Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 5th March, 2014 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 15th January, 2014 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Council, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Tony Hunter, Councillor R.E. Inwood and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Services
Andrew Cavanagh - Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management
David Miley - Democratic Services Manager
Alan Fleck - Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Royston Town Cllr F J Smith
2 speakers under Public Participation
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201403051930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 November 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendments:
- Minute 51, p.4: Last line of the page - delete "She confirmed that the Coombes Community Centre AGM had taken place". It took place after the Committee Meeting, on 25 November 2013;
- Minute 52, p 5: incorrect name - "Cllr Burt" should read "Cllr Davidson". Delete the word "Bins";
- Minute 53, p.7: in the Declarations of Interest, it should read "Councillor Bill Davidson also stated a Declarable Interest and would not vote, as his wife is a Trustee of Royston Food Bank . . ." She is not the Chairman of Royston Food Bank as stated in this Minute.

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting, including Royston Town Cllr F John Smith and the two speakers at Public Participation, Litsa Downes and Sarah Sanderson and wished them all a Happy New Year;
(2) She informed the Committee that Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson would not be speaking under Public Participation at this Meeting on the Royston Food Bank, as she had no update to give on her address at the previous Committee Meeting on 20 November 2013;
(3) The Chairman reminded the Committee that the Mayor of Royston was holding a Charity Quiz at 7pm for 7.30pm on 7 February at Royston Town Hall and that to date there were 4 people signed up to the Area Committee team. More people could volunteer to join the team;
(4)The Chairman then read out the following statement: "Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote."

Mrs Litsa Downes introduced herself and Mrs Sarah Sanderson and thanked the Royston and District Committee for allowing them to present their concerns on Safety in the Garden Walk area, which contains three schools. She explained that a large number of parents of the schoolchildren have expressed increasing concern over the speed of traffic using Garden Walk during school start and finish times. There have been a number of "near misses" and two recent accidents involving children, one of which was badly injured. The cause of both these accidents was speeding vehicles. The parents are convinced that further road safety measures are vital and are asking North Herts District Council, through the Royston and District Committee, to consider approving and instigating these measures in Garden Walk to ensure the safety of all the children at the three schools in the area.

Mrs Downes informed the Committee that some "near miss" incidents had been reported and some had not and that contact had been made on this issue with the Herts County Councillor and the Highways officer. This issue is a major concern for parents of the children and 164 letters had been received from parents, together with 200 responses in 2 days on the Facebook page which had been set up. The presenters suggested that a solution to the problem could be a permanent crossing patrol, with bank staff to cover sickness and holidays, and a further pinch point in the road. In the longer term, a pelican crossing could be the ideal solution. Parents agree that the measures are vital and must be instigated sooner rather than later.

The Chairman declared that she had arranged a meeting between herself, Mrs Downes, Mrs Sanderson, the Meridian Ward District Councillors (Councillors Davidson and Hunter), the Highways officer Gary Henning, the Headmistress of The Greneway School and the Vice-Chairman of Governors of Meridian School, before Christmas, to discuss the issue. The meeting took place in Garden Walk and the issues were witnessed by all present. She expressed the hope that the Royston and District Committee would support safety measures in the area. It was understood that somebody was in the process of being interviewed and trained for the post of crossing patrol. This is being checked.

The Committee discussed the issue and comments were made as follows: it was vital that the speeding issues were investigated and possibly a 20mph speed limit applied in Garden Walk. A Member commented that he would not like to see blanket measures applied, but just during school hours during term-time. The Committee confirmed that they supported a permanent crossing patrol. A Member also queried whether volunteers could carry out the role, but there are issues with this. Another Member enquired whether it would be better to train the schoolchildren in road safety, and was told that this had been done by all the schools involved, but the nature of children was that they would dash across the road in a forgetful moment.

The Chairman advised that the Highways officer is investigating possible safety measures through the County Councillor Highways Locality Budget. She asked the Committee if they were supportive of the measures being taken and they agreed unanimously. The Chairman stated that she would keep all Members informed of the progress made towards the required solution, as children's safety is paramount.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Downes and Mrs Sanderson for the presentation on Safer Roads in the Garden Walk area of Royston and on behalf of the Royston and District Committee assured them of the Committee's support.


(1) That Litsa M Downes and Sarah Sanderson be thanked for the excellent and informative presentation on Safer Roads in the Garden Walk area of Royston;

(2) That the Royston and District Committee is fully supportive of the work currently being undertaken by the County Councillor, Highways officer and Mrs Downes and Mrs Sanderson to improve safety in the area of the schools in Garden Walk.
Appendix A - DAA
Appendix A - DAA map
Appendix A - DAB
Appendix A - DAB map
Appendix A - DBA
Appendix A - DBA map
Appendix A - DBB
Appendix A - DBB map
Appendix A - DBC
Appendix A - DBC map
Appendix A - DCA
Appendix A - DCA map
Appendix A - DCB
Appendix A - DCB map
Appendix A - FB1
Appendix A - FB1 map
Appendix A - FB2
Appendix A - FB2 map
Appendix A - FBB
Appendix A - FBB map
Appendix A - FC
Appendix A - FC map
Appendix A - FM
Appendix A - FM map
Appendix A - FYA
Appendix A - FYA map
Appendix B

The Democratic Services Manager (DSM) presented the report of the Chief Executive which sought a decision from the Royston and District Committee regarding the re-establishment of polling districts and polling places in the Royston area for a further four years. He also asked that the Committee comment upon the location of polling stations as listed at Appendix B.

The DSM advised the Committee that the current and proposed Polling Districts were indicated on the street listings presented at Appendix A. The DSM confirmed that each ward was divided into Polling Districts and should be a suitable size for the administration of an election. A Polling Place was a convenient area within a Polling District in which to site a polling station and the DSM confirmed that NHDC Area Committees were responsible for defining Polling Districts and Polling Places which were co-terminus. The DSM advised that there had been no need for significant changes to the boundaries in recent years. Appendix A also consisted of maps for orientation purposes and Appendix B listed the Baldock and District Area Polling Station addresses. Views on the polling stations were sought as part of the Acting Returning Officer's (ARO's) polling station review.

The Chairman thanked the Democratic Services Manager for the presentation and invited comments and questions from the Committee.

The Committee discussed the issue and a Member declared that he had been through many elections in Royston and they had all worked very well. So why change anything? On being asked where the residents of Nuthampstead could cast their vote, the DSM informed the Committee that the Nuthampstead residents must vote in the school in Barkway. The Chairman raised the issue of elderly residents in Minster, Willowside and North Close who have to cross the road to vote at Coombes Community Centre and it was agreed that they seem to manage and if it became difficult, a postal vote could be requested.


(1) That the Democratic Services Manager be thanked for his comprehensive presentation on the review of polling districts and polling places;

(2) That the Royston and District Committee re-establishes the polling districts and polling places, set out at Appendix A, for a further four-year period, commencing forthwith;

(3) That comments made by the Royston and District Committee regarding the polling stations in the area be passed to the ARO for consideration.


(1) To fulfil the requirement to review Polling Districts and Polling Places;

(2) To assist the Acting Returning Officer (ARO) to undertake a review of Polling Stations.

The Chairman introduced this item and reminded the Committee that this item on the Agenda was for anything of concern to Members to be passed on to the Herts County Councillors.

The list of items discussed was as follows:

- There was a pooling issue in Burns Road near the community centre and bus stop and also in Newmarket Road due to heavy rain;
- Safety issues outside the schools in Garden Walk - Herts County Council Locality Budget, already discussed earlier in the meeting;
- Path from MacDonald's along Baldock Road;
- Update on proposed crossings in Baldock Road, Baldock Street, Old North Road and Melbourn Street;
- Market Hill needs repair - lorries cause damage, the Chairman is to check;
- Stamford Avenue - drains at the junction, the Chairman is to check.

Possible County Councillor Highways Locality Budget Schemes 2014/2015:
- Garden Close - road and footpath resurfacing;
- Mill Road - road resurfacing;
- Clydesdale Road - road resurfacing;
- Garden Lane - road and footpath resurfacing;
- Earls Hill Gardens - footpath resurfacing;
- Safety measures in Garden Walk;
- Possible waiting restrictions in Titchmarsh Close, Lumen Road, Garden Walk and Orchard Road.
- Safety measures outside Morrison's.

- Willow Close, Reed - resurfacing;
- A10 to The Joint, Reed - resurfacing.

The above schemes are currently being costed and a decision on which schemes will go forward will then be made.

The Highways Fault Reporting Service website address is:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7.1
Appendix 7.2
Appendix 7.3
Appendix 8

The Royston and District Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance in respect of the Council's Draft Budget for 2014/15. The Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management (HFPAM) informed the Committee that the final report would be considered by Cabinet on 28 January 2014 and by Council on 13 February 2014.

With regard to Income Generation Proposals I2 and I3, relating to an increase in car parking tariffs, the Committee commented:

- That charges should be considered car park by car park on an individual basis in each town. All towns were different and had separate requirements. A blanket increase should not be applied. A decrease in tariffs in some car parks could increase usage and therefore increase revenue. Past history has shown that increased charges result in a reduction of ticket sales;
- The Council should invest more in car park maintenance, especially those car parks that are in the worst state;
- Members of the Committee requested to be provided with the revenue and expenditure data for each car park;
- Reduced prices may increase usage in some car parks. Free after 3 had been very successful in Royston;
- The application of prior year "catch up" to charges was not supported; and
- One Member commented on a plan for future year increases, but this was not supported by the Committee.

With regard to efficiency proposals E1, E6 and E7, Cabinet had removed these from the Draft Budget proposals and no further comment was required.

With regard to Efficiency Proposal E2 to cease the use of bin hangers to advertise services changes to the waste & recycling collection:

- Members had concerns regarding ceasing the use of bin hangers and the impact of communicating the message to residents purely through Outlook.

With regard to Efficiency Proposal E5 to reduce the Council Tax Reduction Scheme grant to Parish and Town Councils:

- There were some concerns, but the Committee recognised that this was as a result of a cut imposed on the District Council.

The Committee asked that specific reference be made that the revenue budget for 2014/15 included funds to undertake a feasibility study for a water splash park facility in Royston, as detailed in the Green Space Management Strategy action plans. The Committee also wished to make reference to the intention to support, from the Area Committee discretionary budget, the provision of a fitness trail. This was also referenced in the Green Space Management Strategy.

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the comments made by the Royston and District Committee, as detailed above, be taken into account by Cabinet as part of its consideration of the Council's Budget for 2014/15.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to provide comments to Cabinet in respect of the Budget for 2014/15.

The Chairman introduced this item.

The Vice-Chairman confirmed that the Coombes Community Centre AGM had taken place and that the officers had been re-elected.
Repair work was required to the footpath to the Community Centre, especially as elderly people used it in the dark.
The Management Meeting had been held on 14 January 2014 and the Annual Meeting was held before Christmas.
The website had been updated and grant funding was under control.

Royston Town Twinning Association
Councillor Green gave an update on the Royston Town Twinning Association (RTTA).
She also stated that RTTA meetings will be held in the Tesco Training Room.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H

Royston and District Cemetery
Councillors Fiona Hill and Tony Hunter stated a Declarable Interest, as they are both consultees on highways matters to the Cemetery Working Party. Councillor Peter Burt also stated a Declarable Interest as he is the Chairman of the Cemetery Working Party. Councillor Robert Inwood stated a Declarable interest as he is a Royston Town Councillor. All of these Councillors remained present in the meeting for the debate on this item.

The Chairman invited the Head of Policy and Community Services to address the Committee in respect of a new Royston and District Cemetery.

The Head of Policy and Community Services reminded the Committee that, at its meeting held on 20 November 2013, it had received a grant application from Royston Town Council in respect of site clearance costs for a new Royston and District Cemetery. The Committee had resolved:

"That the principle of the Royston Town Cemetery be supported, but that allocation of funds be deferred until further clarification has been obtained, including sight of the full business plan."

The Head of Policy and Community Services explained that the grant application attached as an appendix to the Champions News report on 20 November 2013 included the assurance of the Community Development Officer that it was, and remained, in accord with the Council's grant making policy. However, on further examination subsequent to the meeting, it was evident that it was not in accord with the Council's agreed policy on cemetery provision, as established in the following Cabinet resolution of 25 January 2011:

"….That Officers continue to support investigation into assisting other organisations to deliver future arrangements for North Hertfordshire, but any additional future cemetery provision will need to be at no additional net Capital or Revenue cost to the District Council;…."

The Head of Policy and Community Services advised that, if the Committee was still minded to proceed with a grant toward the cost of clearing land to provide a new cemetery for the town, such intention would need to be referred to the Council's Cabinet for agreement to amend their original policy decision on this occasion only.

The Committee considered the matter and voted in support of continuing with the award of the grant in principle, subject to Cabinet agreement to amend their policy decision, on the grounds as presented - that an award by NHDC and relevant promotion of such award on site hoardings and publicity would provide a suitable ‘lever' for other, larger funding being secured from other providers.

The Community Development Officer (CDO) updated the Committee on, and gave a brief summary of, the activities with which he had been involved since the last meeting on 20 November 2013. Brief details are as follows:

- Establishing a database and associated website of village halls in Hertfordshire;
- Taking minutes of the recent meeting of the Royston First Advisory Group;
- Working with NHDC Legal Department on upgrading a database to enable the printout of a list of Members' interests relevant to each Area Committee meeting;
- Following discussion with young people in the area, the Police and NHDC Parks and Open Spaces staff, negotiations have been held to provide a youth shelter to be installed close to the skate park on the Newmarket Road Recreation Ground, externally funded. A further shelter is also available, but local consultation needs to be held before this is installed;
- Assisting the Community Development Manager (CDM) to process this year's round of the Rural Grants Awards. 29 rural community projects throughout the District will share in the overall budget of around £40,000.
- Together with the CDM, assisting Therfield Sports and Social Club with their proposal to rebuild the pavilion;
- Attending Barley Parish Council to advise on Parish and Neighbourhood Plans;
- Meeting the Barley Parish Councillor to advise on ways forward with the possible regeneration of the play area on the Plaistow;

A spreadsheet at appendix A showed the detailed spend to date of the Area Committee budgets. It should be noted that this indicates both the Royston and District Committee's base budget of £18,660 and any monies allocated in previous years which will not be spent, as well as the carry-forwards from the 2012-2013 financial year. The current total of funds available to Royston and District Committee is £12,922.

The Committee had considered a grant application at the last Royston and District Committee Meeting on 20 November 2013 from Royston Town Council, for financial assistance with clearing the site for the new Royston Town Cemetery. They had deferred it until this meeting. However, this issue was now the subject of a referral to the Cabinet Meeting to be held on 28 January 2014.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for presenting the report and for his hard work for the people of Royston and surrounding areas.

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Cabinet be requested to consider amending the policy decision made at their meeting on 25th January 2011, on this occasion only, and that ‘any additional future cemetery provision will need to be at no additional net Capital or Revenue cost to the District Council' to permit the award of £1,200 funding toward the development of a new Royston cemetery in order to lever sufficient finance from other providers.


(1) That the Committee thanked the Head of Policy and Community Services for clarifying the issue of allocation of funds for the new Royston cemetery;

(2) That the Committee thanked the Community Development Officer (CDO) and endorsed the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

(3) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved, be noted;

(4) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;


(1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

(3) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.

Councillor Fiona Hill stated a Declarable Interest and advised the Committee that she would not vote to determine this grant application, as they had applied to her Herts County Council Locality Budget for funds. Councillor Bill Davidson stated a Declarable Interest and he also would not vote, as his wife is a Trustee of the Royston Food Bank. Councillor Robert Inwood stated a Declarable interest as he belongs to the organisation that will be managing the Royston Food Bank. All of these Councillors remained present in the meeting for the debate on this item.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £807 be granted to Royston Food Bank for funding for start-up costs, excluding those for the provision of a laptop and mobile telephone.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £7,000 be granted to Reed Village Hall for repairs to the village hall roof.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

Councillors Fiona Hill and Tony Hunter declared a Declarable Interest and stated that they would not participate in the determination of this grant application as they had each received an application from Royston First to their HCC Locality Budget. Councillor Hill is also an NHDC representative on Royston First. Councillor Bill Davidson stated a Declarable Interest as he is on the Committee of Royston First. They all elected to stay in the room during the discussion, but would not take part in the debate or vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,500 be awarded to Royston First for Free After Three Thirty car parking.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £800 be granted to Budgetary Support, Dog Bins, for the provision and installation of two further dog waste bins.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £5,169 be agreed in principle and awarded to Therfield and Kelshall Sports and Social Club for a replacement mower when the grant application is submitted. Until then this grant application was deferred.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

Councillor Peter Burt stated a Declarable Interest as he is a Royston Town Councillor. He stated that he would stay in the room but would not vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £400 be granted to Budgetary Support, Parish Churchyard Liughting, to cover the cost of repairs to the lighting on the path past St John's Parish Church and the spotlight on the Church clock dial.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the srvices provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Published on Wednesday, 5th February, 2014