Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 17th September, 2014 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill (Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson (Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Ben Lewis and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Services
Ashley Hawkins - Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Cllr F J Smith, Leader of Royston Town Council
Sgt Steve Oliphant, Hertfordshire Constabulary
6 members of the public, including three speakers under Public Participation.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Page
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Cllr Tony Hunter sent his apologies for absence.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 June 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

An action on the last Minutes was to contact the local Member of Parliament (MP), Sir Oliver Heald QC, asking him to lobby Parliament for a change in the law, enabling utilities companies to be penalised for unsatisfactory highways work, especially when it left roads in a condition as bad, if not worse, than before. A letter had duly been sent to the MP with this request. Sir Oliver agreed to take the matter up in Parliament and the Committee will keep in touch with him.

The Committee unanimously approved these Minutes and the action.

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

1) The Chairman welcomed all Members and officers to the meeting, including Sgt Steve Oliphant of the Hertfordshire Constabulary, who represents Royston Police. She also welcomed the Head of Policy and Community Services and members of the public, including those who would address the Committee under Public Participation;

2) She then revealed that she had been given petitions by Terry Hutt, which had yet to be presented, but some of which were out of date. She listed the subjects as follows:

Keep the Bus Route! Essential for Rural Communities
Don't Axe the 17 Bus
We Would Like Railings Installed at Burns Road Underpass to Avoid a Bike/Car Accident
Boost Royston's Economy - Free Parking on Saturdays
Crèche for Royston Leisure Centre - Let Mums Exercise!
Let Us Have the Free Swimming for Over 60s and Under 16s that the Government have Offered!

The Committee Clerk was to forward these to the Head of Policy and Community Services to be dealt with.

3) The Chairman advised the Committee that, following budget proposals for additional income across the District from car parks, the charges had been reviewed on a car park by car park basis across North Herts. The Portfolio Holder of Policy, Transport and Green Issues has sent an email to the Royston Town Manager and the Royston Town Clerk, copied to all Members of the Royston and District Committee, with proposed changes and has agreed to some of the suggestions from Members of the Committee.

4) The Chairman then read out the following: "Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote."
Police Update (oral)

The Chairman welcomed Sgt Steve Oliphant of the Hertfordshire Constabulary, who was based at Royston. Sgt Oliphant informed the Royston and District Committee that the Royston Neighbourhood Team was now back to full strength, and besides himself consisted of three Police Officers (PCs Mark Ellwood, Mike Hardiman and Bridget Jones) and three Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs Penny Tomsett, Sarah Lamb and Chris Brabrook). PCSOs Lamb and Tomsett helped to manage Royston Town (Palace, Meridian and Heath Wards) and were the first point of call for the public. PCSOs Brabrook and Tomsett helped to manage the rural communities, including Ermine (covering Barley, Barkway, Reed, Therfield and Kelshall), together with Arbury (Ashwell, Hinxworth and Bygrave) and Sandon and Weston Wards.

Sgt Oliphant listed local priorities as:

Burglary dwelling (house breaks) - Operation Guardian and Safer Streets, providing visible patrols and offering home security surveys. Residents were being asked to join their local Neighbourhood Watch, especially in rural communities, to help build up information and pass on valuable information in the fight against crime.

Burglary non-dwelling (commercial/farm buildings/sheds/garages) - Safer Streets covered this in rural communities to help tackle increased theft of garden equipment including petrol-powered tools.

Nuisance use of motor vehicles, this included speeding - this offered support to Operation Drive Safe in the continued efforts to tackle speeding issues within the villages.

Members were informed that Sgt Jon Vine, who was originally in charge of Royston, now headed up Operation Scorpion in a drive to combat crime. Sgt Oliphant went through the crime statistics he had provided for clarification, and reiterated that he recommended that residents in urban and rural areas join Neighbourhood Watch and Safer Streets initiatives, as they were likely to find this beneficial. This was endorsed by Cllr Burt, while Cllr Green brought to Sgt Oliphant's attention the information that play equipment in a recreation ground in the Newmarket Road area was being vandalised. He noted this for investigative purposes.

The Chairman thanked Sgt Oliphant for his informative presentation.

1) Mrs Jaine Cresser addressed the Royston and District Committee and explained that she and Mrs Deborah Howard were at the Meeting to highlight their concerns regarding the proposed parking scheme for Titchmarsh Close, the extension of the yellow lines at the entrance of the Close and permit parking for residents. She explained that the Close contained 12 houses and 10 flats, situated in a horseshoe shape. The residents had contacted the Local Authority regarding the parking situation and possible parking permits since the road was constructed and were told to wait until the road was adopted before once more requesting the implementation of parking permits. The road is now used for car parking by residents living in adjacent roads, as well as vehicles owned by regular rail commuters, some of whom leave their cars in situ for up to two weeks, presumably while they go on holiday, and others who leave their vehicles in Titchmarsh Close all day while they travel to work by train, without the need to pay any parking charges.

What the residents would like is as follows:

- An extension to the current double yellow lines at the entrance of Titchmarsh Close, as cars park on the bend, causing a danger to those entering and leaving the Close by cars and bikes;

- An extension of the Permit Parking area from Gower Road and Lower Serby Road, to include Titchmarsh Close. Only nos. 1, 2, 9 and 10 are involved, as the rest of the residences in Titchmarsh Close are situated on a private road, and as such are not involved. Out of the four households, three (75% of those surveyed) were in agreement that permits should be implemented. Families in Gower Road and Lower Serby Road who own multiple vehicles use Titchmarsh Close to park their cars and thus avoid the need to purchase parking permits;

- The Council to implement Resident Permit Parking, meaning that residents of adjacent roads would all need permits to park their vehicles and the Council would benefit financially from the permits.

Mrs Cresser passed around photographs as evidence of the inconsiderate and dangerous parking in Titchmarsh Close and thanked the Chairman for allowing the presentation. She was informed that there is a forthcoming Royston Parking Review, and that this subject would be discussed later on the Agenda.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Cresser for her informative presentation.

2) Mrs Anne Taylor from the North Herts Centre for Voluntary Service (NHCVS) addressed the Committee on Furniture Link, an organisation that had been set up in 1992 to collect unwanted good quality furniture and display it in their Letchworth showroom, the rent of which was subsidised by the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation. More good quality furniture was collected from Royston and Hitchin than from the rest of North Hertfordshire District. From the showroom it could be bought at a low cost by unemployed people or those on benefits, and distributed to their homes. NHCVS bore the costs arising from this process, and 186 deliveries had been made to households in June and July. 90% of those buying the furniture were unemployed or on a low income. She explained that the van currently in use was 15 years old and not likely to be of use for much longer. The total cost of the new van under consideration, which was approximately five years old, was in the region of £14,000, and Furniture Link was asking all five Area Committees for a donation from their budgets towards this cost. Letchworth had contributed £2,900 and Hitchin had awarded them £550. All the other Area Committees had been asked for a contribution of £363 or slightly less. The Hertfordshire Community Foundation had contributed £1,000, the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation (LGCHF) had contributed £3,000, NHCVS had given them £464 and they had received £2,000 from Herts County Councillors' Locality budgets. It was pointed out that Furniture Link depended heavily on the use of the van and it was vital that a replacement was bought as soon as possible.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Taylor for her presentation and informed her that the grant application submitted would be discussed and decided on later on the Agenda (Minute 32 below refers).

3) Mrs Elizabeth Freeman, Vice-Chairman (Germany) of the Royston and District Twinning Association introduced herself to the Committee. She explained the background to twinning between Royston and Großalmerode in Germany and the links formed between the two towns. She ran through the general activities of the Association and explained that 2014 is the 40th Anniversary of the liaison with Großalmerode and that a special weekend was in the process of being organised for the visitors from Germany, who would arrive on Friday 3 October. Mrs Freeman ran through the programme for the visit and revealed that a day at to Sandringham House in Norfolk was planned for Monday 6 October was planned. They would return to Germany on Tuesday 7 October. The Committee were informed of the sources of funding for various parts of the visit and that the R&DTA were submitting a grant application for the Committee to approve in the sum of £250, to cover the entrance fees to Sandringham House for the day, together with a guide book in German for the visitors. She then invited all Members of the Royston and District Committee to attend the Concert and Civic Reception, to be held on Sunday 5 October in Royston Town Hall and she passed on the details. The Chairman thanked Mrs Freeman for her presentation and the invitation, and explained that the Committee would be considering this grant application later on the Agenda (Minute 30 below refers).


1) That Mrs Jaine Cresser and Mrs Deborah Howard be thanked for the presentation and comments on car parking issues in Titchmarsh Close, Royston;

2) That this issue would be discussed by the Royston and District Committee at para. 9.5 in the item on Community Update and Grant Applications, on the Meeting's Agenda;

3) That Mrs Anne Taylor from the North Herts Centre for Voluntary Services be thanked for giving a presentation to the Committee in support of the grant application submitted by the Furniture Link;

4) That the grant application relating to Furniture Link be considered later on the Agenda - Minute 32 below refers;

5) That Mrs Elizabeth Freeman, representing Royston and District Town Twinning Association be thanked for her informative presentation in support of the grant application submitted;

6) That the grant application relating to the Royston and District Twinning Association be considered later on the Agenda - Minute 30 refers.
Report and Appendices

The Head of Policy and Community Services (HPCS) introduced the Grants Policy Review, which outlined the review being made of the Council's Grant Policy and incorporated proposed improvements arising from the relevant financial management and governance issues. Other improvements included:

- an internal audit, presented to Cabinet on 30 July 2013, on the effectiveness of Area Committees and

- a number of recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group.

The HPCS went through the report and emphasised that several changes were proposed, some to commence in the current Financial Year (2014-2015) and others in 2015-2016. However, some parts did not apply to individual committees, as by necessity this needed to be a ‘generic' report. She explained several items as follows:

- Under Recommendation 6.6.5: "Cabinet (or a relevant Portfolio Holder) should monitor whether recipients of grants covered by major MoUs have achieved their objectives . . .", MoUs due at the start of the next Financial Year, together with Royston Arts, now constitute ‘contracts' in law and thus the supporting paperwork will reflect this.

- Recommendation 6.6.8 stated that: "Minor MoUs should be reviewed within the scope of the other recommendations made in the T&FG report", and some highlighted were: Royston Town Twinning Special Grants; Royston Cave; and Volunteer Bureau Social Services.

- Under Recommendation 7.1.2, the subject of "the continued use/appropriateness of Fast Track Applications" was raised, which was not in the Constitution or Financial Regulations. Members were asked how they wanted this dealt with, in order that any changes required could be made.

The Chairman explained that the Royston and District Committee has always had a "central pot" and has not historically split their funds into Ward budgets.

Committee discussion raised such points as: Royston and District Committee work together and do not use fast tracking, but was there an example where it had been used elsewhere? The HPCS stated that fast tracking had been requested, e.g. £2,000 for urgent treatment of trees and repair of fences, submitted two weeks after a District Committee Meeting. The group applying was found to have had significant funds in their bank account, so both the urgency and the need was questionable. She asked the Committee how they would like to handle grants, and was informed that fast track should not be used as a matter of course, as everything should be totally transparent. Occasionally organisations may misunderstand the timescale, but the general opinion of the Royston and District Committee was that a fast track could be available, to be used in exceptional circumstances to promote flexibility.

The Chairman thanked the Head of Policy and Community Services for her presentation.


1) That the Royston and District Committee approves the attached Draft Grants Policy in principle, subject to the agreed amendments made, for recommendation to Cabinet on 16 December 2014;

2) That the Royston and District Committee note the updated advice provided to Area Committees with regard to their budgets, authority for decision-making and delegations, as currently afforded to those Committees by Cabinet in the North Herts District Council Constitution;

3) That the Royston and District Committee note that the outcome of the review of the Memoranda of Understanding and proposals for future funding of key agencies will also be reported, by separate report at the Cabinet meeting on 16 December 2014;

4) That, in line with the Cabinet recommendation, the Royston and District Committee discussed options regarding the splitting or not of Area Committee grant budgets and any replacement of ‘fast track' grant processing. After due debate, the Committee resolved to support neither splitting the Committee grant budget for Royston, nor the use of fast track grant processing as a matter of course.


1) The awarding of grants to voluntary organisations, use of funds devolved to Area Committees and specialist grants to support a range of rural environmental and other schemes allows the Authority to further its aims and overarching Priorities of the Council and District, not least the priority of ‘working with our local communities';

2) A number of the proposals contained within this report refer back to the previously-agreed outcomes of the Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group with regard to the Council's grant-making processes, to the SIAS (Shared Internal Audit Service) review of Area Committee grants in late 2013, and examination of a number of recent grant decisions as part of the Head of Policy and Community Services' review of application of the Policy;

3) There may be more minor amendments in relation to strengthening internal controls on the receipt, processing and award of grants still required and thus Cabinet agreed on 5 August 2014 to delegate the authority for such amendment to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs;

4) The existing use of ‘fast track' grant processing has been reviewed by the Shared Internal Audit Service and, as referred to at Section 7, recommended that it be reviewed on the grounds of good governance and appropriate financial controls. Members are invited to comment on what they see to be any urgency on which grants may be awarded, and to what value, in order that officers may propose a more robust system.

The Chairman introduced this item.

- Members were informed that Barkway High Street would be closed for 4 weeks and that Herts Highways and Ringway (the contractors) were doing an excellent job in this vicinity.

- From mid-October Royston High Street would be subject to full closure for maintenance work, including paving, bollards and remedial work to the roadway.

- Kneesworth Street and Baldock Street would be investigated as to the cause of noisy drains.

- The Chairman reminded Members of the Committee that the Bus Consultation runs until 8 October 2014, and requested that they encourage residents to participate.
Oral reports

A full report on Royston's German twin town had already been given by Mrs Elizabeth Freeman, Vice-Chairman (Germany) of the Royston and District Twinning Association under Public Participation.

A brief update on the Volunteer Centre was given by Cllr Green. She informed the Committee that everything is progressing well.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. He went through the budget Spreadsheet, reporting that the current level of unallocated funds in the Development Budget was £18,660 and gave a brief summary of the activities and schemes with which he had been involved sine the last meeting of the Royston and District Committee on 18 June 2014.

The Committee was updated as follows:

- The Royston BMX Group and Royston First were currently discussing moving the funds allocated to the youth shelter at Serby Avenue to the BMX project. The Group could potentially benefit from a sum in the region of £10,000;
- The CDO is still investigating the process of installing football goal posts at the York Way recreation ground;
- Subsequent to the CDO liaising with colleagues in the Planning Department, the road linking Fish Hill and Market Hill is to be named Market Lane. The Committee discussed this, detailing the background to naming this road, and the decision was to be named Market Link, as previously suggested by the Leader of Royston Town Council. It was confirmed that this road is a two-way street. The new sign would be installed once Royston Town Council had formally applied to NHDC;

Grant Funding

In addition to the grant applications submitted, the Royston and District Committee was requested to note the list of funding applications at para 8.4 as follows:

- Funding support to the Youth Network, to assist with a community art project at Coombes Hole. More detail was required at a future Area Committee;

- Funding support to the organisers of Wimpole ParkRun, to assist with the set up of a ParkRun Junior project;

- The sum of £1,500 for Free After 3.30pm, to commence in January 2015.

Finally, the CDO went through the matters raised at the Royston Community Surgery held on Saturday 12 July 2014, and what either had been done to resolve them or what action needed to be taken.

The site for a salt bin by the green plantation area was being investigated, and the Grounds Maintenance Officer's suggestion of siting it near the dog waste bin at the end of Hunters Close was agreed by the Royston and District Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his comprehensive report and his hard work for the residents of Royston and the surrounding area.


1) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer (CDO) has been involved, be noted;

2) That the Royston and District Committee endorse the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being and thank him for his work on behalf of the people of Royston and the surrounding area;

3) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

4) That the Committee considers awarding funds to the organisations detailed in Minutes 30, 31 and 32 below;

5) That the Committee considers giving funding support to the Youth Network to assist with a Community Art project at Coombes Hole at a future meeting, on production of further details;

6) That Members consider funding support to the organisers of Wimpole ParkRun to assist with the set up of a ParkRun Junior project;

7) That the Committee considers awarding support funding in relation to any potential Highways schemes, as proposed and discussed under paragraph 8.5 of this report.


1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community;

5) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.

The Chairman, as a Member of the R&DTA together with Cllrs Green and Lewis who are representatives of the Association, each stated a Declarable Interest in this grant application. None of them would leave the room or take part in the vote. As the Committee was not quorate, the Head of Policy and Community Services agreed to sanction this grant application under delegated authority.

The Royston and District Twinning Association requested £250 to help towards the total cost of £1,720 associated with the visit of representatives from the Royston twin town of Großalmerode to Royston, to celebrate 40 years of twinning. This sum was required to assist with entry to Sandringham House, Norfolk.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £250 be granted to Royston and District Twinning Association to assist with funding the entry fee to Sandringham House for the German visitors from Grossalmerode.


1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

The Chairman stated she had a Declarable Interest, as she had agreed to make a contribution to the Volunteer Centre from her Herts County Council Locality Budget. Cllr Green also announced a Declarable Interest as she is a Trustee of the Volunteer Centre. In addition, Cllr Davidson declared an Interest, as his wife is Chairman of the Royston and District Volunteer Centre. None of them would leave the room or take part in the vote. As the Committee was not quorate, the Head of Policy and Community Services agreed to sanction this grant application under delegated authority.

The Royston and District Volunteer Centre requested the sum of £1,200 to cover staffing costs associated with the management of a new software solution, together with marketing, promotional and office costs.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,200 be awarded to the Royston and District Volunteer Centre to fund the setting up of email groups and newsletters for volunteers, training and networking events for volunteer development and updating the Volunteer Centre website, Facebook and Twitter information.


1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

The Chairman stated a Declarable Interest in this grant application as she had already made a contribution to Furniture Link from her Herts County Council Locality Budget. She stated that she would not leave the room or take part in the voting process.

Furniture Link requested the awarding of funds in the sum of £363 to contribute to the total cost of £14,340 for the purchase of a replacement collections van.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £363 be granted to NHCVS Furniture Link to assist with the cost of purchasing a good quality second hand van for furniture collection and delivery.


1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

The inclusion of two isolated roads - Titchmarsh Close and Major Haddock Close - surrounded by the Zone B Gower Road permit parking scheme was discussed by the Royston and District Committee, taking into account the information presented by Jaine Cresser and Deborah Howard under Public Participation earlier in the Committee Meeting. There had been little response to the initial pre-consultation and the cost of raising Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) at this time would be approximately £3,250. As a result, the Committee decided to postpone this inclusion until it was considered as part of the Royston town-wide Parking Review, commencing in 2015/2016.

RESOLVED: That the majority of the Committee agreed at this time not to support the proposal to extend the yellow lines and increase the number of parking permits available in Titchmarsh Close and Major Haddock Close. They did not see it as an effective use of funds, bearing in mind the forthcoming Royston Parking Review, which will include these roads.