Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 16th September, 2015 7.30 pm

Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill (Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson (Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Tony Hunter, Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Ashley Hawkins - Communities Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: 2 members of the public, both speaking under Public Participation. One of the speakers was Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Cllr Ben Lewis.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 June 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

1) The Chairman welcomed all Members of the Committee and NHDC officers to the meeting. She also welcomed the Speakers for Public Participation, Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson and Mr Ian Grey.
2) She announced that following the presentation of a gift to Nigel Schofield on his retirement as a Committee Clerk at North Hertfordshire District Council, a letter of thanks had been received from Nigel. He had been very helpful to the Royston and District Committee over the years.
3) The Chairman read out the following statement: "Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote."
4) It was emphasised that Members should clearly state their reason for declaring an interest and the nature of that interest, whether they will remain in the room, speak and vote and not just declare an interest per se.

Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson had earlier distributed to the Members of the Royston and District Committee a report for the past year on the Royston Cave, a major tourist attraction in Royston and a key asset for the town. The report clarified exactly the nature of the Royston Cave, the number of visitors recorded, the opening period (April to September twice a week), the hours, agencies (English Heritage) that work with Royston Town Council who owns the Cave and goals concerning the Royston Cave. Also listed were the ongoing measures to be carried out and issues that need to be dealt with, in particular water ingress through the roof of the Royston Cave and despite the Cave inciting huge interest, the damage done to it by a large amount of visitors. In the process of being established was wider knowledge of the Cave, including its history and background, encouragement for research into its history and origins, establishment of an exhibition and information centre on the Cave and an effort to advance education on this ancient monument in Royston.

Cllr Davidson updated the Committee that the entry price to the Royston Cave was now £5 per person and children go free. The guides who conduct visitors through the Cave earn £35 per session. She confirmed that funding from the Royston and District Committee has backed up contingency funds and the Cave was in as good a state as it could be, given the finances available.

Committee Member discussion raised issues such as: whether more ventilation could be added (the Cave is very small and the systems are ancient) so this would be difficult; could a "virtual" mock Cave be built displaying all its attributes (the cost would be prohibitive); a business case could be put to the National Trust etc. There is no other such Grade 1 underground attraction in the United Kingdom. It was proposed that a link with the new North Hertfordshire Museum in Hitchin be formed.

Cllr Davidson thanked the Royston and District Committee for their support and the Chairman thanked Royston Town Cllr Davidson for presenting her report. She informed her that the MoU for one further year for the Royston Cave, in the sum of £750, would be confirmed later on the Agenda

Mr Ian Grey, representing 10th Royston Scouts, addressed the Royston and District Committee (RDC) in support of a grant application which had been submitted by the Unit. He explained that he is the Group Scout Leader of 10th Royston Scouts and it consists of 70 children aged between 6 and 13 years, 13 adults including Leaders and an Executive Committee consisting of six members. The RDC was informed that more adult leaders were needed urgently, as the waiting list of children for places consisted of almost three figures. Mr Grey advised that the aim of Scouting was to become youth-led by 2018.

The Scouts were keen to do more camping and as a result two more patrol tents were required, to enable the older two of the current four tents in use with a life of 20 to 25 years, to be decommissioned. It would be better if the new tents were canvas, as they were more durable than nylon ones and the cost was currently £500 per tent plus £300 per flysheet. The total for the tents, therefore, would be £1,000. The Unit was carrying out a range of activities to raise money towards the purchase of the new tents, such as bag packing in a supermarket and the money raised from the usual Scouts Postal Service for Christmas cards would be put towards the purchase of the new patrol tents. Mr Grey explained that at the major camps, Scouts and Cubs slept in the canvas patrol tents and Beavers slept in the smaller lightweight hike tents.

A camping activity using these tents had been carried out at one of the Royston schools and was enjoyed so much by the children that more pupils wanted to take part.

The Royston and District Committee raised questions, such as where the Scouts and Cubs originated and were told that they came from Royston and the surrounding villages, although two groups came from Cambridgeshire. Some Leaders and children came from the villages surrounding Royston. On being asked the ages of the children who camped, Members were informed that camping was age-dependent, as was the time of year that they camped. It was Scouts only who camped out from mid-February. The younger children normally had their first camp of the year at Easter.

Mr Grey then revealed that in 2016 the Scout Movement would celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouts and it was hoped to get them all camping. On being asked what had replaced the past ‘Bob a Job Week', Mr Grey replied that this had ceased many years ago and in the week of 4-11 October 2016 a community-based project would be launched entitled ‘A Million Hands'.

The Chairman informed Mr Grey that Tesco in Royston were keen to be involved with the Scout Movement and their community activities and she thanked him for his hard work and that of the Executive team in running this Group in Royston. She informed him that the decision on the grant application would be made later in the meeting.


1) That Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson be thanked for presenting a report on the Royston Cave for the past year. The Committee would discuss the possibility of extending the Memorandum of Understanding for Royston Cave for one year only later in the Meeting;

2) That Ian Grey of 10th Royston Scouts be thanked for his address to the Royston and District Committee with regard to the grant application for funds to purchase two new patrol tents for the 10th Royston Scout Group;

3) That the grant application relating to 10th Royston Scouts be considered later on the Agenda (see Minute 24 below).

The Chairman presented this item.

She referred to the Minutes of the last meeting on 3 June 2015 and explained that she and Cllr Hunter were currently discussing projects with Highways officers, to be funded via their 2016/2017 Herts County Council Locality Budgets.

A priority bid has been made by Cllrs Hill and Hunter for a long term solution to the issues in Royston High Street on both road and pavements;

Speed and weight restriction signs are being investigated in various locations.

A Member reported paving slabs which were missing or vandalised on the bandstand in Priory Gardens. The CO was asked to report this to NHDC.
Oral update

A brief update was given for the Royston Day Centre when the Committee were informed that the 25th anniversary of the Day Centre would be celebrated on 24 November 2015.

It was reported that the Committee of Coombes Community Centre was holding a meeting with officers from North Hertfordshire District Council and it was hoped that progress would be made.

Cllr Green reported that unfortunately there were problems with the Royston Town Twinning Association, as a considerable number of members were standing down from the Committee with no volunteers coming forward to replace them. This has cast doubt on twinning visits between Royston and Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain and Grossalmerode, Germany.

The Communities Officer (CO) updated the Committee on the activities with which he had been involved since the last meeting of the Royston and District Committee on 3 June 2015. Members were informed that:

Royston BMX Track
The CO is still liaising with the Royston BMX Committee and the club pavilion is now open at the site. Unfortunately it has already been vandalised, with minor damage to the guttering and walls. The CO has notified the Royston PCSO of this and requested that more regular monitoring be set up.

On 2 August, Royston hosted the latest round of the BMX East Series, where approximately 200 competitors took part in races for a day. The CO procured bunting for this occasion.

Finger Post Maintenance in Royston
Finger Post Maintenance was completed during June 2015 and the CO co-ordinated the works, which were carried out by the contractors, Marshalls. Funding for this project came from the Town Centre Maintenance Pot held by NHDC Planning.

Town Centre Street Furniture Maintenance Project
The CO works with colleagues in the Estates Department on the Town Centre Street Furniture Maintenance Project. H J Haywood and Son Ltd were appointed to carry out the works during August, but due to revised costings being requested by NHDC and Herts County Council, the start will be delayed until 1 September. This should be completed within 4 weeks, subject to weather.

Barkway 10k
This event had been deferred from Sunday 10 May 2015, and was now likely to be held in November 2015. The CO is assisting the organiser with planning and paperwork for this, but it is now likely to be deferred further until 2016.

Land at the end of Green Drift
At a recent Royston Community Surgery, the CO was requested to investigate the adoption of a small area of land at the rear of Green Drift, linking it to the Ivy Farm development. Residents of Ivy Farm use it as a cut-through to local schools and the railway station, although this use is informal and without any landowners' permission.

This informal path is currently maintained by Herts County Council (HCC) Highways and NHDC officers have been asked to obtain consent from Highways to transfer and formally adopt this land, although no timescale has been given for this. Moody Homes have also agreed to transfer to NHDC, but there is no purpose in progressing this while HCC are already discussing it.

Coombes Hole Community Art Project
Following on from the situation set out at the last Royston and District Meeting, it has transpired that although permission had been granted for the mural to be created, there was concern about the future maintenance of the mural and the underpass itself. Network Rail appears to want to transfer at full cost, and this is not something to which the Council can commit additional resources. A funding application was due to be submitted at this meeting (16 September), but due to these issues on maintenance and project costs, this funding application has been postponed. The applicant has been advised of the situation.

The group that submitted the original grant application and Royston Town Councillors have been informed of the reason for the delay and assured of potential funding should an alternative site and agreement for maintenance be found.

Royston Festival
Creative Royston (the Royston Festival) have been assisted by the CO with plans for this year's event, including dealing with licensing and insurance paperwork, as required by the North Hertfordshire Safety Advisory Group.

Mia Ella Samuels Memorial Family Fun Day
The CO assisted the organisers of the Mia Ella Samuels Memorial Family Fun Day, held for the second time on 16 August 2016 on Royston Heath. Mia Ella was one year old when she died from leukaemia. The Fun Day was held to raise awareness and funds for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research and was very well attended.

Assistance from the CO was given with licensing and insurance issues and he also helped the organisers to secure funding for publicity and some of the costs for hire of inflatables and bouncy castles came from Cllr Hill's HCC Locality Budget.

Royston Community Surgery Update
The CO listed the following issues which have already been addressed;

1. Overhanging hedging on Green Street - hedging has been trimmed by NHDC contractors;
2. High volume of litter at the Ridings - a cleaning crew sent to the location has cleaned the area;
3. An issue was raised about a trip hazard at the Ivy Farm play area - NHDC contractors have been issued with instructions to level the areas as appropriate and infill the areas around the pin kerbs;
4. Maintenance issue at the male toilets in Royston - contractors appointed by Royston Town Council have carried out repair works at this location.

Grant Funding
The spreadsheet at Appendix A showed the detailed spend to date of the Royston Area Committee Budget 2015/2016.
The following projects were noted by the Committee, as they are in the pipeline, but not yet ready for funding:

- Funding support to Royston Tennis Club to assist with the purchase of a storage unit for the Tennis Club;
- Funding support re. Rural Schools - Ceramics and Pottery Project - possible sessions with Reed, Barley and Therfield schools;
- Funding support to assist with costs for putting on a Royston Town Centre Cycle Race in 2016;
- Funding support to assist with costs for putting on the Barkway 10k race in 2016.

The Committee considered releasing funds for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Royston Cave for one year only.

Cllr Davidson declared an interest in the Memorandum of Understanding for the Royston Cave and stated that he would abstain from discussion and voting, as his wife had presented the information required on the Cave under Public Participation earlier on the Agenda. Cllr Burt also declared an interest in this item, as he is a Member of Royston Town Council who owns the Royston Cave. He stated that he would not leave the room and would not take part in the debate and vote. The Committee then considered the release of a Memorandum of Understanding for one year, as detailed at Resolution 4 below.

The Chairman thanked the Communities Officer for his report and for his work for the people of Royston and the surrounding area.


1) That the activities and schemes with which the Communities Officer (CO) has been involved, be noted;

2) That the Royston and District Committee endorse the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being and thank him for his work on behalf of the people of Royston and the surrounding area;

3) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

4) That the Royston and District Committee agree unanimously to support the Memorandum of Understanding grant for one year only for the Royston Cave in the sum of £750;

5) That the Committee considers awarding a sum of £1,000 (increased from £600) to 10th Royston Scouts for the purchase of two new patrol tents. This is detailed in Minute 24 below.


1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Communities Officer;

2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community;

5) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Communities Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on up to six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.

Councillor Jean Green declared an interest in this grant application, as her stepdaughter and son-in-law are Scout Leaders with the Unit and her grandsons are members of 10th Royston Scouts. Councillor Hill also declared an interest, as she has indicated an intention to give the Unit financial support from her Herts County Council Locality Budget.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be granted to 10th Royston Scouts to assist with the purchase of two new patrol tents. The Committee had made the decision to increase the amount awarded from £600 to £1,000.


1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

After some discussion, it was proposed that all Royston Community Surgeries be advertised by posters to be put up around Royston Town Centre and in "The Town Crier" publication.