Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 12th January, 2010 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: The Gudwara, Wilbury Way, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Deepak Sangha (Vice-Chairman), Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Martin Stears - Handscomb, Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
David Charlton - Senior Estates Surveyor
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee Administrator

Note: Councillor Paul Clark left the meeting at 9.13 p.m.
Councillor R.A.C. Thake left the meeting at 9.43 p.m.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith and the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a happy New Year, welcomed the NHDC Portfolio Holder for Finance, welcomed David Charlton to his first Hitchin Committee meeting and welcomed those making a presentation at Agenda Item 5.

The Chairman advised that the next meeting of the Hitchin Town Centre Working Party would be held on 27 January 2010. There will be a meeting of the NHDC Scrutiny Committee followed by a meeting of the Hitchin Committee on Wednesday 10 February 2010 held at the Roman Catholic Church Hall to review the outcome of the tendering process for the development of Churchgate and Surrounding Area.

The Chairman requested that with the Committee's agreement Agenda Item 8 - Parking Issues in Cemetery Road would be taken after Agenda Item 5 - Public Participation.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 November 2009 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised the Committee that there were no items of other business.

The Chairman read out the following:
Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Wiseman and Mr Xenophontos thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The speakers advised the Committee that the drawings for the JUMP schemes in The Dell were close to completion with assistance from Groundwork and a planning application would be presented soon. Training would be included in the business plan such as forest schools training and resilience training within the UK Resilience Programme. This training would improve the depth and variety of activities the JUMP could offer such as environmental/nature base activities and provide a wider appeal to school, community groups as well families and corporate groups. There would be two trips to the Lake District in the summer of 2010 for people with learning difficulties. The Committee noted the advice from the Land Tribunal about the possible removal of the restricted covenant on The Dell.

The speakers confirmed that a grant of £10,000 had been received from the National Lottery Award for All Fund for a Youth Participation Project. The grant was to support events where young people would visit sites and provide feedback and to organise outreach events for consultation with young people and key agencies and businesses, managing the grant to maximise the impact of events. The Committee were pleased to note that a grant application for £160,000 had been made to the National Lottery with notice of award due in two weeks.

The speakers advised the Committee that they had made a grant application (Item 13) to cover six months rental costs for the office in Hermitage Road and the costs of the planning application. In response to an enquiry concerning the possibility of failure to gain the grant from the National Lottery the speakers advised the grants would be made to other organisations such as the Landfill Fund. The speakers also confirmed that following an initial objection to the JUMP scheme they were unaware that there had been any further objections raised by ‘Don't Jump'.

RESOLVED: That the update be noted and that JUMP be congratulated on progress to date and that the grant application would be considered at Agenda Item 13.

Mr James Bliss from Hitchin Swim Centre thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on the outcomes of the extended hours for swimming in the summer of 2009 at Hitchin Swim Centre.

Mr Bliss confirmed that the summer extended hours in 2009 (17 days good weather, 240 swimmers and Hitchin Swim Club had taken six sessions) had been much better than 2008 (five days good weather) for the same length of time and dates. Mr Bliss advised that it was difficult to know if the improved weather, more public knowledge of the extended hours or a combination of both had led to a much better summer. The Committee were pleased to note a more positive feedback from customers, outsiders and friends and requested Mr Bliss to consider ‘early bird' sessions and perhaps reduce the overall late night period but not the number of sessions.

The Chairman thanked Mr Bliss for his presentation and following a short discussion that subject to grant funding to the Hitchin Committee in the next financial year there would be support for another extended hours scheme in the summer of 2010.

RESOLVED: That Mr Bliss be thanked for the presentation.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance Councillor Terry Hone thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee

Councillor Hone advised that every part of the financial aspects for North Herts District Council came within his Portfolio and he was at the heart of the decision making process. There was a budget to be balanced each year and was directly linked to the Council Tax charge, but there would be no effect on front line services. However, the current economic climate affected everyone including NHDC, the loss of investment income and much reduced grant from Central Government would affect the investments and efficiencies decided by Cabinet and then Council in February each year.

Councillor Hone confirmed that one major source of income from Car Parks to the revenue budget was reviewed each year and if the charges were good value for money, including whether on street parking charges and weekend parking charges could be introduced. All Efficiencies and Investments proposed by officers were assessed by the Portfolio Holder and whether the Leisure Centres and Town Halls could be maintained and improved for the benefit of residents in North Herts. Councillor Hone confirmed that he was also responsible for the assets(land and buildings) held by NHDC - which were spread throughout the District. The assessment of risks for the authority was also part of his Portfolio.

In response to questions from Members Councillor Hone advised that 60 per cent of revenue came from Council Tax and 40 per cent from Central government, that there would be a concerted effort to move Town Lodge into the main Council Offices with the need for more home working, that the Administration was committed to Museums and Outdoor Lidos, that consideration would be made as to transference of services that were a County Council function i.e. Youth Services, to which NHDC provided financial support and that the allocation of Meals on Wheels to County had been very beneficial to NHDC and residents in receipt of this service. The funding of Police Community Support Officers would also be reviewed.

RESOLVED: That the information presented be noted.

Mr Self thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking on behalf of the Standhill Road Area Residents.

Mr Self reminded Members that the parking problems for residents in the Standhill Road area had been recognised by NHDC since 2005 and that the need for a CPZ was just as essential in 2010 as it was in 2005. Mr Self provided a detailed account of the progress towards a CPZ in 2009 and the instruction by the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning to cease work on 21 September 2009. The residents were very concerned that the proposed review had not taken place and very disappointed that the Portfolio Holder had declined to meet the Standhill Road area to discuss his decision.

Mr Self addressed the officer's report and indicated that the proposed works for Cemetery Road would require more works than indicated if the minimum width required by the fire and rescue service. Mr Self concluded his presentation with confirming that the residents did not agree with the proposal for Cemetery Road and that the proposed CPZ should be implemented as soon as possible.

RESOLVED: That the information presented be noted.

Keith Hoskins the Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave his best wishes for 2010 to all present.

Mr Hoskins provided an update on the road works in Bedford Road - causing chaos!, snow clearance of footways and consultation with HCC for the provision of 10 salt bins, appeals to EDF concerning an increase of electricity disruption in Hitchin, the take up of shop leases, lack of progress with occupation of the Woolworths Site and the benefits of CCTV.

Hitchin Market was a contender for Market of the Year 2010 and Mr Hoskins encouraged everyone to vote ‘on line' as there was no restriction on how many times one voted. He invited all present to the AGM of Hitchin Initiative at 6pm on Tuesday 26 January at the Sun Hotel.

In response to an enquiry from the Chairman concerning Hitchin Town Hall as a Community Engagement Centre Mr Hoskins advised that a report on a joint approach between HTCI, Community Development Trust (funding) and NHDC was expected to be ready by the end of January 2010.

RESOLVED: That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the information provided.

Councillors: David Billing, Clare Body and Paul Clark as members of the Planning Control Committee did not wish to enter into any debate on this item that would concern a planning application by the Lawn Tennis Club thereby avoiding any possibility of pre-determination. This declaration also applied to Councillors: Deepak Sangha and Martin Stears - Handscomb as named substitutes to the Planning Control Committee.

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCM) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services. The PCM reminded the Committee that Bancroft Gardens was a small town centre park identified as an important feature in Hitchin and that refurbishment was due to commence in the spring of 2010 which would look at the whole park, including the built environment.

As part of the refurbishment programme there were several issues to be addressed: one bowling green to be vacated, a disused toilet block adjacent to the park, the Community Hall was close to the end of its economic life, there was one unused wing at the Bowls Club and the remains of the Tennis Club Pavilion which had been subject too arson in early 2009. Also of concern were the large areas of parking on Tarmac and that the four public tennis courts were in very poor condition.

The PCM acknowledged that the arson attack was a disaster for the Lawn Tennis Club and was sympathetic to their need to rebuild., However, the loss of the building provided an opportunity to develop a co-ordinated approach for new developments in the park which would benefit all park users and possibly reduce the built environment in this small Recreation Ground and consequently increase the availability of green space in Bancroft Park. The PCM advised the Committee that consultation over 12 months with all current users and the wider community would lead to proposals for the Park and ultimately fund raising for the refurbishment programme.

The PCM next addressed the concerns of Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club who acknowledged the improvements that would come from the refurbishment programme, but they were unable to accept the offer of a rent free building in Bancroft Park on a temporary basis. The Tennis Club were concerned that membership would fall away if new facilities were not available for the 2010 season and therefore would seek landlords consent, apply for planning permission in the Conservation Area and if allowed would build a replacement pavilion even if an extended lease beyond 2015 was not agreed.

The PCM expressed concern that should the Tennis Club proceed with their plan and completed the new build of a pavilion in advance of the refurbishment programme it would limit the available options for future enhancements to green space and enhanced community use and could seriously affect the viability of the refurbishment process.

Before the Committee discussed the proposals for Bancroft Recreation Ground and the proposal by the Lawn Tennis Club to re-build their pavilion the Chairman expressed disappointment that the report indicated that the loss of the pavilion provided an opportunity for the re-development of the recreation ground rather than a planned approach within the Green Space Strategy. Unfortunately this could be seen as an inadequate working relationship between NHDC and local organisations.

The Committee noted that the Lawn Tennis Club had declined the offer of a temporary club house in the wing of the bowls club albeit at no charge. This site was not close to the tennis courts and was too small for a club pavilion. Comment was also made that the proposals before the Committee had made the situation more difficult for the Lawn Tennis Club and in response to an enquiry the PCM confirmed that the Lawn Tennis club had not sought any financial assistance from NHDC to re-build the pavilion.

The PCM acknowledged the comments of the Committee and the support expressed for the Lawn Tennis Club to re-build their pavilion on the same site as soon as possible. However, he stressed that the proposal to look at the whole park and provide one building had its merits as part of the Green Space Strategy and that the overall needs of the users of the park and the local community had to be considered as much as the needs of the Lawn Tennis Club. In response to an enquiry about the proposed timing of the consultation of users the PCM considered that May 2010 would be an appropriate time to contact users of the Park when the weather started to improve.

Notwithstanding the comments made by the PCM it was the view of a majority of the Committee that support should be given to the Lawn Tennis Club and should not expect any objection by the landlord and that the planning application should be submitted as soon as possible in order to be ready for the 2010 season.


(1) That the information provided in the report concerning the proposed improvements for Bancroft be noted;

(2) That the proposal by the Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club to re - build the club pavilion in readiness for the 2010 season prior to any refurbishment works in Bancroft Recreation Ground had the support of the Hitchin Committee;

(3) That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise be requested to process the planning application when submitted by the Lawn Tennis Club as a matter of priority;

(4) That the permission for Landlord's Consent should be given without delay;

(5) That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be requested to prepare a comprehensive list of all consultees who would participate in the proposals for Bancroft for distribution to the Committee and that Members should subsequently advise the PCM of any additional consultees who could contribute to the process;

(6) That the Head of Environment and Leisure Services be requested to take note of the decisions made by the Hitchin Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To continue the support of the Hitchin Committee for local voluntary organisations and the Hitchin Community.
Agreed  Parks & Countryside Development Manager, Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise, Head of Leisure & Environmental Services

Location Plan

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) presented the report of the Head of Planning, Housing and Enterprise which was in response to a request for a report on parking issues in Cemetery Road made during discussions at the meeting held on 17 November 2009.

Notwithstanding the concerns raised at the last meeting on specific parking issues in the Standhill Road area this report had been prepared to address parking issues in Cemetery Road.

The narrowness of Cemetery Road raised two issues: restricted access due to the lack of free flow of traffic in both directions and one of perceived safety. Hertfordshire highways accepted that a TRO in Cemetery Road, Hitchin was a similar need to many residential roads in towns and that removing parking to facilitate traffic flow did not necessarily confirm a safety issue and Hertfordshire Constabulary had not collected sufficient evidence on road safety issues to make a TRO in Cemetery Road a high priority option for Hertfordshire Highways compared to other roads.

Therefore, the PPM put forward two options that could be considered by NHDC:

1.The first option was to consider the street as part of the town wide review in 2011/2012 where any form of restriction along Cemetery Road, such as no waiting at any time, could be considered along with implementing restrictions in St. Johns Road to allow for restricted parking for visitors to the cemetery and the recreation ground. At present, St. Johns Road currently had no parking restrictions and the implementation of a scheme in advance of the town wide review placed this street at risk in taking the displaced all day non-resident parking. It is anticipated that a certain amount of vehicle parking would be displaced to Cemetery Road following the implementation of the Standhill Road Scheme.

2. The second option was to consider the possibility of allowing for a certain amount of restricted parking to take place along Cemetery Road that would meet the needs of visitors to the Cemetery, bearing in mind that the Council regularly received complaints from visitors who found it difficult to park near to and to access the cemetery from Cemetery Road.

The Committee noted that Option 2 could only proceed if the requirements of the emergency services, particularly the fire service who would require a minimum width of 3.6 metres. It was expected that the fire service would object to a TRO which could be overcome by the construction of parking bays on the western side of Cemetery Road by excavating into the grass bank. The PPM referred the Committee to Appendix 1 which gave a sketch of the proposals and confirmed that NHDC was not responsible for highway engineering works and therefore it might be appropriate for the Committee to consider a referral to the Hertfordshire Highways Joint Member Panel which would involve joint funding between the Hitchin Committee and the JMP Discretionary Budget for 2010-2011. The PPM confirmed that there were no funds available for matched funding within the NHDC Transport or Planning budgets. Following details provided by Hertfordshire Highways the PPO provided a cost estimate for these works in Cemetery Road (as per Appendix 1) at £15,500 of which Hitchin Committee would be expected to contribute 50 per cent. This figure was for civil engineering work and excluded any costs for the TRO in Cemetery Road. The PPM confirmed that there would be double yellow lines on the opposite side of the road to the proposed lay bys, and that the lay bys would have a disabled bay and possibly two normal restricted parking bays each.

The PPM advised the Committee that if it did refer this issue to the JMP for the 2010-2011 discretionary fund works programme and the scheme was accepted for joint matched funding it would tie in with the town wide review of parking in Hitchin due to take place in 2011-2012 as there would be a need to review the potential displacement effect of the all day residential parking in St John's Road.

The PPM concluded her report with confirmation that officers would continue to work with local residents in the Standhill Area and the Highbury Infant School and Nursery.

Following the comprehensive report the Chairman invited comment from the Highbury Ward Councillors on the proposals for works in Cemetery Road vis a vis the Controlled Parking Zone for the Standhill Road area raised by Mr Self during his presentation to the Committee (Minute 77 above refers). During the discussion it was clear that there remained a lot of support amongst the local residents for the CPZ scheme which had been delayed due to the preparation of an NHDC Parking Strategy. Consideration was given as to the differential in costs incurred to date on the CPZ, estimated future costs for a Traffic Regulation Order and the civil engineering costs. Of considerable concern was the expected displacement for both schemes and anticipated movement of parking to other roads including St. Johns Road.

The Highbury Ward Councillors did not support Option 2 being very mindful of the needs of the residents in the Standhill Road Area and expressed disappointment that all future work on this CPZ including Hollow Lane had been cancelled by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport to await the outcomes of the NHDC Parking Strategy despite the readiness to go out to consultation. Councillors were supportive of the overall holistic approach to parking in the towns of North Hertfordshire but even with an expected result by 2011-2012 this would not alleviate the problems which needed immediate attention. A Member advised that Newtons Way was a pedestrian path only and that there was an access risk to Highbury Infants School in Cemetery Road.

The Highbury Ward Members with support from other Members agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport should be requested to re-consider his decision to cease work on the Standhill Road Area CPZ and that the original scheme was the most cost effective way to provide regulated parking in this area including regular easy access to the Cemetery for a funeral cortege.


(1) That the information in the report be noted;

(2) That the proposal for the lay bys in Cemetery Road as identified on Appendix 1 be noted but not accepted by the Committee;

(3) That the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport be requested to reconsider and accept the need for the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone in the Standhill Road area including Hollow Lane and Cemetery Road as a matter of urgency;

(4) That the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport be requested to meet with the three Highbury Ward Councillors and the Hitchin Committee Chairman as soon as possible to exclusively discuss the provision of a CPZ and TRO in the Standhill Road area including if possible Hollow Lane and Cemetery Road;

(5) That the Planning Projects Manager be requested to provide for the meeting proposed at (4) above a detailed breakdown of costs expended and estimated for each scheme.

REASON FOR DECISION: For the Hitchin Committee to seek a solution for the parking problems experienced by residents in the Standhill Road area, including Hollow Lane and users of the Cemetery.
Agreed  Planning Projects Manager


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management (HOF) was unable to attend the meeting. The HOF had apologised for the delay in providing any additional information on the Corporate Business Planning Process - Efficiencies and Investments for 2010 to 2011 but in fact there had been no additional material to put before Members since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 17 November 2009.

The Chairman invited the Committee to re-examine the 2010-2011 budget papers and during the ensuing discussion the Committee:

RESOLVED: That the following comments and suggestions should be forwarded to the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management for inclusion in his report to Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 26 January 2010:

a. That there should be further publicity on the proposed policy for street name plates to gauge the impact on convenience and safety for pedestrians and vehicle drivers in Hitchin and consider alternatives;
b. Funding for the Anchor Handyperson Scheme should not be withdrawn, for the reasons given in the 'impact' column;
c. The proposal not to inflate grants to organisations should be subject to further consultation, inviting the organisations concerned to notify the Council of any adverse impact on their agreed service;
d. That the proposals for car parking charges in Hitchin had significant implications for transport policies, investments and the viability of Hitchin Town Centre, and these charges should reflect transport policies rather than just income generation;
e. That the trial of charges for on-street parking in such a small sample area of Hitchin was inappropriate and the trial area should be significantly increased
f. That the proposal to charge for parking in adjacent roads to Hitchin Railway station should not be pursued, in view of its likely effect on arrangements for Controlled Parking Zones and other streets where residents could not park due to commuter parking, e.g. Meadowbank, Common Rise, Byron close, and Burns Close.

REASON FOR DECISION: To allow the Hitchin Committee put forward its concerns on proposed efficiencies for budget planning and formulation in 2010 - 2011.
Agreed  Head of Finance/Performance and Asset Management


Prior to the officer's report the Chairman referred the Committee to Paragraph 3.5 of the report which emphasised that this item before the Committee had no planning application issues but was solely concerned with the land owned by NHDC.

The Senior Estates Officer (SEO) thanked the Chairman for her welcome and presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management which set out to consult with the Hitchin Committee on the Network Rail proposals for the Hitchin Rail curve.

The SEO informed the Committee that NHDC had been served with notice of application to compulsory acquire land and rights in some of the NHDC land off Cadwell Lane, including Cadwell Marsh and Burymead Springs, Hitchin as identified on the attached plan at Appendix A. Issues for consideration by NHDC as land owner related to environment contamination and the implications of the proposals on rental income from leased land within the compulsory purchase land area. Although Network Rail had given very short notice for return of responses by 11 November 2009 the SEO had sent a letter of objection on behalf of NHDC as the landowner which was subject to the outcome of consultation with Members.

The SEO provided a detailed description of the issues applicable to the land ownership issues regarding public rights of way, acquisition of sections of Open Space Land and the provision by Network Rail of replacement Open Space Land. Of particular note was the permanent loss by NHDC of significant rental income from part of the land leased to a metal recycling company. Once Network Rail had completed construction it was proposed that the open storage land would be converted to Exchange Open Space and returned to NHDC. The SEO advised the Committee that Network Rail had made a second proposal to NHDC for the land occupied by the metal cycling company whereby using compulsory purchase powers to temporarily acquire all of this site including an access road. The Committee noted that the metal company would have to vacate the site for up to three years which might result in re-location and this would potentially lose income to NHDC. The SEO confirmed that the letter of objection had resisted the temporary acquisition of land by compulsory order and that any compensation paid would be determined by the Land Tribunal and not by the Secretary of State for Transport who could overturn the objections raised by NHDC to the compulsory purchase order.

The Chairman thanked the SEO for a comprehensive report on the land issues associated with the Hitchin Rail Curve and the Committee were in agreement with the three objections as described at Paragraphs 5.4, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 and considered that if it was possible an alternative more suitable site should be found which could accordingly reduce or eliminate the objections made against the current site.

That the Senior Estates Officer be requested to confirm the support of the Hitchin Committee for the three reasons of objection in his report to Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 26 January 2009.


(1) That an objection should be made to the proposal by Network Rail for a flood attenuation basin as this would place an unfair long term burden of maintenance on NHDC;

(2) That an objection should be made to the proposal by Network Rail to acquire 1,230 sq. m. of the northern part of the site to provide replacement Open Space Land which would result in the permanent loss of land to NHDC that provides a revenue stream and that this land would be significantly contaminated after use and therefore expensive to clean up;

(3) That an objection should be made to the proposal by Network Rail to purchase the whole site occupied by a metal waste recycler for a period of two to three years, as the current lessee may not return to the site and this would lead to loss of income in the short term and potentially in the long term if a tenant could not be found;

(4) That the Senior Estates Surveyor be requested in conjunction with the Area Planning Officer to enter into further discussions with Network Rail as to the provision of an alternative site for a flood attenuation basin and associated works.

REASON FOR DECISION: For the Hitchin Committee to seek the best course of action for NHDC in light of a Compulsory Purchase Order for land owned by this authority.
Agreed  Property Services Manager

Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G

The Community Development Officer provided an update on her activities since the last meeting including inter alia: The need for a Union Jack flag to be flown in the Market Place on Remembrance Sunday in Hitchin; Hitchin Outdoor Swimming Pool extended hours in 2009 and proposals for 2010; ROTW 2009 and unaudited accounts; North Herts Minority Forum will next meet on 27 January; The Voice of Hitchin Youth and that there would be a presentation to the Committee on 9 March 2010; and concluded with details of a meeting for 30 January 2010 at Hitchin Town Hall that would discuss possibilities for Youth Spend.

The Committee applauded the continued success of the Community Development Officer as indicated in the report but were not minded to support the cost of a new flag pole in Hitchin Market Place from the Area Committee Discretionary Budget. The Committee reviewed the profit and loss account and balance sheet for the ROTW 2009 Festival and were pleased to note the unaudited balance of £34,000 which would be taken into account when determining the grant application for £10,000 ((5) below).

The Committee reviewed the discretionary budgets as presented at Appendix A and:


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being be noted;

(2) That the expenditure to date on the 2009-2010 Visioning, Development and Discretionary Ward Budgets be noted;

(3) That the success of the Extended Swimming Hours at Hitchin Swim Centre in the summer of 2010 be noted and welcomed;

(4) That the proposal to provide financial support in 2010 for a similar scheme be agreed ‘In Principle';

(5) That a sum of £5,000 be awarded to the ROTW Festival for 2010 from the 2010 -2011 Discretionary Budget and that the Committee extended its support for ROTW in 2010 and beyond.

(6) That the repair to the wall mounted flag pole at Hitchin Town Hall should be referred back to the Properties Manager for funding and that the repair should be carried out as soon as possible.

(7) That the Community Development Officer be requested to take the appropriate action for the virement of funds for ‘youth spend'.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and continue to the use of discretionary spending to further the aims and Strategic Objectives of the Council.
Agreed  Community Development Officer (MB) 
Grant Application

RESOLVED: That an award of £1,000 be made to the JUMP project as a contribution to the costs of rental of an office (shop premises) in Hermitage Road, Hitchin for a period of five months.
Agreed  Community Development Officer (MB) 
Grant Application

RESOLVED: That an award of £2,500 be made to the Mill fm Steering Group to promote awareness of the project throughout North Hertfordshire subject to other funding applications being successful. The Committee agreed to consider a further grant application if there was a shortfall in funds.
Agreed  Community Development Officer (MB)