Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 10th January, 2012 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Ros Allwood - Cultural Services Manager
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Anthony Roche - Senior Lawyer
Andrew Mills - Service Manager, Grounds
Andy Beavan - Local Development Framework Manager
Tim Neill - Accountancy Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: District Councillor Mrs L. Needham - Leader of the Council
County Councillor D.A. Ashley - Hitchin South
County Councillor N.K. Brook - Hitchin Rural

At commencement approximately 20 members of the public, including nine speakers at Public Participation.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: David Billing, Lisa Courts and Deepak Sangha.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 November 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would be no other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to the speakers at Public Participation and those presenting for Memorandums of Understanding, and thanked those who had attended Town Talk, and welcomed Councillor Mrs Lynda Needham, and County Councillors Derrick Ashley and Nigel Brook;

(2)The Chairman advised the Committee that the Chairman of NHDC Councillor M.E. Weeks would be holding a charity quiz at Knights Templar School, Baldock on the evening of Saturday 11 February 2011 and the Area Committees and officers were invited to enter teams. Several Members indicated their possible availability;

(3)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Harry Ruffel thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on behalf of The Voice of Hitchin Youth and that several young people would also be talking about the skate park at King George V Playing Fields.

Mr Ruffel advised the Committee that at the recent AGM officers had been appointed and the group met every two weeks at the Bancroft Centre. A youth talent competition had been held as well as a ‘Taste' event in the Market Square. More fund raising events would be held and questionnaires had been sent to as many young people as possible to seek views on what was needed in Hitchin. Mr Ruffel pointed out that the young people in Hitchin wanted more lighting on footpaths and in alleyways.

Mr Ruffel introduced several youngsters who had formed their own Skateboard Committee and used the skateboard facilities at King George V Playing Fields. There was one particular problem in that there had been a request for a mini skate ramp - which was essential for their recreation - to officers but as yet there had been no success. There was a petition with 150 signatures in support of the mini - ramp. The skateboarders also needed good quality floodlighting as they used their own portable lighting. Due to bad workmanship there had not been a good repair to a pothole in front of the current equipment. Once the repair had been made, the mini - ramp erected and adequate lighting then a competition would be arranged.

The Chairman thanked Mr Ruffel and friends for the presentation and enquired if they had undertaken any fundraising to which the reply was that this would take place soon.

A Highbury Member who was an NHDC representative on the Management Committee of Hitchin Rugby Club had met the skateborders about floodlighting and that the hole in front of the existing ramp should be repaired to a much higher standard.

It was agreed that the cost of procuring and installing a mini - ramp should be investigated and that the Community Development Officer should include the details in the next issue of Champion News with a grant application.


(1)That Mr Ruffel and friends be thanked for their presentations;

(2)That the Service Manager - Grounds be requested to investigate the identified problems at the skate board area in King George V Playing Fields e.g. badly repaired hole in concrete apron;

(3)That the Service Manager - Grounds and the Community Development Officer be requested to liaise with the skateboarders about the provision and costing of a mini skateboard ramp;

(4)That the Community Development Officer be requested to include a short report on the outcomes of (2) and (3) above in the next Champion News for the meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 6 March 2011;

(5)That the Community Development Officer be requested if appropriate to present a grant application for a mini skate board at King George V Playing Fields at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 6 March 2011.
Noted  Community Development Officer - MB, Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance


The Community Development Officer advised the Chairman that due to a misunderstanding there would not be a presentation on Red Kites at this meeting.

Mr Chris Parker representing ‘Keep Hitchin Special' (KHS) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that KHS in their opinion considered that there were anomalies regarding the re-development of the Post Office site when taking into consideration the Town Centre Strategy, Churchgate Planning Brief, pre-application letter to Royal Mail from the Local Planning Authority, the Scoping Document prepared by NHDC and the improvements to the River Hiz walkway from Portmill Lane to Hermitage Road.

The initial problem was the publication of the scoping document and that the scoping document was available only to prospective purchasers after the closing date for tenders. Also, KHS considered that the planning brief for the Post Office site should integrate with the redevelopment of Churchgate and that it had been announced that Simons had withdrawn their proposals and KHS questioned how any developer of the Post Office could integrate with Churchgate. Another anomaly raised by KHS was the possible contradiction of noise disturbance in the Post Office re-development residential part when houses were proposed for the Biggin Lane area yet would be close to hotels, public houses and restaurants.

Also, KHS considered that the percentage of affordable housing in Churchgate was given as 15 per cent yet the Post Office percentage was given as 35 per cent and that this should be clarified as soon as possible.

The final point of issue raised by KHS was the apparent discrepancy between who would be responsible for the development of the River Hiz walkway as the Post Office scoping document was at odds with the Churchgate Planning Brief and that the 1995 River Hiz Development Guidelines stated that there should be no development within seven metres of the river.

The Chairman thanked Mr Parker for the presentation and requested that officers if possible could respond to the points raised either at the Churchgate Information Note or the Post Office Information Note.

RESOLVED: That the comments and suggestions made by Keep Hitchin Special be noted.

Ms Naheed Khan and Ms Ramesh Nahal thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and the support to the holiday play schemes in the last two years. Apni Dunya had operated in Hitchin and Letchworth for the past 22 years and catered for children aged four to 12 years from many cultures and was directed to disadvantaged families. The availability of these holidays was publicised by word of mouth and local libraries. One of the main benefits of the play schemes was to build up the self esteem of all participants.

The presenters hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding for the next four years.

The Chairman thanked the representatives from Apni Dunya, congratulated them on their work and it was agreed to discuss the grant application at Agenda Item 13.


(1)That the information on the activities undertaken by Apni Dunya be noted;

(2)That a decision on the amount of grant under a Memorandum of Understanding be made at Agenda Item 13.

Mr Rory Brazier thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was representing Hitchin Link in his capacity as Chairman.

Hitchin Town Twinning had been in existence for 50 years following the call just after the second world war for English towns to develop and foster relations with towns in Germany. Hitchin Town Twinning was established by Charter in 1974 at the formation of NHDC and following a change in objectives Hitchin Link took on the role of extending links and friendship with Nuit St. Georges in France and Bingen am Rhein in Germany with bi-annual visits ‘home and away'. Membership of Hitchin link was free and there were currently 200 members. Committee meetings were held monthly and the two NHDC representatives were Councillors Joan Kirby and Alan Millard. Funds were raised by dances and BBQs and annual income matched annual expenditure (about £6K in 2011). Visits to the twin towns were self - financing, with some 30 -35 ‘twinners' on each trip. Hitchin Link had promoted exchange visits for school children as this function had largely disappeared from schools and the grant from the Hitchin Committee was vital for the continuation of the group.

The Chairman thanked Mr Brazier for the presentation and queried whether the original purpose of twinning was valid today. Mr Brazier accepted that the purpose of town twinning had evolved over time and advised that some Councils were attempting to rescind the Charters and that the last visit from Nuit St. Georges had included 11 school children. There were eight new members last year with children to continue the twinning and stalls were taken in Hitchin Market Square to advertise town twinning.

A Member questioned the value of twinning and what was the benefit to Hitchin after so many years when he had seen very little press coverage. Mr Brazier was certain that there was benefit and his committee worked hard on behalf of the Hitchin Community. Hitchin Choral Society had visited Nuit St. Georges and there had been cycle rides to both twin towns. Mr Brazier opined that there was not enough support for tourism in Hitchin even though 40 visitors from Bingen came to ROTW in 2011 and more needed to be done.

Mr Brazier thanked the Committee for their interest and hoped that the grant application under the Memorandum of Understanding would be supported.


(1)That the information on the activities undertaken by Hitchin Link be noted;

(2)That a decision on the amount of grant under a Memorandum of Understanding be made at Agenda Item 13.
Appendix A
Appendix B

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) and Senior Lawyer (SL) presented the Information Note of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance which was the regular update to the Committee and in response to requests by the Hitchin Committee at the meeting held on 15 November 2011 (Minute 66 refers).

The PPM described to the Committee the four phases of the Churchgate Project: Pre-planning to viability phase; Planning Application Phase; Pre-Construction Phase and Post Contractor appointment/construction phase. The PPM next advised the Committee of how the four phases linked with key milestones and trigger points in the Development Agreement. The PPM referred the Committee to Appendix A ‘Key Objectives for the Churchgate Development Project' and to Appendix B ‘ The Churchgate Project Process Timeline.

The PPM referred the Committee to the request made at the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee for descriptions of the trigger points and the contractual requirements on Simons Developments within the Development Agreement. An important aspect to note was that the Development Agreement was conditional upon Simons meeting certain conditions and that Simons were not obliged to carry out any development until the conditions had been satisfied. Simons were required to give regular updates to the Churchgate Project Board on the financial viability of the proposals and the submittal of a planning application by the first cut off date. Once a planning application was submitted Simons had until the second cut off date to achieve ten more pre-conditions as listed at Paragraph 3.4 which included inter alia Anchor Tenant pre-let, Retail agreements for lease and a viability date. The PPM reminded the Committee that much of the information, details and discussions concerning Churchgate were commercially sensitive but officers would seek to release new information whenever they could.

The Senior Lawyer referred to the many comments and criticisms concerning the award of a 250 year lease. The length of the lease was not unprecedented, and officers had always been assured that such leases was considered acceptable by professional advisors and was subject to the requirements of the funding market. The Senior Lawyer advised the Committee that research had shown in the last four years number of examples of developments with assigned 250 year lease of varied types of development in town centres, retail/office and some residential. Although some of the locations were much larger than Hitchin there were three schemes of comparable size.

The Senior Lawyer referred to the presentation made by Keep Hitchin Special on the Post Office Site and advised that the pre-application advice provided to the Royal Mail was the view of one individual planning officer, was not binding on the Local Planning Authority and therefore was a very generic document. It was therefore very difficult to compare to other documents and draw conclusions as had been suggested. Any proposals for the Churchgate area and the Post Office site would need to be considered as one. The SL advised that the proposal to build town houses on the Biggin Lane section had always been part of the planning brief and that the 15 per cent affordable housing in the Simons tender was only an indicative number used for comparison in the procurement process and that it would be the Local Planning Authority who would determine such levels. The Senior Lawyer accepted that it would be appropriate that any development of the Riverside Walk should be co-ordinated in both schemes. The Senior Lawyer advised the Committee that following public references to a proposed Hammersmatch development made in 2000 the plans indicated a larger development than that proposed by Simons, anchored by a supermarket but no location was proposed for a market.

The Chairman thanked the officers for the update and details of pre - conditions and trigger points in the Information Note and Members confirmed that they had received a copy of the officers response to the Keep Hitchin Special Paper and an email from a local stakeholder and invited comments and or questions from the Committee

A Member queried the statement in the Information Note concerning Areas 4 and 5 at Appendix A and that in the original planning brief these areas were for enhancement and not to be built upon and if this was the case then there had been no public scrutiny. The Senior Lawyer assured Members that this statement did not confirm that Areas 4 and 5 would be built upon and any such development would have to be considered by the local planning authority and the rationale for any development would have to be sound and firm. Areas 4 and 5 were included in the overall area to give wider access. The Senior Lawyer confirmed that Planning Policy had not changed and that there was a difference between Landowner decisions and any future planning application and that the Planning Brief was the basis of the procurement process.

In response to another question concerning European Law and notices placed in the Official Journal of the European Union as to whether there would be a breach if the final development was different. The Senior Lawyer was confident that there was no impropriety, there was room for flexibility and eventually all plans had to be approved by the Local Planning Authority

Upon conclusion of the discussions a Member stated that whilst all the questions had merit and public interest was always welcomed it remained a fact that: There was a development brief for Hitchin Churchgate, no final scheme had been proposed, there was no planning application and therefore Hitchin Area Committee, NHDC and the Local Planning Authority was not in any position to comment at the moment.

The Chairman thanked Members, Officers and Keep Hitchin Special for their contributions and that the next Information Note to be presented on 6 March 2011 should contain as much information as possible that could be placed in the public domain.
Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) was pleased to advise the Committee that the Management Agreement and Lease had been agreed with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd and passed to the legal advisors to Future Builders England Ltd for their consideration and agreement. Negotiations on the Development Agreement were progressing well and should be concluded soon. The Committee noted that the Development Agreement would then be referred to the legal advisors of Future Builders England for approval.

The SD confirmed that tenders for the position of Supervising Architect had been evaluated and notice given to award the contract, however the formal appointment would not be made until all agreements had been approved and signed as the Council would have to commit some £120,000 as soon as the appointment was made.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director for the update and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

In response to a question the SD referred the Committee to the project timetable and advised that it was not possible to update the forward project plan with any great accuracy as the Development Agreement had to be approved both by Council and Future Builders England Ltd. It was not possible to provide any firm completion date only a projected date.

The SD confirmed that the next steps would include: a briefing session for all Members and interested parties, that officers would progress to the conclusion of the Management Agreement and lease as well as the Development Agreement and ultimately proceed to Council and the Hitchin Gymnasium and Workmans Trust which would consider the letting of a lease for 125 years to Hitchin Town Hall Ltd.

In response to another question the SD considered that it would not be possible to proceed to the next meeting of full Council on 9 February 2012 and that a Special Meeting of full Council would be held sometime in March 2012.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the position concerning the appointment and delayed issue of contract to the Supervising Architect be noted;

(3)That the conclusion of the Management Agreement and Lease be welcomed;

(4)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to submit an updating Information Note to the next and subsequent meetings of the Hitchin Committee.
Noted  Strategic Director of Customer Services

Appendix A

The Local Development Framework Manager (LDM) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise which was requested at the meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 15 November 2011 (Minute 68 (4) refers). At the date of this meeting there had not been any public announcement of a successful bidder for the Post Office site.

The LDM advised the Committee that Royal Mail were aware of the need to prepare a Planning Brief in conjunction with whoever bought the site. The LDM expected that a draft planning brief would be presented to the Hitchin Committee in due course in accordance with the method stipulated in the adopted Hitchin Town Centre Strategy.

The LDM referred the Committee to Appendix A which presented the Scoping Paper (prepared in October 2011) for the required Planning Brief. In response to a question raised by Keep Hitchin Special the LDM confirmed that the Scoping Document was made available for public consultation on the NHDC website on 4 November 2011. Also that any development of the Riverside Walk was subject to a local bye-law which would require investigation. Hitchin Forum had expressed a view that there was a lack of opportunity for public consultation and the LDM commented that there were limits as to what a developer could do but there would be as much consultation as possible on the adopted Hitchin town Centre Strategy and that the broad development parameters for a mixed use development of the Post Office Site had already been set and the LDM advised the Committee that there would be in fact a limited use of the site. The Committee noted that upon the announcement of a successful bidder the Council would work with the new owner/developer as stipulated in the Hitchin Town Centre Strategy, followed by public consultation before any final draft was produced for adoption.

The Chairman thanked the Local Development Framework Manager for the update on the Scoping Document and the way forward that would lead to the Planning Brief and invited Members for comments and or questions.

In response to a question that sought clarification as to whether there was a separate consultation on the Post Office Planning Brief in addition to any future planning application on the site the LDM confirmed that this would be the case. In response to an additional question the LDM was also confirmed that the Scoping Document presented at Appendix A was entirely factual. This document signposted the appropriate policies and guidance that existed at the date of this meeting but would have to be taken into account as and when the Planning Brief was prepared.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the availability of the Post Office Site Scoping Document on the NHDC web site be noted;

(3)That the Local Development Framework Manager be requested to keep the Committee informed of developments at the Post Office Site by way of an Information Note to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee.
Noted  Local Development Framework Manager


The Service Manager Grounds (SMG) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services which highlighted the decisions made by Cabinet at the meeting held on 13 December 2011 (Minute 77 refers) that followed a consultation process in the summer of 2011. Cabinet in addition had requested that Hitchin, Committee be asked to comment on the decision relevant to Hitchin made on 13 December 2011 and as listed at Paragraph 4.4.

The SMG also reported that on 28 September 2011 Cabinet had agreed that: Wilbury Hills Cemetery would be adopted as a District wide facility, and on 22 March 2011 Cabinet agreed to an extension to 31 December 2011 for the implementation of the burial policies affecting Hitchin by way of a consultation exercise which would contact all known groups, organisations, funeral directors, religious leaders, residents associations, community groups and churches throughout the District. Unfortunately no formal responses had been received from any of these organisations or individuals regarding St. John's Cemetery in Hitchin save a proposal from Reverend Roden of St. Marys Church to place burials between existing graves at this cemetery. The SMG advised the Committee that to meet this proposal it would be very expensive to ascertain current graves except by excavation due to the presence of memorials and this action could have negative publicity for the Council. However, the SMG advised there were significant areas in St Johns Cemetery where no memorials existed and it might be viable to establish a Garden of Remembrance that could accommodate the scattering of ashes.

The SMG advised that there during the consultation period and since 2009 there had been a downturn in demand for full burials at St. Johns Cemetery and at other cemeteries in North Hertfordshire and consequently if this demand remained constant this cemetery could be used for seven or eight more years. In response to a question the SMG confirmed that there was no preclusion of any full burials to any cemetery in North Hertfordshire especially at Wilbury Hills where there was very good capacity.

The Committee noted and accepted the three specific recommendations for St. John's Cemetery and the Chairman thanked the SMG for the updating report and invited comments and/or suggestions from the Committee.

The Committee were in strong agreement to establish a Garden of Remembrance at St. Johns Cemetery and the Strategic Director for Customer Services acknowledged the need for burial space for babies and young children and that although it was not specifically stated in the policy it would be considered as an important issue at any family bereavement.

The Committee wished to place on record their appreciation of the work conducted by the Service Manager - Grounds and his fellow officers and the sensitivity shown to all concerned on this service issue.


(1)That the contents of the updating report with specific reference to Hitchin be noted;

(2)That the Service Manager - Grounds and fellow officers be congratulated on the excellent work and sensitivity shown during the consultation period;

(3)That the proposal to reach full capacity at St. John's Cemetery before burials were transferred to Wilbury Hills be agreed;

(4)That the proposal to continue the burial of ashes within the existing Ashes Section at St. John's Cemetery be agreed;

(5)That the proposal to establish a Garden of Remembrance at St. Johns Cemetery subject to available funding be agreed.

(6)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to take note of the concerns expressed by the Committee on the issue of family bereavements and young children and that the Cemetery Policy should be amended to reflect this.

To ensure that each Area Committee provided its own views and comments prior to the implementation of the NHDC Cemetery Policy.
Agreed  Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance, Strategic Director of Customer Services

Appendix A
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6

The Accountancy Manager presented the report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and referred the Committee to the latest version of this report supported by the original report to Cabinet with track changes (Appendix A) and Appendices 1 to 6.

The AM advised the Committee that Cabinet had agreed at the meeting held on 13 December 2011 to remove Efficiencies Proposals E6 (Reduction in Funding for Herts Young Homeless Group) and E7 (Termination of Out of Hours Noise Control Service) and the full list of proposed efficiencies were presented at Appendix 2. The Committee noted that work continued on one Efficiency - E5 (Cancel Chairman's Annual Civic Reception). The Revenue Investment Proposals were presented at Appendix 3 and Capital Investment Proposals were presented at Appendix 4. The Report and Appendices reflected these latest changes and the AM confirmed that the budget estimates would continue to be refined for the final budget report to Cabinet on 24 January 2012.

The Chairman thanked the Accountancy Manager for the clarification of changes to budget proposals made at the two Member Workshops and at Cabinet on 13 December 2011, and invited comments and/or questions from the Committee.

A Member queried the actual provision of Public Conveniences as listed at E1 in Appendix 2 and what was the position of the toilets at Hitchin Market on non market days. The AM advised that it remained for some one to come forward to be responsible for these toilets on non Market days. In response to another question the AM advised that the future alternative use or disposal of closed toilets would be included in the Asset Management Plan and that the toilets in Portmill Lane (currently gated off) were included within the Churchgate Development Proposals.

The Chairman questioned the AM as to the current position on proposal to discontinue the annual Chairman's Civic Reception (new Efficiency E5) and the AM advised that officers were considering options for an alternative event or some form of charging to reduce the overall costs rather than cancellation.


(1)That the updates on progress towards the conclusion of a final budget report for 2012-2013 be noted;

(2)That the proposed Efficiency E5 (Cancel the Chairman's Annual Civic Reception) would not occur as written but the proposal to introduce some form of charging was noted;

(3)That Efficiencies E1 to E11 (less E5) totalling £45,000 in 2012 - 2013 as presented at Appendix 2 were accepted by the Committee;

(4)That the Revenue Investment Proposals R1 to R6 totalling £55,000 in 2012-2013 as presented at Appendix 3 were accepted by the Committee;

(5)That the Capital Investment Proposals C1 to C14 totalling £763,000 in 2012-2013 as presented at Appendix 4 were noted by the Committee;

(6)That the Accountancy Manager be requested to note the decisions and comments made by the Committee for incorporation into the final budget report to Cabinet on 24 January 2012.

To ensure that the views of the Hitchin Committee were taken into consideration when refining the budget for 2012-2013 and the proposed Council Tax precept 2012-2013.
Noted  Accountancy Manager


The Chairman invited those Councillors who were appointed as NHDC representatives to comment on the organisations they were associated with.

Hitchin Rugby Football Club Joint Management and Advisory Committee
Councillors Oliver and Thake advised the Committee that the club wished to make improvements to the clubhouse and extend the lease of the club house and the club would be making grant applications.

Hitchin Senior Citizens Welfare
Councillor Kirby advised the Committee that a senior citizen had just achieved her 100th birthday today and was still active and mobile.

Hitchin Link (Town Twinning)
Councillors Kirby and Lovewell expressed their disappointment at the absence of publicity for this community group and had not seen any articles in the local press for many years. The Link were trying very hard to promote cultural exchanges with Bingen am Rhein and Nuit St. Georges and every assistance should be given.

Hitchin Town Band
Councillor Millard advised the Committee that Richard Whitmore had recently been appointed as President and that the band were going to organise a schools competition this term.

Hertfordshire Health Scrutiny Committee
Councillor Ashley advised that at a recent meeting of this HCC Committee there had been a very good presentation on welfare services for War Service Veterans.

The Chairman thanked those Councillors who had made a short presentation and it was agreed that this topic would be a regular agenda item at Hitchin Committee meetings.

The Town Centre Manager (Keith Hoskins) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised the Committee that the official Hitchin TIC was located at Hitchin Museum but was not staffed at the moment, also that Hertfordshire Tourism was only a half post at County Hall. The Manager was pleased to report that there had been very good support in Hitchin during December for the Christmas Carols in Market Square, The lights on the Christmas Tree and the Christmas Street Lights.

Hitchin Town Hall Ltd would be meeting soon with The Social Investment Bank at the Town Hall and all Councillors were invited to meet with Hitchin Business Rate payers on 19 January 2012, North Herts town centre managers on 19 January, Hitchin Initiative AGM on 1 February. On 8 February there would be a social media workshop at the Community Enterprise shop and at the end of March North Herts College would host a counter skills training day. There had been a good influx of volunteers lately to the Community Enterprise Shop and the lease had been extended to September 2012.

The most pressing problem in Hitchin was the re-occurrence of flooding in Bridge Street and a meeting with a Senior Engineer from HCC would be held in Bridge Street on 13 January 2012.

In reply to a question the Town Centre Manager advised that everything was being done to encourage young people not in education, employment or training to attend and make use of the skill training on offer at the Community Enterprise Shop.

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the information on events in Hitchin.
Appendix A
Appendix B - Memorandum of Understanding table
Appendix C - Toque Tambor Brazilian Band grant application
Appendix D - Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme 2011/2012
Appendix E - Highways Work Prograsmme 2011/12

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. By way of an apology the CDO confirmed that three NHDC Councillors had attended the Scouts Democracy Evening and not two as stated at paragraph 3.3. The CDO provided the Committee with an update on inter alia The Community Reassurance event on 16 December, Member School Surgeries, Scout Democracy Evening, Smithsons Recreation Ground (fencing and hand rail), Friends of Walsworth Common, and Voice of Hitchin Youth.

The CDO referred the Committee to the discretionary budget papers at Appendix A and the précis of the five local groups bidding for the continuation of Memoranda of Understanding all of whom had presented to the Committee on 15 November or at the meeting tonight. The Committee reviewed the one grant application and the five memoranda (Minutes 89 to 94 below refer). A Member requested that the CDO should investigate how applications for funding of District Wide organisations e.g. CAB and Relate were undertaken and report back in the next Champion News.

The Committee considered the Hitchin Work Programme and Highways Work programme at Appendices D and E respectively and members congratulated the CDO on the breadth of activities covered since the last meeting. With regard to the change in the financing of highway schemes from 2012-2013 onwards it was agreed that in the first instance District Councillors and County Councillors should meet soon to discuss the most appropriate way forward.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 15 November 2011 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the contents of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Plan for 2011 - 2012 as presented at Appendix D be noted;

(4)That the contents of the Highways Work Programme for 2011-2012 as presented at Appendix E be noted;

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds, acknowledge the status of budgets and action grant awards.

RESOLVED: That this grant application be deferred to allow the applicant provide a more detailed breakdown of their application, a statement of accounts and what the grant monies if approved at a later date would be used for.
Not Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the award of a Memorandum of Understanding Grant totalling £16,951 phased over three years for the period 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 (as listed at Agenda Item 13 - Appendix B) be awarded to Hitchin Initiative.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the award of a Memorandum of Understanding Grant totalling £6,080 phased over three years for the period 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 (as listed at Agenda Item 13 - Appendix B) be awarded to Hitchin Festival.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the award of a Memorandum of Understanding Grant totalling £10,970 phased over three years for the period 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 (as listed at Agenda Item 13 - Appendix B) be awarded to Hitchin Senior Citizens.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the award of a Memorandum of Understanding Grant totalling £840 phased over three years for the period 2012-2012 to 2014-2015 (as listed at Agenda Item 13 - Appendix B ) be awarded to Hitchin Link.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the award of a Memorandum of Understanding Grant totalling £930 phased over three years for the period 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 (as listed at Agenda Item 13 - Appendix B ) be awarded to Apni Dunya Holiday Play Schemes.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB