Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 5th March, 2013 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 8th January, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard and Councillor Lawrence Oliver.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Richard Kelly - Senior Planning Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer.
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 26 Members of the Public including two registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors Lisa Courts and Deborah Segalini.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201303051930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 November 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(2)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.
(3)Additional item at Public Participation - Keep Hitchin Special and Churchgate Development.

Ms Gayle Jones of St Mungo's thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that St Mungo's a leading homelessness charity in the South of England managed the hostel known as The North Herts Sanctuary, Nightingale Road, Hitchin.

Ms Jones advised the Committee that the existing building used by the Sanctuary was not ideal. The Sanctuary was a temporary home for 17 homeless persons who shared five bedrooms and two bathrooms, with limited communal space for meetings. Ms Jones was pleased to advise the Committee that St Mungo's had secured a grant from the Homes and Communities Agency. This meant that together with fundraised income from the Sanctuary Trustees and St Mungo's own income there could be a rebuild of the hostel and that residents would be involved in the design brief. A steering group had approved the architects design and a planning application to the Local Planning Authority would be made soon.

The proposal would be for a 19 bed purpose built hostel with en - suite bathrooms and open plan communal areas and funding was tied to a project completion date of 31 March 2015 with commencement of works in July 2013 and Ms Jones advised that during the building phase current residents would be accommodated in another property - which had yet to be secured.

Ms Jones concluded her presentation by stating that this was a project for homeless people in North Hertfordshire and that the new building would help very much in assisting clients move into independent living. Ms Jones confirmed that the project would be subject to the local planning process that would include public consultation, and there would be advertising of the proposal following the submittal of the planning application.

The Chairman thanked Ms Jones for the presentation and invited comments or questions from the Committee. Members strongly supported the proposals for the Sanctuary and wished every success to St Mungo's for the project.


(1)That Ms Jones be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee supported the proposals for the rebuilding of the North Herts Sanctuary.

Mr Chris Parker of Keep Hitchin Special thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

Mr Parker advised the Committee that Hitchin residents and Hitchin traders associated with Keep Hitchin Special supported the previous resolution made not to support an extension to the Development Agreement with Simons Developments.

Keep Hitchin Special were concerned that Simons Developments were apparently seeking an extension of 18 months as opposed to the six months requested at the meeting of Cabinet on 1 November 2012. Concern was also expressed that Simons had apparently requested a sum in the order of £2M as an inducement for a high street retailer plus rent free and business rate free terms and if this was true then such a financial outlay was in Mr Parker's opinion scandalous.

Keep Hitchin Special proposed that the Development Agreement should not be extended. Mr Parker opined that the presentation by Simons at the Community Shop in Hermitage Road was inadequate and weak and was not appropriate from a professional developer. Keep Hitchin Special considered that the scheme sketches lacked detail and there was insufficient detail on the history of the scheme and that there had been too long a gap since the last presentation of outline scheme details by Simons.

The Chairman thanked Mr Parker for the presentation.

RESOLVED: That the representative of Keep Hitchin Special be thanked for the presentation.

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note of the Head of Development and Building Control which reminded the Committee that at the meeting of Cabinet held on 1 November 2012 (Minute 62 refers) it had been noted that not all information was available for the Churchgate Project and that there appeared to be no compelling reason to allow an extension of the Development Agreement by six months. The Chairman referred the Committee to the timetable at Paragraph 2.7 which gave dates of the Exhibitions by Simons Developments and other meetings that sought to provide additional information for members of the public and Councillors.

The Chairman confirmed that the three Simons Information Days had taken place on 3, 4 and 5 January 2013 at the Community Shop in Hermitage Road, Hitchin.

The Chairman advised that the outcomes of the Information Days and the next meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum (9 January 2013) would be included in the report to Council scheduled for Thursday 31 January 2013 with all potential options for the Churchgate Development Project presented including financial and legal implications as well as potential timescales should a time extension to the Development Agreement be agreed by Council.

The Chairman invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

From the outset of the ensuing debate it was clear that Members were extremely disappointed that no officers were present to take questions from the Committee. Comment was made as to the paucity of information in the timetable (Paragraph 2.7) as no reference was made to Members' briefings held recently or confirmation of the date of the meeting of Full Council in January which would receive the final officers' report on the Churchgate Development Project. Also, Members were unable to ask Officers about the latest proposals by Simons Developments which would have been very helpful on this very important issue for Hitchin. A Member queried why there was no reference in the timetable to the forthcoming exhibition by Hammersmatch on the proposals for the refurbishment of Churchgate.

The Chairman advised the Committee that as this item was an Information Note it was not necessary for officers to attend the meeting. The Chairman confirmed that Full Council would meet on 31 January 2013 at the Council Offices in Letchworth Garden City at 7.30 p.m. to consider the officer's report. The officer's report would include all the information necessary to enable the Council make a decision as to whether or not to grant an extension to Simons Developments beyond 19 March 2013 and any information quoted as being in the public domain should for the moment be regarded as speculation.

A Member reminded the Committee that since the signing of the Development Agreement Simons had not made any real progress towards satisfying the conditions of the Development Agreement and were now requesting an extension of 18 months rather than the six months requested at the meeting of Cabinet on 1 November 2012 (Minute 62 refers). The Member also considered that the recent exhibition by Simons was no further forward than previous presentations, it was more akin to a bid for a new scheme.

Members were clearly frustrated at the lack of information as well as very little progress with this project over the last three years which was amplified by a Member as follows: Simons had not secured an Anchor Tenant; no Development Partner had been appointed; the scheme had yet to be confirmed as financially viable; that NHDC were required to provide funds to support financial viability (the Member advised that a sum of £2M had been mentioned by Keep Hitchin Special as an inducement to a major high street retailer and that rent free and business rate free years were also required); and finally that Simons had only provided some selective artist's impressions, some draft architectural drawings and a proposed timetable for the scheme giving an opening date of 2015 or even 2016. The Member stated that as all Local Authorities were reducing costs and NHDC was no exception he could not rationalise how NHDC could provide such financial support that was believed to be requested by Simons. It was also considered that if any extension of time was granted then NHDC would find it very difficult to refuse any further requests by Simons for additional time.

Other points raised by Members included the need for a stable financial situation to allow the project to proceed - which was not case at the moment; that it would be much more than 18 months before a project could start; there had been a lot of ambiguity in the scheme proposals with no real hypothesis; the potential for a CPO regarding the Churchgate Shopping Area would add further delay; that Simons had not listened to the views of Hitchin Residents. A Member reminded the Committee that delays to providing a full analysis of the scheme and subsequent financial viability and support from NHDC had been due to the late announcement of the financial settlement grant from Government on 19 December 2012; that the timescale must be resolved; what was the compelling reason for the Development Agreement to be extended? what additional information would be provided in the officers report to Council on 31 January?

The Chairman considered that the Churchgate Project was an NHDC issue and that any decision must be underwritten by the Council and that the facilities at the Council Offices in Letchworth Garden City were the most suitable to accommodate all 49 Councillors, officers and members of the public. The Vice-Chairman advised that there would only be two items on the agenda for 31 January 2013. The Vice - Chairman stated that this would be the final opportunity for all 49 NHDC Councillors to make a decision on the request for an extension to the Development Agreement after considering all the information requested by Cabinet on 1 November 2012 (Minute 62 refers).

Having listened to all the points raised and concerns expressed a Member proposed a recommendation to Council which was seconded that would confirm that based on the information available Hitchin Committee should state that they believed most strongly that no extension to the Development Agreement should be granted to Simons Developments.

On being put to the vote this resolution was unanimously approved by the Committee (eleven votes for, none against)


(1)That the contents of the Information Note for the Update on Redevelopment of Churchgate and Surrounding Area be noted;

(2)That the timetable of meetings in January 2013 by Simons Developments, The Churchgate Liaison Forum and Full Council be noted;

(3)That on the basis of information before it the Committee agreed unanimously to support a recommendation to Council that no extension to the Development Agreement should be granted to Simons Developments.

RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That on the basis of information before it the Hitchin Committee believed most strongly that no extension to the Development Agreement should be granted to Simons Developments at the meeting of Full Council to be held on 31 January 2013.

To ensure that Council would be reminded of the views of the Hitchin Committee regarding the Churchgate Project.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

The Senior Planning Officer (SPO) presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control which was a separate volume to the main agenda and that publication had been delayed due to the second consultation period not closing until 24 December 2012.

The SPO advised the Committee that the re-opened consultation received 15 responses (compared to 69 responses in the first consultation) of which 13 were submitted on line. The Committee noted that of the fifteen respondents in round 2, four had made representations previously in round 1. This gave a grand total of 80 individuals or organisations who had responded over the two rounds of consultation.

The SPO referred the Committee to Appendix A which was an updated Statement of Consultation and advised Members that there remained some missing data for the online responses to particular questions presented at the first consultation. However, the analysis did cover all responses made in the second round giving a total of 61 full analysis and 23 partial analysis. The SPO also confirmed that there was now a dedicated section in the Statement of Consultation which included responses to points raised by local interest groups and societies plus an additional appendix that included a transcript of all answers to questions raised in both rounds of consultation.

The SPO stated that the analysis of the revised consultation responses from both rounds of consultation showed that the issues raised were essentially the same following the analysis of the first round responses. The SPO referred the Committee to Appendix C which listed the changes between the consultation version of the Development Brief and the post consultation revised Development Brief and advised that there would be no changes to the revised draft brief as presented to the Hitchin Committee on 13 November 2012, and consequently the brief as detailed at Appendix B would be presented to Cabinet for endorsement prior to presentation to Council for adoption.

The SPO concluded his presentation with comment that in broad terms the New Homes Bonus payable for six years after completion would generate approximately £1,200 per dwelling at this site to NHDC.

The Chairman thanked the Senior Planning Officer for the report and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

Members congratulated the Senior Planning Officer on the report and a Member was content to support the Revised Post Office Development Brief and wait for the presentation of the planning application to the Local Planning Authority.

Another Member asked the Senior Planning Officer for a response to three specific questions.

1.Request for a Community Hall within the development which had been removed from the brief.
The SPO advised that provision for Community Halls in Hitchin was included in the NHDC Community Halls Strategy and there was no reason to include such a facility at the Post Office Site. However, if the Developer wished to propose such a facility then this could be included in the planning application.

2.Why was the Service Yard and the building at 71-81 Hermitage Road adjoining the current site not included in the brief?
The SPO and Mr Shadbolt (Developer's Representative) advised that this site was in multiple ownership of some ten owners between retail units and apartments above and it was not possible to purchase the whole block due to this complexity.

3.Request for clarification of building heights along the River Hiz Walkway.
The SPO confirmed that there would be three storeys for most of the length of the Walkway and along Portmill Lane with a proposal to retain a four storey building as a landmark building at the corner of Portmill Lane.

In response to another question the SPO advised that any allocation of Section 106 monies or unilateral undertakings would be referred to the specific planning application and linked to associated schemes.

A Member concluded the debate by welcoming the involvement of a local developer and that this development should be completed in a short time scale.


(1)That the Statement of Consultation presented at Appendix A that included a listing of all comments made be noted;

(2)That the updating on changes following the second round of consultation as presented at Appendix B - Post Consultation revised Development Brief be noted;

(3)That the Schedule of Changes between the two rounds of consultation as presented at Appendix C be noted;

(4)That the Hitchin Committee agreed for the revised Hitchin Post Office Development Brief (Appendix B) to be presented to Cabinet for endorsement.

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the revised Hitchin Post Office Development Brief be endorsed.

To confirm the support of the Hitchin Committee for the revised draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HCM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The HCM was pleased to report that the Christmas Lights ‘Switch On' had been very successful and attracted a large crowd of spectators. A young enterprise fair had also been very successful. Next year would be difficult in many ways not least the decrease in financial support for Hitchin Initiative from several sources and the HCM advised the Committee that 2013 was the last year of BIDS for Hitchin which would need a new application for BIDS Status in 2014. The HCM confirmed that BIDS supported in cash terms a lot of good work in the town.

The HCM said that there would be a Fashion Event on 11 May, a Fairtrade Event on 25 May and a food festival on 7 and 8 September, all in Market Place.

The HCM advised the Committee that due to unavoidable delays there would need to be a new planning application regarding works at 15 Brand Street, Hitchin which was in turn an important part of the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility and would provide an extra 56 square metres of floor space but not affect the proposed entrances. As there was an additional fee of £3,500 the HCM indicated that he wished to submit a grant application on behalf of the Hitchin Town Centre Initiative for a contribution towards the costs of the application fee at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 5 March 2013.

Hammersmatch would be presenting to the public their proposals for the refurbishment of Churchgate at 1A Churchyard from Thursday 17 January 2013 to Saturday 19 January 2013 to which all residents and interested parties were invited.

The HCM concluded his presentation by referring to the problem of broken paving slabs and other highway problems in Hitchin Town Centre and that the precise location and aligned problem had been emailed to Hertfordshire Highways and a response was awaited.

A Member enquired about reported incidents of anti - social behaviour in Hitchin at the recent Hitchin Community Surgery and the HCM confirmed that there had been odd occurrences but neither Hitchin Rangers or Pub Watch had reported any major incidents. The HCM advised that problems seemed to occur in Hitchin at events organised by outside promoters.

The Chairman thanked the Town Centre Manager for the updates and information.


(1)That the information on past and future events in Hitchin be noted;

(2)That a decision on a grant application by Hitchin Town Centre Initiative as a contribution towards the costs of a planning application fee for a property at 15 Brand Street be determined at the meeting scheduled for 5 March 2013;

(3)That the Community Development Officer be requested to liaise with the Hitchin Town Centre Manager to facilitate the above grant application.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

Hitchin Educational Foundation
Councillor David Leal-Bennett advised the Committee that he had recently attended a meeting of this outside body which involved Free School Trustees. Councillor Leal - Bennett was impressed by the efficiently run meeting, a good statement of accounts, and many grants had been made to individuals. Councillor Leal- Bennett was happy to continue as the NHDC representative to the Hitchin Educational Foundation.
Appendix A
Appendix A1
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and confirmed that she had one update to the written report concerning K Entertainers. She then gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 13 November 2012.

K ENTERTAINERS - The CDO advised the Committee that K Entertainers would be pleased to give information on their activities and performances to any Member on request via the Community Development Officer.

BRIDGING THE GAP - There had been four sessions at Westmill where the young and not so young had undertaken art workshops culminating in an exhibition at The Lawns, and that this work would continue for the generations to bridge the perception gap with similar projects to progress the work in Westmill.

TRIANGLE RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION - The CDO advised that due to lack of support this association would be wound up with ratification at the AGM on 4 February 2013 with a decision on dispersal of any surplus funds to a suitable organisation. It was also expected that the Comet Newspaper would soon publish an article on the achievements of the association.

HIGHWAYS MATTERS - The CDO advised Members that this item would now be included in every Champion News. The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix C - The Area Committee Work Programme which listed and track the progress of joint funded Highways Schemes or other highway issues. The Committee noted that new schemes would be logged on the work programme and referred to the appropriate Hertfordshire County Councillor for action.

There were no other highway issues raised other than at the beginning of the meeting where several Members expressed concern that there had apparently been no progress on securing anti - parking measures on grass verges in Periwinkle Lane.

Another Member enquired about the status of the petition for re-instated street lighting in Milestone Road, Hitchin and was advised that the petitioner had received a response from Hertfordshire Highways with confirmation that currently there was no proposal to change from the current arrangement of street lights being switched off between 12 midnight and 0600.

The CDO next referred the Committee to the two grant applications listed in the report (Minutes 86 to 87).

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the two grant applications as detailed at Minutes 86 to 87 below:


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 13 November 2012 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

(3)That the process for receiving and monitoring highway matters be agreed.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be awarded ‘in principle' as a contribution towards the costs of installing a village sign in Charlton which would include reference to the bi - centennial Bessemer celebrations in 2013 with the proviso that this grant would not be released until the Community Development Officer had confirmation that the balance of the funds required had been achieved.

Note: The Priory Ward Members advised the Committee that Priory Ward would contribute £500 from their ward budget with the same proviso that the full cost must be confirmed before payment was made by the Community Development Officer.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the community in and around Hitchin.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That there be no award of a grant to Stevenage Leisure Limited to support additional swim sessions at Hitchin Swim Centre in the summer of 2013.

That very few people took up the opportunity to swim outside normal opening hours in previous years and that it would not be appropriate to fund this scheme in 2013.
Published on Tuesday, 22nd January, 2013