Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 9th March, 2010 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Deepak Sangha (Vice-Chairman),Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver,Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor Martin Stears - Handscomb, Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Tom Brindley - Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport.
 ALSO PRESENT: Alan Davey - Housing Strategy and Renewals Manager
Steve Crowley - Contracts and Project Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee Administrator
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Clare Body.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanked those who had attended Town Talk, welcomed Councillor Tom Brindley, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport, welcomed those making a presentation at Agenda Item 5, clarified that there was an additional speaker under public participation and offered her best wishes to those Councillors standing in the forthcoming District Elections.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 January 2009 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised the Committee that there were no items of other business.

The Chairman read out the following:
Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr P. Jagger thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Jagger confirmed that he would give an overview of the work of the North Herts Crime Prevention Panel, its partnership with Hertfordshire Constabulary and the impact on the reduction of crime and improving the sense of safety in the local community.

Mr Jagger advised the Committee that the North Herts Crime Panel (NHCPP) always needed volunteers to help in a wide range of roles working alongside the police. Volunteers did not become involved in the criminal justice system but were a compliment to local policing. Some of the tasks undertaken by volunteers were: vehicle crime prevention; home security surveys, crime prevention products and giving public talks on crime prevention. Volunteers did not need previous experience and did not need to be retired or in employment but must be at least 14 years old and a UK national. Volunteers did not need to live in North Herts but must be able to travel to the area. There would be a criminal bureau records check and a probation period. Mr Jagger confirmed that there would be full training and reasonable expenses paid, volunteers would never walk alone, usually alongside a uniformed police officer or police community support officer and refreshments were often available on operations.

Mr Jagger concluded his presentation with a request for volunteers to join the NHCPP as it was important to have a wide range of expertise and a wide range of candidates from the local community. Reference was made to the NHCPP web site: for more information.

The Chairman thanked Mr Jagger for the information and members of the public and District Councillors were invited to contact Mr Jagger should they wished to have more information or wanted to be considered as a volunteer or visit the website.

In response to a question concerning UK nationals Mr Jagger advised that this requirement was guided by the need for Criminal Bureau Checks and could not be undertaken for example for other EU citizens. Mr Jagger confirmed that the current youngest volunteers were in their mid twenties.

RESOLVED: That the information provided on the North Herts Crime Prevention Panel and the request for volunteers be noted.


The four representatives from The Voice of Hitchin Youth (VHY) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The VHY commenced in 2005, met regularly every two weeks in Hitchin Town Hall and it was hoped that there would be more links with school councils. VHY had raised funds for charity, held discos, sought young peoples' views, produced a TASTE booklet and supported the annual TASTE event. Funds were raised for Keech Cottage through stalls in the Market Place, craft workshop at Elmside and a stall at the Walsworth Festival.

The 2010 AGM for VHY was held at Hitchin Town Hall incorporating a Human Table Football event. Despite the poor support at the AGM the VHY were determined to gain young people's views in the forthcoming year and this would be a major part of the programme and the use of Facebook would be increased. The TASTE event was very successful for the last two years and the 2010 event would be a major consultation event. One of the major campaigns by VHY would be anti -smoking as this was a major issue for the under 16s. The website would be improved, there would be a Keep Young People Active campaign including a charity swim and a stall in the Market Place on 27 March 2010 to raise awareness.

Following the VHY presentation Shreena Chandarana, a Voice member provided a short account of her time as a shadow to Councillor Lynda Needham - Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling and how she had learnt a lot about local government and the number of meetings the Councillors attended. Shreena attended the British Youth Conference in London and met many youth representatives from around the country.

The Committee applauded the work and enthusiasm of the Voice of Hitchin Youth and all that they had achieved since 2005 and proposed that the VHY should be encouraged to work with the Churchgate Liaison Forum.

RESOLVED: That the Voice of Hitchin Youth be thanked for the presentation.


The Chairman advised those present that the speaker had tendered her apologies due to illness.

Mr John Stone thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking on behalf of Stevenage Leisure.

Mr Stone confirmed that Stevenage Leisure would be taking over the management of Hitchin Swim Centre and Royston Leisure Centre from 1 April 2010 and as a result would be managing the three NHDC Leisure Centres in North Herts. Stevenage Leisure would now manage 17 Sports and Leisure Centres for 5 local authorities with over a thousand staff. Stevenage Leisure Centre was a non - profit organisation and all surplus funds were re-invested back in the company for the benefit of the customers.

Mr Stone advised the Committee that recently Letchworth Area Committee had made a grant of £20,000 to invest at Letchworth Outdoor pool for an outdoor café that would provide refreshment for customers and external users, and Stevenage Leisure worked well with the North Herts Sports Development Team and the Amateur Swimming Association for the Sure Start Scheme for disadvantaged children.

Mr J. Bliss from Hitchin Swim Centre thanked the Committee for their support in 2008 and 2009 for the provision of funding to provide extended swimming sessions each Summer. 2009 had been a good year both financially and weather wise and he wished to propose a similar arrangement for 2010 with a six week period, two extended sessions per week from 6pm to 8.30 pm. The Chairman requested that Mr Bliss did his best ‘to guarantee a good summer' for 2010 and that the continued scheme had the support of the Committee with a decision on funding taken at Agenda Item 9.


(1) That Mr Stone be thanked for the information on Stevenage Leisure and the update on the change of contract for the management of the Hitchin Swim Centre and Royston Leisure Centre;

(2) That a decision on the award of funding for extended swimming sessions at Hitchin Swim Centre in 2010 be made at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News.


Mr S. Self thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee at short notice and confirmed that he was speaking at the request of the Standhill Road Area Residents' Committee.

Mr Self referred the Committee to Agenda Item 9 - Appendix G which indicated a scheme for the Standhill Road Area (Plan A) and Cemetery Road (Plan B). The major concern of local residents was that if the schemes were agreed then they must be implemented at the same time. Mr Self acknowledged that there would be a meeting between officers and residents on 10 March to discuss the proposals but Mr Self wished to advise the Committee of the concerns of local residents.

Mr Self expressed the dissatisfaction of residents that there had been no opportunity for residents to view the proposals prior to this meeting even though there had been feedback to officers in January 2010. Mr Self opined that there was insufficient space in the verge in Cemetery Road for parking bays and clearance for Fire and Rescue Vehicles, and that the space for parking in the bay was far too tight with one side of a vehicle tight up against a hedge. With regard to the residential parking area Mr Self advised the Committee that the upper part of Standhill Road leading to the school was badly potholed, the edge of the road was undefined and verges cut away by vehicle movements. If the road surface was not prepared then road markings would be impossible. The residents of Taylors Hill who had no off road parking would be disadvantaged as competition for parking spaces with Cemetery users, shoppers, commuters, other residents and visitors.

Despite the comments and observations raised by Mr Self there were some positive parts of the proposal (Plans A) - restricted parking bays, improved access and reduced obstruction. In conclusion Mr Self repeated his assertion that the two schemes must be implemented concurrently, not to do so would cause great problems for the scheme not implemented.


(1) That the issues raised by Mr S. Self in respect of the parking problems for residents in Standhill Road, adjacent residential roads and Cemetery Road be noted.

(2) That a decision on the way forward to implement traffic regulation orders for parking restrictions in Standhill Road, Standhill Close, Sandy Grove, Taylors Hill and Cemetery Road be taken at Agenda Item 9 - Champion News.

Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix A.3

The Housing Strategy and Renewals Manager (HSR) presented the report of the Head of Housing and Environmental Health and advised that Hitchin Committee were invited as a consultee to comment if appropriate on the proposal. The current lease runs until 2032 and it was proposed that this lease should be terminated and that a new lease be granted for 125 years from the date of termination of the existing lease.

Jubilee House was an ideal property to provide accommodation for single homeless people and the Council's Housing Strategy for 2008-2013 made specific reference to the needs of vulnerable people. Tackling Youth Homelessness was a specific priority in the Council's Homelessness Strategy 2008 - 2013 and NHDC had a legal responsibility to prevent homelessness whenever possible, especially for young people aged 16 or 17. As NHDC was no longer a registered landlord it relied on agreements with social housing providers such as Aldwyck to meet its statutory obligations.

Aldwyck Housing Association identified Jubilee House that as a property once refurbished it could provide a centre for young people. The Committee noted that if the demand for services to young people ceased then Jubilee House could be converted into seven 1 or 2 bedroomed flats for general accommodation, and in either case this could prevent the property becoming redundant or vacant in the future.

Jubilee House was currently closed (2008) and Aldwyck Housing Association were in the process of securing funding from the Homes and Community Agency for the refurbishment. If the new lease was granted then works could be started in May 2010 and completed in approximately six months.

The HSR advised the Committee that planning permission was not required for the refurbishment work and there would not be any alteration to the locally listed façade of the building. However, planning permission would be necessary if additional building work for a training cum meeting room was required. The HSR confirmed that there would be no costs to the Council.

The Chairman thanked the officer for the report and the Committee agreed to unanimously support the proposal to grant a new lease of 125 years to Aldwyck Housing Association in respect of Jubilee House.


(1) That the proposal to grant a new lease of 125 years to the Aldwyck Housing Association in respect of Jubilee House be unanimously supported;

(2) That the Head of Housing and Environmental Health be requested to include the support of the Hitchin Committee for this grant of lease for 125 years in the report presented to Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 30 March 2010.

Agreed  Head of Housing & Environmental Health


The Chairman confirmed that this item had been deferred to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee in 2010-2011 to allow time for further consultations with North Hertfordshire Homes.
Front page

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Hoskins advised the Committee that the Hitchin business community were extremely concerned at the increase in car parking charges from 1 April 2010 in Hitchin. There was a need to promote the town centre and the increased charges were viewed as a deterrent to visitors and that due consideration should be given to the introduction of free car parking at off peak times e.g. after 3.30 pm.

Mr Hoskins advised that there was steady progress with the scheme for Hitchin Town Hall and that he was seeking financial support to support small business training.

Also of great concern to local businesses was the state of pavements in and around the town centre and that Hertfordshire Highways should commit resource to this problem as matter of urgency in the interests of safety.

The Committee noted the concerns raised by Mr Hoskins and with regard to pavement surfaces it was agreed to refer this issue to the next meeting of the JMP to be held on 19 April 2010 and that Mr Hoskins be requested to provide a comprehensive list of the location of broken paving slabs and unstable surfaces in Hitchin Town Centre as soon as possible to the Hertfordshire Highways - North East Herts Service Manager.

With regard to the car parking issues the Chairman invited Councillor Tom Brindley to address the Committee. Councillor Brindley advised that part of the increase covered a rounding up of charges as the pay machines did not give change, pay by phone was going to have a trial period and that there would be an investment of £1.5M in car parking, notably in The Lairage. Councillor Brindley confirmed that the District Wide Parking Strategy would review all car parking and he would be pleased to meet with local businesses to discuss the car parking issues. A Member requested that a report should be brought to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee (date in June 2010 to be confirmed) with an assessment of the outcomes of increased car parking charges and this was agreed and that a better car parking service for the public was necessary.

Comment was made as to the off peak reductions in charges that might be made in Royston Car Parks and Councillor Brindley advised that the funding for this could be met in part by a contribution from the Royston Committee and in part by contributions from Royston BIDS and the local business community.


(1) That the information provided by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be noted;

(2) That the Head of Planning, Housing and Enterprise be requested to make the necessary arrangements for an officer's report to be presented to the next meting of the Hitchin Committee (date to be confirmed) that would appraise the outcomes of the increased car parking charges in Hitchin and inter alia seek to provide a better car parking service for Hitchin.

Noted  Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise

Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix G - Plan A
Appendix G - Plan B
Appendix H

The Community Development Officer (CDO) provided an update on her activities since the last meeting held on 12 January 2010 including inter alia Hitchin Outdoor Pool Extended Opening for 2010 - 2011; Play Rangers; Town Talk for 12 January; Cadwell Lane and Hitchin Residents Alliance; North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum; Westmill Steering Group; Vaisakhi Procession 2010; Councillors Engagement in Schools; Youth Spend; Rough Sleepers and Street Homelessness, Two Bees Residents Association; Walsworth Festival and Parking Restrictions in Cemetery Road.

The CDO made particular reference to the recommendations at Section 8 requiring resolution by the Committee: Hitchin Swim Centre - Extended Swimming Sessions; Cadwell Lane - Hitchin Transport Plan; Vaisakhi Procession - Grant application (Appendix B); Elmside Walk - contribution to costs of resurfacing walkway (Appendix H, where the CDO confirmed that the funding had been recently provided by the Highbury Ward Members); Cemetery Road and Standhill Road - Parking Restrictions (Appendix G).

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix A which provided details of the expenditure to date in 2009-2010 for Visioning (Revenue and Capital), Central Area Grants and the Ward Discretionary Budgets.

The Committee were please to note the activities on Community Development since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee and were pleased to confirm support for extended swimming sessions in the summer of 2010.

A Member confirmed that the issues concerning waste recycling lorries and the waste recycling plant in Cadwell Lane would be subject to a public enquiry held at County Hall, Hertford.

The major item for debate remained the proposals for restricted parking in Standhill Road, adjacent roads and Cemetery Road. These proposals were discussed at length and with reference to the presentation made by Mr S. Self at Agenda Item 5. The Committee were in agreement that the two schemes should be implemented at the same time and that it should remain with the residents to confirm that the proposed schemes should proceed (Note: A meeting with local residents will take place on 10 March to discuss the latest proposals). A possible problem could be the joint matched funding normally expected by the JMP for all highway improvement schemes of this nature, and if matched funding was not provided from the Hitchin Committee for the Cemetery Road works this may prevent the implementation of both schemes at the same time.

In response to an enquiry concerning a future CPZ in the Standhill Road Area Councillor Tom Brindley advised that any implementation of a scheme as currently proposed would not preclude any future implementation of a CPZ but he advised that this was a very small area to have feasibility for a CPZ but could be expanded to include for example St. Johns Road


(1) That the Committee endorsed the actions undertaken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being;

(2) That the expenditure to date and balances carried forward from the Visioning, Development and Ward Budgets be noted;

(3) That the sum of £3,250 be awarded in principle from the 2010 - 2011 Discretionary Budget in order to support extended swimming sessions at Hitchin Swim Centre in the summer of 2010;

(4) That the proposal made by the Cadwell Lane/Hitchin Residents Alliance to decouple the following items from the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan be endorsed by the Hitchin Committee.
1. Improvement of the cycle route from the Hitchin Industrial Area to Hitchin Town Centre;
2. Improvement to the phasing of the traffic signals at the Cadwell Lane/Wilbury Way/Woolgrove Road and Grove Road Junction for the benefit and safety of cyclists and pedestrians.
so that these schemes would not be held back by the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan process.

(5) That the North Hertfordshire Highways - Joint Member Panel be requested to consider at it meeting to be held on 19 April 2010 the two schemes listed at (4) above for inclusion in the 2010 - 2011Integrated Works Programme on the basis that these schemes could be funded by Section 106 monies;

(6) That the proposals for parking restrictions in Standhill Close, Sandy Grove, Standhill Road, Taylors Hill and Cemetery Road as presented at Appendix G (Plans A and B) be supported but subject to consultation, successful negotiations and agreement from local residents;

(7) That if both schemes are agreed and progressed then the schemes must be implemented at the same time and not independently;

(8) That any agreement by residents for the current proposed schemes would not preclude any further development of a Controlled Parking Zone in Standhill Close, Sandy Grove, Standhill Road and Taylors Hill;

(9) That the re-confirmation by Highbury Ward Members that £2,000 was still available from the Highbury Ward Discretionary Budget 2009-2010 as a contribution to the costs of introducing a traffic regulation order in the Standhill Road Area be welcomed and noted;

(10) That the Community Development Officer be requested to investigate the possibility of re-allocating Visioning Budget monies in order to source funding for the proposed highways engineering schemes in Cemetery Road.


(1) That the following Hitchin schemes be included in the 2010 - 2011 Integrated Works Programme:
1.Improvement of the cycle route from the Hitchin Industrial Area to Hitchin Town Centre;
2.Improvement to the phasing of the traffic signals at the Cadwell Lane/Wilbury Way/Woolgrove Road and Grove Road Junction for the benefit and safety of cyclists and pedestrians.
and removed from the Hitchin Urban Transport Scheme;

(2) That subject to a satisfactory conclusion of discussions and negotiations with local residents the proposed parking management scheme and highway engineering works in Cemetery Road, Hitchin be included in the JMP Discretionary Budget Programme for 2010 - 2011;

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and continue the use of discretionary spending to further the aims and Strategic Objectives of the Council.

Grant application

RESOLVED: That an award of £1000 be made to Siri Singh Sabha Gurdwara as a contribution to the costs associated with the Vaisakhi Procession for 2010 concerning safety, highways, insurance and effective traffic management.