Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 15th November, 2011 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Main School Hall, Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Anthony Roche - Senior Lawyer
Simon Young - Transport Policy Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 15 members of the public and one speaker at Public Consultation.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Paul Clark and Clare Body.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 September 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would be one item of additional business concerning Herts Locality Budget which would be taken after the Public Presentation Items and presented by Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith in his capacity as a County Councillor.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including the Petitioner, thosemaking a presentation at Public Participation, and thanked those who had attended Town Talk;
(2)The Chairman also specifically thanked the representatives of those Local Organisations who were making a presentation in support of Memorandum of Understandings ;
(3)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Colin Dunham thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to present a petition (with 21 signatures and one supporting letter) entitled - ‘ We, the undersigned would like the Councillors and Officer to investigate the safety issues regarding the pavements in Deacons Way, Hitchin, SG5 2UF. We are particularly concerned about the raised and broken paving slabs and in view of the onset of winter weather'.

Mr Dunham advised the Committee that he had contacted Highway Officers several times about the condition of the paving slabs and that at a site visit he had been advised that the current condition of the paving slabs did not meet the criteria for repairs or relaying of the pavement slabs. Several Members confirmed that they had inspected the paving slabs and that in their opinion repairs should be undertaken as soon as possible.

Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith commented that as he was the Herts County Councillor for Hitchin North that included Deacons Way he would take this issue up directly with Herts Highways at the earliest opportunity.


(1) That the presentation of the petition and the concerns of residents in Deacons Way be noted;

(2) That County Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith be thanked for taking this issue directly to Hertfordshire Highways.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HTM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee about the recently opened Community Enterprise and Training Shop in partnership with PeopleRealm in Hermitage Road, Hitchin and the aims of the project and advised that Ms Amanda Watkin would make the presentation.

The objectives of this project were to provide mentoring and coaching, marketing experience and a show case for new local businesses in a retail or service setting. The facility would provide life skills training for 18 to 25 year olds to help with job applications and job retention which recognised the rising unemployment rate in UK for this age group. Another objective was to raise the awareness of local voluntary community groups and the very important role of volunteering and encourage younger people to volunteer. The shop would promote a career in retail as being worthwhile, promote customer skills, product knowledge, promotion and display and at the same time highlight local events and support local businesses.

Ms Watkin advised that it was the case with this Enterprise Shop as with any other start up facility that financial support was sought from many organisations. The Landlord had provided the property rent free and there had been excellent support from the local business community and free time from individuals, but, there was still a need for more financial support. Ms Watkin referred the Committee to Agenda Item 11 which contained a grant application form at Appendix C which she hoped the Committee would consider favourably.

The Chairman thanked Ms Watkin for the presentation and invited questions and or comments from the Committee. The Committee supported the project and were well aware of the financial constraints and expressed a view that there was a need to strongly support cases of real hardship especially the young people who were not in education, employment or training and Ms Watkin confirmed that the Enterprise Shop would certainly provide support to these individuals.

It was agreed that this enterprise was a very good initiative as the rate of youth unemployment was so high but the role of mentoring was critical as was the provision of start up and continued funding. The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that the grant application would be discussed and determined at Agenda Item 11.


(1)That the Town Centre Manager be thanked for the clarification of the aims of and progress with the Community and Enterprise Training Shop;

(2)That a decision on this grant application be taken at Agenda Item 11.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HTM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The HTM outlined the major activities that were funded each year by the Memorandum of Understanding and thanked the committee for the support in the last four years. Without this funding it was most likely that some of the activities and events would not continue within the Hitchin Festival.

The Hitchin Festival had a turnover from all sources of income amounting to £26,573 in 2010 and that costs increased year on year, in 2011, besides the grant from Hitchin Committee there had been two generous donations and that income derived from a commission of 10 per cent from ticket sales up to a maximum of £75.00 was the full source of funding. Last year there were 110 events with an average ticket price of £7.40 with all surpluses returned to the local community. The Festival in 2012 will run from 30 June to 22 July and support from the Hitchin Committee was essential for the Festival to continue and the HTM confirmed that the £2,000 grant had not been increased since 1992. The HTM advised that if the grant was reduced or cancelled then ticket prices would rise and concessions may be reduced.

The Committee acknowledged the important contribution made under this Memorandum of Understanding and that it would be very difficult to make a decision due to the demand on Committee grant budgets as central NHDC funding and external funding was reducing year on year and that a balance was needed against other demands for grants - e.g. Play Schemes. In response to a question the HTM stated that any offer of help in kind would be welcome but that the direct grant of ‘cash' would always be the best way for the Hitchin Committee to support the Hitchin Festival each year.

It was agreed that the allocation of grant funding would require very careful assessment against other current Memoranda of Understanding but the Committee expressed a wish to continue support for the Hitchin Festival if at all possible and that all Memoranda of Understanding grants would be determined at the meeting to be held on 10 January 2012.


(1)That the details provided on the events held during Hitchin Festivals be noted;

(2)That the success of each Hitchin Festival year on year be noted;

(3)That a decision on the continuation of this grant for the current year and the next three years be taken at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 10 January 2012.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HTM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee
The HTM was pleased to advise the Committee that 2011 was the 17th successive year of operation for Hitchin Initiative. The establishment of Hitchin BID had been a success also. The Initiative office in Churchyard was always busy with visitors every day seeking information on a very wide range of topics, shop locations, train schedule, bus schedule, NHDC Information now that was no council office in Hitchin, CAB information, acting as a tourist information centre, holding office for Black Squirrel Credit Union, bookings for Hitchin market place, Hitchin Festival Box Office. The HTM was responsible for the temporary closure of Hitchin High Street and stated that there was insufficient resource at this one stop shop to meet the demand. The Initiative produced a monthly newsletter to local businesses and community groups, a weekly column in the Comet Newspaper and Hitchin would be celebrating the 2012 Olympics over the weekend of 7 and 8 July.

In addition to the above the HTM was concerned that there might not be any support from NHDC after 2014 as apart from the day to day costs of the Initiative there were two major costs incurred each year: Christmas Lights and Hanging Flower Baskets. Should the MoU grant be reduced or withdrawn then it would be unlikely that either activity would continue. Notwithstanding the above the major pre-occupation for Hitchin Initiative and Hitchin BID was the North Herts Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall. The Committee noted the above and recognised the important contribution made by Hitchin Initiative to the development and maintenance of Hitchin as a vibrant and prosperous market town.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for the presentation and the Committee agreed to determine a grant to Hitchin Initiative under the Memoranda of Understanding at the next meeting to be held on 10 January 2012.


(1)That the services provided by Hitchin Initiative and now Hitchin Bid to Hitchin, local businesses and the community be noted.

(2)That a decision on the continuation of this grant for the current year and the next three years be taken at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 10 January 2012.

Councillor Joan Kirby thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she had been the co-ordinator for the funding and activities undertaken by Hitchin Helping Hands for many years. It was not possible to call this group of people ‘over 60' anymore, more akin to over 70 and there would a ‘centurion' this Christmas. There was no extra funding stream at the moment and income was very small but there might be Herts Community Funding in the future. In 1982 there were club meetings nearly every day, but this was not possible any more due to cost.

The Memorandum of Understanding grant was used to cover hall hire costs e.g. Hitchin Town Hall (Tea Dances), Westmill, Bancroft and Holwell for whist clubs. Each club member paid £8.00 per annum to cover the costs of transport and there was a very important social aspect for all participants and Cllr. Kirby advised the Committee that if these seniors did not attend the ‘clubs' the individuals were unlikely to leave their residences, and that finding volunteer drivers and helpers was difficult especially in Pirton and Holwell. Cllr. Kirby stated that although these seniors would have a free bus pass it was very unlikely that any one would be able to board a bus easily at a bus stop

In response to a question Cllr. Kirby advised the Committee that each function attracted between 20 to 50 participants and that on occasion there could be 60 attendees at the Tea Dances.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Kirby for the presentation and it was agreed that determination of the level of grant via the Memorandum of Understanding would be at the meeting to be held on 10 January 2012.


(1)That Councillor Joan Kirby be thanked for the presentation and update on the activities provided for Hitchin Senior Citizens.

(2)That a decision on the continuation of this grant for the current year and the next three years be taken at the meeting to be held on 10 January 2012.

County Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee at short notice.

Following the announcement made at the meeting of the Highways Joint Member Panel held on 31 October 2011 (Minute 19 refers) which advised of the introduction of Herts Locality Budget in 2012 - 2013 he wished to advise all present of the new arrangements and that £90,000 would be allocated to each Herts County Councillor for highways schemes The Committee noted that some £60,000 was expected to be allocated to structural repairs and if it was appropriate then the three County Councillors could consider merging funds to a larger scheme or a scheme that crossed County Division Lines.

Cty. Cllr Shakespeare - Smith proposed and it was agreed to add to several meetings in the year an agenda item that would allow for highway issues to be presented by District Councillors for consideration by the three Hitchin County Councillors at the meeting for funding under the Herts Locality Budget. It was also noted that the new funding stream did not preclude any matched funding from the Area Committees.

The Chairman thanked Cty. Cllr. Ray Shakespeare - Smith for the outline description of Herts Locality Budget due for implementation at April 2012 and it was agreed to include an agenda item ‘ highway schemes and issues' to the Hitchin Committee Agenda as and when it was appropriate to do so and that the Hitchin County Councillors be invited to attend that meeting.

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) advised the Committee that although the Churchgate Liaison Forum (CLF) had not met since March 2011 good progress had been made by Simons Developments in meetings with landowners, potential retailers and Hitchin Markets Limited. The next meeting of the CLF would take place when Simons had sufficient levels of information and detail for their proposed scheme having taken into account all representations, suggestions and comments. The date of the meeting would be widely publicised. The PPM confirmed that recently there had been a meeting on 5 October 2011 between Simons, the Chairman of the CLF, Hitchin Forum, Hitchin Society and Hitchin Historical Society including a walking tour of Churchgate and Surrounding Area and that those present had found the meeting to be useful. It had been agreed that a similar joint meeting would take place once there were more positive proposals from Simons.

The PPM referred the Committee to the many letters and articles in the local media in recent months and advised that the FAQs section on the NHDC website had been updated with the Council's responses to the issues raised.

With regard to the recent publication by English Heritage on the visit to Hitchin the PPM advised that the Council had met with English Heritage in October to discuss the report and correct factual errors. Written correspondence was underway with English Heritage and Members would be updated once a response had been received. The PPM reminded the Committee that English Heritage were a statutory consultee for the planning process.

Following a request by Members the PPM confirmed that contact had been made with the following secondary schools: Hitchin Boys School, Hitchin Priory School, John Henry Newman School and Highfield School with a view to Simons meeting with the respective School Councils.

The PPM concluded the update with confirmation that the Tender Scoring Report for the Churchgate Scheme (less commercially sensitive information) by NHDC Officers as submitted to Council on 25 February 2010 had been released following a request from a member of the public. The Committee noted that other documents on the NHDC web site may contain redactions for commercially sensitive reasons.

The Chairman thanked the Planning Projects Manager for the update. However it was a consensus from the Committee that despite the requirements of commercial sensitivity this Information Note was lacking in new or relevant information on progress by Simons Developments towards a proposed design for Churchgate. Reference was made to Paragraph 3.3 to the report and the Chairman advised the Committee that the Vice - Chairman of Hitchin Society acting on behalf of the three organisations stated that there had been no agreement at the meeting held on 5 October 2011 and there had not been any acceptance at that meeting of the proposals from Simons Developments and just as importantly there still remained a lack of public consultation.

A Member referred to this topic raised at Town Talk and the anxieties expressed about the lack of evidence of progress as it was more nearly 20 months since the appointment of Simons Developments and there was no evidence of progress despite regular updates to the Hitchin Committee. Also, as there had been no evidence of progress was the risk of not proceeding with the project failing recognised in the NHDC Risk Register? The PPM confirmed that Churchgate was in the NHDC Risk Register and was regularly checked for compliance. Another Member was in agreement with this concern and considered that the economic turndown since 2010 where the retail market advisors to Simons had expected an upturn in the economy was not evident and enquired if the Contingency Plan should be re - visited in recognition of the current economic climate? Was there a Plan B for consideration? There was concern that this project could fail and the Committee considered that there could be many reasons why this project could fail.

Further comment was made on the lack of information given to the public with specific reference made to Trigger Points on the scheme programme - had Simons met all the Trigger Points?

In reply the officers advised that the Churchgate Project Board reminded Simons at every meeting of the need to make and successfully pass the Trigger Points. Officers were very much aware of the need to provide up to date information provided there was no breach of commercial confidentiality and it would not be appropriate to make an announcement on progress if not all facts were available for release. A Member commented that it was much more important to keep the public informed and up to date but not necessarily an announcement. In response to the request made by several Members on the achievement of Trigger Points the Senior Lawyer advised that no dates for each Trigger Point could be disclosed for commercial reasons but he would take into consideration the concerns of Members and would try to include comments on Trigger Points in the next Information Note at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee. The Senior Lawyer further advised that the Trigger Points were publicly available in the legal agreements which had been published and accepted that presentation in a more useful format in the next Information Note would be of benefit to all interested parties.

The Chairman referred the Committee to the issue of the Post Office site raised at Town Talk between Portmill Lane and Hermitage Road which was linked at one stage to the Churchgate Development Project. This site was surplus to the requirements of Royal Mail and every effort should be made to ensure that a purchaser of this site should conform to a development/planning brief for the site which should enhance Hitchin. Other developed areas in Hitchin had development/planning briefs prepared in advance but not apparently for this site. Following a brief discussion it was agreed that the Local Development Framework Manager should be invited to contribute to the next Information Note a development/planning brief for the Post Office Site.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the Senior Lawyer and Planning Projects Manager be requested to provide details of ‘Trigger Points' that Simons Developments are required to meet on the Churchgate Development Project in the next Information Note scheduled for 10 January 2012;

(3)That with due regard to commercial sensitivity officers be requested to provide a more comprehensive and detailed Information Note on the Churchgate Development Project to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 10 January 2012;

(4)That the Local Development Framework Manager be requested to present an Information Note with an up to date Planning/Development Brief for the Post Office Site between Portmill Lane and Hermitage Road, Hitchin.
Agreed  Senior Lawyer, Planning Projects Manager, Local Development Framework Manager

Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) advised the Committee that some progress had been made since the last meeting. Futurebuilders England Limited had confirmed to Hitchin Town Hall Limited that the request for an extension on the draw - down arrangements for the grant loan had been agreed. The SD was pleased to advise the Committee that NHDC had been granted a partial exception certificate from HMRC on profiled capital expenditure as extraordinary which in turn would be disregarded for VAT purposes.

Unfortunately there had been a further set back to the completion and signature of the Development Agreement, Lease and Community Use/Management Agreement following the agreement from Futurebuilders England Limited that Hitchin Town Hall Limited could extend the draw down arrangements for the grant/loan. Legal documents had to be approved by Futurebuilders legal advisors and consequently the timetable for completion had been revised to December 2011/January 2012.

The SD confirmed that seven tenders had been received on 26 October 2011for the post of Supervising Architect and assessment of each tender had been completed against a price quality framework. The intention to award a contact was made to the winning tenderer on Friday 11 November 2011 and that the remaining six tenderers had ten days in which to make a challenge to the award. However, the SD advised that the Supervising Architect would not be engaged until NHDC had formally agreed the development proposals due to the necessary commitment of some £120K.

The SD referred the Committee to the timetable and the Committee noted the next three steps:
1.Procurement of the Supervising Architect will continue to appointment;
2.Progress to signature of the Development Agreement with Hitchin Town Hall would be ongoing and;
3.A report to Council and The Hitchin Gymnasium and Workmans Hall Trust in December 2011 or January 2012 regarding the lease of Hitchin Town Hall for 125 years.

The Chairman thanked the officers for the Information Note but reiterated the need expressed by the Committee for a much more comprehensive report and in response to an enquiry the SD confirmed that despite the delay described in the report it was still expected to complete in March 2014 and even if the Development Agreement was not signed until February 2012 there remained sufficient contingency to complete in March 2014.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the status of progress towards the signing of the Development Agreement due to the delay in confirming the grant/loan from Futurebuilders England be noted;

(3)That the status of the appointment of the Supervising Architect be noted.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix D.1
Appendix D.2
Appendix D.3

The Chairman welcomed the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise to the meeting.

The Transport Policy Officer (TPO) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise which detailed progress with the Parking Review and sought the Committees approval of the draft proposals affecting Hitchin Town Centre and other locations in Hitchin.

The TPO advised the Committee that 2000 households were sent survey questionnaires in early September 2011 with a closing date of 30 September 2011. In Zone E - Area 4 (Benslow Lane, The Avenue and nearby streets) and in Zone F- Area 3 (The Triangle) residents and businesses were asked if they wished to extend permit parking controls to a Saturday. Residents in these two zones did not wish to extend permit parking to a Saturday. In Area 1 (West Hill, Grays Lane and nearby streets) and Area 2 (Ickleford Road and Lancaster Road and nearby streets) were asked if they thought there was a problem with non - resident parking and the survey results indicated that there was not a problem with non-resident parking, but many residents replied that there were problems with parking. Other comments included; inconsiderate parking, speeding and a reluctance to pay for any parking permits. The TPO referred the Committee to Appendix A for details of the survey and breakdown of the survey results and to Appendix B which detailed qualitative comments from the survey responses

The TPO confirmed that draft Traffic Orders for Hollow Lane/St. Annes Road/ Lyles Row and Mount Garrison permit parking proposals would be published and displayed on 17 November 2011.

The TPO and other officers considered that there was a significant problem with non - residential parking in the streets nearest to the Town Centre and that a confidential day and night registration plate could be one way of confirming who was parking in Ickleford Road area and if permit parking could be introduced. This would require consultation with residents (especially on permit parking) but the Committee would have to consider whether the possibility of permit parking should be considered even if it was the most efficient way of removing non - resident and promote resident parking.

The TPO advised the Committee that additional consultation was taking place in Area 5 - Common Rise, Area 6 - St. Michaels's Road Area (Meadowbank, Burns Close, Byron close, Browning Drive. Coleridge Close, Gibson Close and St. Michael's Mount) and Area 7 - Tilehouse Street, Old Charlton Road and Wratten Road East. The TPO confirmed that the results of the consultation would be presented to the Committee at the next meeting to be held on 10 January 2012 and referred the Committee to Appendix D which included examples of the consultation forms for these three areas.

The TRO drew the Committees attention to various small schemes that could be affected by junction protection schemes e.g. St. Johns Road at its junction with Hitchin Hill as vehicles were parked on each side of the road up to the junction. This problem could be solved by ‘no waiting at any time' with the restriction extending to St. Johns Path on the west side of the road. The TPO advised that there could be some parking displacement to Latchmore Close and a lay by on Stevenage Road. Residents in St. Johns Road had also complained about long term daily parking in the recycling bays which could be displacement from Standhill Road and Cemetery Road. A possible solution would be to have a three hour parking limit on Monday to Saturday.

The Committee were pleased to note that officers had been able to undertake further investigations of on street charging following the Committee's decision not to raise any objection in principle to on street charging but peripheral and non retail frontage sheets should be considered first. The following streets were proposed for consideration as on street charging: Portmill Lane, Biggin Lane (rear of Market and alongside River Hiz), Hollow Lane, Queen Street, Park Street and possibly Old Charlton Road/Wratten Road West. Each location would be charged between 08.00 and 18.00 Monday to Saturday at 50 pence up to one hour and £1.00 for up to two hours with no charging envisaged on a Sunday or evenings. The TPO advised the Committee that these proposed charges were cheaper that all adjacent car parks except for Woodside and that none of these schemes related to core retail areas, but consideration must be given to non payments, ticket transfer by users and free parking for Disabled Badge Holders as part of the justification in the development of a business case.

The Chairman thanked the Transport Policy Officer for the presentation and acknowledged the work done by him and other officers in preparing this report from the consultation surveys and the subsequent parking proposals.

The Committee acknowledged the problems for residents parking in all the locations surveyed for the report and recognised that options were limited as to do nothing or introduce parking permits. The Committee considered that it was very important that the provision of concession charges should be considered due to real need especially in certain residential areas under survey, the annual charge would be a major sum for some households to pay and payment by instalments would be very helpful. A Bearton Member opined that there was a problem with non resident parking on a Saturday and perhaps charging could be levied on a Saturday only for non residents. Another Member considered that the inclusion of Portmill Lane for on street charging was not appropriate as this was very close to High Street, Bancroft and the Market and should be considered as a core area. The Committee agreed that there should be a trial period for any on - street charging for a limited period within the preparation of a business case and the TPO should consider the comments made during Town Talk.

Comment was also made to the proposal to implement parking controls at the junction of Hitchin Hill and St. Johns Road and the Committee noted that the Highbury Member had in fact received advice from Hertfordshire Constabulary that there was no apparent problems for traffic management at this road junction. However the TPO was requested to speak with the Highbury Member to clarify this matter bearing in mind that this junction was within the JMP junction protection schemes to be implemented in 2011-2012. The TPO was requested to proceed with the proposals to implement parking controls at the recycling lay by in St Johns Road.


(1)That no changes are made to Permit Parking Zones E and F following the recent consultation;

(2)That the Transport Policy Officer be requested to discuss and agree the consultation options for parking management with Bearton and Priory Ward Members and that subject to available budget there should be further survey work to determine the scale of non - resident parking in both Wards;

(3)That the proposals for the junction of St. Johns Road and Hitchin Hill be included with the junction protection scheme should not proceed as Hertfordshire Constabulary had indicated that there was not a traffic management issue at this junction;

(4)That the Transport Policy Officer be requested to proceed with a more detailed appraisal towards the development of a business case of a proposed pilot of an on-street parking charges scheme and that the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and Hitchin Bid should be invited to participate in consultation on this proposed scheme;

(5)That the Transport Policy Officer should continue with regular updates on progress with the Parking Review;

To progress the Hitchin Parking Review and consider the need for on street parking charges with the necessary management and enable high turnover of short stay parking provision in Hitchin Town Centre.
Agreed  Transport Policy Officer


Mr Hoskins thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee again. He appreciated the discussions made in the meeting on parking and Churchgate. The Christmas Lights would be ‘switched on' on 25 November and that a fundraising event for the Christmas Lights would be held on 23 November at Hitchin Film Club. Also, that Mr Hoskins whilst acknowledging the need for income from car parking charges he stressed the need to achieve a manageable and appropriate on-street parking scheme which should reflect different times of the week and not just a blanket cover. Increased charging could deter visitors to Hitchin.

Mr Hoskins also urged the Committee in the public interest to seek more information on progress with the Churchgate Project and in particular the issue of Trigger Points. Public confidence was fading away and evidence that there was progress was needed rather than a statement to that effect in the Information Note was essential.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for the update and the Committee noted the concerns raised.


(1)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the update on activities in Hitchin;

(2)That the ‘switching on' of the Hitchin Christmas Lights on 25 November for the ninth year in succession be noted.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services, and that a large number of community based activities had taken place or would be taking place in the next three months.

The fourth TASTE event had taken place in October, was successful and was supported by eight local youth groups. A questionnaire had been circulated by the Voice of Hitchin Youth at TASTE and there would be a presentation by Voice at the meeting to be held on 10 January 2011.

Member School Surgeries would be held in early December 2011 and advised the Committee that Priory School would host on 5 December 2011. The CDO requested that Members should propose a format and or suggestions for these surgeries. The CDO advised Members that a full hearing of the High Court Appeal by HCC concerning Metal and Waste Recycling in Cadwell Lane would be held on 31 January 2012.

The Committee noted that a joint meeting of Members with North Herts Ethnic Forum on 1 December 2011.

All Members would receive invitations to the Democracy Evening to be held on 24 November at 7.30 in the Council Chamber for 11th Hitchin Scout Troop with an agenda yet to be confirmed.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix D the Hitchin Committee Work Programme and to Appendix E the updated Highways Work Programme and the Committee noted that the Christmas Lights would be switched on Friday 25 November.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 13 September 2011;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the current grants under the Memorandum of Understanding as detailed at Appendix B be noted with the caveat that no decisions on any of the grants would be made until the meeting to be held on 10 January 2012;

(4)That the contents of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Plan for 2011-2012 as presented at Appendix D be noted;

(5)That the contents of the Highways Work Programme for 2011 - 2012 as presented at Appendix E be noted;

(6)That Members of the Hitchin Committee be requested to advise the CDO of any suggestions or proposed format for the Member School Surgeries as soon as possible - the first being at Priory School on 5 December 2011.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,500 be awarded to Hitchin Initiative towards the establishment of a Community Enterprise and Training Shop in Hermitage Road, Hitchin.

Note: The Community Development Officer in liaison with the Hitchin Town Centre Manager should provide when appropriate via Champion News a report on the progress of the Community Enterprise and Training Shop and if possible comment from those individuals who had benefited from this scheme.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB