Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Thursday, 31st May, 2012 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: The Gurdwara, Wilbury Way, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Stuart Izzard (Community Development Manager), Ros Allwood (Cultural Services Manager), Peter Carey (Environmental Health Manager), David Carr (Environmental Protection Officer), Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the commencement of the meeting 11 members of the public.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence was received from Councillors David Billing, Judi Billing and Joan Kirby.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 March 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 May 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would be no other business.

(1) Councillor Shakespeare - Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting, thanked those who attended Town Talk and congratulated Councillor Joan Kirby on her re-election and appointment as NHDC Chairman for 2012- 2013, to Councillors David Leal-Bennett and Deborah Segalini on their election in Highbury and Bearton Wards respectively.

(2) Councillor Shakespeare - Smith thanked Councillors Clare Body and Deepak Sangha for their support to the Hitchin Committee.

(3) The Chairman thanked Councillor Judi Billing for her 12 years of chairmanship of this Committee.

(4) The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Dr Clarke thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and explained that, although he was the Chair of Hitchin Forum, he was speaking as a concerned resident on this occasion.

He gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the dangers facing cyclists, particularly on Fishponds Road and Nightingale Road. He informed Members that he had been cycling on Fishponds Road approaching the traffic island when a long truck, which had previously visited Williams Metal Yard, swept past him almost forcing him off of the road. He expressed concern at this incident and that the traffic island was use by school children to cross the road who must be vulnerable to similar encounters with these trucks.

He suggested that the introduction of a 20 mile per hour speed limit would reduce these problems and drew Members attention to the 20 Is Plenty campaign which not only had produced map of road casualties, but spearheads the introduction of 20 mph limits. A further step to reduce incidents would be to provide another route for the trucks such as a link road.

Dr Clarke asked Councillors to do whatever they could to progress these suggestions and to let the public know if they could be of assistance.

Members expressed support for a 20 mph speed limit, particularly around schools and routes to schools however they were concerned that Hertfordshire Highways would not introduce a speed limit unless the traffic was already travelling at or near that speed, which seemed to negate the need.

They felt that the long term solution would be to remove lorries from residential roads, and promote the introduction of a permanent relief road, particularly as lorry movements were likely to increase in future.

The Chairman thanked Dr Clarke for his presentation.

RECOMMENDED TO NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE HIGHWAYS - JOINT MEMBER PANEL: That the Hitchin Committee expressed their concern about the large number and speed of HGV vehicles entering Hitchin on the A505 and accessing the major industrial area in Hitchin and requested that a permanent solution be found, such as the provision of a relief road, as soon as possible.

REASON FOR DECISION: To reduce the risks to pedestrians, cyclists and other motorists whilst travelling on the roads in Hitchin.

The Cultural Services Manager gave an oral update regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facilities at Hitchin Town Hall as follows:
- That at the meeting held on 10 May 2012 Council agreed for the project to continue subject to the conclusion of some final negotiations with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd, which had been delegated to the Strategic Director of Customer Services;
- That at the meeting held on 10 May 2012 Council were advised of other significant issues in respect of the project;
- That Hitchin Town Hall Ltd were seeking to resolve the detail of conditions required by Future Builders England as soon as possible;
- That at the meeting held on 22 May 2012 the Gymnasium and Workman's Halls Trust Cabinet Sub-Committee agreed to enter into a management agreement with the Council, which would allow Trust property to be utilised as a museum with part of the area being leased to Hitchin Town Hall Ltd;
- That Hitchin and Letchworth Museums would close on 1 September 2012, although "Behind the Scenes" tours would be available by prior booking;
- Staff of both museums would clear showcases, photograph objects and consider what to display at the new museum;
- Arts, Museums and Heritage meetings would continue throughout this process.

Members were encouraged by the progress and were pleased to note the willingness for this project to progress.

RESOLVED: That the information provided in the oral presentation regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee is fully appraised of progress regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility.
Agreed  Cultural Services Manager


The Environmental Health Manager presented the report of the Head of Housing and Public Protection and advised the Committee that the Council had continuous monitoring stations at sites in Hitchin and Baldock, which measured the levels of two pollutants of particular concern, these being nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter were of particular concern. The main sources of these two pollutants were road transport and electrical and industrial sectors and burning of fuel in homes and businesses and transport respectively. The Committee noted that monitoring was focussed on areas where there could be long term exposure to high levels of air pollution by residents.

The Environmental Health Manager advised the Committee that monitoring (using three diffusion tubes and an automatic nitrogen dioxide analyser) east of the Three Moorhens Public House along the A602 - Stevenage Road had shown that there was a zone where the level of nitrogen dioxide was above the accepted air quality standard. These measurements were supported by a modelling exercise that predicted annual mean nitrogen dioxide would be exceeded in this area.

The Environmental Health Manager confirmed that there was no immediate public health concern for residents of Stevenage Road, but the Council had to take some form of action when the standard was breached and had to accept that the issue must be addressed. The outcome would be the designation of an air quality management area in the affected area and as shown at Appendix 1 to this report. The subsequent outcome for officers would be to develop an Air Quality Action Plan which would include the measures required to achieve the required air quality objectives. He advised the Committee that authority for the designation of an air quality management area would be sought from Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 19 June 2012.

Members asked several questions including why monitoring had only taken place on one side of the road; whether other areas were at risk and what options would be available to address the situation.

The Environmental Health Manager informed Members that it would appear that the area affected was due to traffic slowing whilst approaching the Three Moorhens roundabout and that houses on the other side were set further back from the road; other areas were at risk and monitoring was taking place, although levels had not been exceeded. He advised that various options would be considered and that he would liaise closely with Hertfordshire Highways in order to draw up an action plan, which would then be consulted on.


(1) That the information provided in the report concerning air quality in the Stevenage Road Area in Hitchin be noted;

(2) That consideration of the requirement for an air quality management area in the Stevenage Road Area by Cabinet on 19 June 2012 be noted;

(3) That the Hitchin Committee supported the need for air quality measurement and an Action Plan;

(4) That subject to any decision taken by Cabinet there should be sufficient additional consultation with local residents on any proposed Action Plan.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that North Hertfordshire District Council undertakes its duties to review and assess air quality in the District and implement any appropriate measures with the aim of meeting air quality standards and objectives.
Agreed  Environmental Health Manager

Appendix A

The Chairman advised that this report had special interest to Councillors David Billing and Judi Billing and, in their absence, felt it would be more appropriate to discuss the matter at the next meeting of this Committee when it was hoped that these Councillors would be able to attend.

Members considered that to properly consider the subject they would need to know approximate costs for implementing a 20 mph speed limit town wide. It was suggested that Officers talk to the "20 is Plenty" campaign to see if they could assist with possible costs and funding.

The Chairman asked Members to contact Lorraine O'Gorman (Transport Policy Officer) with details of roads which should be considered for a 20 mph speed limit.


(1) That the report entitled "20 mph Zones in Certain Roads in Hitchin" be considered at the next meeting of this Committee due to be held on 17 July 2012;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite a representative of "20 is Plenty" to present to the next meeting of this Committee due to be held on 17 July 2012;

(3) That the Community Development Officer ask "20 is Plenty" if they can provide an indication of costs and available funding streams for a Town Wide 20 mph zone.

REASON FOR DECISION: For the Hitchin Committee to consider which 20 mph schemes should be implemented and agree any matched funding for highway schemes in the Hitchin area.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB, Community Development Manager


The Chairman invited those Councillors who were appointed as NHDC representatives to comment on the organisations they were associated with.

Councillor Thake informed Members that plans were being considered to enhance the facilities at the Club and that he would update the Committee further at the meeting to be held on 11 September 2012.


(1) That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite the Hitchin Rugby Football Club to make a presentation to this Committee regarding the plans to enhance facilities at a suitable time;

(2) That updates form NHDC representative on Outside Bodies would be a regular agenda item for Hitchin Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Hitchin Committee apprised of the work undertaken by Members serving on Outside Bodies.
Agreed  Community Development Manager, Community Development Officer - MB


Keith Hoskins, Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and informed Members of the following:

- That the Queen would be visiting Hitchin Town Centre on 14 June 2012 as part of her Diamond Jubilee celebrations;
- That events would take place at Hitchin Market Place on Monday 4 June 2012 and Tuesday 5 June 2012 as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations;
- That the Annual General Meeting of Hitch BID would take place on 13 June 2012 at 6 p.m. in Hitchin Priory which would include an exhibition of parking meters;
- That Hitchin BID won a silver award for recycling;
- That he believed that development of Top Field, Hitchin would be against NHDC's Planning Policy Framework and the encroachment of the Green Belt;
- That, in respect of Bancroft Hall, he would wish the current building demolished and replaced and he was currently working on proposals to do this;
- That the Vibrant Towns Conference would take place on 6 September 2012.

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the information on events in Hitchin

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee was kept fully appraised of the events due to be held in Hitchin.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

The Community Development Manager presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and drew attention to the following::

School Surgeries took place in March 2012 at The Priory and Girls Schools.
The Boys School surgery did not take place
Summer Term Surgeries would take place during the week commencing 18 June 2012.

It was planned to hold the Westmill Community Day on 26 August 2012 and it was hoped that this could become an annual event.

The 2012 Vaisakhi procession took place on 14 April 2012.
Orange ribbons decorating Hitchin were not placed by the organisers but by a separate group trying to highlight the injustice to Sikh people in India.

The Voice of Hitchin Youth had a stall on Hitchin Market Place on 5 May 2012 where they raised awareness of the Youth Council; and gathered opinions about "Dark Alleys" in Hitchin. It was hoped that they would present the results to Hitchin Committee on 17 July 2012.

The Group of young people had agreed a final design for improvements to the skatepark at King George and were awaiting the plans to be drawn up.
It was hoped that the young people would make a presentation of plans to Hitchin Committee on 17 July 2012.

The Community Development Manager drew attention to Paragraph 3.16 which listed the events due to take place in Hitchin over the next 3 months..


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 6 March 2012 be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.

The Community Development Manager raised the grant application from Stevenage Leisure requesting that the annual support funding from this Committee be continued to cover the extended summer evening opening hours at Hitchin Outdoor Swimming Pool in 2012. He advised Members that in 2011, 218 swimmers used the pool during the extra hours and that the 2012 summer Olympics could enthuse more people to use the pool after a working day this summer.

Members expressed concern at the low usage of the extended hours which resulted in an approximate subsidy by this Committee of £10 per swimmer. They acknowledged that extending the hours was good for the community albeit a limited number and felt that, although this request should be granted, Stevenage Leisure Ltd should be requested to present various options to the Committee prior to any further grant applications being considered.


(1) That a grant of £2,300 be awarded to Stevenage Leisure Ltd as a contribution to the costs associated with extended summer swimming sessions in 2012 at Hitchin Outdoor Swimming Pool;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite Stevenage Leisure Ltd to present various options together with costings and usage to this Committee prior to any further applications for grant funding being considered.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.
Agreed  Community Development Manager, Community Development Officer - MB