Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 8th March, 2011 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30 pm Place: Main Hall, Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice - Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Andy Godman - Head of Housing and Public Protection
Mary Caldwell - Development and Conservation Manager
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Manager
Rebecca Coates - Community Safety Manager
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Inspector Jason Thorne - Hertfordshire Constabulary
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Deepak Sangha and Bernard Lovewell.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 January 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would three Public Presentations at Agenda Item 5: Mill Fm, Cinema for Hitchin and Hitchin Bridge Club and that the representative from the Young Peoples of the Year Award had tendered her apologies.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those making a
presentation at Public Participation, and thanked those who had attended Town Talk;

(2)The Chairman advised that Agenda Item 12 would be taken after Agenda Item 5
and that the Hitchin Town Centre Manager would not be making a presentation as
he had sufficient comment at Hitchin Town Talk;

(3)The Chairman announced that the presentation by the Portfolio Holder for
Community Engagement and Rural Affairs would hopefully now take place at the
meeting to be held in June 2011;

(4)The Chairman announced that the speaker on the Young Person of the Year
Award was indisposed;

(5)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of
any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial orpersonal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the natureof any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to
influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Graham Endersby thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee with an update on the progress at MILL fm in 2010 and the plans for 2011. A live broadcast had taken place over 2 weeks in August 2010 with an estimate of 4,000 listeners and although there had been success in 2010 there been some problems which should not be repeated. For example missing the Ofcom deadline to obtain permission for an fm licence to transmit had been a major obstacle with the outcome being a broadcast on the internet using a cad stream and listeners needed internet access to hear MILL fm. Over 100 young people had participated and learnt how to operate and manage a radio station and Mr Endersby advised the Committee that this aspect of MILL fm had gone very well.

However, there needed to be a new location for the radio station and looking forward it was hoped to take space at Bancroft Youth Centre as part of the development of this site as a key youth centre and funds were being sought for two years to provide a sustainable radio station. Mr Endersby reminded the Committee that there remained £9,680 to be invoiced against the original grant and confirmed that all equipment would be moved from Sub Zero to Groundwork for storage prior to a new venue being confirmed.

The Chairman thanked Mr Endersby for the update on MILL fm in 2010 and the plans for 2011 and assured Mr Endersby that any funds not used to date could be carried forward into 2011. In response to a question Mr Endersby advised the Committee that there had been a lot more preparatory work this year and there were high expectations that there would be an fm licence to broadcast in 2011 on a weekly basis, two evenings per week.

(1)That Mr Endersby be thanked for the presentation and the clarification on progress and lack of progress with the establishment of MILL fm in 2010;
(2)That the request for the outstanding sum of £9,680 to be carried forward into 2011-2012 be agreed;
(3)That MILL fm be congratulated on progress to date and wished every success for the radio station to be operational as planned in 2011;
(4)That Mr Endersby be requested to attend a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee with an update on progress and confirmation of a new location for MILL fm in Hitchin.

Messrs Tom and Paul Wade thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Hitchin Committee and advised all present that they had a vision and a dream for an independent cinema in Hitchin. In the fullness of time they wished to open their own cinema to serve the local community and show a wide and diverse selection of films. The speakers were involved with the Luton and Hitchin Film Festivals and that there was no need for a multi plex screen cinema in Hitchin. Discussions had been held with local groups in Hitchin including Voice of Hitchin Youth.

The speakers considered that an independent cinema would fit well within the Churchgate Development but at the moment there did not appear to be any cultural or leisure proposals within the current plans, but Hitchin had a strong night time economy which would support a single screen independent cinema.

Several Members expressed support for this proposal and suggested that a more wide ranging consultation in Hitchin was necessary and that it would be appropriate to consult with the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and Simons Developments.

(1)That Messrs Wade be thanked for the outline proposals concerning the set up of an independent cinema in Hitchin;
(2)That Messrs Wade be requested to attend a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee when they had more information to impart.

Mrs Margaret Eddleston thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Hitchin Committee about Bancroft Hall and advised that she was currently the Chairman of Hitchin Bridge Club.

Mrs Eddleston stated that there had been two schemes or studies for the Bancroft Park and Gardens and that no mention as yet had been made about proposals for Bancroft Hall itself. Mrs Eddleston also advised that had not been any public consultation about the hall and she considered that any development of the Park should include proposals for the Hall. The current use of the Hall was a vital community facility and there was a shortage of other similar buildings in Hitchin.

Mrs Eddelston advised that Hitchin Bridge Club was the first of its kind to be registered as a charitable company and as such was prepared to be responsible for acting as lead applicant for funding support to build a new hall on exactly the same foot print as the current building but in a new location at the side of the Park (possibly incorporating the disused toilet block which in turn would allow more green space in the centre of the park. The Bridge Club were prepared to be responsible for the new building and this would save NHDC considerable expenditure and would be a good example of the Big Society and meet the objectives of the Localism Bill. There would be little visual impact from the new hall, it would be an energy efficient design and build, and a long term asset for Hitchin, there would be no long term financial cost to NHDC and when not used for community use the hall would be hired out to business users. Although the Bridge Club would be the major user at some 30 per cent occupancy the remaining time would be for all community groups.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Eddelston for the presentation and it was clear from the ensuing discussion that there was strong support from the Committee for the Bridge Club proposal, notwithstanding the need for a business plan. The Chairman requested that the Parks and Countryside Development Manager should ensure that this excellent proposal made by the Bridge Club was added to the agenda for the next meeting of the Bancroft Park and Gardens Project Board.

(1)That Mrs M. Eddleston be thanked for the very informative presentation;
(2)That the proposal by Hitchin Bridge Club to develop a replacement community hall using the same footprint as the current hall on the perimeter of Bancroft Park and to also incorporate the footprint of the disused toilet block had merit and should be supported;
(3)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to ensure that this proposal was included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Bancroft Park and Gardens Project Board;
(4)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to advise the Project Board of the wishes of the Hitchin Committee that this proposal by Hitchin Bridge Club had merit and that the Project Board should exercise flexibility when looking at all proposals for the refurbishment of Bancroft Park and Gardens and in particular a replacement Bancroft Hall.

The Chairman advised the Committee that she had attended the meeting of Cabinet on 25 January 2011 to present the views and wishes of the Hitchin Committee as resolved on 11 January 2011 (Minute 93 refers).

The Chairman advised the Committee that unfortunately Cabinet were not at all inclined to accede to the wishes of the Hitchin Committee. However, Cabinet had agreed to commission a second Risk Assessment (Minute 82 refers). and this was subsequently undertaken by The Play Inspection Company on 28 February 2011. The Chairman confirmed that only recently had she received the inspection report which stated that no dog excrement had been observed in the play area on the day of inspection, and the report re-iterated current national policy with regard to the fencing of Childrens' Play Areas. The Chairman advised the Committee that none of the local residents or organisations who had expressed concern about the current arrangements had been interviewed by the inspector which the Chairman considered was a lost opportunity as local consultation and perception were of vital importance about community facilities for local families.

In response to an enquiry the Parks and Countryside Development Manager confirmed that if fencing was re - placed it would be a low maintenance fence. Members of the Committee did not accept the position taken by Cabinet to accept the national standard against the wishes of the Hitchin Community and the users of the Childrens' Play Area, as local views must be reflected in decision making. A comment was also made that there remained irresponsible members of the public who disregarded local bylaws and enforcement notices but any decision must be pragmatic and perhaps ultimately self - enforcing.

The Chairman proposed and it was unanimously accepted that the Committee were if necessary prepared to fund the cost of re-fencing this Childrens' Play Area from carry forward 2010 Capital Visioning Funds and that Cabinet should be advised of this decision. It was agreed that the decision to allocate funds should be taken with the other grant applications at Agenda Item 14 - Champion News and Finance Report.

(1)That the Chairman be thanked for the update following the meeting of Cabinet held on 25 January 2011 (Minute 82 refers);
(2)That the outcome of the second risk assessment by The Play Inspection Company be noted, but with disappointment in that there still remained no recommendation to fence the childrens' play area to prevent incursion by dogs and dog fouling within the play area at King George V Playing Fields;
(3)That it still remained the unanimous wish of the Hitchin Committee that this Childrens' Play Area at King George V Playing field should be re-fenced at the earliest opportunity in the interests of public safety and public hygiene especially children;
(4)That it was the unanimous wish of the Hitchin Committee to allocate funding ‘in principle' for this re-fencing from the carry forward Hitchin Capital Visioning Funds budget (see Minute 110 below);
(5)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to attend the next meeting of Cabinet to be held on 22 March 2011 and re-state the wishes of the Hitchin Committee in this matter and confirm that funding was available.

(1)That Cabinet be requested to take due consideration of and accept the wishes of the Hitchin Committee in the matter of re-fencing the Childrens' Play Area at King George V Playing Fields;
(2)That Cabinet be requested to note and accept that the cost of re-fencing of the Childrens' Play Area would be met from carry forward funds held by the Hitchin Area Committee;
(3)That Cabinet be requested to authorise the re fencing of the Childrens' Play Area as a matter of urgency.
Information Note

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note and invited comments or questions from the Members. The Committee noted that the next meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum on 23 March 2011 would be longer commencing at 18.30 but with public discussion from 19.45 to 20.45. The Committee also noted that Simons Developments would make a presentation to Cabinet on 22 March 2011 but there would be no design proposals.

There were no questions or comments.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.
Information Note

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note and advised that the Strategic Director of Customer Services was in attendance to take any questions. The most immediate point of concern raised by the Chairman, Vice - Chairman and Members was the recent change to the membership of the Museums Project Board in which there was no longer any representation of the Hitchin Committee. The Chairman advised the meeting that she was aware of this decision but no comment was made in the public domain due to the imminent announcement of the award from the Community Builders Fund.

The Vice - Chairman reiterated his request made at the pre-agenda meeting in February that an officer report was needed rather than an Information Note. The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) advised that the report was ‘for information' as a decision was not sought from the Area Committee, Additionally the Vice - Chairman expressed his concern that current users of Hitchin Town Hall had been given notice of the intended temporary closure despite the lack of other suitable venues in Hitchin and that as discussed at the Town Talk there was confusion over the new hire charges to be levied at 1 April 2011. It was agreed that the lack of Hitchin Committee representation on the Museums Project Board was not acceptable, that every assistance should be given to the current users to find alternate venues and that there should be a report with a review of the impact of increased hire charges at the July meeting. The SD advised the Committee that officers continued to work closely with Hitchin Initiative and current user groups to find alternative venues and confirmed that an update on occupancy rates at Hitchin Town Hall would be presented to a future meeting of this Committee.

The Committee were mindful of the need for good liaison amongst all stakeholders and community groups in the progress for the development of Hitchin Town Hall and the efforts made by the Hitchin Town Centre Initiative were to be applauded and congratulated on the confirmed award of £850,000 (part loan and part grant) but considered that more should be done to involve the Hitchin Committee and the Hitchin Community in the development of a Museum for North Hertfordshire and a Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;
(2)That the Committee noted with extreme disappointment the lack of Hitchin Committee representation on the Project Board;
(3)That officers be requested to make every effort to support the current users of the Hitchin Town Hall in the search for alternative venues whilst the Town Hall was under re-development;
(4)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to present a full report on the current status of the re-development of Hitchin Town Hall which would include a review of the effect (positive or negative) of new hire charges at 1 April 2011 to the meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for July 2011;
(5)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to send to Hitchin Members as soon as possible the correct list of hire charges for the facilities at Hitchin Town Hall in response to comments made by members of the public at Hitchin Town Talk.
Agreed  Strategic Director of Customer Services

Information Note
Appendix A

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note and the Parks and Countryside Development Manager was able to advise that the criteria for securing funding from the Parks People Lottery scheme had been amended to require matched funding of 5 per cent compared to a figure of 36 per cent previously.

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager advised that he was aware of and had noted with interest the proposals made by Hitchin Bridge Club for Bancroft Hall (Minute 101 refers) and that he had made arrangements to present this matter to the next meeting of the Bancroft Park and Gardens Project Board at a date to be confirmed in March 2011.

The Committee were pleased to note the comments made during public consultation as presented at Appendix A but it was evident from the list of questions that there had been no questions asked about Bancroft Park Hall. However, the SD was able to confirm that a review of Community Centres and Halls was close to completion and that consultation on the future of Bancroft Hall would be part of that review.

(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;
(2)That the responses from the public consultation presented at Appendix A be noted;
(3)That the possible source of funds for the re-development of Bancroft Parks and Gardens from the Parks Peoples Lottery Scheme be welcomed;
(4)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to advise the Bancroft Park and Gardens Project Board of the proposals made by Hitchin Bridge Club for a replacement Bancroft Hall (Minute 101 above refers).
Agreed  Parks & Countryside Development Manager


The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control which gave details of the current Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings relevant to Hitchin at 15 February 2011.

The DCM referred the Committee to Report A - By Obligation for each ward - Contributions to NHDC and HCC and to Report B - By Unilateral Undertaking for each ward - Contributions to NHDC and HCC. The DCM wished to place on record her thanks to the three Hitchin Members who had attended meetings with herself to review the Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings, the meetings had emphasised the importance of Member Contribution in these matters, now supported by the Leader of the Council who had recommended this arrangement to the other four Area Committees. The DCM advised the Committee that there would be less S106 monies in the future and it was likely that developers would be more resistant to S106 commitments.

The DCM referred the Committee to Paragraph 4.3 which detailed the overall income from Section 106 Monies to NHDC since 2001-2002 and the Committee noted that the total accumulated receipts at the end of 2009-2010 was £1,692, 119 of which £583,776 had been allocated to date. The DCM provided detail on the first three financial quarters of 2010 - 2011 where receipts totalled £33,257 of which £7,000 had been allocated and £35.345 was committed throughout North Herts.

The Chairman thanked the DCM for the update on Section 106 monies and specifically the allocations for Hitchin and was pleased to be advised of the success of the working group that had met regularly to discuss Hitchin ‘projects'.

There ensued a short discussion on potential schemes in Hitchin that could be allocated Section 106 monies and specific mention was made of: The Spinney Project in Standhill Road, Bancroft Park and Gardens and General improvements to open spaces and sports pitches in Hitchin. The DCM agreed to follow up these suggestions and make the appropriate arrangements and it was agreed that Members should contact the DCM outside of this meeting with any other schemes for consideration for Section 106 monies. Members expressed concern that S106 monies were not allocated quickly enough to identified schemes and it was essential to ensure that S106 monies were used as the working party had been successful in identifying schemes and that other funding sources should be combined with the S106 monies . The DCM accepted the need for action but commented that the expenditure must be justified especially for sustainable transport support and that the Working party would meet again soon to assess the S106 monies and allocate to Hitchin Schemes.

(1)That the information in the report be noted;
(2)That the details presented at Report A - By obligation for each ward for contributions to NHDC and HCC be noted;
(3)That the information presented at Report B - By unilateral undertaking for each ward for contributions to NHDC and HCC be noted;
(4)That the outcomes of the regular meetings between Hitchin Councillors and the Development and Conservation Manager be noted and applauded;
(5)That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to allocate S106 monies (est.,£1,900) for the Spinney Project in Standhill Road;
(6)That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to allocate S106 monies (est.£75,000) from various schemes to the refurbishment of Bancroft Park and Gardens;
(7)That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to allocate S106 monies from various schemes that could be used towards the improvement and development of open spaces and sports pitches;
(8)That outside of this meeting all Hitchin Councillors be requested to advise the Development and Conservation Manager of any further suggestions for the appropriate use of Section 106 monies applicable to Hitchin;
(9)That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to present an updating report on progress with the allocation of Section 106 monies to the March 2012 meeting of the Hitchin Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that there remained a robust system for negotiation and management of Section106 Unilateral Undertakings and provision of constant review with good appreciation of risk.
Agreed  Development & Conservation Manager

Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H1
Appendix H2

The Head of Housing and Public Protection (HH) reminded the Committee that public consultation had taken place between 7 June and 30 August with a wide range of stakeholders, community groups, Councillors, licence holders, Hertfordshire Authorities and Hertfordshire Highways. The HH mentioned that this policy was drawn up to comply with The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act of 1982 which gave local authorities the power (but no duty) to designate specific areas for: Prohibited Streets, Consent Streets and Licence Streets. This policy would be presented to the Licensing and Appeals Committee then to Cabinet in April 2011 and this was an opportunity for each Area Committee to comment on the proposals. The HH confirmed that there was no legal requirement for NHDC to have such a Street Trading Policy but having a Policy would ultimately reduce the opportunity for challenge through the Courts.

The HH referred the Committee to Paragraph 2.11 which listed the prohibited streets for street trading in Baldock, Royston and Letchworth and advised that currently there were no prohibited streets in Hitchin. The HH also advised the Committee that the A505 and A602 in Hitchin were designated as consent roads for street trading but only in lay-bys. The HH next listed the exemptions in the Act e.g. Trading as a pedlar, market trader, news vendor and charitable collections.

The Committee noted that the Town Centres in North Herts were the most likely to raise matters for concern and in fact the Town Centre Managers had been very responsive in the consultation period. The most significant outcome was to propose to grant each Town Centre Manager with an annual permit for a pre-defined area as defined on the map at Appendix E - Hitchin Town Centre. The Committee approved this designated area for the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and the proposals for Town Centres.

The Committee welcomed the process and progress towards a Street Trading Policy and were not minded to propose any street for prohibition in Hitchin and accepted the boundary as detailed at Appendix E. However, the Committee felt that due consideration should be given to the needs of non - profit organisations and the application of licences and the HH confirmed that cost recovery of issuing such licences would be the objective. One particular concern to a member was the proliferation of A boards in Hitchin Town Centre and the HH confirmed that A boards on the footway were the responsibility of Hertfordshire Highways. And in response to an other question the HH advised that if an applicant for a street trading licence was declined by the Town Centre Manager that there would be a right to an appeal. And in response to an enquiry the HH confirmed that all public accessible land users e.g. Hitchin market place, must have consent, whether it be a Street Trading Licence or formal planning permission.

(1)That the information provided in the report on the outcomes of public consultation and that there were no prohibited streets in Hitchin be noted;
(2)That the geographical limits of the Hitchin Consent Street Map as presented at Appendix A be noted;
(3)That the geographical limits of the proposed Hitchin Town Centre Manager Consent Area as presented at Appendix E be noted;
(4)That the Hitchin Committee had no proposal to nominate any streets in Hitchin to be listed for prohibition as defined in the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.
(5)That the Head of Housing and Public Service be requested to provide every assistance to ‘not for profit' organisations when applying for street trading licences.

REASON FOR DECISION: To allow the Hitchin Committee contribute to the development of the Strategic Objective - Town Centres.
Agreed  Head of Housing & Public Protection Service


Inspector Jason Thorne of Hertfordshire Constabulary thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Hitchin Committee and presented a report for the period 10 May to 10 November 2010 and compared data from this period to data for the previous year 10 May 2009 to 10 November 2009 and that there had been a significant reduction in anti social behaviour - Noise nuisance, Nuisance from neighbours, Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour, Street Drinking and Vehicle Related Nuisance (69.4 per cent) and that recorded offences had declined by 31.8 per cent. The Inspector opined that Windmill Hill had ceased to be a regular meeting place for young people and that during the second dispersal order only three directions to leave were made.

The Inspector advised the Committee that the second dispersal order had been a success with evidenced reductions in crime and anti social behaviour and stated that the grounds to renew this order had diminished although it was very important to note that a third order could be introduced at a later date should there be sufficient grounds for doing so.

In response to a question the Inspector confirmed that there was no evidence of this particular problem transferring to other towns or areas in Hitchin. The Inspector also confirmed that based on sufficient evidence a Police Superintendent could approve a third order and in support of this the Head Of Housing and Public Protection could sign off orders following presentation to an Area Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Inspector for his presentation and offered the Committee's congratulations in the reduction of crime and ASB in Hitchin The Committee agreed that a third Dispersal Order was not necessary at the moment but requested that Inspector Thorne and or the Head of Housing and Public Protection should notify the Committee as soon as possible of any change to the current situation.

(1)That the contents of the Information Note and the oral update on the outcomes of the Dispersal Order for Hitchin be noted;
(2)That the Hitchin Committee agreed with the proposal by Hertfordshire Constabulary not to continue with a Dispersal Order for Hitchin due to the lack of sufficient evidence in the recent review period;
(3)That the Hitchin Committee agreed to delegate authority to the Chairman and Vice - Chairman in concert with Hertfordshire Constabulary and the Head of Housing and Public Protection should an urgent decision be needed to re - introduce this dispersal order for Hitchin.

As advised by the Chairman there was no presentation by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

Declarations of Interest:
Councillors Judi Billing and David Billing declared a prejudicial interest in respect of two grant awards and advised that they would leave the room for the duration of the two votes.
1. Rhythms of the World Festival for 2011. A member of their immediate family would be a performing artiste at the ROTW Festival in 2011.
2. Priory School World Challenge visit to Vietnam. A member of their immediate family was a pupil at Priory School.

The Vice - Chairman Councillor Paul Clark confirmed that he would act as Chairman for the two grant applications.

The Community Development Officer (CDO) provided an update on her community activities since the last meeting held on 11 January 2011. The CDO advised the Committee that the launch of Hitchin in Bloom would take place on 26 March at Wymondley Community Garden. Also, that the low attendance at North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum had meant a change in the meeting schedule to every three months from every month. Also, that the Vaisakhi 2011 procession would not take place during the bridge repairs works on the A505 at the River Purwell crossing. The CDO was pleased to announce that the paperwork for Royal Wedding street parties on Friday 29 April had been reduced and relaxed by Hertfordshire County Council.

With regard to the problem with excessive numbers of scrap metal lorries in Cadwell Lane the CDO advised the Committee that Hertfordshire County Council had been given leave to appeal against the Planning Enquiry Decision in favour of Metal and Waste Recycling. The CDO would advise all concerned of the date of the hearing when known.

The Youth Spend event on 29 January 2011 was well attended and there had been eight presentations and awards would be notified as soon as possible.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix E which listed the highway schemes proposed by the Hitchin Committee and the cost estimates for feasibility and works from Hertfordshire Highways. The Committee discussed each scheme and whether matched funding or part funding could be awarded ‘in principle' from discretionary budget for 2011-2012. The Committee decided to support Vehicle Assisted Signs; Road Junction Improvements and 20 mph zones in Hitchin (See Minute below).

The Committee discussed each grant application in turn and a potential grant award to the Rhythms of the World Festival for 2011. The two grant applications were determined and it was felt that as ROTW now charged admission and had a healthy bank balance it was time to seriously consider any future awards. For the moment it was agreed to limit the award in principle for 2011 to £1000 and that serious consideration would be made as to continue this award at the January 2012 meeting.

(1)That the Community Development Officer be thanked for the excellent work in furthering Community Development in Hitchin;
(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning budgets be noted;
(3)That the Community Development Officer be requested to provide to all Members a list of known street parties to be held in Hitchin on 29 April 2011 to celebrate the Royal Wedding;
(4)That the invitation to all Hitchin Councillors to attend the official launch of the 2011 ‘In bloom' competition on 26 March 2011 be noted;
(5)That the sum of £6,500 be allocated ‘in principle' from the carry forward Capital Visioning Budget to cover the costs of re-fencing perimeter fencing at the Childrens' Play Area at King George V Playing Fields;
(6)That the sum of £1,000 be allocated ‘in principle' to Rhythms of the World Festival for 2011 from the 20011 - 2012 Discretionary Budget;
(7)That the Community Development Officer be requested to advise the ROTW Committee that it would be unlikely that any more financial support would be made by the Hitchin Committee.


That the following highway schemes extracted from Appendix E be supported by the Hitchin Committee ‘in principle' and financed from carry forward Capital Visioning and Discretionary Budgets and subject to the announcement of the grant budget for 2011 - 2012:

Scheme Ref.(v) and (xix)
Scheme: Vehicle Activated Schemes - Old Hale Way, Strathmore Avenue, Bedford Road, St. Michaels Road and Pirton Road, Hitchin.
Scheme cost estimate: £5,700.
Hitchin grant award ‘In principle' £1,900;

Scheme Ref.(xxxi), (xii), (xiii) and (xxxvi)
Scheme: Junction Protection (Design, Consultation, and Implementation) at: 1. - St. Johns Road j/w Hitchin Hill 2. St.Johns Road j/w Whitehill Road; 3. Redhill Road/Nutleigh Grove and 4. Willowtree Way/Old Hale Way.
Scheme cost estimate; £7350 per scheme or £20,000 for five schemes.
Hitchin grant award ‘In principle' for four schemes £5,333;

Scheme Ref.(xx)
Scheme: 20 mph speed limit in Hitchin (16 roads).
Scheme cost estimate: £13,140.
Hitchin grant award ‘In principle' £4,350.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, acknowledge the status of budgets and confirm support for highway schemes in Hitchin.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,080 be awarded to the Priory School World Challenge Group as a contribution towards the costs of a visit to Vietnam.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,250 be awarded to Hitchin YOPEY Group as a contribution towards the awards made to unsung heroes in the Community.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB