Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 8th January, 2013 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 13th November, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Norma Atlay - Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance
Anthony Roche - Acting Corporate Legal Manager
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Richard Kelly - Senior Planning Officer
Margaret Kelly - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 26 members of the public, including five registered speakers and one petitioner.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Alison Ashley.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201301081930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 September 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
With regard to Minute 46 (2) the Chairman read out the following statement:
"In light of the '20 is Plenty' presentation to Scrutiny on 4 December 2012, I confirmed to the Monitoring Officer that a report was not required to be considered at this meeting. Legal Services are continuing to look into the issues raised by this Committee on 11 September and are available to attend Scrutiny on 4 December if required".

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation, the Petitioner and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(2)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.
(3) Additional item at Public Participation - Presentation of a Petition - Street Lighting in Milestone Road, Hitchin.
(4)Item 6 - Churchgate. This report was presented to Cabinet on 1 November 2012
and officers have prepared a covering paper which includes the decision made by

Ms Marcia Makeba thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and present a petition with 69 signatures concerning the reinstatement of street lighting in Milestone Road, Hitchin between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. every day.

Ms Makeba advised the Committee that since the introduction of no street lighting between the hours of midnight and six a.m. there had been an increase in the number of burglaries in Westmill, a break-in at one of the bungalows in Milestone Road and an intruder had frightened a resident in Milestone Road in addition to the theft of money. Ms Makeba also advised the Committee that local residents were concerned that whilst street lights were switched off in Milestone Road and other roads in Westmill street lights were kept on all night in a square where new houses and flats had been built off Milestone Road. Ms Makeba stated that in October street lights were switched off ten minutes before midnight.

The Committee acknowledged the concerns raised by Ms Makeba on the issues of street lighting in Westmill and that this problem should be notified to Hertfordshire Highways as soon as possible via the County Councillor N. K. Brook who represents the Hitchin Rural County Division.


(1)That the lead petitioner be thanked for the presentation of the petition;

(2)That County Councillor N. K. Brook be advised of the nature of this petition and be requested to present this petition to the next Highways Liaison Meeting.

Harry Ruffell the Chair of the Voice of Hitchin Youth (VOHY) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and that the objective of the group was to provide young people with opportunities and the chance to improve.

There were about 12 regular attendees at meetings. A second talent competition had been held in June with the winners performing at ROTW in July. A poster competition had been held to promote the local community with over a 100 entries and the winning poster from William Ransome School was shown to Members. Mr Ruffell advised the Committee that the lack of street lighting in certain parts of Hitchin was of concern to his peers and walking home at say midnight to 1 a.m. had become less safe. With the closure of Hitchin Town Hall the AGM had been held at Bancroft Youth Club. The VOHY made shoe box gifts for an orphanage in Kenya and that the talent competition would be held again in 2013 but with the present uncertainty of the 2013 ROTW Festival it might not be possible to offer the same prize as in 2012.

A Member enquired if there was any other way that Councillors could engage with young people in addition to the school surgeries and Mr Ruffell considered that contact with School Council's could be a way forward and that possibly Councillors might like to attend meetings of the Voice of Hitchin Youth.

The Chairman thanked Mr Ruffell for the information and it was agreed that the Committee wished the VOHY all the best for 2103.

RESOLVED: That the representative from the Voice of Hitchin Youth be thanked for the update on their activities and that every best wish from the Hitchin Committee be forwarded to all members of the Voice of Hitchin Youth for the future.

Diana Hedley and Rachel Moore thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and provided a recap on the objectives of R.I.S.E. following the presentation to the Hitchin Committee on 11 September 2012 (Minute 43 refers) and that the project would involve Year 9 pupils at The Priory School. The project would tackle the problems of drug abuse, alcohol abuse and sexual health held over six sessions using a multi - delivery programme including inter alia drama, Art and the spoken word.

A Member enquired if the project was part of the school curriculum and Ms Moore replied that there were lots of interesting activities. Another Member expressed concern (Minute 43 Refers) about the possible undue influence of religious organisations and Ms Moore advised that a lot of work was undertaken by Hitchin Church Groups a class teacher was always present and that any religious ‘forwardness' was prevented. In response to a question Ms Moore advised that there was no hidden agenda in R.I.S.E. and four members of staff would work to strict guidelines.

Also, as at the previous meeting Members expressed concern about the lack of supporting financial information such as a budget forecast, profit and loss and or a balance sheet. Despite a request made at the last meeting to the R.I.S.E. representative for such information there had been no such information presented and if the project was to start in January it was imperative that some form of financial paperwork was available for inspection and a Member enquired if the project was able to proceed without any evidence of funding other than the £5000 given by Groundwork. Ms Moore advised that if Hitchin Committee were minded to grant £5000 and grants were obtained from Youth Connexions then a good part of the £17,000 budget would be achieved, however, if the full amount was not available the project would have to be scaled back.

Another Member enquired that if a grant was given by the Hitchin Committee would there be a similar project organised at other Hitchin Secondary Schools and another Member suggested that R.I.S.E should consider taking this project beyond schools and it was noted that Groundwork did not often become involved with school projects.

The Chairman thanked Ms Moore and Ms Hedley for their presentation and advised that consideration of the grant application would be made at Agenda Item 10.


(1)That the representatives of Hitchin Youth Issues Group (R.I.S.E) be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the award of a grant be determined at Agenda Item 10 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Mr G. Leask thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee who was representing HCC Youth Connexions. Mr Leask advised that the objective was to support young parents in the Westmill area and had been operational for three years with 10 to 12 young parents attending each week for training in life skills especially pregnancy and budget management. Unfortunately funds for this worthwhile and valuable project were nearly expended and he hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the Grant Application.

A Member enquired if the outcomes of the programme were analysed and measured as a follow up to the life skills training. Mr Leask advised that the movement back into employment or training, enhanced life skills, financial acumen, restoration of self esteem and personal confidence was the best way to measure the success or otherwise of the project.

In response to a question Mr Leask advised that support could be provided to young teenagers at 13-14 years of age but the main age range was in the 16,17 and 18 years old group, although some individuals were in their early twenties but all had very complex needs. Mr Leask confirmed that the older people were good peer mentors and good at promoting positive works, but there was a universal need for this service and a great deal of personal assistance was required.

A Member enquired as to the precise sum requested in the grant application (£573) and Mr Leask advised that this sum was to cover the hire of space and provision of crèche facilities and that all grant monies would be paid direct to the Children's Centre. Another Member enquired about links to the National Health Services and Mr Leak advised that there was no involvement with ante - natal or birth, the young parents were offered facilities and health visitors visited the crèche.

The Chairman thanked Mr Leask for the presentation and advised that a decision on the grant application would be made at Agenda Item 10.


(1)That the representative of Young Parents' Group be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the award of a grant be determined at Agenda Item 10 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Mr Leslie Creasy thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised the Committee that he had been a resident of Charlton Village for 32 years and lived in the house where Henry Bessemer was born and lived.

Mr Creasy confirmed that 2013 would be the bi-centennial of Henry Bessemer's birth and that plans for the celebration were underway and that a proposal had been made for naming the village green as Bessemer Green. In addition there were plans to celebrate the bi-centennial in the proper way and that it would be appropriate to invite members of the Bessemer Family, The Royal Society and representatives of the steel making industry.

The Committee considered that the proposal to celebrate the Bessemer Bi-Centennial in Charlton had merit, but more information was required, also, that a formal application for a grant should be made from a perhaps a sub-committee of the Charlton Society and that there was a protocol to be followed. It was also suggested to Mr Creasy that application for funds should be made to other organisations and civic societies in Hitchin and surrounding area.


(1)That Mr Leslie Creasey be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Community Development Officer be requested to make contact with the Charlton Society with a view to making a grant application at a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee.

Mr Brian Foreman thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and clarified that he was speaking as the Chairman of the Arts Council for North Herts.

Mr Foreman advised the Committee that the Arts Council for North Hertfordshire were of the opinion that the present plans for Hitchin Town Hall did not meet the needs of the performing arts in North Hertfordshire. The Arts Council considered that the proposed arrangements would reduce the size of the current stage and any enlargement into the hall space would decrease audience size and possibly damage the dance floor. The plans included one small dressing room which would be totally inadequate and in fact four dressing rooms should be provided, an increase of one over the current provision.

The Arts Council proposed that the North Herts Museum Collection should not be stored at the Town Hall as it would be dead space and incur great expense. The Arts Council were opposed to the removal of the popular tiered gallery and that any such works would destroy the architectural features of the Town Hall.

Mr Foreman suggested that the closure of the Plinston Hall in Letchworth until 2017 would allow Hitchin Town Hall to be promoted as a large venue with some 320 seats and that the removal of the current stage and reduce capacity would be a real commercial opportunity missed. Mr Foreman also commented that the development of Hitchin Town Hall should be multi - purpose and could be a great venue for the performing arts as well as a Museum for North Hertfordshire.


(1)That Mr B. Foreman be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the comments and observations made by Mr Foreman on behalf of The Arts Council for North Hertfordshire be noted.
Cabinet Report
Appendix A to Cabinet report
Appendix B to Cabinet report

The Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance (SD) representing the Project Executive for the Churchgate Project Board presented this covering report for the Hitchin Committee following the meeting of Cabinet on 1 November 2012 and referred the Committee to Appendix A which was the report presented to Cabinet, which was an exception report as Simons Developments had requested an extension of six months beyond 19 March 2013.

The SD advised the Committee of the resolution made by Cabinet on 1 November 2012 (Minute 62 refers) and that officers were taking the necessary steps to obtain the detailed information requested by Cabinet. However, it was noted that Cabinet had expressed concern that not all the necessary facts were available to them and that there was no compelling reason for extending the Development Agreement for another six months.

The SD advised that the report to Council would be made as soon as possible in January 2013 and not later than 31 January 2013. Unfortunately a decision by Government on the amount of grant would not be known until 19 December 2012.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director for the updating and notification of Cabinet's decision on 1 November 2012 and invited comments or questions from the Committee.

A Member agreed that Full Council should make the final decision on any extension or cessation of the Churchgate Project and expressed great concern that this was the first time that any ‘cut off' dates had been published in the public domain and advised that he would be seeking more detail on what the Churchgate Project Board had achieved in the preceding two years and eight months.

Another Member considered that this delay had been very frustrating for all Hitchin Councillors due to the lack of progress and information. The Member considered that it was not satisfactory to receive a report that was just to be noted and that if Full Council was to be presented with the officers' findings in January 2013 then it was imperative that the Hitchin Committee should be invited to review and comment on the officers' reports before the meeting of Council in January 2013 and it was probable that the scheduled meeting of the Hitchin Committee on 8 January 2013 would be too soon to receive the report. This Member advised that having attended all meetings of the Churchgate Project Board there could be no more purpose in approving a six month extension. Consequently the Member proposed an additional resolution which was seconded that the Hitchin Committee were not at present provided with enough information to support the granting of a six month extension and that the Committee were not in support of an extension beyond 19 March 2013. The Member advised that all candidates in the May 2012 elections for Hitchin Wards had stated their opposition to the Churchgate Development Project.

There followed a short clarification by the Acting Corporate Legal Manager (ACM) concerning the possibility of pre-determination by a Councillor or Councillors and the ACM advised that without all the information there was a distinct possibility that by making such a resolution without knowing all the facts would be pre-determination and in response to a question the ACM advised that pre-determination was not limited to planning applications.

Another Member reminded the Committee that he was one of three Councillors who had voted against the Council entering into a Development Agreement with Simons Developments and that the objectives of the Town Centre Strategy had not been met by Simons and that the project as proposed could never be viable and that he would not support the six month extension.

A Member also advised that he would not be supporting the request for a six month extension, he had not supported the appointment of Simons. There had not been a meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum for some 18 months, there had been no consensus and therefore no progress.

Comment was made by two Members that during canvassing for the May 2012 elections the Churchgate Development Project had raised the most questions from residents and that officers should be mindful of what Hitchin residents said and that it was very clear during canvassing that the Churchgate Project did not have the support of many people in Hitchin.

A Member referred the Committee to Appendix B to the Cabinet Report which stated that the pattern of retail development in town centres had changed in recent years and the Member advised the Committee that there had been no recovery in the economy which had been forecast at the time of the signing of the Development Agreement.

The Chairman thanked officers and Members for their contributions to the debate and recognised the consensus of the Committee being against the request from Simons Development for a six month extension. The Chairman reminded the Committee that a Members' Workshop on all aspects of the Churchgate Development Project would be held in early January 2013 where much more information would be available including the amount of Government Grant for 2013-2014 that would affect the financial position of the Council.

On being put to the vote the motion against any extension of time beyond 19 March 2013 was carried unanimously with one abstention.


(1)That the information concerning the Churchgate and Surrounding Area Development in the report presented to Cabinet on 1 November be noted;

(2)That the decisions taken by Cabinet on 1 November (Minute 62 refers) concerning the Churchgate and Surrounding Area Development be noted;

(3)That the information presented in the report did not provide the Hitchin Committee with sufficient evidence as to the viability of the Churchgate Development Project and therefore based on the publicly available information to date the Hitchin Committee were not in support of an extension beyond 19 March 2013.

RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That Council be requested to take into due consideration the resolution of the Hitchin Committee that based on the publicly available information to date there should not be any extension of time to Simons Developments beyond 19 March 2013 which was the three year anniversary of the signing of the Development Agreement.

To ensure that Council would be aware of the views of the Hitchin Committee regarding the Churchgate Project.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Senior Planning Officer (SPO) presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control and advised that Appendix A gave the Statement of Consultation, Appendix B gave the Revised Draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief and Appendix C gave the changes to the Consultation Draft Brief.

The SPO reminded the Committee that public consultation had taken place between 13 August and 25 September 2012 and advised that a total of 69 written responses were made on the draft brief. The SPO stated that there was a very high level of support for the redevelopment of the site and that Option 1 (hotel on western side and residential on the eastern side) was the preferred option, and consequently Option 1 layout was now the option presented in the revised brief. One of the main concerns of respondees was the proposal for more shops on the Hermitage Road frontage and alternative uses proposed were a cinema and or a Community Hall in the development.

With regard to the provision of houses or flats the SPO accepted that there had been many flats built recently in Hitchin, but, this development did not lend itself to houses. Another concern was the provision of car parking spaces and the SPO confirmed that parking for residents and disabled parking would be made available within the site but not for hotel guests as peak usage would not coincide with the normal business day parking. The issue of elevations for Hermitage Road was not part of the brief as these matters would be part of a detailed planning application but the number of storeys had been part of the consultation process. Whilst a four storey development in Hermitage Road and three storeys in Portmill Lane were proposed in the brief there was objection to four storeys along the River Hiz walkway as this might produce a tunnel effect. The SPO confirmed that the Development Brief now included a three storey building along the River Hiz walkway and advised that the brief needed to be flexible to allow for a satisfactory conclusion which may not be resolved until the presentation of the planning application. The SPO also advised that the proposed four storey development in Hermitage Road had been extended further back into the site which would allow greater flexibility of design.

A Member queried the number of responses (69) and that there was no evidence of comments made by Hitchin Civic Societies in Appendix A. The SPO advised that the level of response was not untypical for this type of public consultation. The Member also stated that the consultation responses did not support a restaurant but the brief still included a proposed restaurant and enquired who led the consultation. The SPO clarified that the Developer and Agents led the consultation with support from NHDC officers and that not all negative responses were included in the consultation document.

Another Member considered that there should be further consultation following the publication of the revised brief (Appendix B) and that there should be as much public consultation as possible as once a planning application was made to the Council and determined this would result in an approved scheme that did not have the support of Hitchin Residents. This proposal was supported by another Member who considered that Appendix A had too many inconsistencies and thought that further clarity was required on responses by members of the public to the development brief concerning statistical analysis of responses - as during Town Talk a member of the public stated that there had been objections raised against the restaurant but there was no record of this in the consultation report - (Appendix A), objections to the proposed heights of buildings, that the River Hiz Walkway should be opened up and in particular presentation of tick responses to questions 1, 2a, 2c, 3, 5, 7 and 8 despite problems with the interpretation of the website feedback forms.

The Chairman thanked Members and the Senior Planning Officer for the questions and responses respectively and the Committee agreed that the Senior Planning Officer should bring back a further report which considered the issues raised by Members and clarification of the Consultation Brief at the meeting of the Hitchin Committee on 8 January 2013 prior to presentation to Cabinet on 29 January 2013 and not 13 December 2012 as currently proposed.

It was proposed and agreed that the Senior Planning Officer should investigate with the Developer about the possibility of opening up another period of public consultation to allow further discussion on elements of the Development Brief as raised at this meeting and by members of the Public raised at Town Talk prior to the Committee Meeting.


(1)That the updating on changes to the revised draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief as presented at Appendix C be noted;

(2)That the revised draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief as presented at Appendix B be noted;

(3)That the identified discrepancies in the consultation process, the statistical analysis of the consultation responses, comments on the proposed heights of buildings and the proposals for the River Hiz Walkway be noted by the Senior Planning Officer;

(4)That the Senior Planning Officer be requested to present a report to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 8 January 2013 which would respond to all the issues listed at (3) above and if possible following an additional period of consultation;

(5)That the Senior Planning Officer be requested to re-schedule the presentation of the Hitchin Post Office Development Brief from the meeting of Cabinet scheduled for 11 December 2012 to the meeting scheduled for 29 January 2013 which would allow the Hitchin Committee take into account additional updating and information on the consultation process and proposed development proposals at its meeting on 8 January 2013.

To confirm the support of the Hitchin Committee for the revised draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief with the requests for additional information and consultation statistical analysis and amendments to the Development Brief.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (HCM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and applauded the decision taken by the Committee not to support the request from Simons Developments for a six month extension of the Development Agreement at 19 March 2013.

The HCM advised the Committee that the Hitchin Christmas Lights were shining brightly each evening and that the Christmas Tree Lights would be ‘lit' on 29 November 2012. The Committee noted that the Hitchin Initiative AGM would be held on 27 November 2012 at the Sun Hotel commencing at 6.30 p.m. and a Business Breakfast on 29 November 2012 at the Sun Hotel commencing at 7.30 a.m.

The HCM confirmed that Hitchin BID in its manifesto had stated a commitment to introduce ‘Free after Three' car parking which must be affordable to the BID who had £10,000 set aside to cover costs and it was proposed to provide this free parking in St Marys Church and The Biggin car parks.

There ensued a short discussion on this proposal and one of the most critical aspects was the potential for displacement from other car parks to the two designated car parks thereby reducing revenue in the non ‘Free after Three' car parks. Another problem was the amount of subsidy required as there was no comparison data for the proposed periods and there were new ticket machines in all car parks. The Committee noted that the cost of replacing car parking ticket machines was expensive, but a suggestion was made that a simple solution could be made by placing a hood over the ticket machines to deter use.

The Committee agreed that the proposal had good merit for the people and business community of Hitchin but more information was required on the financial aspects of this proposal. The Planning Projects Manager advised that in addition to the lost revenue provision (for three months approximately £11K) there would need to be some form of enforcement to ensure compliance with parking regulations and any cost had to be agreed with NHDC Parking Services. Also, that a 20 per cent contingency of £11.8K had been suggested. In response to a question concerning the actual time periods for the ‘Free after Three' the HCM advised that it was hoped to provide the free parking as soon as possible.

The Committee agreed that some form of financial support could be provided and that drawdown from Hitchin Town Centre Budgets might be possible accepting that there was no specific budget for this support and it was suggested that if a grant was made it should be a one off payment.


(1)That the information on past and future events in Hitchin be noted;

(2)That a decision on the grant application to support the cost of providing ‘Free after Three' car parking in Hitchin be determined at Agenda Item 10.

(3)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be requested to enter into discussions with officers concerning the most appropriate car park locations in Hitchin for ‘Free after Three' and the most suitable time frame for such provision bearing in mind the amount of financial support that could be available from the Hitchin Committee as a single payment.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

Hitchin Town Band
Councillor Alan Millard advised the Committee that Hitchin Town Band were recently placed first in the 2012 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain (Third Section Final).
Appendix A.1
Appendix A
Appendix B

The Community Development Manager presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and confirmed that she had nothing to add to the written report. She then gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 11 September 2012.

HITCHIN PLAY RANGERS - Underspent funds from the Purwell Play Project were re-allocated to the Play Rangers Project for an additional week of drop in play sessions at Bancroft Park, Broadmead Play Area, St. Johns play area, Walsworth Common and Purwell Recreation Ground.

YOUNG PEOPLES FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT - Two projects continued in Purwell and Westmill Youth Clubs. This project also included improvements to King George V Skate Park and YOR Radio was making progress to being a fully constituted group from March 2013.

HITCHIN SWIM CENTRE - The CDO advised that the additional hours cost £1,925.80p in 2012 and it was agreed that more information was required as to the actual users e.g. repeat visits, new users and regular users of Hitchin Swim Centre before a decision could be made on financial support in 2013.

Periwinkle Lane
Several Members confirmed that the on road parking provision in Periwinkle and nearby roads was inadequate in the 21st Century and the parking of vehicles on grass verges had become a constant occurrence and damage to the kerb stones, grass and sub - soil. The Committee agreed that the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order and accompanying road signage would allow enforcement officers issue Penalty Charge Notices if appropriate. It as agreed that the County Councillor for this County Division be requested to take this highways issue to the next Highways Liaison Meeting.

Cadwell Lane
Councillor Lisa Courts advised the Committee that the overnight movement and parking in Cadwell lane and adjacent roads of HGVS attending the Metal and Waste Recycling Ltd site was making the lives of local residents intolerable. There followed a strong debate on this issue and it was very evident that despite the efforts of Hertfordshire County Council to impose restrictions on the waste vehicles there must be some form of restriction which would improve the quality of life for residents.

Accordingly it was agreed that the best way forward was to make an investigation as to the introduction of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (actual restricted hours to be confirmed) that would prevent large HGV vehicles parking in Cadwell Lane, Grove Road (part), Wilbury Way (part), Girdle Road and Hillfield Avenue and that the County Councillor for this County Division be requested to take this very important issue to the next Highways Liaison Meeting.

Street Lighting
Following the presentation of the petition regarding street lighting in Westmill and the concern expressed by The Voice of Hitchin Youth about lack of street lights it was proposed that the CDO should contact Hertfordshire Constabulary and request attendance at a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee to clarify the police policy vis a vis road safety and the absence of street lighting for six hours every day.

Hitchin Community Centres
A Member stated that he was aware of current activities concerning leases and renewal of leases for NHDC Community Centres and requested that the CDO make contact with the appropriate officer for an update that could be included in the next Champion News.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix A the Annual Grant and Development Budget and Appendix B the Area Work Programme and the Committee noted that details of highway schemes were now included in this Appendix. The CDO also referred the Committee to the seven grant applications listed in the report (Minutes 68 to 74).

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the seven grant applications as detailed at Minutes 67 to 73 below:


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 11 September 2012 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

(3)That County Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith be requested to take the issue of parking on grass verges in Periwinkle Lane, Hitchin forward to the next Highways Liaison Meeting with the support of the Hitchin Committee for a Traffic Regulation Order and accompanying traffic sign NP428 that would allow Enforcement by way of Penalty Charge Notices;

(4)That County Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith be requested to take forward to the next Highways Liaison Meeting a proposal for an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order that would prevent vehicles over a certain weight category parking in the zone from Cadwell Lane junction with Grove Road and Wilbury Way along the public highway to the entrance to the Waste and Metals Recycling Ltd site in Cadwell Lane and include: part of Grove Road, Girdle Road, Hillfield Avenue and Wilbury Way from the Junction with Grove Road and Cadwell Lane to Girdle Road in an eight hour block for which the actual start and finish times are to be determined.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.

(2)To ensure that the support of the Hitchin Committee for highway schemes be forwarded to Hertfordshire Highways for costing and implementation.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £3,000 be awarded as a grant to the joint partnership R.I.S.E. as a contribution to the overall budget.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups in support to young people in Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That the sum of up to £5,000 be awarded as a grant towards the partnership funding for the Skate Park at King George V Playground, Hitchin, initially to cover costs and fees for design and plans and that the allocation of funds from S106 Contributions should be investigated prior to payment of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the development of sports and leisure facilities for young people in Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £573 be awarded to the Young Parents Group at Westmill Community Centre as a contribution towards the costs of the children's' crèche which would allow the young parents to attend training for inter alia drug and alcohol problems and debt and budgeting advice.

To provide valuable and essential support to Young Parents in Westmill, Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to underwrite the sum of £700 and if necessary grant this sum to allow the installation of a cycle rack for 10 bicycles at Woodside Car Park, Walsworth Road, Hitchin, and if possible access funding from S106 Contributions to cover the total cost.

To provide a facility for cycle users in a public car park.

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to provide financial support up to a maximum sum of £5,000 as a contribution towards the costs of providing car parking spaces with out charge after 3 p.m. on six days per week, or other ‘days' schedule in designated car parks in Hitchin and subject to agreement with Hitchin Town Centre Initiative on dates and nominated car parks in Hitchin.

To provide support to the residents of Hitchin and the Hitchin Business Community.

RESOLVED: That the fast tracked grant of £250 awarded as a contribution towards the costs of setting up a ‘Friends of Oughton Childrens' Centre be noted.

To provide support to the residents of Westmill, Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That the fast tracked grant of £500 awarded to the Westmill Youth Group for the day to day costs and sundry purchases for a donated PS3 gaming console be noted.

To provide support for recreational purposes at the Westmilll Youth Group.
Published on Tuesday, 18th December, 2012