Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 4th June, 2013 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 5th March, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor R. Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement 20 members of the public including three registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Mrs Joan Kirby and Lisa Courts.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201306041930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 January 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Minute 85 - Champion News and Finance Report - Highway Matters
A Member enquired what progress had been made as to the petition requesting re-instatement of street lighting in Milestone Road even though the lead petitioner had received communication from Hertfordshire Highways that there would not be any change to the current arrangements. The Member stated that the needs of Milestone Road had not been met and proposed that an officer from Hertfordshire Highways should be invited to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee to clarify the rationale for the non lighting between 12 midnight and 06.00.

The Vice-Chairman in his role as a Hertfordshire County Councillor advised the Committee that there would be a review of the street lighting programme this summer and opined that there would not be a full retraction of the current arrangements. However, it was acknowledged by Hertfordshire Highways that there had been problems in some areas - including North Hertfordshire - which would be considered as part of the review. The Vice-Chairman advised the Committee that he would ask the Executive Member for Highways and Transport for a statement on street lighting and the forthcoming street lighting review which would be circulated to all NHDC District Councillors.

Several Members expressed a view that it was essential that District Councillors should be invited to contribute to the Terms of Reference of the Street Lighting Review alongside Hertfordshire County Councillors and that the review should be agreed before it took place. Notwithstanding this request it would still be important and valid for Hertfordshire Highways to attend a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee as it would be essential for the exact review process to be clarified.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(2)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.
(3)The Chairman wished good luck to all candidates in the forthcoming County Council elections on Thursday 2 May 2013.

Mr Gurney thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking as leader of the Planning Group of Hitchin Forum with regard to the latest housing options proposed for North Hertfordshire.

Mr Gurney had four points he wished to raise: 1. Process, 2. Hitchin, 3. South West of Hitchin and 4. Possible ways forward. Hitchin Forum was concerned that the approach taken by NHDC to receive speculative proposals from landowners and developers could result in poorly planned development which would be concentrated in areas of greatest sensitivity and ensuing infrastructure problems.

With regard to Hitchin Mr Gurney considered that Hitchin had very few sites left for housing and that Hitchin had taken some 60 per cent of the population increase in the four North Herts towns in the last ten years - mostly flats - and if Hitchin had to take more homes then the proportion would be some 2,700 new dwellings to meet local needs and migration. Hitchin Forum were very concerned about the possible expansion of sites on the edge of towns and into the Green Belt which had major accessibility problems for example Hitchin to Letchworth and Hitchin to Stevenage.

Mr Gurney opined that taking land for housing to the south west of Hitchin would be unacceptable for three reasons: Preserving the setting and character of historic towns; Safeguarding the countryside and Green Belt from encroachment; and Prevention of Encroachment into the Countryside. Any development would double size of Hitchin and increase the population by some 50 per cent with the necessary changes to transport and services for such an increase. Mr Gurney referred the Committee to the Council's Landscape Sensitivity Study which inter alia suggested that even a very limited development outside Hitchin in the Green Belt would have an unacceptable impact and that the area of countryside around Hitchin was important for recreation. Just as important were the spaces maintained between Hitchin and Stevenage with the villages/hamlets of St. Ippolyts, Gosmore, Charlton, Little Wymondley and Titmore Green contributing much to the rural character of this area.

Hitchin Forum considered that Hitchin had reached its environmental capacity and was constrained by its historic centre and setting and housing needs would have to met from land within the Green Belt. Mr Gurney referred the Committee to the map projected onto the screen which had the housing option sites added and this showed very clearly that the triangle of Letchworth, Hitchin and Stevenage was under great pressure and would become very congested.

Mr Gurney concluded his presentation by proposing that a new settlement north of Hitchin should be considered in a sustainable location with appropriate transport provision. This proposal was supported by the National Planning Policy Framework in the support for the building of separate new developments on Garden City principles and that either Bedfordshire to the north or to the north - east between Royston and Cambridge could be worth consideration due to a growing economic base and employment potential.

The Chairman thanked Mr Gurney for the presentation and several Members were pleased to have the problem of housing options in and around Hitchin highlighted. A Member suggested that there was a need to be more proactive on other areas to those proposed. Another Member considered that it was not what was on the plan, it was more the aspirations of Stevenage, Luton and Mid Beds that would be problematic, and there was the threat of such outside authorities encroaching on land within North Herts cf Luton east of the airport. Concern was expressed over the true target for dwellings for North Herts, was it 8,400 or 10,700, there would be pressure to build more houses and large swathes of land could be swallowed up.

Another Member suggested that Councillors should encourage residents to participate in the consultation. The Committee agreed that there should be no linking up of towns and loss of the Green Belt e.g. Hitchin to Stevenage and Hitchin to Letchworth and Letchworth to Baldock.

RESOLVED: That Mr Gurney and Hitchin Forum be thanked for the presentation.

Mr Smither thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

Mr Smither reminded the Committee that the 2012 ROTW Festival at The Priory had been badly affected by bad weather, there had been a lot of damage to the grounds and unfortunately The Priory had declined to have the Festival back again. By the time this decision had been taken it was too late to book an alternative venue even if a suitable venue could be found. The Queen Mother Theatre was fully booked due the closure of Hitchin Town Hall and Plinston Hall in Letchworth. Mr Smither confirmed that ROTW would remain in or very near Hitchin but for 2013 it was considered that the best course of action would be to hold some form of entertainment in Hitchin.

Consequently a decision had been made to hold a Family Funday on Sunday 14 July in the Market Place to keep the spirit of ROTW alive, maintain contact with over 800 volunteers and keep to the charitable objectives of the Festival. Mr Smither confirmed that there would no other location in the town used for the Funday.

Although there was a balance of £40,000 in the funds for future Festival Mr Smither advised the Committee that the Festival Trustees did not think it appropriate to release funds to support the Funday - hence the Grant Application. The Funday would be for family activities, young people performances, Voice of Hitchin Youth talent competition, choirs and small scale circus workshops using a small stage between 11.00 and 16.00, (allowing for build before 11.00 and break down after 16.00) but no bands. Mr Smither advised that there would be some performances in St Marys Church on the Funday and that there would be events at Club 85 throughout the year.

Ms Liz Barclay addressed the Committee and advised that the past four years of Family Fundays at ROTW were very successful and were very important to the local community. The ROTW Committee did not wish to have a festival gap in peoples' lives and more volunteers were needed.

The Chairman thanked Mr Smither and Ms Barclay for the presentation and a Member enquired if the Council had been approached about the need for a licence and Mr Smither responded with confirmation that this Funday would be covered under the Town Centre licence issued by the Town Centre Manager. Nevertheless the Member suggested that it would be good practice to consult with the Council's Licensing Manager to ensure that all conditions for public performances would be met.

A Member whilst accepting the need for prudency on part of the Trustees expressed disappointment that no funds would be released from the balance of £40,000. Mr Smither understood the Members point of view but the reserves had to be kept for initial costs that would be incurred for 2014, and there were still ongoing negotiations on a new site that was near Hitchin and the Festival would not go to Luton or Knebworth. Mr Smither was encouraged to approach other possible funders such as Hitchin BID and Hitchin Markets Limited


(1)That Mr Smither and Ms Barclay be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee supported the proposals for the Family Funday on 14 July in Hitchin Market Place;

(3)That a decision on the Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 10.

Mr C. Dunham thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

Mr Dunham was most concerned about the state of West Alley Car Park during bad weather such as snow and ice. A disabled driver had become stuck in snow this winter due to the non clearance or gritting of the snow and ice in this car park. Fortunately Hitchin BID Rangers were able to assist the disabled driver and had cleared a lot of the snow and ice.

Mr Dunham considered that West Alley Car Park should be cleared of snow and ice in bad weather as a priority.

The Chairman thanked Mr Dunham for the presentation and read from an officer briefing note:

‘Thank you for your enquiry regarding the gritting of West Alley car park. I have spoken to the relevant officers regarding this and they have informed me that this does take place on occasion when other priority routes have been gritted and this will continue to take place. However, gritting the car park was only half of the problem as for the car park to be gritted and for it to be beneficial the grit needs to be spread out before any snow/ice event takes place and then once the snow/ice has fallen the grit needs to be mixed up with the snow/ice which would mean the car park would need to be in constant use which is not always the case.

I would like to assure you, however that West Alley car park will still be gritted after priority routes have been addressed.'

RESOLVED: That Mr Dunham be thanked for the presentation.
Information Note

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note which was an update since the decision made by Council on 31 January 2013 (Minute 96 refers) that the Development Agreement with Simons Developments should not be continued beyond 20 March 2013.

The Chairman advised the Committee that until 20 March 2013 and assuming no material changes before that date then the Council would advise Simons in writing that the Development Agreement has been terminated. Officers would then prepare a project closure report for the Churchgate Project Board and then report to Full Council in June 2013 on alternative options placed before Council on 31 January 2013.

Following the introduction several Members expressed disappointment (Minutes passim) again that no officer was available to present this Information Note. A Member considered that there was a paucity of information and it was unfortunate that there was no mention of the petition against Churchgate (over 3000 signatures) nor the attendance of nearly 100 objectors at the meeting of Council on 31 January 2013 in the Information Note, what meetings had been held since 31 January 2013 and that Hitchin Committee should be advised of the outcomes of these meetings.

Another Member enquired if there had been any development on the alternative options presented to Council on 31 January 2013 and whether officers would be advising this Committee of progress towards the options.

A Member who was on the Churchgate Project Board advised that a meeting of the Board was held on 13 February 2013 and the next meeting was scheduled for 25 March 2013. This Member also considered that the details in the Information Note were inadequate, there was huge public concern as evidenced by the petition, Councillors had changed their minds about Simons Developments, the change in the UK economic climate, twice opposed by this Committee but there should be no detraction from the need for the redevelopment of the Churchgate and Surrounding Area. There should be ongoing work by officers to ensure that this development project did not lose momentum and that there should be strong political support from the Administration and the two other political parties for the project. The Member thought that it was not helpful to the residents of Hitchin that officers considered that there was likely to be a delay of more than ten years on this project.

The Chairman acknowledged the strong views expressed by the Committee and agreed to present these views on behalf of the Committee at the meeting of Council provisionally scheduled for 27 June 2013 when the Churchgate Project closure report would be presented.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note for the Update on Redevelopment of Churchgate and Surrounding Area be noted;

(2)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee should present at the meeting of Council provisionally scheduled for 27 June 2013 the strong views expressed at this meeting that there should not be any delays in preparing alternative options for Churchgate;

To ensure that Council would be advised of the views of the Hitchin Committee that the Churchgate Project should not lose momentum.
Information Note

Declarations of Interest
1. Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Chairman that he had been appointed as a Trustee of the King George V Playing Fields Trust and that he would take the advice of the Acting Monitoring Officer and leave the room for the duration of the item.

2. Councillors Paul Clark and David Leal - Bennett advised the Chairman that they were Vice - Chairmen of Hitchin Rugby Club and declared a personal non-pecuniary interest and would remain in the room for the duration of the item.

3. Councillors Richard Thake, Alan Millard and Lawrence Oliver declared a personal non - pecuniary interest as they were appointed to represent NHDC on the Hitchin Rugby Football Club Joint Management and Advisory Committee and would remain in the room for the duration of the meeting

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note provided by the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management that provided information on the Trust arrangements for King George V Playing Fields.

The Chairman advised the Committee of the appointed trustees and the proposals for the Hitchin Rugby Clubhouse and the hut leased by 5th Hitchin Scouts. In both cases there would need to be a lease surrender and new leases entered into.

In response to a question the Vice - Chairman advised that the first meeting of the Trustees was scheduled for 28 March 2013.

RESOLVED: That the information regarding King George V Playing Fields Trust be noted.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Judi Billing declared a personal non - pecuniary interest as a Director of Hitchin Initiative and advised that she would remain in the room for the duration of this item.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HCM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised the Committee that this was the last year of Hitchin BID and a new tender for renewal would be made in February 2014. Also Hitchin Market Traders Ltd would be re-tendering to NHDC for renewal this August and Mr Hoskins hoped that the Council would be able to support this venture and perhaps provide more financial support. Hitchin Initiative would commence on a major fund raising effort as this was the last year of core funding from NHDC.

The HCM informed the Committee that the 2013 Hitchin Festival would run from 28 June until 24 July with the ROTW Family Funday taking place on Sunday 14 July.

The HCM advised that with respect to the Old Post Office site in Hermitage Road he had met with Whitebarn Developments on 4 March 2013 and that the developer would be pleased to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee and Hitchin Community Groups. With regard to Hammersmatch the HCM confirmed that dialogue was ongoing with Hitchin Market Traders and that the appointed Hammersmatch architect had assured the Market Traders there would be a more concerted effort to meet with the wishes and aspirations of the traders in relation to a location for the Market. The HCM was confident that a result could be achieved for both sites and there was no need to go back to ‘square one' for Hitchin Town Centre Improvements.

Mr Hoskins advised that he would be pleased to use his office in Churchyard as a poste restante for the transfer of mail between the Council and the Initiative. Also, there had been in the last few weeks an increased shoppers footfall on a Sunday in Hitchin and that the opening of The Lairage Car Park on a Sunday would help to alleviate the pressure on town centre car parks.

The HCM concluded his presentation by inviting Councillors to a business networking meeting on 13 March at 6pm at The Priory.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the details on Hitchin BID, Hitchin Initiative and Hitchin Festival be noted.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

There were no updates.
Appendix A
Appendix A1
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 8 January 2013. The Committee noted that the Triangle Residents association had been wound up with a balance of funds going to the Triangle History Group and Triangle Community Garden. The CDO advised that she was hopeful to arrange further meetings of the North Herts Minority Forum with NHDC Councillors. The CDO referred the Committee to Paragraph 8.5 and the updating on Bancroft Gardens and that an application to the National Lottery - Parks for People grant would be presented in February 2014.

Members expressed concern again (Minutes passim) about delays to the Bancroft Project and that the process was taking far too long. A Member questioned why a consultant would be appointed by tender for a stage one lottery application when officers were well experienced in tender specifications due to previous work for the redevelopment of Howard Park and Gardens in Letchworth Garden City. Also, as the Bancroft Project was specific to Hitchin it was suggested and agreed that the Committee should have sight of and an input into the tender specification bearing in mind the Master Plan for Bancroft Gardens which remained extant. Another Member was dismayed that there would not be a lottery application until February 2014 which meant even more delay beyond this date before any works could commence as pre -qualification and tenders for the works would have to be issued.

The Community Development Officer referred the Committee to Appendix B and in particular to the highways aspect and whether there were any questions from Members. A Member requested that as there was no mention of the Restricted Overnight Parking in the Hitchin Industrial Area and surrounding roads this issue should be included. The Chairman referred to previous discussions on measures to stop verge parking in Periwinkle Lane and that to place traffic restrictions (such as double yellow lines) and bollards at the verge edges would require public consultation with an estimated cost of £3,000. The Chairman in his role as a Hertfordshire County Councillor would provide £1,500 from his locality budget if the Hitchin Committee could allocate £1,500 from the Discretionary Budget. This proposal was agreed but local Ward Members requested that they be involved at all stages of the consultation and any future site visits with Hertfordshire Highways.

Another Member enquired about the introduction of 20 m.p.h. restricted areas in Hitchin and had a date been set for implementation. The Vice - Chairman advised the Committee that the County Council would be conducting a review of speed limits and policy and strategies soon and the Chairman advised that the County Council Scrutiny Committee had proposed to appoint a Task and Finish Group that would review the County Council transport policy and strategies (including speed limits) and it was expected to invite NHDC Councillors and other District Councillors to attend this Task and Finish Group.

The CDO next referred the Committee to the grant applications listed in the report at Appendices C to H respectively

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the grant applications as detailed at Minutes 100 to 103 below.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 8 January 2013 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

(3)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix B be noted.

(4)That the sum of £1,500 be allocated from the Discretionary Budget towards the cost of consultation for traffic control measures in Periwinkle Lane, Hitchin - subject to a matching sum provided by the Hertfordshire County Councillor for Hitchin North;


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.

Declarations of Interest
Councillors Ray Shakespeare - Smith, Bernard Lovewell and Alan Millard each declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as they were members of the Walsworth Festival 2013 Management Committee and advised that they would leave the room for the duration of this grant application.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be awarded to as a contribution towards the costs of the Walsworth Festival in 2013.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local Walsworth Community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be awarded to as a contribution towards the costs of the Vaisakhi Procession through Hitchin in 2013.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the Vaisakhi Procession in 2013.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £300 be awarded as a contribution towards the costs of the Young People of the Year Awards in 2013.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the Young People of the Year Awards in 2013.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,500 be awarded to the ROTW Fun Day Committee as a contribution towards the costs of the Family Funday on 14 July in 2013.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the Family Funday on 14 July 2013 and the Hitchin Community in Hitchin in 2013.
Published on Tuesday, 9th April, 2013