Meeting documents

Letchworth Committee
Wednesday, 3rd September, 2014 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Clare Billing (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillor John Booth, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor Gary Grindal, Councillor T.W. Hone, Councillor David Kearns, Councillor David Levett, Councillor Sandra Lunn, Councillor Ian Mantle, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham and Councillor Deepak Sangha.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green (Head of Policy and Community Services), Claire Morgan (Community Development Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting Sergeant Simon Turner (Hertfordshire Constabulary), Kailah Eglington (Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership/BID) and 9 members of the public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lorna Kercher and Mike Rice.

In respect of Minute 29, a Member queried whether the Association of Traditional Shokotan Karate would be returning to give a presentation to this Committee.

The Community Development Officer advised that the organisation had withdrawn their application for grant funding and therefore would not return to give a presentation.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 23 July 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other items of business were discussed.

(1) The Vice-Chairman advised that the Police were in attendance to give a presentation (Item 6 on the agenda) and informed Members that, to allow them to return to duty as soon as possible, she had agreed to take this item before Item 5 - Public Participation.

(2) The Vice-Chairman informed Members that the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre/BID Manager (Item 7 on the agenda) had advised that she may arrive after the start of the meeting and that, if necessary, she would amend the order of items.

(3) The Vice-Chairman drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest need to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.

Mr Robin Norton of Nevells Road, Letchworth Garden City, thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the enhancements at Letchworth Garden City Railway Station.

Mr Norton informed Members that there had been problems over the last 10 years with the land at the rear of his Nevells Road property which was owned by British Rail. In the past British Rail had undertaken work on the lines and dumped the unused soil on the land behind his property followed by work on the platforms from which unused soil and rubble was dumped in the same place. Recently machinery had arrived and removed the trees and installed a haul road from the Settlement along Nevells Road.

Mr Norton then listed a number of problems and suggestions as follows:
- He believed that the land being used by British Rail was actually owned by Open Reach;
- The residents affected were not informed of the recent works;
- The damage to the land was on-going;
- The removal of the trees meant that the view was now all the way through the area and the noise levels from the trains were no longer dampened;
- British Rail said they would remove the haul road and replace the trees once work was completed;
- Because of the soil and rubble which had been previously dumped, the road was raised by at least 2 feet
- Removal of the trees and shrubs had caused a loss of wildlife;

Mr Norton asked Members to contact British Rail to find out when the road would be removed and the trees replaced.

Members clarified that the land was owned by British Rail and the access by the Settlement and that the building of the haul road did not require planning permission and suggested that Mr Norton approach the Settlement for assistance.

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enterprise stated that he would raise the matter with British Rail and share his findings with Mr Norton in due course.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Mr Norton for his presentation.

RESOLVED: That Councillor Julian Cunningham, Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues be requested to raise the matters highlighted by Mr Norton with Network Rail.

REASON FOR DECISION: To clarify the position regarding the works undertaken by Network Rail at the rear of Nevells Road, Letchworth Garden City.

Mrs Sheila Barden, a member of K-Entertainers, thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the activities of the group.

Mrs Barden informed Members that K-Entertainers were a group of people who devoted their spare time to entertaining pensioners with songs and humour who reside in care homes and sheltered accommodation. The group asked for a donation towards the Christmas Fund which paid for transport to a Christmas dinner and show free of charge.

She reminded Members that the Letchworth Committee had supported the Christmas events for a number of years and stated that she hoped they would consider supporting this year's event, which would provide enjoyment and entertainment for senior citizens.

A Member suggested that K-Entertainers contact Howard Cottage Housing Association for further grant funding.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Mrs Barden for her presentation.

The Community Development Officer advised Members that the Wilbury Community Forum had withdrawn their request to speak.

Ms Helen Day, a member of City Chorus, thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation in support of the grant application.

Ms Day informed Members that City Chorus were seeking to purchase portable staging which would be used both at their home venue of Letchworth Free Church and outside events. The group had researched alternative venues to be their home base, but so far had been unable to find a suitable alternative which met the needs in respect of size, acoustics etc.

The Free Church was an ideal home location as it provided changing facilities, parking and audience comfort however the stage area did not meet health and safety needs, which the proposed new staging would address. A larger stage would accommodate more Chorus members and allow them to perform at more events as well as providing a comfortable platform which would enhance their performance.

Ms Day advised that the aim of City Chorus was to increase audience growth and enable the arts to be accessible. The proposed staging would remain the property of City Chorus and would be used for both performances and rehearsals.

Members asked whether they used the Free Church or the associated Hall and asked for details about the proposed staging

Ms Day advised that they used the Free Church building and that the proposed staging was in effect an extention to the existing stage and was flat-packed flat staging.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Ms Day for her presentation.

Ms Rebecca Leek, Rhapsode, thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation in support of the grant application.

Ms Leek informed Members that Rhapsode was acting as a facilitator and enabler for this project, which involved working with other groups including Transition Towns and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation. This trial project was to organise community apple pressing, with a view to making it a long term community owned project.

The plan for 2014 was not to run a full scale apple pressing, but to advertise and get other groups involved, such as asking the Knitting group to yarn bomb an apple tree, gathering volunteers to help people pick apples from their gardens and holding an apple bobbing event in the Town Centre.

She explained that the apple pressing had to be paid for in advance and that other costs included flyers, information evenings, insurance, website and the Town Centre apple-bobbing event.

Members commented that St Christopher School already had an apple-pressing project and asked how the juice produced would be distributed. They expressed concern that funding was being sought from an undefined group for a project that had not been costed or researched regarding the feasibility of or interest in the project.

Members suggested that Rhapsode approach the Dragons Apprentice Scheme at the DaVinci School for advice and support.

Ms Leek advised that St Christopher School paid for their apples to be pressed and sold the resulting juice for profit. In respect of the concerns raised by Members she stated that Rhapsode was applying for the funding and would be running the event and that the selling and distribution of juice had not yet been worked out. This first year would act as the feasibility study and assessment of interest.

Ms Leek stated that she would contact the Dragons Apprentice Scheme and that, due to the reduced scheme in the first year, the grant request would be reduced from £750 to £400.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Ms Leek for her presentation.

Ms Anne Taylor and Ms Jacquie Hime, Furniture Link, thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation in support of the grant application.

Ms Taylor informed Members that Furniture Link was based in Letchworth, but provided lo-cost second hand furniture to the whole of North Hertfordshire. They collected good quality furniture donations and displayed them in the showroom for people to look at. Approximately ninety per cent of beneficiaries were families on low incomes or benefits and fifty per cent were from Letchworth. Donating to Furniture Link saved approximately 4 tonnes of landfill.

She advised that their current van was old and unreliable and that they would be unable to operate without a reliable van and therefore were looking to purchase a reliable second hand van. Funding had already been secured from Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and North Herts CVS and applications for funding had been made to the Community Foundation and County Councillors and the other North Herts District Council Area Committees.

Members queried what sort of van would be needed and whether they had approached any dealers and asked about the furniture pricing structure

Ms Hime advised that Furniture Link would be looking for a 3 ½ ton van with approximately 10 years of reliable usage left and the van would need a tail lift. They had approached up to 6 van dealers and approached the Rotary Club without success. In respect of pricing she advised that people on benefits got a discount of 1/3 of the marked price

Members suggested that Furniture Link consider contacting van manufacturers directly to see if they could get a discount on or donation of a new or second hand.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Ms Taylor and Ms Hime for their presentation.
Appendix A.1 to the Minutes
Appendix A.2 to the Minutes

Sergeant Simon Turner thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a presentation which detailed crime statistics and changes within Hertfordshire Constabulary.

Sergeant Turner informed Members that the team covering Letchworth Garden City currently consisted of five Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), of which one was on long term sick, and six Police Constables.

A Member asked for confirmation of the numbers of Officers supporting other areas in North Herts

Sergeant Turner advised that Hitchin and Rural was covered by six PCSOs and six Officers and Royston was covered by 3 PCSOs and 3 Officers.

Members requested that a list of Officers and the areas they covered be emailed to all Members of the Letchworth Committee

Sergeant Turner advised that, under the National Crime Recording Standards, all crime now had to be recorded unless they had evidence to the contrary that it was not a crime and that this would mean that recorded crime figures would rise. An example of how this would affect figures was "Making off without Payment" which in the past would have been recorded as a non-crime but would now be recorded as a crime, unless proven otherwise.

He explained that, the method of recording outcomes had also changed. In the past a crime that had been investigated would be recorded as "No further Action", there were now 18 stated outcomes which must be used as follows:
i. Person charged;
ii. Youth offender caution;
iii. Adult caution;
iv. Offences taken into consideration;
v. Offender died;
vi. Penalty notice issued;
vii. Cannabis warning;
viii. Community resolution for instance restorative justice;
ix. Prosecution not in the public interest;
x. Formal action not in the public interest;
xi. Prosecution is prevented for instance the offender is below the age of criminal responsibility;
xii. Prosecution is prevented due to physical or mental illness;
xiii. Witness died or is too ill to give evidence;
xiv. Witness not willing to support prosecution;
xv. Named suspect identified, but evidence doesn't support action;
xvi. Evidential difficulties - Victim based for instance the witness withdraws their statement;
xvii. Prosecution time limit expired;
xviii. Suspect not identified.

Members asked whether crimes remained open even if no suspect had been identified, how many time was restorative justice used

Sergeant Turner advised that unresolved crimes remained on record and were revisited, that restorative justice was used mainly for youth issues and he would advise of usage by email.

Sergeant Turner presented crime statistics (as attached as Appendix A to these Minutes).

Members queried whether the higher crime levels in Letchworth was due to staffing Levels and asked what crimes constituted the difference between those detailed and the "All Crime" figure. In view of the increased night time economy in Letchworth Garden City, Members asked that crimes undertaken during the evening, particularly assault be monitored and reported to Councillors.

Sergeant Turner advised that 24 hour cover was provided from Hitchin, whilst daytime cover was provided by his team. He suggested that the current system wasn't ideal as Officers started from another town.

In respect of the crime figures, he informed Members that, the majority of these were assault and domestic violence incidents. He agreed to compile the figures and forward them to the Committee and Member Services Officer.

Sergeant Turner advised that a quarterly report regarding crime was produced monthly and that he would arrange for this to be sent to the Committee and Member services Officer for onward transmission to all Members of the Letchworth Committee.

Sergeant Turner informed Members that the current Policing Priorities in Letchworth Garden City were Burglary, Theft from Shops and Anti-Social Behaviour.

Members asked how the 3 priorities were set and assessed and what changes were put in place to address issues.

Sergeant Turner advised that contact with Councillors was currently via email, although it may be necessary to organise meetings in future. In respect of changing priorities, he informed Members that, crimes were monitored, although there did not seem to a pattern to the types of crime being undertaken, however time of shifts were adjusted when required and further work would be undertaken with local publicans.

The Community Development Officer advised that she organised networking groups for the Wilbury area, which were attended by the PCSO.

The Community Development Officer suggested that the Police may like to attend the monthly Councillor Surgeries held in the Town.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Sergeant Turner for his informative presentation.


(1) That Sergeant Simon Turner, Hertfordshire Constabulary, be thanked for his informative presentation;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to email a list of Police Officers and PCSOs in Letchworth Garden City to all Members of the Letchworth Committee;

(3) That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite members of Hertfordshire Constabulary to attend the Letchworth Committee Councillor Surgeries;

(4) That the Committee and Member Services Officer be requested to forward any additional crime statistics, quarterly crime reports and additional information received from Sergeant Turner to all Members of the Letchworth Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Letchworth Committee is kept appraised of the work undertaken by Hertfordshire Constabulary in Letchworth Garden City.

Ms Kailah Eglington, Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a presentation regarding the future activities of the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and the Letchworth Garden City BID (Business Improvement District).

Ms Eglington informed Members that currently both the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and the Letchworth Garden City Business Improvement District (Bid) were operating. This was partly due to the need to complete the work to transfer the business from the Town Partnership to the BID and that the Board had decided to let the Town Centre Partnership continue to operate until funding for that organisation had run out, which would be late 2014. Interviews would take place for a BID Manager on 12 September 2014 and once that person was in place she would no longer work as the Town Centre Manager

She advised that the BID had set up two sub-groups to look at (1) access and parking and (2) Events and Promotion. The BID was undertaking research in order to establish the strategic direction of the organisation and were in the process of:
- Establishing a business buddy system to enable people to take up training etc;
- Setting up a skills database, including retired people;
- Setting up a barter system to enable sharing of skills;
- Investigating "Business Nurseries" that were start up business that would benefit from skills training;
- Investigating an associate BID membership scheme;
- Working on Partnerships;
- Started to organise the Christmas events.

Members asked several questions including how would the BID create additionality if the Town Centre Partnership was not in operation and who would manage the Town Centre. They queried whether the BID could support pop-up shops and who constituted the BID Board

Ms Eglington advised that the BID could not take over events currently run by the Town Centre Partnership, but could create additionality or start new events. It may be that once merged some of the events have to be managed by other organisations. In respect of managing the Town Centre she advised that they were trying to establish who was responsible for what. Consideration was being given to utilizing empty shop units for pop-up shops and other ideas such as click and collect shops. The BID Board members included NHDC, Morrisons, North Herts College, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and 9 independently elected members.

Ms Eglington concluded by acknowledging that getting the BID fully operational was taking some time, but it was important to get things right.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Ms Eglington for her informative presentation.

Prior to the Item being discussed Councillors Cunningham, Hone, Levett and Needham all declared that, as Members of the Cabinet which would be making a decision on this item, and in order to ensure that the views of all Area Committees were considered equally at Cabinet, they would take no part in the debate and vote and would withdraw from the room for the duration of the item.

The Head of Policy and Community Services presented the report entitled Grants Policy review and advised that, as each Area Committee dealt with grant funding differently the report would be considered by all area committees.

She explained that there had been an Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group on Grants that had made 6 recommendations to Cabinet, which were detailed in Section 6 of the report. There had also been a Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) review the outcomes of which were detailed in Section 7 of the report.

The Head of Policy and Community Services drew attention to the following:

The practices of the different Area Committees in respect of decision making and delegations were not reflected in the Constitution and it was important to find out what each Area Committee wanted and ensure that in future these practices are within the terms of the Constitution.

The practice of allocating budgets to individual Members and fast track grants agreed by the Chairman had grown from custom and practice, but there were no formal delegated powers to allow this. It was important to have a sound process in place.

The Head of Policy and Community Services asked Members to consider the contents of the report and discuss the Committee's needs regarding budgets and delegations.

Members debated the report and asked several questions as follows:

Members were concerned that any decision was not so process driven as to cause an excessive administrative burden and asked what was the cost of processing a grant request.

The Head of Policy and Community services advised that NHDC made approximate 2,100 grant payments each year, all of which required paperwork. Members needed to consider whether small grants were cost effective or whether they wished to target specific projects/groups.

The Letchworth Committee had a single budget that was not delegated to individual Members and would wish that to continue although they recognised that each Area Committee was different and recognised the benefits, particularly in rural areas whilst noting the pitfalls that processes may not necessarily be strictly adhered to.

Members felt that the current fast track grant system was valuable and recognised that some smaller groups would not be aware of and struggle to meet deadlines for Committee meetings. They felt that an upper limit should be in place of £500 and that these should be limited to one off start up groups and genuine emergencies. All fast track grants should have Members involved in the decision making and then be reported to the next Area Committee meeting.

Members felt that many major MOUs should be by way of contract with agreed outcomes which are monitored

Members were concerned that minor MOUs would cease as organisations in receipt of this type of grant benefitted from the assurance of regular funding and it sometime helped those organisations to apply for other funding. They were also concerned that replacing a three year grant with annual grants would increase bureaucracy and therefore costs.

Members were concerned that applications may only be available on-line and felt this would be unfair to some groups that didn't have people with computers of the skills to complete an on-line form

The Head of Policy and Community Services advised that NHDC Officers could support on-line applications

Members asked that a follow up report including the comments from all Area Committees be presented to this Committee prior to consideration by Cabinet.

(1) That the comments of the Letchworth Committee be forwarded to the Head of Policy and Community Services;

(2) That the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to include the comments of the Letchworth Committee and all other Area Committees in a follow up report, to be presented to this Committee prior to consideration by Cabinet;

(3) That any non-contentious recommendations be implemented as soon as possible.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Letchworth Committee to comment on the report entitled Grants Policy Review prior to consideration by Cabinet.
Appendix 1 - Budgets
Appendix 2 - Grant Application - Rhapsode
Appendix 3 - Grant Application - City Chorus
Appendix 4 - Grant Application - Furniture Link
Appendix 5 - Area Committee Summary

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services entitled Community Update and Grant Applications and drew attention to the following:

The Community Development Officer advised Members that the next Councillor Surgery was due to take place on 20 September 2014 and asked Members if they would like this to take place on the space outside Morrisons.

She suggested that Councillors may wish her to produce a leaflet which would include details of the Letchworth Councillors, Dates of the Letchworth Councillor Surgeries and a list of useful telephone numbers. The indicative costs of printing such a leaflet would be £175, with further costs for design.

Members agreed that the present location used for the surgeries was not ideal and that they should trial a surgery on space outside Morrisons. There was also some discussion about the timing and regularity of the meetings.

Members though that a leaflet detailing future surgeries, Letchworth Councillors and useful telephone numbers was a good idea and agreed to fund design and printing up to a maximum of £220.

Members were concerned that one of the grant applications had been presented to the Committee without the required supporting paperwork and agreed that they would no longer consider grant applications from organisations that had not completed the full paperwork required.

(1) That the Community Development arrange for the next Letchworth Councillor Surgery to take place on the space outside Morrisons;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to commission the production of leaflets to advertise Councillor Surgeries, as discussed;

(3) That the Community Development Officer be authorised to spend a maximum of £220 of the Letchworth Committee Budget on (2) above;

(4) That the Letchworth Committee will no longer hear any requests for grant funding from organisations who had not completed the full paperwork required;

(5) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development and Visioning Budgets be noted;

(6) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Letchworth Garden City be endorsed.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Letchworth Garden City.

Although generally supportive of the principle of this apple pressing project, Members were extremely concerned at the lack of detail provided with no information given about timetables, outcomes and responsibilities.

It was proposed and seconded that the application for grant funding be deferred pending further, more detailed information and that Rhapsode be requested to attend the next meeting of this Committee to give a more detailed presentation.

(1) That the application for grant funding be deferred pending further, more detailed, information;

(2) That Rhapsode be requested to provide more detailed information to the next meeting of this Committee due to be held on 3 December 2014.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Ian Mantle declared a Declarable Interest as his wife was a member of the City Chorus. He stated that he would take no part in the debate or vote and would leave the room for the duration of the item.

There was some discussion about the number of stages funded by the Committee and whether organisations could be asked to share, however they decided that the stages were the property of the organisation and not NHDC and therefore this was not an option.

It was proposed and seconded that grant funding of £1,250 be awarded.

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £1,250.00 be awarded to City Chorus from the Discretionary Budget towards the cost of purchasing staging and safety barriers;

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Terry Hone advised that, as he had awarded grant funding from his County Council allocation, he would take no part in the debate and vote.

Members were very supportive of this organization and the work it undertakes.

It was proposed and seconded that £1,450 be awarded towards the purchase of a second hand van.

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £1,450.00 be awarded to Furniture Link from the Discretionary Budget towards the cost of purchasing a good quality second hand van.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

The Vice-Chairman explained that K-Entertainers usually attended the September meeting of the Committee to apply for grant funding. This year the meeting was much earlier than usual and the group had missed the deadline for grant applications, but the next meeting of the Committee would be too late for the group's needs. She also advised that the Hitchin Committee also supported this group and had agreed to fund no more than £1,000 using the delegated process.

The Community Development Officer advised that Letchworth Committee awarded £500 to last year's Christmas dinner.

Members noted that the printed publicity produced by K-Entertainers in 2013 contained the incorrect titles of the NHDC Committees that had given support (referring to them as individual councils) and asked that the Community Development Officer liaise with the group to ensure these are correct in future.

It was proposed and seconded that, on presentation of satisfactorily completes paperwork, the Committee support a grant award of up to £1,000 to be completed under delegated powers.


(1) That, once a satisfactorily completed grant application is received from K-Entertainers, the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to present the application, under Delegated Authority, to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs;

(2) That, in respect of (1) above, the Letchworth Committee supports an award of up to £1,000 from the discretionary budget to K-Entertainers to provide Christmas entertainment in 2014;

(3) That the Community Development Officer be requested to liaise with K-Entertainers regarding their printed publicity to ensure that they are aware of the correct titles of those NHDC Committees awarding grant funding.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

No Ward or Outside Organisations were discussed.