Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 8th June, 2010 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30 pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice-Chairman),Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body,Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee Administrator
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Bernard Lovewell.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meetings held on 9 March 2010 and 20 May 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meetings held on 9 March 2010 and 20 May 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Councillor Martin Stears - Handscomb.
The Chairman proposed and it was agreed to record a vote of thanks to former Councillor Martin - Stears Handscomb in respect of his support to the Hitchin Committee and to the community in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire during his tenure as a Bearton Ward Councillor. The Chairman also commented on the eloquent tributes made to Martin Stears Handscomb from all parties at Annual Council on 20 May 2010.

The Chairman proposed and it was agreed to offer congratulations to PC Jackie Hickman who had been voted as the Hertfordshire Best Neighbourhood Officer and would be proceeding to the national finals.

The Chairman announced that with the agreement of the Committee she would accept a petition presented by Councillor Paul Clark on behalf of residents in Kershaws Hill and Storehouse Lane requesting better provision of car parking for residents in this area of Hitchin.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanked those that attended Town Talk, congratulated and welcomed Councillor Lisa Courts (Bearton Ward) to her first meeting of the Hitchin Committee, congratulated Councillors: Allison Ashley, David Billing, Alan Millard and Lawrence Oliver on their re-election and thanked the Committee for the vote of thanks in respect of former Councillor Martin Stears - Handscomb.

The Chairman read out the following:
Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

The representative from Urban Saints Youth Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and thanked the Committee for the grant of £2,000 from the first Hitchin Youth Spend towards a grand total of £25,000 that allowed members of Urban Saints to travel to Mexico during the 2010 Easter School holidays. The theme of the visit was ‘ REBUILD MEXICO 2010' and the objective was to construct new housing for a Mexican homeless family of two adults and three children. The Committee watched a video that showed the young people constructing the house from levelling ground, concrete base, timber frame walls and roof, finished off with windows, door and concrete rendering. Following the video, team members gave the Committee an insight into their experiences and what they gained as a group and as individuals The common theme was leadership, confidence, team working, friendships, changing a family's life, a new culture, observing and understanding poverty levels and being resourceful away from home.

The Chairman on behalf of the Committee congratulated those present from Urban Saints and all were pleased at the experiences and knowledge gained during the visit.

RESOLVED: That the representatives from the Urban Saints Youth Club be thanked for their presentation.

Mr Terry Ramsome thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was a trustee of Hitchin British Schools which was the British Schools Museum in Queen Street, Hitchin. The School was 200 years old in 2010 and the Trust was formed 20 years ago. The Museum had been open for 15 years and was a nationally accredited Museum that included the Jill Grey collection of some 35,000 items of memorabilia and ephemera relating to schooling and childhood.

The aim of the Museum inter alia was to preserve part of Hitchin's heritage, provide educational visits for school children throughout North Hertfordshire, be open to the public on a regular basis with special events, provide space for meetings of local community groups including a visit of 113 delegates to a Hertfordshire Local History symposium and outreach visits and talks to organisations in Hertfordshire and neighbouring counties. Mr Ransome was pleased to advise the Committee that in September 2010 the Museum would host the UK Schools Museum Conference.

Mr Ransome was also pleased to advise the Committee that due to the generosity of al local benefactor sufficient funds were received to provide for two years a professional Museums Manager. The Trust would be commencing on a significant fund raising campaign and although NHDC provide financial support via a Service Level Agreement more funding there would always be a need for more resource support.

Mr Ransome extended an invitation to the Chairman to hold a future meeting of the Committee at the British Schools and made an open offer to anyone to visit the museum and investigate how the Trust and others could work together.

RESOLVED: That the representatives from Hitchin British Schools be thanked for their presentation and congratulated on the 200th Anniversary.


Mr Paul Taylor thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was speaking as a member of Hitchin Lawn Tennis Committee.

Mr Taylor explained that following the arson attack on the pavilion in Bancroft Gardens there had been very serious delays from North Herts District Council in granting Conservation Area Consent planning permission (granted 27 January 2010), obtaining landlord's consent, and then building consent (conditional approval issued on 24 May 2010) and that the request for an extension to the lease for a period greater than the five remaining years had yet to be agreed. The tennis season had started and there was no pavilion which meant that league matches could not be played ‘at home' and that it was very difficult to provide refreshments and toilet facilities. Mr Taylor acknowledged the very kind offer of using the toilets at Bancroft Hall from the NHDC Community Facilities Manager.

Mr Taylor on behalf of the club members was very frustrated at these delays which had been compounded by the declaration from NHDC that there would not be an extension to lease due to the preparation of a development plan for Bancroft Gardens which would include the tennis club site. Tennis club members morale was at an all time low, not all were prepared to commit to the building of a new pavilion with only five years remaining on the lease and many felt that the future of the club was threatened by the potential of a plan for the recreation ground that did not even exist.

The Committee were very concerned at the delays described by Mr Taylor and several Members considered that a 12 month delay to the re-building of the pavilion was far too long and that the reasons for such delays should be explained by the appropriate officers. It was also considered that there was no need to wait for consultation on any plan for Bancroft Recreation Ground as the location of the tennis club would probably not be proposed for another site in the gardens and it was very important to maintain the tennis club as a important community resource for public benefit.

The Chairman noted the views expressed by the Committee and it was agreed that the Committee should receive the report from the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services at Agenda Item 10 before making any decisions on the best way forward.


(1)That the representative from Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Hitchin Committee expressed their continued disappointment at the lack of progress in the re - building of the Tennis Club Pavilion;

(3)That the Hitchin Committee expressed their extreme disappointment at the lack of progress in the extension to lease of the remaining five years;

(4)That any further resolutions that may be made in respect of Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club be deferred until Agenda Item 10.

Mr Colin Dunham thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking as an individual. Mr Dunham was very concerned that the defective work on the highway in Sun Street and Bucklersbury as assessed by consultants had yet to be repaired. The Consultants reported that workmanship, design and lack of supervision were the principal causes of the defects. Mr Dunham advised the Committee that as the original contractor appointed had gone into liquidation there seemed to be very little effort undertaken to repair the highway in the interests of safety for pedestrians and vehicle drivers alike. Part of the problem was also perceived to be the lack of a Traffic Regulation Order in both streets during the works phase which allowed vehicles to park without restriction during the construction phase. A TRO had not been confirmed until 2004 following completion of work in 2003. Mr Dunham urged the Committee to seek urgent attention to the poor state of footway and highway in the two roads and that Hertfordshire Highways should be requested to attend to this matter as soon as possible.

The Chairman and Committee acknowledged the need for action and considered that it would be appropriate for the Joint Member Panel to consider this issue at the next meeting of the JMP scheduled for 26 July 2010.

RESOLVED: That Mr Dunham be thanked for the presentation.

RECOMMENDED TO THE NHDC - HERTFORDSHIRE HIGHWAYS JOINT MEMBER PANEL: That the Hertfordshire Highways Area Service Manager and the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise be requested to present to the next meeting of the JMP scheduled for 26 July 2010 a report detailing the road enhancement work done in Sun Street and Bucklersbury, Hitchin and the action that will be taken to re-instate these roads as per the original contract.
Agreed  Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise


Councillor Paul Clark thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to present this petition with 41 signatures ‘ We the undersigned, wish to complain that the parking facilities around Storehouse Lane and Kershaws Hill, Hitchin, are insufficient. As residents of Storehouse Lane and Kershaws Hill, we request the council to provide us with better parking in this area and, in particular, to make use of the 106 money provided by Leach Homes for such purposes before the deadline date of October 2010'.

The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that wherever possible full use should be made of Section 106 monies to provide Controlled Parking Schemes for residents and with this objective it was agreed that a report should be presented to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 13 July 2010.

RESOLVED: That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise be requested to ensure that a report detailing the procedures for the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone in Kershaws Hill and Storehouse Lane, an estimate of the total costs and confirmation that Section 106 monies previously agreed with Leach Homes could be used in this instance and that all arrangements could be in place before the deadline for the allocated Section 106 monies be presented to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 13 July 2010.
Agreed  Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise

Agenda page

The Chairman advised the Committee that she had placed this item on the agenda for discussion following the public meeting held at the Sun Hotel, Hitchin on 28 April 2010 where many of those present had expressed a wish that the scheme proposed for Hitchin Town Hall by North Herts District Council to use the main hall as a Museum for North Hertfordshire should not be implemented and that if any change was made to the Town Hall both in use and structure the scheme put forward by a consortium of Hitchin community and business groups for a community facility and museum would be preferred.

The Chairman led the debate in which the Committee discussed the delays and what action the Committee could take. Several Members expressed a view that the strength of feeling in Hitchin against the NHDC scheme should be made known to Cabinet and that this should be supported by the Committee through resolution whilst other Members considered that it was not necessarily the case that all of Hitchin was represented at the Sun Hotel meeting and that the delay on a decision had been made at Council on 11 February 2010 (Minutes 72 and 73 refer) to allow both parties draw up proposals, submit business plans and a full feasibility study to a set timescale. A Member suggested that until both schemes had been presented to Council it would be inappropriate for the Hitchin Committee to support either proposal.

However, it was agreed that time was of the essence. Since no further consultation was planned before the Council decision on which scheme to develop for a full consultation it was agreed that the residents of Hitchin and North Hertfordshire more widely should have that decision as soon as possible. Although the subsequently agreed date for presentation was 2 September 2010 the Committee agreed to urge Council to receive both proposals at the next meeting of Council scheduled to be held on 30 June 2010.


(1)That Cabinet be requested to note the concerns expressed by the Hitchin Committee concerning the delays in confirming an approved scheme for Hitchin Town Hall;

(2)That Cabinet and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs be requested as a matter of urgency to take the appropriate action to ensure that the NHDC Scheme and the Community Scheme for Hitchin Town Hall are presented to Council for decision as to which scheme to develop more fully at the meeting to be held on 30 June 2010.
Agenda page

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Hoskins advised the Committee that good progress had been made on the proposal for a Community Scheme at Hitchin Town Hall. There would be a meeting with local stakeholders on 14 June, with Hitchin Society on 21 June and also with NHDC officers on 21 June. An application for funding had been made to Community Builders for a 40 per cent grant, and unfortunately support from the Community Development Trust had ended. Mr Hoskins was hopeful the this bid as an alternative to the NHDC proposals would be completed before the end of June for presentation to Council. Mr Hoskins advised the Committee that there was little support from the business community in Hitchin for the NHDC proposal and that the NHDC Consultants had been granted an extension to the deadline.

Hitchin Initiative were forming their own view of the Churchgate Development and were very pleased to be a member of the Churchgate Liaison Forum, discussions had been held with Simons. Mr Hoskins was pleased to report that a tenant would soon be taking over the Woolworths premises but as yet he had not been able to ascertain who that would be.

Hitchin Market was going from strength to strength following the award of Market of the Year, usage and income was up and the Tuesday Market which was often the lowest take up now had a minimum of 100 stalls each week. To complement the BID rangers there would be two night rangers on a Friday and Saturday night from 22.30 to 03.30, not interventionist but would have radio link and use of CCTV facilities.

The Initiative were now providing a commercial cardboard collection service for some 60 sites in Hitchin and were investigating the collection of plastic bottles and glass. Mr Hoskins thanked Hitchin County Councillors D. Ashley and Ray Shakespeare - Smith for the contributions from locality budgets to facilitate a Counter Skills course which attracted 40 applicants and received 150 hours of training.

Mr Hoskins concluded his presentation with an announcement that the Hitchin Festival box office opens on Monday 14 June, festival programmes had been distributed and there would a launch lunch at Hitchin British Schools on 25 June.

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for his presentation.

Information Note

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) referred the Committee to the information note concerning the request for details of the effect of increased car parking charges and that after nine weeks there was insufficient data available to provide a meaningful analysis. The PPM proposed that a full report could be presented to the Committee at the meeting scheduled for 14 September 2010.

The Chairman sought the views of the Committee who accepted this proposal by the PPM with an additional request that the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport should be requested to have discussions with the Hitchin Initiative and local businesses and seek their views on the increased car parking charges.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport be requested as part of the review process of the new Car Parking Charges to meet with Hitchin Initiative and local businesses in Hitchin as soon as possible to discuss their views on progress;

(3)That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise be requested to ensure that a comprehensive report on the outcomes of the first four months of the new car parking charges be presented to the meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 14 September 2010.

To allow assessment and review of the revised car parking charges in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire since 1 April 2010.

Agreed  Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise


The Planning Projects Manager presented the report of the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager which detailed the background to the Traffic Regulation Order for the Triangle Area of Hitchin and Convent Close.

A number of objections from residents of Convent Close considered that the parking restrictions were too restrictive and consequently it had been agreed to exclude Convent Close from the TRO for the Triangle Area. The PPM explained that it was possible to propose three options for consideration that would meet the wishes of the residents.

The PPM referred the Committee to the three Options as detailed at Paragraph 4.2.

Option 1: To leave parking in Convent Close unrestricted and to include this ‘road' within the Hitchin town wide parking review.
Option 2: Proceed with the original TRO.
Option 3: Proceed with the request of the residents and to have signage each side of the entrance to the cul-de-sac ‘no waiting 11 am to midday Monday to Friday except permit holders.

The Committee briefly discussed the three options and noted that if Option 3 was chosen there would be an additional cost of £500 to redraft and advertise the TRO and publish the Order. The Committee supported Option 3 and the Bearton Ward Members agreed to provide funding from their own ward budget for 2010- 2011.


(1)That the information provided on the three options for controlled parking in Convent Close, Hitchin be noted;

(2)That subject to final agreement from the residents of Convent Close the Option 3 as outlined at Paragraph 4.2 (iii) to have signs ‘No waiting 11 a.m. to midday Monday to Friday except permit holders' had the unanimous support of the Hitchin Committee;

(3)That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the appropriate arrangements to allocate the £500.00 required to implement the signage at (2) above from the Bearton Ward Discretionary Budget for 2010 - 2011.

To ensure that an acceptable solution is made that meets the requirements of the residents of Convent Close, Hitchin.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Report and Appendix A

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (CDM) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services.

The CDM advised the Committee that the next step in the re-development of Bancroft Recreation Ground would be the appointment of Groundwork Hertfordshire to complete a vision planning and community consultation process. Due to the complexities of this site Groundwork had appointed very experienced staff to lead the project. The project would commence in early July 2010 and run for four months. The Committee were pleased to note that Groundwork would investigate external funding opportunities and A Member confirmed the availability of £70,000 Section 106 monies.

In response to an enquiry the CDM was able to confirm that the costs of engaging groundwork or other consultants would be met from existing budgets.

The Committee reviewed Appendix A and requested that a Member Steering group should be set up to facilitate Member involvement during the Consultation Period and that Committee Members should consider other users of Bancroft who could be part of the consultation process. The CDM accepted this proposal for the Steering Group and advised that a Project Board would be formed to oversee the implementation of the project.

With regard to the current status of Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club and the rebuilding of the Pavilion the CDM advised that NHDC was the freeholder and it would never restrict the lease without good reason and had given landlord's consent for the rebuild of the pavilion. The Committee expressed concern that it had taken from December 2009 to May 2010 for all the consents to be given and were also disappointed that the extension of lease had yet to be agreed. The CDM explained that any discussions ob an extension of lease was confidential between landlord and tenant and he could not comment on any of the remarks made by Mr Taylor in his presentation (Minute 10 above refers).

The Committee were still minded to regard the current non extension of lease beyond five years as unacceptable and it was agreed that a full report detailing the reasons for delay and the non extension of lease should be requested from the appropriate officers to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 13 July 2010.


(1)That the information provided in the report be noted;

(2)That the information provided in Appendix A regarding draft vision planning and community consultation be welcomed and noted;

(3)That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise and the Portfolio Holders for Planning and Transport and Leisure and E Government be requested to note the concerns of the Hitchin Committee as detailed at Minute 10 (1),(2) and (3)

(4)That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise and the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and Head of Development and Building Control be requested to ensure that a comprehensive report detailing the reasons for delay in the building of a new pavilion for Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club is presented to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 13 July 2010.

(5)That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be requested to take the appropriate action to set up a Member Steering Group (Councillors Joan Kirby, Ray Shakespeare-Smith and Lisa Courts) that would participate in the draft vision planning, community consultation and site visits;

(6)That Hitchin Members be requested to advise the Parks and Countryside Development Manager of additional stakeholder groups that could be invited to contribute to the consultation process;

(7)That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be requested to ensure that Hitchin Members are invited to be part of the Project Board that would implement the project;

(8)That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager, the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport be requested to ensure that maximum use is made of all Section 106 monies that could be allocated to works in Bancroft Recreation Ground as well as other sources of funding including the NHDC capital funding for 2010 and 2011;

To ensure that every effort is made to expedite the construction of the new tennis pavilion and that adequate public consultation is made on proposals for Bancroft Recreation Ground.

Agreed  Corporate Strategic Planning/Enterprise Manager, Customer Service Manager, Strategic Director of Finance/Policy & Governance, Strategic Housing Manager, Parks & Countryside Development Manager

Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix A.3
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

The Community Development Officer provided an update on her community activities since the last meeting held on 9 March 2010. The CDO made specific reference to: Hitchin in Bloom and Hitchin Boys School - both funding requests -and the Committee were minded in ‘principle' to grant £1000 subject to a formal grant application and that representatives from Hitchin Boys School should be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to make a presentation in support of their grant application.

The Chairman proposed and it was agreed to request that the CDO should proceed with another tranche of funding for Hitchin Youth Spend.

The Committee agreed the grant application from The Triangle Community Garden and ratified the grant awarded to Stevenage Leisure Ltd to support extended opening hours at Hitchin Swim Centre this summer.


(1)That the Committee endorsed the actions undertaken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being;

(2)That the expenditure to date and balances carried forward from the Visioning, Development and Ward Budgets be noted;

(3)That the award of a grant of £1000 ‘in principle' be made for the Hitchin in Bloom 2010 for categories such as: Best Front Garden, Best School Gardens and Young Gardener from the Town Centre Discretionary Budget for 2010 - 2011;

(4)That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the appropriate arrangements to present a formal application for the Hitchin in Bloom 2010 grant as identified at (3) above at the next meeting to be held on 13 July 2010;

(5)That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite representatives from Hitchin Boys School concerning local business promotion to attend the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee on 13 July 2010;

(6)That the Community Development Officer be requested to commence on the preparation of a new and expanded tranche from the Hitchin Discretionary Budget for Hitchin Youth Spend in 2010 - 2011.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and continue the use of discretionary spending in support of the local community and to further the aims and Strategic Objectives of the Council.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That an award of £3,500 be made to Stevenage Leisure Limited as a contribution to the costs associated with the provision of extended evening swimming sessions at Hitchin Swim Centre during the summer of 2010.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That an award of £800 be made to The Triangle Community Garden as a contribution towards the costs of providing five new heavy duty flame retardant gazebos for community use in Ransoms Recreation Ground.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB