Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Thursday, 29th January, 2015 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor David Leal-Bennett (Chairman), Councillor Deborah Segalini (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Frank Radcliffe, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Crowley - Contracts and Project Manager
David Charlton - Senior estates Surveyor
Claire Morgan - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Councillor David Levett - NHDC Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise

At commencement 31 members of the public, including five registered speakers and one petitioner (on behalf of the residents of Harrison Court and Caldecote Close).
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Simon Harwood, Alan Millard and Adrian Smith.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 December 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business raised at the commencement of the meeting.

1.The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, welcomed Councillor David Levett the NHDC Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise and thanked all who attended and spoke at Town Talk;

2.The Chairman proposed and it was agreed unanimously that congratulations be offered to Keith Hoskins on the award of the MBE in the 2015 New Year's Honour List in recognition of his work and support for local businesses and the Community in Hitchin;

3.The Chairman advised that there would be one additional item in the form of the presentation of a petition that was not known prior to the publication of this meeting's agenda; This presentation would be made at the commencement of Agenda Item 5. According to the NHDC Constitution, Section 3, Appendix 1, Paragraph 2.2 any petition must have 120 or more signatures and addresses. However, the Chairman advised that he would use his Discretion to accept this petition due to the very precise nature of the petition;

4.The Chairman was pleased to advise the Committee that officers had been congratulated for the very quick response to a request for the installation of a ‘dog bin' which would be in place on 5 February 2015;

5.The Chairman advised the Committee that Top Field, Fishponds Road, Hitchin (Hitchin Town Football Club) had been added to the Community Asset Register List on 21 January 2015;

6.The Chairman provided an update on the positioning of A Boards on the footway in Hitchin. The County Council would in approximately two weeks from this meeting issue a Code of Practice for the management of A Boards. Businesses would be required to register their A boards in terms of numbers and placements. There would be a trial period commencing in Bishops Stortford followed by Hitchin and it had been proposed that Hitchin Town Centre Initiative would liaise with NHDC and HCC in respect of Hitchin Town Centre interests;

7.Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

One of the petitioners Mr Nick Bricken Vice- Chairman of the Residents Association presented a petition with 49 signatures entitled; ‘ We the undersigned residents of Harrison Court, Hitchin, object strongly to the NHDC's underhand closure of the access gate from Harrison Court to the Woodside car park which has been open to our residents and those (now) of Caldecote Close for twenty five years'.

The petitioner advised the Committee that there were other unauthorised access routes to Walsworth Road which were far more dangerous than the access which had been closed.

Mr Bricken stated that the use of this gate into the Woodside Car Park had been used by a succession of residents of Harrison Court for more than 26 years for access to the car park and into Hitchin Town Centre. Mr Bricken opined that the condition of the Walsworth Road footway on the south side was not safe for pedestrian use and in particular the aged residents of Harrison Court.

Unfortunately the closure of the gate had not involved any consultation with residents nor I understand with Ward Councillors and that the gate had been closed since 25 November 2014. Mr Bricken stated that a Highbury Ward Member had made representation on their behalf but with little success to the reinstatement of the gate within the boundary fence. Council Officers considered that it was not safe for pedestrians to cross the rough ground on the car park side of the fence or walk across the car park.

The Chairman thanked Mr Bricken for the petition and the presentation. The Committee were concerned that this situation had not been resolved since November 2014 and that full details of why the gate was closed should be disclosed and expressed concern about the procedure conducted by officers. It was suggested and agreed that a meeting with the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management (or a substitute) should be convened at the site as soon as possible to have clarification on the closure and why the gate could not be re-instated. Mr Bricken on behalf of the residents in Harrison Court and Caldecote Close stated ‘we want our gate back please'.

Following a short discussion the Committee considered that it was essential to re-instate the gate for the use of the residents as soon as possible.


(1) That Mr Bricken be thanked for the petition and presentation;

(2) That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management (or substitute officer) be requested to make the necessary arrangements for a site visit with residents, the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee and Highbury Ward Members at Harrison Court in order to clarify the rationale for the gate closure; that would allow if at all possible the re-opening of the gate;

(3) That it was the wish of the Committee that every effort should be made by officers and residents to seek a way forward that would allow the re-opening of the boundary fence gate as soon as possible.

Mr Colin Dunham thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

Mr Dunham advised the Committee that at the establishment of Hitchin Museum at Charnwood House there had been a donation of artefacts from the Hitchin Regional Survey Association. To commemorate this donation a plaque had been placed on the exterior wall of Hitchin Museum. Mr Dunham stated that with the move to Hitchin Town Hall for the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility it would be appropriate to move the extant plaque or install a new plaque that would continue the association of the Hitchin Regional Survey Association. Mr Dunham also stated that he had raised £135 towards costs and that he could access more funds if necessary.

In response to a question Mr Dunham confirmed that he had approached NHDC officers on this matter but had received written notification that the placement of the old plaque or a new plaque was not possible.

The Committee considered that the request by Mr Dunham was reasonable and that officers should make every effort to meet Mr Dunham's request and he stated that he did not mind where a plaque could be placed; either inside the new Museum or on the exterior wall in Brand Street, nor did he have any set views on size or design as it was the commemoration of the donation that was important.


(1) That Mr Dunham be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to act on the Committee's support for a commemorative plaque at the new North Hertfordshire Museum that would acknowledge the donation of artefacts by the Hitchin Regional Survey Association to the Hitchin Museum.

Mr Mark Mellors thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was speaking on behalf of Hitchin Hackspace.

Mr Mellors advised the Committee that Hitchin Hackspace was a community organisation devoted to providing everyone with a place to explore all kinds of creative technologies and crafts who had been established for more than three years. Mr Mellors distributed a collection of photographs of activities undertaken at various locations.

As with all self help groups there was a constant problem of securing premises at very low cost or no cost where individuals could meet, be innovative and design small objects that could be distributed to those in need. Mr Mellors confirmed that a visit had been made to the closed toilet block in Bancroft with NHDC officers which Hackspace considered could be converted to a community work space. The building was structurally sound but there would have to be removal of internal walls (and appropriate strengthening of roof members) to make a more open space which would be suitable for the work undertaken by Hackspace. Mr Mellors advised the Committee that if Bancroft Toilets could be made available and internal construction works were undertaken this building could be used as a workshop to great effect.

A Member stated that she had a long and instructive discussion with representatives from Hitchin Hackspace and was sure that this project would be good for Hitchin and involve many people and that as much support as possible should be given to this project. A Member enquired how this project would be sustained in the long term and Mr Mellors advised that membership fees covered a major part of the annual costs.

During a short discussion it was evident that the Committee were supportive of this proposal to use a redundant building in Hitchin and the need to support the Community in this exciting project. Members expressed the need for action as soon as possible bearing in mind the need for a lease and that Hitchin Hackspace could provide information to assist in the preparation of a business case with officers. Accordingly it was suggested that the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management should be requested to take this proposal forward as soon as possible.


(1) That Mr Mellors be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management and the Senior Estates Surveyor be requested to meet with representatives of Hitchin Hackspace as soon as possible to take this project forward.

No representative of Hot House Dance attended the meeting.

Ms Joy Castelton and Ms Clare Sulch thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The speakers were both volunteers with Rhythms of the World each year and advised that the objective of the Outreach Programme was to take the aims of the Festival to groups that otherwise would not be able to attend the festival. Each year the outreach programme would work in partnership with Schools, Care Homes and Disability Groups. There would be five music and dance workshops with disadvantaged groups and local schools would be encouraged to work together in the creation of a giant community art piece that would be displayed at the Festival.

Although there were usually surplus monies after each Festival it was always the intention to use such funds as investment in the next year's Festival and keep ticket prices as low as possible.

The speakers advised the Committee that the Outreach Programme was very successful and that audiences were very appreciative. The musicians gained a lot from the experience of entertaining an older generation in different venues such as Nightingale House and Care Homes in Stevenage.

The speakers confirmed that there was a grant application before the Committee for £1,500 as a contribution to the Outreach Programme and that other funding sources were being approached in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire and hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the grant application.

The Chairman thanked the speakers for the presentation and referred to the ROTW Statement of Accounts and Articles of Association and remarked that there appeared to be a considerable positive position in the Annual Accounts. Ms Castleton agreed that this was the case but the ROTW Festival Committee maintained a surplus where possible of at least one third of festival costs which were held in reserve. A Member considered that £1,500 was not out of proportion to the good work provided in the Outreach Programme which was a very good way to meet with and interact with the elderly residents in North Hertfordshire.


(1) That Ms Joy Castleton and Ms Clare Sulch be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 12.

The Chairman advised that Mr Elios Xenophontos had withdrawn his application to speak and Mr Xenophontos proposed to speak at the meeting scheduled for 3 March 2015.

Mr Jamie Stanley thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was the North Herts Manager for Box Cleva.

Mr Stanley advised that Box Cleva was a no contact sporting activity centered on the sport of amateur boxing. The training sessions were for some 40 weeks per school year in term time for children aged 8 - 14 years and supported by very experienced amateur boxing coaches qualified by the Amateur Boxing Association of England and were all enhanced CRB checked. Each session was for approximately 1.5 hours and the objective was to instil discipline, respect, perseverance, fair play and improve fitness in a safe and controlled environment. The youngsters were also introduced to healthy eating and the perils of using drugs at every session and Mr Stanley confirmed that 95 per cent of the participants were referred from schools and other agencies. There were also award assessment schemes and Mr Stanley was pleased to advise that there had been a reduction of some 39 per cent in anti social behaviour in areas where Box Cleva held training sessions. Referrals included those with low self confidence and esteem. ADHD and ADD, Autism, those involved in anti - social behaviour, those with weight problems and some with aggression issues.

Mr Stanley confirmed that each training session cost £150 and took place at the North Herts Boxing Club based at the Wayne Armstrong Gym which consisted of Hall and Equipment Hire and trainer's fee with additional costs of £500 per annum for Insurance, Medals, T Shirts, water and fruit. The total cost for a full year was £6,500 and there was a grant application for £1,500 before the Committee which he hoped would be supported and confirmed that Box Cleva were in the process of registration as a charity.

The Chairman thanked Mr Stanley for the presentation and several Members after an initial reticence due to the connection to boxing were minded to support this grant application.


(1) That Mr James Stanley be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 12.

Mr Adrian Gurney thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking on behalf of the Hitchin Town Action Group

The Action Group held workshops on the Local Plan on 17 January 2015 in Hitchin which were attended by about 100 people and there had been many contacts and comments about the Local Plan on Twitter and Facebook. The Action Group had also met with interested parties in Baldock and Letchworth about the Local Plan and were finalising their consultation response.

Mr Gurney advised the Committee that there were five main points that the Committee should be aware of regarding this Local Plan:

1. There should be a clearer vision of what the District would be like in 2031 and how any such changes would be delivered?;
2. That it should be possible to lower the projected housing target and consequently reduce the loss of Green Belt land;
3. That there was great concern about the future of Hitchin and other towns in North Hertfordshire and the main employment areas;
4. There should be more work on strategies and policies that protect and improve the quality of life of current and new residents in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire; 
5.There should be additional policies to control the standards of design for new housing and other necessary development.

Mr Gurney confirmed that the Action Group had drawn up three conclusions following their review of the preferred options of the Local Plan approved by Council on 27 November 2014 and the outcomes of the local workshops and discussions with other interested parties in North Hertfordshire:

A. That the Council should determine a robust housing target and not make adjustments to the target when there was no sound reason to do so and when constant changes threatened to undermine the preparation of the Local Plan;
B.That it was vital to have immediate studies on transport and other infrastructure issues that would affect specific housing sites and the cumulative impact on all sites in the Local Plan before any decisions are made on any of the preferred sites;
C.It was very apparent that the District could not continue to meet the housing demand indefinitely and that North Herts District Council should seek co-operation with others as soon as possible which would inform the idea of a new community for the next Local Plan period.

The Chairman thanked Mr Gurney for the presentation and congratulated Hitchin Town Action Group on the assessment and presentation of their findings on the Local Plan - Preferred Options which had a lot of detail and the five points and three conclusions made by Mr Gurney reflected this excellent work.

A Member recommended that this presentation with presumably supporting documents should be submitted as a contribution to the consultation on the Local Plan and Mr Gurney confirmed that this would be the case.

Comment was also made that if a proposed development did not proceed for whatever reason then the required number of housing still had to be built in another location in North Hertfordshire. Another Member stressed that those without a home did not object to the Local Plan and their needs must be met. With 1700 family units on the NHDC housing register there was a need for affordable housing and Mr Gurney advised that affordable housing had been noted in their consultations. The Member also considered that everyone should acknowledge the needs of people for homes, and that people now living in North Hertfordshire were in areas that had been open fields for many years before. The Committee noted that there was very little private rented accommodation in North Hertfordshire.

A Member stated that she was against the expansion of housing in Baldock as currently listed in the Local Plan.

RESOLVED: That Mr Adrian Gurney be thanked for the presentation.

Councillor David Levett - NHDC Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on the Preferred Options for the Local Plan agreed at the meeting of the NHDC Council on 27 November 2015 (Minute 49 refers), and advised that he would be attending a meeting in turn of each of the five Area Committees,

Councillor Levett emphasised that there had to be a Local Plan that inter alia must make proposals for housing in North Hertfordshire up to 2031 which had to be approved by the Planning Inspectorate. The Local Plan with Preferred Options had been approved by Council but everyone should be aware that the current sites were not by any means the final version. This Local Plan must be taken as a starting point and that it had taken four years to reach the Plan at 2014 and probably another three years to confirm the final Local Plan, this was not just about the provision of 12,500 homes, there were Policies for sustainable development and number of dwellings and the Local Authority had to consider the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Policy Guidance would be considered as a starting point. The Council received on a monthly basis housing statistics which often changed the requirement for housing in the District which could have an effect on the sites that might have housing.

Councillor Levett reminded the Committee that there were too large housing market areas that served Luton and Stevenage and were under national designation. NHDC would work with Stevenage BC and four neighbouring authorities and that all nine Districts and Boroughs in Hertfordshire were part of the overall requirement for housing up to 2013. Councillor Levett stressed that houses were needed and growth was inevitable in North Hertfordshire and this was made worse by the lack of rented accommodation and affordable housing. There had been approximately 1400 responses to date with comments such as: Improving Policies, need for good design, good communications, parking provision, town centre strategies and design. Councillor Levett was pleased to note the requirement for improved policies as all developers would be required to confirm to planning policies.

Councillor Levett concluded his presentation with advice that the current Local Plan was not the finished article; there would be changes with a target completion date of September 2015.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Levett for the presentation and agreed that the Planning Policies must be robust and correct and in particular for the protection of Hitchin and its unique character. On invitation a member of the public stressed the need for strong policies and that a Hitchin Town Plan should be prepared and put into practice and another member of the public opined that sustainability was a big issue and although there had been good intentions in the new Local Plan the document itself was not very strong or robust for the next 16 years or so. In response to a question Councillor Levett confirmed that he was content to receive representation during and after the end of the consultation period and supported by evidence wherever possible. A Member sought to advise the Committee that no-one could undo policies forced onto the Council and that NHDC had to work within these meet the requirements of the Local Plan.


(1) That Councillor Levett be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That all interested parties should make their representations in time for the closure of the Consultation period on 6 February 2015.

The Contracts and Project Manager (CPM) referred the Committee to the Information Note which provided an update on progress to date. The CPM with the Chairman's permission tabled a selection of photographs of the works at the former Hitchin Town Hall which the CPM considered to show good progress in various parts of the building including: The Balcony, Store room, Main Gallery, Mountford Hall x 2, Temporary Exhibition Gallery, Terrace Gallery, Lucas Room and toilets.

The CPM reminded the Committee that the Scrutiny and Overview Committee at its meeting held on 18 December 2014 (Minute 68 refers) had received an updating report on this project, however, much of the discussions and updating had taken place under Part 2 conditions which are not available for public inspection. The CPM referred the Committee to Tables 1 and 2 for detailed times and deadlines for this important community project. The CPM advised that the expected opening date would be in September or October 2015.

The CPM advised that there were two key items to note, namely a short exhibition retender exercise to ensure that work can be accommodated within the agreed budgets. The CPM confirmed that the retender process should have no impact on the work programme, however an extension had been granted for the construction period which would incur additional costs and the project completion would be delayed. The CPM stated that the project plan would be updated as the work programme progressed and further details would be provided to Councillors at future meetings. Unfortunately there had been two instances of vandalism to the site boundary boards both of which were reported to the police.

The CPM advised the Committee that a request for additional costs was placed before Cabinet at the meeting held on 27 January 2015 (Minute 108 refers) which would be considered by full Council on 12 February 2015.

Upon enquiry by the Chairman there were no questions or comments.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That the request for additional funds to Cabinet and Council be noted;

(3)That the revised project completion date of September/October 2015 be noted.
Appendix A - Bancroft Initial Design Proposal

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present for this Information Note.

There was comment as the location of the proposed water splash in Bancroft Recreation Ground and the Contracts and Project Manager (CPM) advised that Number 3 on the site design presented at Appendix A was the water splash. In response to a question the CPM advised that the toilets and baby changing unit would be constructed in the Bancroft Pavilion with an external access.

The CRM was unable to provide a target date for the opening of the water splash area.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present for this Information Note.

It was noted that the Churchgate Project Board would be submitting a report to the next meeting of Council on 12 February which would discuss further options following a previous decision at Council on 27 November 2014 (Minute 48 refers) to proceed with an incremental development of Churchgate.

The Chairman again referred to comments that he made at Council on 27 November (Minute 48 refers) and that resources should be made available that would accrue professional expertise and that financial resources should be allocated to the valuation exercise of specific parts of the Churchgate Area.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present for this Information Note.

With reference to the list of the roads to be included in the 20mph assessment a County Councillor member of the Committee advised that there would be no traffic calming measures installed on the highway in Hitchin and that all 20mph limits would be determined by signage.

The County Councillor also advised that 20mph signage would be installed in the vicinity of schools in Old Hale Way and Fishponds Road, Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman and Members for the congratulations on the award of his MBE and advised that he had no updating to report save that Hitchin was doing well as a business and commercial centre.
Appendix A - Budget Report
Appendix B - Rhythms of the World Grant Application
Appendix C - Box Cleva Grant Application
Appendix D - Walsworth community Centre Grant Application
Appendix E - Bedford Road Wall Repairs - Photographs
Appendix F - Green Space Strategy - Hitchin Projects
Appendix G - Hitchin Committee Work Programme Update

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Development and gave a synopsis of the three grant applications before the Committee viz. Rhythms of the World - Outreach Programme, Box Cleva and Walsworth Community Association (Appendices B, C and D respectively).

The CDO reminded the Committee that many grant awards in the year to date had been taken from carry forward budgets with a consequence that unallocated funds were just over £18,000 from the 2014-2015 budget. There were no uncommitted funds in the 2013-2014 Discretionary Budget but there remained £4026 available to generic headings. In addition there was £280 of unallocated funds for small Memorandum of Understanding. Full details of the Hitchin Area Committee Discretionary Budget for 2014-2015 were presented at Appendix A.

The CDO was pleased to advise the Committee that the restoration work to the brick boundary wall of the Hitchin Quaker Friends Meeting House in Bedford Road had been completed following a grant of £3000 made in June 2014 (Minute 30 refers). The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix E for a photographic montage of the restored brickwork.

Further to a request made at the pre -agenda meeting for this Committee Meeting for an update on projects within the NHDC Green Space Strategy pertaining to Hitchin the CDO referred the Committee to Appendix F for such information.

Following the presentation of the report and clarification of the three grant applications the Community Development Officer referred the Committee to two additional requests for grant funding from the Hitchin Committee Discretionary Budget at Paragraphs 8.4 and 8.5 respectively (Minutes 111 and 112 below refer).


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well - being since the meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 2 December 2014 be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3) That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and highway Schemes as presented at Appendix G be noted;

(4) That the status of Hitchin Projects within the NHDC Green Space Strategy as presented at Appendix F be noted.

To ensure that the Committee is updated on all matters pertaining to the Area Committee Development Budget for 2014-2015 and to award grant funding in support of the local Community and voluntary organisations.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,500 be awarded to Rhythms of the World - Outreach Programme as a contribution to the overall cost of the Outreach Programme that would take the ethos for the annual festival to Schools, frail elderly people and disability groups through five music and dance workshops.

To provide disadvantaged groups with the opportunity to enjoy outcomes from the annual Rhythms of the World Festival through music and dance workshops.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,500 be made as a contribution towards the overall cost of providing non contact boxing training for disadvantaged children at the Wayne Armstrong Gymnasium in Hitchin in 2015.

To provide financial support towards the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour through structured and positive activity in young children.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillors Bernard Lovewell and Ray Shakespeare- Smith advised the Chairman that they were NHDC appointed representatives to the Walsworth Community Association but did not consider that this would preclude them from participating in the debate or the vote.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £400 be awarded to the Walsworth Community Association as a contribution towards the costs of additional UVPC cladding in order to improve and protect the front exterior of the Walsworth Community Centre.

To provide support for building works at Walsworth Community Association to preserve the life of the property.

The Community Development Officer (CDO) referred the Committee to Paragraph 8.4 in the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services which confirmed that the use of Area Committee grant funding from the ‘Community Projects' budget was not appropriate for financing the installation of drinking fountains in recreation grounds within North Hertfordshire. The CDO advised that any decision by this Committee to make an allocation of Area Committee funding would effectively constitute a contractual commitment to NHDC in the long term.

Following this statement the Chairman invited the Committee Clerk to confirm the options that the Committee could follow should they be minded to award funding for this project: Through the Chairman the Clerk advised that the first issue before the Committee was the absence of any reference to a grant application either in Section 2 - Recommendations in the Head of Service report or a grant application form that would have been issued as an appendix to the report (viz. Three grant applications at Appendices B, C and D). Secondly, if the Committee following debate were minded to grant funding then the award could be made ‘in principle' to secure funding at the end of 2014-2015 or as a carry forward to 2015-2016. This decision would allow the CDO time to discuss with officers the capital and future costs of providing such a facility and present at a future meeting a formal grant application and supporting details in the officer's report. The third option would be to decide to grant funding without any such information.

The Chairman thanked the Clerk for the advice on procedure and invited comments from the Committee. The Vice- Chairman expressed very strongly the view that the Bearton Ward Members should be able to provide funding for such a project that had the support of many users of the named Recreation Grounds and that the Area Committee budgets should be used for the benefit of the Community. This view was supported by several Councillors and a Member advised that the first option available to the Committee (above) had not been the procedure used in the past and supported the Vice- Chairman in that Area Committee funds should be used to provide drinking fountains in local recreation grounds. The Member also referred to a meeting that would be held in the week commencing Monday 2 February for Group Leaders, Chairman and Vice Chairman of Area Committees concerning the disbursement of grants, policy and justification. The availability of funding was not only about grants but had to reflect the needs of the community and in fact could only be about the community

Following a short discussion the Committee:


(1) That a grant of £1,083 be allocated from the Community Projects Budget (Appendix A) for Bearton Ward to cover the costs of the purchase and installation of one drinking water fountain in each of the Bancroft, King George's and Ransom's Recreation Ground and preferably in time for the 2015 summer season;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the appropriate arrangements with the Parks and Countryside Development Manager and the Service Manager Grounds Maintenance to confirm capital costs and ongoing annual maintenance costs.

To provide support for the local community and users of Recreation Grounds in Bearton Ward, Hitchin.

The Community Development Officer referred the Committee to Paragraph 8.5 of the report of the Head of Policy and Community Service which cautioned the Committee that any consideration of an award to support a Sunday Bus Service in Hitchin (Westmill to Ninesprings) would be considered to be against NHDC policy. Also that the Terms of Reference of Area Committees stated that such Committees should allocate discretionary and devolved budgets within the terms determined by the Council and the CDO referred to Paragraph 2.5 where there was a formal recommendation for a grant subject to consideration by the Hitchin Committee.

The Chairman invited comment from the Committee and a Member thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that there was a need to introduce on a trial basis a pilot bus service on a Sunday between Westmill Estate and Ninesprings in Hitchin. The Member was very pleased to announce that there had been an award of £7,500 from local Herts County Councillors' Locality Budgets to support this trial Sunday bus service. The actual cost was projected at £9,000 for a six month period commencing on Sunday 12 April 2015 until the end of September this year, with a service every hour from 0905 to 1605 and the award of a contract was imminent. In response to a question the Member agreed that this bus service would be very much a case of ‘use it or lose it.'

Although the Committee acknowledged the advice from the Head of Service regarding subsidy to bus services it was considered that the provision of a limited six month bus service was in fact for a trial period and not a designated service.

Following a short discussion the Committee agreed that the award of a grant £1,500 from the Hitchin Area Committee Discretionary Budget would not be contrary to NHDC Policy and that a trial basis of a bus service should be provided.


(1) That a grant of £1,500 be awarded from the Hitchin Area Committee Discretionary Budget in support of a six month trial Sunday Bus Service between Westmill Estate and Ninesprings, Hitchin commencing on Sunday 12 April 2015;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the appropriate arrangements to transfer £1,500 to Hertfordshire County Council.

To provide support and much needed Sunday transport for the local community of Westmill Estate and the Ninesprings area of Hitchin.

There were no updates from Councillors other than the Chairman who advised that British Schools were progressing very well.
Appendix A - Thomas Bellamy House and Hitchin Museum report to Cabinet on 16 December 2014

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Paul Clark advised the Chairman that he was a trustee of the Citizens's Advice Bureau who were tenants of Thomas Bellamy House and because of this connection he considered that he had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and would withdraw from the room for the duration of both items.

The Senior Estates Surveyor (SES) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management which was supported at Appendix A by the Part 1 report to Cabinet on 16 December 2014 (Minute 93 refers). The SES referred the Committee to Paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5 which gave the Part 1 and Part 2 resolutions respectively.

This report was before the Hitchin Committee for consultation purposes regarding possible disposals of Thomas Bellamy House and Hitchin Museum also known as Charnwood House. The SES advised that there were various options for the two properties but there would be no action until the Hitchin Museum had moved to the new North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall. The SES advised the Committee that Cabinet had agreed to go forward with Option F as presented at paragraph 9.5 for the sale of Thomas Bellamy House.

The Chairman thanked the Senior Estates Surveyor for the presentation and the clarification of the proposals for Thomas Bellamy House and that no action for Hitchin Museum would be taken until the complete move of Hitchin Museum to the new building.

There were no questions.


(1)That the Senior Estates Surveyor be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the contents of the report and Appendix A be noted.

To provide the Hitchin Committee with an opportunity to review and be consulted on potential asset disposal in Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act.

The Chairman advised the Committee that the main reason for the move into the Part 2 conditions was to provide the Hitchin Councillors with an opportunity to be consulted on the proposals for Thomas Bellamy House and Hitchin Museum and the legal opinions, financial spreadsheet and Cabinet report (Appendices A,B and C respectively).

Of particular importance to the Chairman was the reference to the consultation with the three Highbury Ward Councillors in both the Part 1 and Part 2 reports. The Chairman had been advised a few days before this meeting that contact was made on 18 November 2014 by email and he was adamant that this did not constitute ‘consultation' and was totally unacceptable. It was inadequate and misleading. Also, by officers stating in both reports that Highbury Ward Councillors were contacted on 18 November 2014 that this, did not, in any way meet the requirements of true consultation and was contrary to the democratic process. The Chairman considered therefore that the presentation of the two reports was the only possible form of consultation left open to the Hitchin Committee and himself. Consequently he had made a request for sight of the Part 2 papers under confidential conditions and that Members had the opportunity to ask any questions or make comments if they so wished.

The Senior Estates Officer had very little to add to the information in the report and that the legal opinion from two barristers had been reviewed by Cabinet who subsequently selected Option F as the way forward for Thomas Bellamy House and Hitchin Museum.

In conclusion the Chairman opined that the reports presented and read by the Committee now finally satisfied the need for consultation. There were no questions or comments raised by Councillors.


(1) That the Senior Estates Surveyor be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the contents of the Part 2 report be noted.

To provide the Committee with an opportunity to be consulted on the proposal and supporting papers concerning the potential disposal of NHDC assets in Hitchin.