Meeting documents

Letchworth Committee
Wednesday, 23rd July, 2014 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Lorna Kercher (Chairman), Councillor Clare Billing (Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Booth, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor David Kearns, Councillor David Levett, Councillor Sandra Lunn, Councillor Ian Mantle, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham, Councillor Mike Rice and Councillor Deepak Sangha.
 IN ATTENDANCE: David Charlton (Senior Estates Surveyor), Claire Morgan (Community Development Officer - Letchworth and Hitchin) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting 8 members of public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gary Grindal and Terry Hone.

Members requested that the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and/or the Letchworth Garden City Business Improvement District (BID) be requested to give a presentation to every meeting of this Committee.

(1) That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and/or the Letchworth Garden City Business Improvement District (BID) to present to every meeting of this Committee;

(2) That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 11 June 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other items of business were discussed.

(1) The Chairman welcomed all those present at the meeting, particularly those due to give a presentation;

(2) The Chairman reminded those giving presentations under Public Participation that there was a time limit of 5 minutes per presentation, after which Councillors may ask some questions;

(3) Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor David Kearns stated a Declarable Interest as he knew Tony Eden. He stated that he would remain in the room for the duration of the item and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Ian Mantle stated a Declarable Interest as he knew Tony Eden. He stated that he would remain in the room for the duration of the item and vote.

Tony Eden, Chairman of Letchworth Garden City Eagles, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application as follows:

- The Club had 287 youth members, of which 2/3rds were from Letchworth and 90 percent were from North Herts;
- There were two adult male teams and one adult female team;
- The aim was to extend the existing building to provide a lounge/function room;
- The extension would measure 10 metres by 9 metres and would cost £157,000;
- The new room would enable the club to:
(i) provide hospitality to visiting teams and supporters;
(ii) enable the senior teams to progress;
(iii) act as an income generator (estimated to be £4,000 per annum);
(iv) Be a committee meeting room.
- The club would continue to fundraise, and had already raised £11,000;
- Other sources of funding had been applied for, with decisions due in September as follows:
(i) The Football Foundation - £80,000
(ii) Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation - £40,000
(iii) Hertfordshire County Council - £6,000
(iv) Letchworth Civic Trust - £5,000
- It was hoped that funding for the project would be in place by September 2014 and the building would be completed by Easter 2015.

Members asked several questions including whether the room would have a bar; what would the capacity of the room be and whether planning permission had been granted.

Mr Eden advised that no decision had yet been made regarding a bar but, if there was a bar, it would be very low level, there was no wish for a fully operating bar; the room would cater for approximately 40 to 50 people and that planning permission and landlords consent had been granted.

The Chairman thanked Mr Eden for his presentation.

Kevin Stark, Chief Instructor and Ali Sharif, Instructor, from the Association of Traditional Shotokan Karate (ATSK), thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application as follows:

Mr Stark informed the Committee that there was a need for an able bodied and disabled inclusive Karate club and that ATSK were trying to change the face of martial arts in order to break down the view that Karate was elitist and enable people with disabilities to get involved with the sport of Karate.

Martial Arts aimed to help people develop mind and body and, by giving milestones, helped boost confidence.

The grant request was for £1,500 which would help with travel expenses for instructors to deliver classes, initially within clubs and societies for disabled people, with the aim to gradually introduce those people into the mainstream Karate classes.

Members asked several questions including whether, as a not for profit organisation, instructors were paid; how many people would be helped into the sport; whether funding was being sought from other sources and where were the classes held.

Mr Stark advised Members that he was not paid for his services, however if a club made a profit the operator would keep that; the number of people helped into the sport would depend on other organisations allowing instructors in and how many people would be inspired to access the sport; that at present this was the only application for grant funding and that they were actually requesting £1,500 from each Committee rather than £1,500 between them and that classes were held in Brotherhood Hall, Letchworth and Strathmore Hall, Hitchin.

The Chairman thanked Mr Stark and Mr Sharif for their presentation.

Representatives from Praxys and their consultants thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the proposed redevelopment of Garden Square Shopping Centre as follows:

- Consultation with the major partners regarding the proposed redevelopment had taken place;
- The design was modern, but echoed the Garden City design;
- There were 3 areas of redevelopment:
Block A - near Esquires, which would be almost completely demolished then rebuilt with an additional storey;
Block B - Commerce House, which formed the entrance to the shopping centre would have an additional floor and be re-skinned and re-glazed.
Block C - An additional 3.5 storey building next to W H Smiths;
- Concerns had been expressed at the Planning Control Committee about the materials used in Block B and as a result the planned zinc work would be replaced with brick and red clay tiles;

Members asked several questions including whether the glazed area in Block B would be housing; whether the clock could be kept and included in the design; whether sufficient space would remain in Leys Square for events such as the Farmers Markets and would the shopping centre remain gated.

Members were informed that the glazed area in Block B would be flats, however the glass used would be highly reflective; the clock would not be incorporated into the design, however it could be offered to the Council for use elsewhere; plenty of space would remain for events to take place in Leys Square; the shopping centre would remain gated using a light mesh and that retail units needed to be encouraged to remain open longer into the evening.

The Chairman thanked the representatives for their presentation.

RESOLVED: That the representatives of Praxys and their consultants be thanked for their informative presentation regarding the proposed redevelopment of Garden Square Shopping Centre.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Letchworth Committee is fully appraised regarding the proposed redevelopment of Garden Square Shopping Centre.
Appendix 1 - Plan

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared a declarable interest in that she lived opposite the plot of land being discussed. She stated that she would remain in the room and vote.

The Senior Estates Surveyor presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management regarding the 0.6 acre site adjacent to Ivel Court, Radburn Way, Letchworth Garden City.

He informed Members that Cabinet, at its meeting of 24 June 2014 resolved:

1) That, subject to Letchworth Committee raising no substantive objections to the proposal, the freehold land of approximately 0.6 acres coloured green on the plan attached as Appendix A to the report, located near Ivel Court, Radburn Way, Letchworth Garden City, be offered for sale on the open market: and

2) That, after receipt of the offers and on noting the advice of externally appointed property agents, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT, to agree the terms of the sale contract, including the net sale price, subject to the net offer being the best consideration.

North Hertfordshire Homes had commented that, in their view the Council's site occupied a strategic position in relation to the rest of Ivel Court and that the land would be useful in facilitating a future regeneration scheme. They suggested that the sale of the Council's land could prevent any future regeneration scheme. North Hertfordshire Homes would prefer the Council site to remain in the ownership of the Council or North Hertfordshire Homes until such time as Ivel Court Was regenerated.

The Senior Estates Surveyor confirmed that he had consulted with North Hertfordshire Homes prior to the Cabinet meeting which was held on 24 June and that North Hertfordshire Homes had acknowledged that they had no current scheme planned for the foreseeable future and had not yet allocated any funding or given details on how a future scheme would be funded. He stated that, if the land were offered for sale on the open market, North Hertfordshire Homes were at liberty to place an offer.

Members debated the report and noted that North Hertfordshire Homes had not allocated funding towards Ivel Court, yet had expressed a wish to purchase the land.
They acknowledged that redevelopment of Ivel Court was a long term aim and discussed whether or not this area of land could prevent any future regeneration. They noted that the Council owned another piece of land in the area which could be used to facilitate any future regeneration. They discussed that car parking in the area was essential to ensure the viability of the local shops.

Some Members felt that a face to face meeting between senior Members of this Council and senior officers of North Hertfordshire Homes in order clarify the position of North Hertfordshire Homes regarding the sale of this plot of land and whether the sale of this plot of land would prevent future redevelopment of the rest of the area.

It was proposed and seconded that, as a matter of urgency, Cabinet request the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT, together with appropriate Officers, arrange a face to face meeting with senior officers of North Hertfordshire Homes in order clarify the position of North Hertfordshire Homes regarding the sale of this plot of land and whether the sale of this plot of land would prevent future redevelopment of the rest of the area.

Upon the vote the proposal was agreed and it was:

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That, as a matter of urgency, Cabinet request the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT, together with appropriate Officers, arrange a face to face meeting with senior officers of North Hertfordshire Homes in order clarify the position of North Hertfordshire Homes regarding:

(1) The sale of this plot of land;

(2) Whether the sale of this plot of land would prevent future redevelopment of the rest of the area.

REASON FOR DECISION: To confirm that the sale of this plot of land would not prevent future redevelopment of the rest of the area.
Addendum Report
Appendix 1 - Budget Sheets
Appendix 2 - Grant Application - Letchworth Garden City Eagles
Appendix 3 - Area Committee Summary
Appendix 4 - Grant Application - Association Of Traditional Shotokan Karate

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services entitled "Grant Applications and Community Update and drew attention to the following:

The current level of unallocated funds within the Area Grant Budget was £19,002, which equated to approximately £3,844 per meeting.
There was £220 unallocated funds in the carried forward budget and £601 unallocated in the Capital Visioning budget.

(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development and Visioning Budgets be noted;

(2) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Letchworth Garden City be endorsed.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Letchworth Garden City.

Members were extremely supportive of the club and the benefits provided to the youth of Letchworth. They were concerned that near neighbours had not been consulted prior to planning permission being granted, but this was purely a planning matter.

After some discussion regarding the amount that should be awarded and it was proposed and seconded that, on condition that NHDC support was recognised in publicity and advertising, £3,500 be awarded (£601 from Capital Visioning and £2,899 from the Discretionary Budget and it was:

RESOLVED: That, on condition that NHDC support is recognised in publicity and advertising, and receipt of sufficient funding to complete the project, £3,500 (£601 from Capital Visioning and £2,899 from the Discretionary budget) be awarded to Letchworth Garden City Eagles towards the costs of providing a lounge/function room extension to the changing rooms/clubhouse building.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

The Community Development Officer confirmed that the application for grant funding, which was completed on-line, was for £1,500 split between Letchworth Committee and Hitchin Committee and not £1,500 per Committee as indicated by Mr Stark.

She also confirmed that NHDC could grant fund sports organisations that paid their Coaches.

The Community Development Officer advised that the application stated the following breakdown of costs:
Activity Costs £330
Office Premises £120
Capital Costs £200
Publicity £300

Members were supportive of the principle of supporting a sports organisation to enable and encourage people with disabilities to become involved but were concerned that the structure of the organisation, who was applying for the money and how much was being applied for was unclear. They were also concerned that an existing organisation needed money for capital costs, office premises, computers etc, which they should already have.

It was proposed that a decision regarding this grant application be deferred pending the applicant being invited to make a further presentation to this Committee to clarify details regarding finances, organisational structure and the role played by each party.

RESOLVED: That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite the Association of Traditional Shotokan Karate to present to the next meeting of this Committee, due to be held on 3 September 2014 in order to present an accurate and detailed financial breakdown and details regarding the structure of the organisation and the role played by each party.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Councillor David Levett gave a verbal update regarding the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and Letchworth Garden City Business Improvement District (BID) as follows:

- The first tranche of funds have been banked by the BID
- The Town Centre Manager had resigned;
- The Town Centre Partnership would remain in place for the foreseeable future;
- Kayla Eddington had resigned as Chairman of the BID and had been retained as the Town Centre Manager.

Members queried when a BID Manager would be appointed and asked that Kayla Eddington be requested to present to this Committee.

Councillor Levett advised that the position of BID Manager and Town Centre Manager would eventually be amalgamated and that it was hoped to appoint to this position by Christmas 2014 and that the BID Board was currently setting up working groups to address issues.

Councillor Lorna Kercher advised that she would give an update on Garden House Hospice at the meeting due to be held on 3 December 2014.

RESOLVED: That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite Kayla Eddington, Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Manager, to make a presentation to this Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Letchworth Committee is kept appraised of Ward and Outside Organisation matters.