Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 14th July, 2015 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor David Leal - Bennett (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Nicola Harris, Councillor Simon Harwood, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Frank Radcliffe, Councillor Deborah Segalini, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor Adrian Smith.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green (Head of Policy and Community Services), Louise Symes (Strategic Planning and Projects Manager), Simon Ellis (Acting Development and Conservation Manager), Claire Morgan (Communities Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting 14 members of the public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Alan Millard.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 26 May 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that he would, at the appropriate place in the agenda, wish to discuss the toilets at Bancroft Recreation Ground.

(1) The Chairman welcomed all who had attended Town Talk and this meeting, particularly those who had attended to give a presentation;

(2) The Chairman asked Members of the Committee to join him in congratulating Councillor Joan Kirby and her husband on their 60th wedding anniversary;

(3) The Chairman read out the following:

"Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either:

a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest; or
b) Declarable Interest.

The Member is required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda.

Members declaring:

a) A Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, must leave the room for the duration of the item and not take part in the debate or vote; or

b) A Declarable Interest, may take part in the debate and vote. However if under Paragraph 7.3 of the Code of Conduct if the interest is so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement then under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct you must leave the room before the debate and vote."

Mr Bill Sellicks thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the work of Hitchin forum on footpaths in Hitchin.

Mr Sellicks informed Members that there were over 100 footpaths in Hitchin, some of which were quirky and historical and some were part of National major routes.

Hitchin Forum aimed to encourage walking in order to reduce congestion, improve health and reduce CO2 emissions.

A footpath survey was undertaken in 2013 during which over 40 footpaths were reviewed. An initial report on the state of these footpaths was sent to Hertfordshire County Council followed by 6 monthly updates.

Volunteers walk and check footpaths on a regular basis and the information from this regarding fly-tipping, graffiti and unemptied bins is reported to NHDC, with other issues feeding into the 6 month report to HCC.

Some of the reasons for avoiding use of footpaths were fly-tipping and litter, graffiti, poor surfaces and poor signage.

Hertfordshire County Council had been very supportive and have undertaken some repairs identified by Hitchin Forum, including surface repairs to footpath 10 - Strathmore Avenue to Brampton Park Road and Footpath 14 - York Road Nursery, signage re-erected at Priory End and the installation of a pedestrian barrier at the junction of Braunds Alley and Old Park Road to prevent people accidentally stepping onto the road.

Future works included smoothing out of Hitchin Outer Orbital Path between Wymondley Road / St Michael's Road, roundabout and Gipsy Lane. Tackling graffiti and looking at the frequency of bin emptying as well as producing route guides.

A Member asked whether the route from the Three Moorhens along the A602 to Oldhill Way was a footpath.

Mr Sellicks advised that this route was a right of way and that it would be really useful to have a route guide to enable footpaths to be publicised.

The Chairman thanked Mr Sellicks for the work of the Hitchin Forum regarding footpaths and for his presentation.

Ms Faith Hojeer thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application for Homestart.

Ms Hojeer informed Members that the grant application was to help with a trip and Christmas event for 20 - 30 vulnerable families as well as assist with fundraising activities to create an income for the future.

These events were not just an opportunity for families to get together, but also could be used to see other family model activities such as eating together.

Homestart was in a difficult position at present, but Ms Hoojer was confident about the future as volunteers were organising fundraising events. The first fundraising event would be a family funday in Hitchin Town Centre on 24 July 2014, which would include lots of activities, bouncy castles and games, as well as promoting the services offered by Homestart, funds would be raised to enable vulnerable families to continue to be supported.

Homestart was actively working on plans for the future including considering strategic plans and fundraising with their volunteers and staff trustees.

Members asked what services were provided by Homestart, why it was beneficial and what would happen if Homestart ceased operating.

Ms Hojeer informed Members that Homestart was a charity which provided support to families with children under 5 years of age dealing with issues such as disability or bereavement. Volunteers spent time with the families, which were referred by health visitors, and gave continuing support, including enabling them to get out into the community.

Families would struggle without this support and the relationship with the volunteers who helped the families integrate back into the community. If Homestart was not able to provide this support other overstretched agencies, such as Health Visitors and Social Services would have to provide it.

The Chairman thanked Ms Hojeer for her presentation.

Ms Rachel Campbell thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the start up of and future plans for the Hitchin Litter Picking Campaign.

Ms Campbell informed Members that she had moved to Hitchin approximately 18 months ago and recognised that it was a vibrant town. However there was a lot of litter in the Windmill Hill area and along the river.

She worked with Clean Up Britain and had developed a campaign plan to not only clear up litter, but to work on a behaviour change so that litter wasn't dropped in the first place which included signage, posters, banners and use of social media as well as local papers.

There would need to be some infrastructure such as emptying overflowing bins, possibly changing bin design and maybe an app to enable reporting of overflowing bins direct to the Council.

NHDC Grounds Maintenance, Veolia and the Comet were supporting the project and local primary schools were keen to take part however more stakeholders were needed and funding was required to get the project started and delivery started by spring 2016.

In response to a question, Ms Campbell advised that she was engaging with local primary schools and Hitchin Hackspace who aimed provide a robot that would follow people and remind them to dispose of their rubbish correctly.

Members were very supportive of the project and particularly that prevention was better than cure and suggested that Ms Campbell consider contacting the Friends of Walsworth, Hitchin Link, Hitchin Forum and Young Enterprise regarding the project.

The Chairman thanked Ms Campbell for her presentation.

Mr Marc Campbell was unable to attend this Committee meeting to give a presentation regarding the grant application for Child UK.
Information Note

The Committee received an Information Note regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

RESOLVED: That the Information Note regarding the North Hertfordshire District Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee is kept appraised of the current progress of and issues relating to the development of the North Hertfordshire District Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.
Information Note
Appendix A - Approved Master Plan

The Committee received an Information Note regarding Bancroft Recreation Ground.

The Chairman noted that progress regarding allowing use of the toilets by Hitchin Hack Space was moving extremely slowly.

Members agreed that this space should be used and that the innovative proposal from Hack Space should be supported and progressed as quickly as possible.

Members were concerned that the map attached was now out of date and was the original 'Master Plan' which was a long term view presented for Lottery Funding which did not now reflect what was planned for Bancroft Recreation Ground over the shorter term. They requested that an amended map, that reflects the plans for the next 2 to 3 years be attached to the next Information Note on this subject.

They asked for an update regarding the proposed provision of public tennis courts.


(1) That the Information Note regarding Bancroft Recreation Ground be noted;

(2) That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to provide a map that reflects the proposed plans for Bancroft Recreation Ground during the next 2 to 3 years;

(3) That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to provide an update regarding the proposed provision of public tennis courts;

(4) That the Portfolio Holder for Leisure be requested to provide a quick resolution to the legal issues, including covenants, on this land in order that plans regarding the existing toilets can be taken forward as soon as possible.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee is kept appraised of the progress of and issues relating to Bancroft Recreation Ground in order to move the project forward without any further delay.
Cover Note
Churchgate Report to Full Council - 16.7.15

The Strategic Planning and Projects Manager informed Members that the report entitled Churchgate Area, Hitchin: Interim Option proposal was a copy of the report that would be presented to Full Council on 16 July 2015 and was in front of this Committee for discussion purposes only at the request of the Chairman.

She drew attention to Section 2 of the report which recommended:

"That, in seeking to satisfy the Council resolution, of 12 February 2015 ‘to investigate the Council's preferred approach for a smaller scheme in the short term; the Council grants Hammersmatch exclusivity until the end of the year" ( i.e. 31 December 2015) and will be subject to Hammersmatch fulfilling certain requirements and conditions as set out in the resolution.

If the recommendations in the report were agreed by full Council, Officers would continue confidential discussions with Hammersmatch with the aim of moving the project forward.

There was a potential risk of challenge from other interested parties, however the Project Board was prepared to support this option as a way of moving the project forward in the short term.

Members were supportive of the recommendation to grant exclusivity to Hammersmatch.

Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the activities, events and issues relating to Hitchin Town Centre as follows:

- A TV advert for Victoria Plumb would be filmed in the Market Place on 15 July 2015;
- The St Mary's Fundraiser raised £19,000 of which 50 percent would go to Hitchin Initiative and 50 percent to St Mary's Preservation Trust;
- The Hitchin Festival was part way through with events such as the Street Food Fest being so successful that it was hoped to hold this event on a regular basis. Other events included Skate Jam on the river side and an art display in the church. There were many events still to come including Rock and Roll Politics, 3 lunch time concerts, the French Market and Bucklersbury Day
- The new Town Guide had been published and was being distributed;
- A meeting would take place with Highways, County Council on 15 July 2015;
- A meeting would take place on 16 July 2015 at North Herts College regarding Economic Development Strategy
- Hitchin Bid was currently undertaking on-street and business surveys regarding the work currently being undertaken and where efforts should be focussed in the future, which would inform the BID AGM in September 2015;
- A meeting was taking place with the Christmas lights company;
- Looking at ways to open up the river walkway by providing a pedestrian bridge;
- The Cabbie Hut repairs had been completed;
- The H Samuel clock had been repaired;
- An announcement was expected soon regarding the former Post Office site.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for his presentation.
Appendix A - Budget Report
Appendix B - Grant application - Homestart
Appendix C - Grant application - Child UK

The Communities Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services entitled Grant Applications and Community Update and drew attention to the following:

Officers would be meeting with representatives of the Walsworth Community Association during July with a view to finding a mutually beneficial way forward regarding the lease of the Community Centre.

The path was in place and the gate now open. Signage would be put up to advise that access through the gate was not a public right of way.

Officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, were currently considering requests made by this Committee regarding use of the Dell and they would provide an update once their work had been completed.

The Chairman asked that Officers provide a timescale for when this work would be competed.

County Councillor Judi Billing was funding County Council assessment of 21 roads in Hitchin to see if they were suitable for traffic calming and/ or Traffic Regulation Orders. Once the assessments had been completed County Councillor Billing would utilise further Highways Budget funding to progress the necessary legal consultations and notices to progress the introduction of 20 mph speed limits. It was likely that the new zones would be in place at the end of the 2015/16 Civic Year.

Councillor Thake informed Members that, unless there was an identified need, the County Council Speed Strategy would not fund any Speed restrictions and, although 20 mph zones were not against Highways Policy, they needed to be assessed against the Speed Strategy.

The Speed Strategy allowed for 20 mph zones, where certain criteria could be met. Sometimes it was not possible to meet that criteria, so were not supportable under those circumstances.

Members suggested that, in light of the amount of work undertaken, it would be useful to receive a presentation from Groundwork Hertfordshire regarding the projects it undertakes and the funding it receives.

Councillor Shakespeare-Smith informed Members that he was, with the help of the Communities Officer, looking at ways in which representatives from the Youth Council could attend and take part in Area Committee meetings.

The Communities Officer advised that there were legal issues regarding Youth Council Members sitting as part of the Committee.

Due to the regeneration of the area, there were many groups working in Westmill, however they did not appear to know about the work being undertaken by other groups. The Communities Officer had set up a Network Group on Westmill to enable the groups to find out abut each other.

This group were bringing together those groups who work with young people.

The Chairman asked Members to consider what projects could be supported using the Committee's Grant Funding Budget.

The Chairman advised that he would be working with the Communities Officer to present the budget spreadsheets in a different way.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development, Visioning and Ward Budgets, as set out at Appendices A and B be noted;

(2) That the actions taken by the Communities Officer to promote greater community capacity and wellbeing for Hitchin be noted;

(3) That the update regarding Harrison Court access be noted;

(4) That the update regarding The Dell be noted and that a further update, to include timescales for the completion of the requested work, be presented to the next meeting of this Committee, due to take place on 8 September 2015;

(5) That the update regarding the Walsworth Community Centre be noted;

(6) That the proposal regarding 20mph speed limits in Hitchin be progressed as quickly as possible and that the intention of Principal Transport officer to attend the next meeting of this Committee, due to be held on 8 September 2015, to provide an update be noted;

(7) That the Communities officer be requested to invite Groundwork Hertfordshire to give a verbal presentation to the next meeting of this Committee, due to be held on 8 September 2015 and that the Head of Policy and Community services be requested to provide details of the amount of funding provided by NHDC to this organisation;

(8) That the Communities Officer continue to investigate ways in which representatives of the Youth Council can take part in Area Committee meetings.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Hitchin.

The Communities Officer informed Members that Homestart had been affected by the decision made by County Council to no longer provide funding. This grant application was to provide an outing and a Christmas party for families affected by the closure of the Family Support Group and assist with fund raising, training and awareness activities.

A member queried why there was a problem with the presentation of this item which was subsequently resolved but which had caused concern to Homestart. The Chairman stated that he had made a decision on the information available and was concerned about the basis of support. This had now been clarified; he took full responsibility and apologised for any anxiety caused.

Members were supportive of the work this group undertook, but expressed some concern that the Committee could be perceived as picking up funding requests from groups that were previously in receipt of County Council funding, which would be against NHDC policy.

It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £3,300 be awarded to Homestart from the Discretionary Budget as funding towards the cost of providing two activities for those families affected by the closure of the Family Support group and assist with fund raising and awareness activities.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

The Communities Officer informed Members that Child UK had worked across the District for a long time and had organised the Friday Night Project for 8 years. They gathered together young people from around an area by offering diversionary activities.

This project would use the MUGA in Westmill to deliver a variety of exciting multi sports. It was anticipated that 25 young people would attend each of the 3 hour long weekly sessions to be held over a 10 week period.

Members were extremely supportive of the work undertaken by Child UK with young people to deter anti-social behaviour by providing alternative beneficial activities.

It was prosed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £1,665 be awarded to Child UK from the Discretionary Budget as funding towards the cost of delivering a variety of multi-sports to young people around John Barker Place in order to attempt to reduce the higher level of anti-social behavior in the area.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

The Chairman invited Councillor Joan Kirby to give an oral update on the recent visit undertaken by the Hitchin Town Twinning Association.

Councillor Kirby advised that there had been a very successful twinning visit by 36 people to Bingen from 25 June 2015 to 30 June 2015. Events had included a visit to an Ostrich Farm, a Jazz festival and a trip on Rhine.

The Chairman invited Councillor Bernard Lovewell to give an oral update on Rhythms of the World 2015.

Councillor Lovewell informed Members that the 2015 Rhythms of the World had been very successful despite the weather. This year, due to the previous good record of this event, Enforcement Officer cover had been reduced. Volunteers should be congratulated.

The Chairman invited Councillor Richard Thake to give an oral update on Hitchin Rugby Club.

Councillor Thake advised that Hitchin Rugby Club had entered into a new lease and that phase one of the development would start on 15 July 2015. He asked that Officers be thanked.

The Chairman invited Councillor Frank Radcliffe to give an oral update on Westmill Community Centre.

Councillor Radcliffe advised that the new Community Centre was being built and that the existing centre continued to thrive.