Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 17th November, 2015 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Simon Harwood, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Frank Radcliffe, Councillor Deborah Segalini and Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson (Strategic Director of Customer Services), Stephen Geach (Parks and Countryside Development Manager), Claire Morgan (Communities Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting Councillor Cunningham and 9 members of the public.
 Meeting attachments Agenda Front Sheet
Audio Recording of Meeting
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor David Leal-Bennett.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 8 September 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business had been notified.

(1) The Vice-Chairman welcomed all who had attended Town Talk and this meeting, particularly those who had attended to give a presentation;

(2) The Vice-Chairman advised those present that the meeting would be audio recorded;

(3) The Vice-Chairman drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest need to be declared immediately prior to the item in question;

(4) The Vice-Chairman advised Members that Councillor David Levett (Executive Member for Planning and Enterprise) had given a presentation to Hitchin Forum regarding the Local Plan. He further advised that it was now clear that the Local Plan would slip to July 2016.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Joan Kirby declared a declarable interest as she was the NHDC representative on the Hitchin Town Band Committee. She stated that this was not so significant as to prevent her from taking part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Alan Millard declared a declarable interest as he was the NHDC representative on the Hitchin Town Band Committee. He stated that this was not so significant as to prevent him from taking part in any debate and vote.

The Community Officer advised that Mr Birch, Hitchin Town Band, was unable to attend this meeting of the Committee.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Joan Kirby declared a declarable interest as she was the Vice-Chairman of the Westmill Community Association. She stated that this was not so significant as to prevent her from taking part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Frank Radcliffe declared a declarable interest as he was a member of the Westmill Community Association. He stated that this was not so significant as to prevent him from taking part in any debate and vote.

Mr Trevor Gillard, Treasurer of Westmill Community Association, thanked the Vice - Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application for the Westmill Community Association as follows:

- The Westmill Community Association was formed in 1965, based in a wooden hut;
- The Association had moved from financial loss to making a small profit;
- 50 years on and the Association was moving into a new, purpose built, centre;
- The new building had 3 wings, which would include a youth wing and meeting rooms;
- Short, medium and long term plans had been drawn up;
- An audit of current equipment had taken place;
- To ensure financial independence, it was important to maintain the ability to hire out the building;
- The Centre will need new equipment including: tables, chairs, trolleys, storage, window blinds, fridge and new bar area;
- To fund these minimum needs it was estimated that the Association needed £12360 immediately;
- The Association would also be looking to fit out the youth wing, which would require further funding, for which they would be seeking grant funding support.

Mr Gillard concluded by asking the Committee to give as much support as possible

Members commented that the estimation of the amount of funding needed seemed too low and that it would be a shame if the new Community Centre wasn't able to operate to full capacity from day one.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Mr Gillard for his presentation.
Appendix A - Budgets
Appendix B - Grant Application - Hitchin Town Band
Appendix C - Grant Application - Westmill Community Association
Appendix D - Rhythms Of The World Outreach - Update
Appendix E - Monitoring Chart

The Communities Officer presented the report entitled Grant Applications and Community Update and drew attention to the following:

The current level of unallocated funds within the Area Committee's 2015/16 Area Grant Budget was £41,800 and the current level of unallocated funds in the 2014/15 Area Grant Budget was £7,022.

There were several items on the budget sheets, at Appendix A, which were unspent and could be reallocated including:

Capital Visioning - Pedestrian Islands at Our Lady's Primary School £1,250
Members were concerned that this junction remained dangerous and asked that investigations into whether Highways would be undertaking any safety works take place before these funds were reallocated. Councillor Judi Billing undertook to take this matter forward.

Development Budget - Lighting Column for CCTV £439 & £61
Members requested that the Communities Officer investigate whether the proposed lighting columns had been installed and report back to this Committee.

Development Budget - Salt Bin for Whitehurst Avenue/Wilton Road £300
Members agreed that this sum could be reallocated back to the main budget.

In respect of the budgets that had not been spent in the expected time frame, Members asked that the Communities Officer investigate whether these funds were required or not and report back to this Committee, at which time decisions would be made regarding reallocation of funds.

In respect of 2016/17 grant expenditure, Members were aware that funding may be difficult in future years and, in light of the expected difficulties, asked that the Communities Officer contact previous grant recipients to attempt to ascertain their expected funding needs for 2016/17 and report back to this Committee. Organisations and groups would still need to make applications for grant funding, which would be assessed and considered, but this process would enable the Committee to identify the minimum requirements.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development, Visioning and Ward Budgets, as set out at Appendix A, be noted;

(2) That the actions taken by the Communities Officer to promote greater community capacity and wellbeing for Hitchin be noted;

(3) That County Councillor Judi Billing be requested to investigate whether any safety works were due to be undertaken around Our Lady's primary School and report back to this Committee;

(4) That the Communities Officer be requested to investigate whether the proposed lighting columns for CCTV had been installed and report back to this Committee;

(5) That the following Development Budgets be reallocated to the main 2015/16 Development Budget:
(i) Hitchin Outdoor Pool - £415;
(ii) Cycle Rack at Woodside Car Park - £115;
(iii) Salt Bin for Whitehurst Avenue/Wilton Road - £300;
(iv) Drinking Fountains in Bancroft, Ransoms and King Georges Recreation Ground - £1,083.

(6) That the Communities Officer be requested to investigate whether budgets that had not been spent in the expected time frame were required or not and report back to this Committee, at which time decisions could be made regarding reallocation of funds;

(7) That the Communities Officer be requested to contact previous grant recipients to attempt to ascertain their expected funding needs for 2016/17 and report back to this Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Hitchin.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Joan Kirby declared a declarable interest as she was an NHDC representative on the Hitchin Town Band Committee. She stated that this was not so significant as to prevent her from taking part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Alan Millard declared a declarable interest as he was an NHDC representative on the Hitchin Town Band Committee. He stated that this was not so significant as to prevent him from taking part in any debate and vote.

The Communities Officer informed Members that Hitchin Town Band represented Hitchin all over the country and had been doing so for 150 years. The band from Bingen (twinned with Hitchin) was visiting and the Hitchin Band wished to make a CD of their music to give as gifts to the visitors and to sell to raise funds. They were requesting grant funding of £500 towards the cost of £1,800 for the production of the CD.

Members were supportive of the application and

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £500 be awarded to Hitchin Town Band from the Discretionary Budget as funding towards the cost of producing an anniversary CD of their music.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Joan Kirby declared a declarable interest as she was the Vice-Chairman of the Westmill Community Association. She stated that this was not so significant as to prevent her from taking part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Frank Radcliffe declared a declarable interest as he was a member of the Westmill Community Association. He stated that this was not so significant as to prevent him from taking part in any debate and vote.

Members were pleased that the Community Centre was close to completion and suggested that, as this was a once in a lifetime event, the Community Association should be fully supported.

It was proposed and seconded that grant funding of £20,000 be awarded to Westmill Community Association as funding towards the cost of fixtures and fittings for the new Community Centre and that the Communities Officer be requested to monitor the expenditure to ensure that purchases were within Council policy.


(1) That grant funding of £20,000 be awarded to the Westmill Community Association from the Discretionary Budget as funding towards the cost of fixtures and fittings for the new community centre including: tables, chairs, trolleys, storage, window blinds, fridge and fitting out of bar area;

(2) In respect of (1) above, the Communities Officer be requested to monitor expenditure to ensure that purchases made are within Council policy.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Mr Keith Hoskins thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the activities, events and issues relating to Hitchin Town Centre as follows:

- The Christmas Light Switch On event would take place on 20 November 2015;
- The Hitchin Initiative AGM would be held on 18 November 2015.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for his presentation.
Bancroft Recreation Ground - Proposed Short Term Works

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. He tabled a chart detailing the proposed short term works and gave a verbal presentation regarding Bancroft Recreation Ground as follows:

- Cabinet met on 10 November 2015 and agreed the short, medium and long term plans. This was available on the Internet;
- The splash park was on course and due to open in May 2016;
- The toddler play area would need improvement in the future;
- The disused tennis courts would be landscaped into grass and park land;
- The Sport England grant application would be presented in the near future;
- The intention was to provide drawings of the short medium and long term plans;
- Cabinet resolved that the TRO regarding the car park should be changed to allow limited use season tickets.

In response to a question the Parks and Countryside Development Manager confirmed that car parking would continue to be provided, although it would not be within the footprint of the recreation ground.

Members noted that, within the Hitchin Committee Capital Visioning Budget, £26,403 had been allocated to Bancroft Recreation Ground and asked what feature of the redevelopment could be funded by this. They expressed concern about the possible reduction in available funding in the future and agreed that the money be either spent on the short term programme or remain available to this project for future plans.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services advised that the reconditioning of lawns and planting of trees was currently unfunded.

Members asked that officers identify a specific project that could be funded by the Hitchin Committee and present details at the next meeting of this Committee.


(1) That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be thanked for his presentation;

(2) That the Hitchin Committee notes, with pleasure, the progress made and the proposed short, medium and long term plans;

(3) That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to identify a project, within the Bancroft Recreation Ground redevelopment plans that could be funded by the Hitchin Committee and present details to the next meeting due to be held on 12 January 2015.

REASON FOR DECISION: For the Hitchin Committee to be kept apprised of the progress made regarding the redevelopment of Bancroft Recreation Ground.
Information Note

The Committee received an Information Note regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

A Member commented that he had visited the facility recently and that it looked great. He stated that the staff should be thanked for their hard work.

Members asked whether an opening date had been agreed and whether the contract for catering had been awarded.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services advised that Officers were working hard to get an opening date as soon as possible and that the contact contract for fit out of the Café had been awarded and that it was proposed that NHDC operate this, but contract alcohol and major event catering to external operators.
Information Note

The Committee received an Information Note regarding the Churchgate Area.

No Member or Outside organisation reports were submitted.