Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 7th January, 2014 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 12th November, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare-Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Services
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Mrs L. Needham - Leader of the Council) and Councillor Mrs C.P.A. Strong.

At commencement 29 Members of the public including six registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Frank Radcliffe and Lisa Courts.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201401071930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 September 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman requested that all present should stand for two minutes silence in memory of those who gave their lives in both World Wars and all other conflicts since 1945;
(2)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(3)Members are reminded that any declarations in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any Interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.
(4The Chairman offered his and the Committee's congratulations to Councillor Frank Radcliffe on his election to represent the District Hitchin Oughton Ward and to Councillor Judi Billing on her election to represent the County Council Hitchin North Division;
(5)The Chairman advised the Committee that using his discretion there would be one additional speaker at Agenda Item 5 - Public Participation viz. Hitchin Food Bank.

Following a vibrant and exhilarating performance of carnival music Mr John Courtney thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking on behalf of Torque Tambor.

Mr Courtney advised that Torque Tambor was a musical group based in Hitchin that specialised in Samba and Brazilian Carnival Music and in order to sustain its activities in the local area increase participation and overall membership from the local community. In order to achieve the target it was proposed to have a public performance using a professional musician followed by a free open evening with a number of workshops. There were more than 400 members of Torque Tambor from the local community and popularity had grown year on year for 11 years and more publicity was required especially advertising.

Torque Tambor were applying for grant funding to help with the delivery of public performance, publicity, creation of costumes, tuition at workshops - all of which would encourage others to be involved and regularly participate in a musical pastime. Mr Courtney advised the Committee that other funding sources were being investigated such as individual HCC Locality Budgets.

The Chairman thanked Mr Courtney for the presentation and the music and it was proposed and agreed that determination of the grant application would be at Agenda Item 11.


(1)That Mr Courtney be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee noted the work in the community undertaken by the Torque Tambour Group;

(3)That a decision on the Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 11.

Mr Adrian Gurney thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was speaking on behalf of several local interest groups in Hitchin who were known as HTAG.

Mr Gurney was pleased to remind Members that the Hitchin Town Action Group (HTAG) held its inaugural meeting on 16 October 2013 which was followed by a report of the main findings published on 5 November from the HTAG Steering Group. Mr Gurney confirmed that the report had been sent to all Hitchin Councillors and attendees at the first meeting. Comments had been made on the Draft Local Plan and HTAG hoped that the process of community involvement could assist members of the public during consultation next year and this could include specific issues such as Churchgate. Mr Gurney opined that any guidance or direction from councillors would be most welcome and that it would be very helpful if actions could be identified for implementation with minimal effort and at low cost.

Mr Gurney stated that HTAG had identified three main areas for consideration and where early progress could be made:
1.Improve the attractiveness of Hitchin Town Centre and encourage visitors and use electronic technology for town guides;
2.Improve the environment of the town centre, a street clutter clearance, greening of the town centre through improved planting; and
3.Increase the provision of real time information and boarding location maps at all bus stops in Hitchin Town Centre.

However, there was one longer term project that HTAG wished to put forward viz. The enhancement and improvement of the Woodside Area and introduce a process with local schools, Voice of Hitchin Youth, and current groups who use the Queen Mother Theatre and the Woodside Centre.

Mr Gurney concluded his presentation by stating that HTAG would welcome any comments and suggestions from Members as to the three proposals listed above and the longer term project at Woodside. It was acknowledged that the points and issues raised by HTAG did not necessarily represent the views of all residents in Hitchin

From the ensuing discussion and questions it was evident that the three short term projects and the long term project had support from the Committee and a Member expressed a view that Councillors and Officers should take note of the activities by HTAG as ‘Hitchin Matters' and that the proposed schemes should have the support of all. Members considered that the works proposed at Woodside were very important for the Hitchin Community and it was suggested that the scheme should include the car park and Windmill Hill. A Member considered that leisure and recreation projects should not be discounted, there should be a clear up in the town centre, removal of large wheelie bins. Another Member stated that views of young people should be considered and that this could be part of the Woodside improvements.

With regard to real time information at bus stops a Member suggested that an approach could be made to service bus providers such as Arriva, that HTAG could tackle the town centre street clutter and the improvement to the town centre could be a Hitchin BID project. The Vice-Chairman advised the Committee that the proposal for real time bus travel information was to be included in the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan.

The Chairman thanked Mr Gurney and HTAG for the presentation and the well considered proposals that had the support of the Committee.


(1)That Mr Gurney be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the proposal of three specific areas raised by the Hitchin Town Action Group for: Improving the attractiveness of Hitchin for visitors; Remove unnecessary street clutter from the town centre and increase the provision of real time information at all bus stops be welcomed and supported;

(3)That the proposed long term project on the enhancement of Woodside involving local schools, Voice of Hitchin Youth and current groups who use Woodside (QMT) be welcomed and supported.

Mrs Sheila Barden thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she was speaking on behalf of K Entertainers.

Mrs Barden explained that K Entertainers provided an evening of entertainment including a Christmas dinner and transport for vulnerable people who resided in Care Homes and Sheltered Accommodation Units, who might not have the opportunity to leave their residences and celebrate over the festive season. In addition to the entertainment a three course Christmas meal including beverages and crackers will be provided. Also transport to the evening and return home would be provided.

Mrs Barden advised that in 2012 some 400 pensioners were entertained in the last week of November. The Entertainers coordinated celebratory evenings over four nights and it was an excellent opportunity for Hitchin Pensioners to meet their peers from North Hertfordshire.

Mrs Barden clarified that although fund raising was an ongoing exercise throughout the year the additional costs for Christmas meant that extra effort was needed to raise necessary funds and a grant from the Hitchin Committee would go towards the costs of the transport arrangements for Hitchin residents and setting up costs at the venue.

Mrs Barden advised that there were 14 members of K Entertainers all of whom were Senior Citizens and all provided their own costumes and transport.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Barden for the presentation about K Entertainers and on behalf of the Committee thanked all involved for the support to Hitchin residents throughout the year and at the festive season and Members added their support and congratulations for the service to the local community.

The Chairman proposed and It was agreed that the application for grant funding would be determined at Agenda Item 11.


(1)That Mrs Sheila Barden be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee noted and welcomed the community service provided by K Entertainers;

(3)That a decision on the Grant Application be made at Agenda Item 11.

Raine Simcox and Leise Cooper thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that they were speaking on behalf of the Angels Support Group.

Ms Simcox and Ms Cooper advised the Committee that Angels Support Group had been in existence for nearly ten years delivering support to many families within Hitchin and the surrounding area. Funding had in the main come from Hertfordshire County Council Early Intervention fund which would cease at the end of 2013. The group would like to continue all the activities that it currently provided especially the support to families awaiting or had the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder or Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Funding was sought from the Hitchin Committee in order to continue the fortnightly Hitchin Support Group sessions for those with ADHD and ASD. This funding would pay for staff costs to run the support meetings, crèche costs, travel costs and a contribution to overheads.

Funding for Angels Support was almost exclusively from grants and donations (98 per cent) and now a fundraising sub committee had been formed and would organise an extensive fund raising programme of activities, stalls and events to raise awareness and vital funding and resources. There were some 800 families supported across North Herts and Stevenage with 173 families in Hitchin with 200 children affected by ADHD or ASD. There were weekly meetings at Oughton Children's Centre and a 1 to 1 support service and no charge was made for these services including a Facebook page and telephone Helpline.

A Member suggested that an approach could be made to the Herts County Councillors in North Hertfordshire with a request for grant funding from Locality Budgets.

In response to a question it was confirmed that no charge was made for the support services but voluntary donations were received, however many of the users were single parent families and weekly incomes were constrained.

The Chairman thanked Raine Simcox and Leise Cooper for the presentation and clarification of the loss of County Council funding and the proposals to seek funds from other sources. On behalf of the Committee the Chairman thanked all those involved with Angels Support for the excellent service provided to the Community and invited questions and or comments from the Committee.

It was proposed and agreed that the application for grant funding would be determined at Agenda Item 11.


(1)That Raine Simcox and Leise Cooper be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee noted and applauded the work undertaken by the Angels Support Group;

(3)That the application for grant funding would be determined at Agenda Item 11.

Suzy England thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee at very short notice and advised that she was involved with the provision of a Food Bank in Hitchin. This Food Bank was in the overall national scheme for Food Banks that was coordinated by the Trussel Trust.

The location of the Hitchin Food Bank was currently at the Hitchin Scout Hut behind the Roman Catholic Church in Nightingale Road in Hitchin. The opening times for receipt of and distribution of non perishable food, within date were between 10.00 and 12.00 noon on a Tuesday and Friday, Those individuals who needed this type of support could be given food bank vouchers by Doctors, health visitors, social workers, CAB and the police to secure ‘in date' food for three to four days The Hitchin Food Bank was part of an overall food bank scheme in North Hertfordshire (at locations in Letchworth and shortly Baldock)

Ms England confirmed that 146 individuals had used the Food Bank since the opening in September with the largest number of referrals from local schools and Letchworth residents had come to the Hitchin Food Bank to collect items. Difficulty had been found in the referral of clients from Job Centres outside Hitchin.

Members suggested that approaches for referrals could be made to: Black Squirrel Credit Union; Hitchin Outreach, Minority Ethnic Forum, Council for Voluntary Service (Letchworth). Members were also requested to make individual referrals to the Hitchin Food Bank as were the audience.


(1)That be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Committee noted and applauded the work undertaken by the Hitchin Food Bank support group

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor David Leal - Bennett declared an interest to the Chairman as follows:

" Please be advised that I am declaring my Interest as a Trustee/Director of Hitchin Town Hall Ltd (Registered Charity No. 1148921), a not for profit organisation. I have been in considerable discussion with NHDC's Monitoring Officer and have received comments concerning her interpretation of the Localism Act; I am grateful for her advice which is exactly that ‘advice', which differs from my own interpretation. I do not propose to leave the meeting but assure you of my integrity and if at any time I consider there to be a conflict I will leave''.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) was pleased to advise the Committee of the current progress of the works to establish the new museum Service for North Hertfordshire and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall. The works contractor Borras Construction had been notified of the contract award, planning conditions had to be discharged and work had commenced on the final Heritage Lottery Fund application. Party Wall contracts had been completed and as expected following an asbestos survey there would be asbestos removal commencing on 14 November. Borras had commenced pre - ordering equipment and materials and sub contractors and work would start on site on 2 December. The SD confirmed that there had been and would be a lot of work going on behind the scenes.

The SD advised that the Project board would next meet on 12 December to review progress on all matters in the project plan to date and there would be updates in Members Information Service.

A Member enquired if the could be regular updates on the NHDC web site and the SD stated that he tried to disseminate information on the Town Hall development. Another Member enquired about the final opening date and if for example the asbestos work had delayed work. The SD confirmed that there could be a delay but the contract works specification may be reduced partly to lower overall costs and thus bring the programme on schedule. A question was also made on the name of the refurbished building and the SD confirmed that the building would be The North Hertfordshire Museum and that any additional naming would be the responsibility of Hitchin Town Hall Limited for the marketing and branding of the community facility.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director of Customer Services for the updating and the responses to Members' questions.

RESOLVED: That the oral update on progress with the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility be noted;
Appendix A

The Head of Policy and Community Services (HPC) advised the Committee that the current five year term of Hitchin BID would close on 31 March 2014 and that the business community in Hitchin had decided to seek a BID renewal for another five years. In order to move to a second term, a ballot of non domestic ratepayers in the BID District was required and that no later than 11 November 2013 the BID proposer should write to NHDC and the Secretary of State and request a renewal ballot. The HPC confirmed that the request letter of intent had been received from Hitchin BID. The Council was required under statute to conduct this ballot and Hitchin Committee would be invited to review the BID Draft Business Plan (Appendix A) at this meeting, Cabinet would be requested to endorse the BID proposal at its meeting on 10 December 2013. followed by Publication of Notice of Ballot no later than 26 December 2013. The notice had to be published at least 42 days before the day of ballot.

The HPC stated that following representation from the Hitchin Bid Company Limited to hold the ballot later in the week commencing 3 February 2014 there would be a change in the timetable leading up to the ballot as follows:

1. Publication of Notice of Ballot
(at least 42 days before the ballot) - by 26 December 2013
2. Ballot packs issued to business rate (hereditaments) payers - 9 January 2014
3. Last date for proxy appointment - 27 January 2014
4. First date to request replacement paper- 2 February 2014
5. Last date for returning spoilt paper for replacement - 3 February 2014
6. Day of Ballot - 6 February 2014
7. Sealed envelopes opened and declaration of result - 7 February 2014

The Committee noted that there was only one vote per business (non domestic) ratepayer as defined within the boundaries of the BID District.

The Committee also noted that NHDC had to collect the BID levy and enforce and account for the BID levy and this would include NHDC voting as a ratepayer. The HPC advised that the current Hitchin BID levy was two per cent with an expectation that the levy would reduce to 1.8 per cent on renewal.

The HPC advised that a BID ballot could only succeed if the results of the vote met two tests: 1. That there was a majority of those who voted ‘Yes' and 2. That the aggregate rateable value of those that voted yes must be greater than that of those who voted ‘No'.

The Committee noted that Charitable organisations and by definition charity shops located within the Hitchin BID District would not be exempt from payment of the levy.

The HPC referred the Committee to Appendix A which detailed the Hitchin BID proposals that came under four main headings/themes each with a budget:
1.Business as usual;
2.Our town;
3.Marketing, promotion and events and;
4.Business support and development.

The HPC described to the Committee the main objectives and proposals within the Hitchin BID renewal document. There would need to be additional work by officers on proposals such as traffic calming in Hitchin Market Place, electronic signage in car parks, revision of the local car parking policy, discounted car parking charges for a temporary period and the redevelopment of Churchgate/Riverside waterfront areas. The HPC advised that if the Letchworth BID (a yes vote on 29 October 2013) and the Royston BID (also voting on 3 February 2014) and Hitchin BID renewals were successful there would be a contribution by all three towns towards the employment of a ‘regeneration expert/economic development officer' to serve the three towns plus a request for a financial contribution from NHDC. NHDC would require clarity on the job description for this position, the apportionment of working time and clarification of any additional benefits to NHDC before a final decision could be made on this appointment. Consequently discussions between the BID Company and NHDC would continue until the draft plan was presented to Cabinet in December 2013. However, the HPC stated that it was not yet possible for officers to reassure Members that all of the proposals as detailed within Appendix A were in accord with policies adopted by Council but officers would finalise such issues prior to the presentation of the Draft Business Plan to Cabinet in December 2013.

The Chairman thanked the Head of Policy and Community Services for the clarification of the procedure for the Hitchin BID renewal and the précis of the Draft Business Plan presented at Appendix A and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

During the short discussion it was clear that the Committee supported the proposal from Hitchin BID to hold a renewal ballot for an additional 5 years and that the success of Hitchin BID in the last five years was to be welcomed and applauded.

There was some concern from Members as to the meaning of Paragraph 10.5 and the relationship between Hitchin BID and NHDC and that Hitchin BID activities would not receive any additional services or contributions from NHDC (apart from the BID levy). It was the view of some Members that this wording precluded any involvement from the Hitchin Committee and the HPC agreed to amend this paragraph to reflect the views of the Committee as follows:

10.5 The BID Business Plan makes clear that the BID activities will be entirely additional to the existing services provided by NHDC, not a replacement. The Council will therefore also need to satisfy itself that the BID activities do not rely in any part on additional services or contributions from NHDC (the levy itself must finance in total all projects agreed under the BID Business Plan). This does not though prevent any other discretionary grant or award being made for other town centre projects/ activities provided they meet the Council's overall grants policy and relevant criteria for spend.


(1)That the details of the proposed Hitchin Bid Draft Business Plan as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(2)That the proposed Hitchin BID renewal had the support of the Hitchin Committee;

(3)That should the opportunity arise Hitchin Committee would consider supporting the Hitchin BID in various ways.

(4)That the rewording of Paragraph 10.5 above be agreed.

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That subject to officers agreeing that the contents of the Draft Business Plan as presented at Appendix A were in accord with NHDC polices the Hitchin BID renewal be endorsed by Cabinet.

To confirm the support of the Hitchin Committee for the Hitchin BID renewal for a further five years.
Agreed  Head of Policy & Community Services

Appendix A
Appendix B

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) presented an update on the progress towards an application to the Parks for People Lottery concerning the refurbishment of Bancroft Gardens.

The PCM advised the Committee that seven tenders had been received for the appointment of a Landscape Architect and six of the tenderers had passed the quality evaluation (40 per cent of tender evaluation) and that the financial evaluation had been completed. The PCM confirmed that BDP had been selected and a contract for works would be discussed on Friday 15 November. The PCM advised the Committee that BDP had recently designed the works in Baldock High Street and Fish Hill Square, Royston.

The PCM referred the Committee to the list of tasks and that every task had been completed by the due date with the appointment of the Landscape Architect on 8 November 2013 and Phase 1 of the Project was expected to commence as planned on 22 November 2013.

The PCM referred the Committee to Appendix A which was a questionnaire for face to face surveys undertaken at five locations in Hitchin on eight dates between 29 August and 5 October 2013 with one session yet to be held at Wilshere Dacre School. The Committee noted that a slightly amended version of the survey had been placed on the NHDC website and that the nature of this form of public engagement would be flexible and the responses were to be used by the Landscape Architect in drawing up the scheme proposals for the Heritage Lottery Fund application. The PCM advised that the survey had been split into five separate age categories: under 12 years of age to those over 70 years of age with 438 completed surveys to date but unfortunately only two replies from the under 12 years of age group. The Committee noted that Groundwork Hertfordshire would endeavour to contact the under 12 age group.

The PCM cautioned a total reliance on the responses to the questionnaire as it was inevitable that some of the views expressed may not be wholly representative due to the largely self selecting sample and possible attempts to give prominence to a particular issue or a set of issues.

The PCM concluded the update by advising the Committee that once the survey was complete officers would consider the outcomes from the survey and examine other opinion research data and all results would be considered by the Project Board prior to publication. The PCM stated that a Project Board meeting would be held on Monday 18 November to review the results of the questionnaire survey.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Manager for the update.


(1)That the details of the Information Update be noted;

(2)That the appointment of BDP Landscape Architects be noted;

The Hitchin Town centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and thanked the Members for their support to the Hitchin BID.

Mr Hoskins advised that he little to report other than the AGM of Hitchin Initiative would be held on 13 November at 6pm in the Sun Hotel. The Christmas events programme would be published on 15 November and all other activities would be taken up with preparation for the ballot on the Hitchin BID renewal.

Mr Hoskins was pleased to advise the Committee that a Morrisons M Local retail outlet would be opening in the High Street in two weeks time. There were several other possible retail developments in Hitchin Town Centre which he would clarify as soon as possible.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the details on Hitchin BID, Hitchin Initiative and Hitchin Festival be noted.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

There were no updates.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 10 September 2013.

The CDO advised that a new Lunch Club had been proposed for school holidays using Bancroft Hall with the recent half term as the first opportunity for the service. A local school had identified worthy families who would benefit from such a service. The CDO confirmed that the Lunch Club had been successful and that it was proposed to hold an event in a forthcoming school holiday.

The CDO advised that there would be a Youth Conference held at the Council Offices in Letchworth on 13 December 2013 to which all Members were invited to attend.

Also, that Smartys Day Nursery celebrated its 20th Anniversary on 14 September with past and present children and parents and that World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2013 was celebrated by an event ‘Five ways to Keeping Well'. This was in recognition that North Herts had a slightly higher incidence of mental health conditions and related long term conditions than other parts of Hertfordshire and that the event had been well attended.

The CDO next referred the Committee to the grant applications listed in the report at Appendices C, D and E for K Entertainers, Angels Support Group and Torque Tambor respectively with clarifications of the work undertaken by each group and objectives of the group.

With regard to the latest progress on a Charlton village sign to celebrate the bi - centenary of the birth of Henry Bessemer in the village a working party from the Charlton Society was obtaining quotations and clarification of the positioning of the sign and whether there should be a sign at either end of the village. The CDO advised the Committee that designs had been circulated to all Members. A Member commented that it would be appropriate to have Bessemer's ‘dates' on the sign.

A Member stated that much more effort was needed to progress School Surgeries as there had been little support. A Member questioned whether schools were motivated to hold the surgeries evidenced by no preparation and another Member suggested that there should be a link to citizenship classes and perhaps only one surgery per annum.

The CDO concluded her report by stating that some 600-800 people attended the ‘Blue Light Experience' on 28 September 2013 with presentations on how the emergency services operate in the event of a traffic accident and advice on personal safety, road safety and pedestrian awareness.

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the grant applications as detailed at Minutes 45 to 47 below.

During the discussions on the grant applications a Member questioned if the current design of the grant summary form covered sufficient information to allow a full determination of each grant application. In response to several comments, the CDO agreed to report back such suggestions to her line Manager who was currently preparing a full Grant Review Programme which is to take on board such areas in order to implement a revised Grants Process for 2014 -2015 onwards.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 10 September 2013 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

(3)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix B be noted.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.
Noted  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a decision on the award of a grant to Torque Tambor be deferred to the next meeting to be held on 7 January 2014 to allow further investigation and clarification of the reason for the grant application and clarification of charitable status.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee had all the necessary information to hand in order to determine a grant application.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the sum of £500 be awarded to K Entertainers as a contribution towards the costs incurred when providing entertainment to the Hitchin Community and the costs of providing a Christmas luncheon and transport to and from the lunch where necessary.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,500 be awarded to Angels Support Group as a contribution towards the costs incurred in the provision of support to parents/carers of children with ADHD or ASD in North Hertfordshire such as holidays, staff costs, crèche costs, travel and fixed overheads until April 2014.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the Angels Support Group.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Thursday, 28th November, 2013