wheeled sports facility in Baldock (C25) and whether this should be delayed until the Local Plan was developed. The Chairman provided further background information as to how it had been established that Baldock had an assessed under-provision of wheeled sports facilities. Given that the scheme was profiled to begin in 2015/2016 and the Capital Programme was subject to annual review anyway, Members were satisfied with the response.

The Chairman thanked the Accountancy Manager for presenting the Draft Budget 2014/2015.


That the Committee notes the report and requests the Accountancy Manager to inform Cabinet of the comments made by the Committee ahead of consideration of the final budget proposals.


To ensure that all relevant factors are taken into consideration when arriving at the proposed Council Tax precept for 2014/2015.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

He went through the budget spreadsheet and the Area Committee Work Programme 2013/2014, reviewing the progress of the schemes and events both held in the past and proposed for Baldock and its surrounding area. The Committee was reminded that there is just one Baldock and District Committee Meeting left in the current Civic Year (in March) and that there was still a considerable amount of funds remaining which could be allocated to various schemes. He advised Members to be aware that pre-allocated monies should be spent first. There were currently sizeable amounts available for all projects.

Grant Funding
Mention was made of the recent Member Discretionary Budget award for £350 to the Friends of Baldock Green Spaces for the purchase and maintenance of a dog bin for Ivel Springs. The Committee discussed the grant application submitted by 1st Baldock Scouts, relating to funds to support the purchase of a patrol tent, a marquee tent and associated guy ropes and ground sheets. The Committee were reminded that 1st Baldock Scouts have already raised 50% of the sum required and were asking the Committee to match this sum with a Discretionary Grant of £1,178.45. This equipment would be available for use by 1st and 2nd Baldock Scouts, Ashwell Scouts and any other organisation who needed to use it. Members agreed to award the sum requested split as follows: Weston 10%, Arbury 10% and the remainder split Baldock Town 76% and Baldock East 24%.

The Baldock and District Committee were then requested to note a list of funding applications. Some of these were given special mention, such as:
- Weston Ward - Funding support for Clothall Village Hall Committee for the purchase of tables and chairs for the Hall. The CDO was requested to pursue this as soon as possible;
- Baldock Town/Baldock East Wards/Herts County Council Locality Budget - the CDO was asked to find out whether funding support was still required for the Friends of Hartsfield School Committee, to help with the cost of providing Paediatric First Aid Training courses to parents and voluntary helpers at Hartsfield School;
- Arbury Ward - Funding support to Wolverley House in Ashwell for the purchase of a set of carpet bowls for residents;
- Arbury Ward - Funding support to Radwell Parish Council for the purchase of new gate posts for Radwell Village Hall.

The CDO went through the details of projects, schemes and activities for: the Baldock Town and District Partnership; farmers markets (which run from March until October); weekly markets, in which the number of stalls has fallen; Memberships during which the employment status of the Town Centre Manager (TCM) was clarified, i.e. monthly memberships must exceed £1,600 or the TCM would be moved to part-time employment; Baldock Town Guide, currently being worked on by the Baldock Town and District Partnership (BTADP). The Town Guide was due for completion in December 2013, but this had been put back to January 2014, and it would include the Calendar of Events for 2014. Distribution would not be door-to-door, but it would be available from Baldock Town Hall, Baldock Community Centre, etc.

Future events planned were:
- Baldock Beast Multi-terrain Half Marathon - Sunday 16 February 2014
- Baldock Pancake Race - Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sale Drive
Costings were awaited from Herts Highways for the Sale Drive project and Section 106 monies would be released for use on this once a quotation was received. The Ward Member for Baldock East is to consult the relevant Herts County Councillor on this matter.

Ashwell Multi-Terrain Half Marathon
This was the second time this event had been held and took place on 24 November 2013, with 200 runners taking part. This was more than a 100% increase on 2012 and generated over £2,000 for the BTADP. There were no adverse incidents and it is hoped that this event will grow larger and more successful each year.

Baldock Christmas Weekend
This BTADP event was held on 30 November 2013 and included the return of the ice-rink, together with craft stalls, fun fair rides, live music and a range of food vendors. Unfortunately, attendance at the ice-rink struggled which was disappointing to the BTADP and the sponsors, North Herts Homes.

Baldock Beast Multi-Terrain Half Marathon 2014
This event will be held on 16 February 2014 over the same course as the previous two years. To date there are 170 entries, but it is hoped that up to 600 will take part on the day.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.


(1) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards within the Area Committee Development Budget spreadsheet attached as Appendix 1 be noted;

(3) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Member Discretionary Budget grant award of £350 to Friends of Baldock Green Spaces for the purchase and maintenance of a dog bin for Ivel Springs;


(1) To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) This report is intended to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants Policy;

(3) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District' in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Area Committee in line with the Civic Calendar.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,178.45 be granted to Baldock Scouts to assist with the purchase of a patrol tent, a marquee and associated equipment, to be used by 1st Baldock, 2nd Baldock and Ashwell Scout groups.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.