Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 30th November, 2011 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor A.F. Hunter and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Alan Fleck (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: Royston Town Councillor Robert Smith
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Robert Inwood.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Royston and District Committee Meeting held on 21 September 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings, and be signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:

"There had been some concerns as to the precision of the calculations relating to the Royston Community Association (the Hang Out Club, held at the Coombes Community Centre). Re-examination led to the conclusion that this had arisen from some imprecision about the number of sessions actually to be paid for, given some variation in the number of sessions to be delivered in the academic year. These issues have now been resolved."

There was no other business raised at this meeting.

1) The Chairman welcomed the Committee, officers and the member of the public to the Meeting.

2) She informed Members that she had been presented with two petitions, both of which were presented for the second time, as they had been to the Committee before. They would be passed on to the Committee Clerk for processing. The petitions were regarding:

a) No 17 Bus;
b) Possible future relocation of the bench previously removed from outside a restaurant in the High Street.

3) Members were reminded that any declarations of interest, in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Les Jones of Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue introduced himself, explaining that he was the Station Commander of Hitchin and Royston Fire Stations. He gave the Royston and District Committee some statistics and a brief overview of the activities in which the fire fighters from Royston were involved. Mr Jones explained that Royston was a quiet station and had received just 200 calls in the year from 1 April to 31 March (down from 300 to 400). 90 of these calls had come from Cambridgeshire. He clarified that he had been stationed at Cheshunt and Welwyn Garden City stations in the past and was impressed by the community feel to Royston Fire Station and the closeness with which the Fire Station worked with the local schools, educating them as to the dangers of playing and being careless with fire, and also demonstrating through programmes of activities, the results of reckless and careless driving and speeding. Hertfordshire County Council provided funds for the courses. There had been 3 road traffic accidents in Royston and the appliances had also been called out to others in the vicinity.

One aim was to drive down the incidents of deliberate arson and this appeared to be working. Fire fighters visited children who had been in trouble with the Police regarding fires and the anti-social behaviour in this area had fallen as the children got to know them personally. A pre-firework presentation had been held this year and there had been lower numbers of arson incidents than last year.

There was to be an activity on 7 January 2012 at Royston Fire Station which would involve the youth of Royston and the Station Commander invited Members to attend and observe.

Mr Jones was convinced that working with schools and fire education really worked and the Chairman and Members of the Committee agreed.

In reply to a question, he explained that exercises were being carried out in preparation for the 2012 London Olympics, relating to anti-terrorism, white water rafting safety, building inspection and inspection of bed and breakfast establishments. Basically, they were in training for any emergencies that might occur in the area when a high number of visitors and residents could be affected.

The Chairman thanked the Station Commander for his interesting presentation and confirmed that Members of the Royston and District Committee were interested in attending the event on 7 January 2012, times to be advised.
Information Note

The Committee discussed the Information Note submitted by the Planning Policy and Projects Manager (PPPM) and were informed that a Stage 3 Safety Audit and final arrangements for the trees in Fish Hill Square had yet to be completed. Comments from Members covered TROs, replacing the car parking spaces previously in the Square with those in St John's car park and the road signs in the area of the Royse Cross. Also raised was the matter of reallocating the bench taken from outside a restaurant. It was agreed that this matter be reconsidered in the Spring/Summer of 2012.

The Chairman thanked the PPPM and the other officers involved, for doing an excellent job, which had been completed ahead of time.

The Chairman clarified that this Agenda item was for schemes and major traffic problems in Royston not minor matters such as reporting potholes in the road, etc.

Items raised by the Committee for attention and consideration were as follows:

 Crossing on Baldock Road/Baldock Street - the area covered is the whole of the road from Ivy Farm to Baldock Street. The crossing(s) would benefit residents from two new developments and users of Royston Tennis Club, Royston Rugby Club and other users of Royston Heath. The Committee may contribute funds to this project in the future if it is found to be feasible. Options for the type of crossing, the number required and where it/they will be located has yet to be decided. This will be brought back to a future Committee Meeting;

 Parking restrictions in King James Way - these had been needed for some time and the total including consultation costs for restricted parking would come to between £3,000 and £6,500 depending on options. The CDO intimated that there may be some Section 106 monies from a nearby development. The Committee gave their endorsement;

 It was reported that there is a new initiative from Hertfordshire County Council with regard to safety in icy weather. All parishes and Town Councils can now get up to 850kg of salt in 25kg bags free of charge for use by community groups and organisations to encourage self help in villages, towns etc. The normal gritting and salt spreading lorries from Herts Highways will operate as usual. The salt will be delivered as soon as requested.

 Members commented that the Fairview contractors were currently using the verges and the A505 Royston bypass on which to park their vehicles and they were informed that NHDC, Herts Highways and the Police had been notified of this and are trying to resolve the issue.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and informed the Committee that there was not much to add to the Report.

He updated Members that there had been no feedback to date on the search for documentation regarding the Town Drain in Stamford Avenue and that he would consult the NHDC Legal Department on this matter.

With regard to the completion of the works in Gas Path and Sewage Works Lane, responsibility for the potholes in the Lane is being investigated.

The CDO then ran through the funding decisions to be made and informed Members that Royston Town Hall had received a sizeable portion of Section 106 funding.

He then reminded the Committee that they had considered an application from Barkway Parish Council for funding support for Speedwatch equipment to monitor speed in the village. As the equipment had now been borrowed for no charge, the Members had reallocated the funds.

The Chairman declared that S106 will become a regular item on the Agenda of the Royston and District Committee - all ideas are to be sent to the CDO in the first instance and will be raised at committee meetings. The CDO explained that the criteria for S106 monies were that they must be matched to the original area in which they were to be spent and compliant with the terms of the original agreement. The villages in the Royston district were aware of these criteria for S106 monies.

The CDO then took the Committee through the budget spreadsheet.

The grant applications were considered and agreed, as follows:

a) The sum of £800 was requested by the Corvus Cornix Basketball Club for six monthly sessions of 3 hours at Royston Leisure Centre. The Committee discussed the application submitted and agreed to grant it;

b) The sum of £992 was requested by the North East Herts School Sport Partnership to fund the purchase of equipment for coaching projects in rugby, multi skills and sports hall events. After Committee discussion, this grant application was agreed.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his hard work and efforts for the residents of Royston and for his support for herself and the Royston and District Committee.

1) That the Committee endorses the actions taken by the Community Development Officer (CDO) to promote greater community capacity and well-being and thanks him for his efforts;

2) That the Committee notes the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets set out in Appendix A;

3) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £800 to the Corvus Cornix Basketball Club for a new basketball initiative;

4) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £992 to the North East Herts School Sport Partnership for rugby, multiskills and sportshall projects.

1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

Coombes Community Centre
The same members of the Management Committee of the Royston Community Association were re-elected at the recent AGM. October 2012 is the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Coombes Community Centre and plans were being made for an event to celebrate this.

The Chairman reminded the Committee of the next Royston Surgery (below) and as this was the last Committee Meeting in 2011, wished Members and officers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.