Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 8th March, 2011 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 11th January, 2011 Time: 7.30 pm Place: Benslow Music Centre, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Development
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Ros Allwood - Cultural Services Manager
Tim Neil - Accountancy Manager
Simon Young - Transport Policy Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
James Bliss - General Manager, Hitchin Swim Centre
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Clare Body.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201103081930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 November 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would two additional Public Presentations at Agenda Item 5 concerning speeding traffic in Bedford Road, Hitchin and the grant application by Caldicott Youth Centre.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those making a
presentation at Public Participation, to Julie Williams - Electoral Services Manager, Ros Allwood - Cultural Services Manager, Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Development and Tim Neil - Accountancy Manager and thanked those who had attended Town Talk;
(2)The Chairman announced that the presentation by the Portfolio Holder for
Community Engagement and Rural Affairs would hopefully take place at the
meeting to be held on 8 March 2011;
(3)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of
any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.


Mr James Bliss the General Manager at Hitchin Swim Centre thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to present to the Committee the results of the extended hours last summer that received financial support from the Hitchin Committee. Mr Bliss provided a few details about the outdoor pool, opened in 1938, original filters still in use and the pool water was re-circulated. It took eight weeks to prepare the pool for summer use (29 May - 12 September) which included drain, clean and paint. Mr Bliss confirmed that Stevenage Leisure Limited had replaced showers and pumps.

Mr Bliss advised that there had been a good take up at the extended hours in the 12 booked sessions with 222 swimmers compared to 240 in 2009. Mr Bliss also confirmed that there had been six training sessions taken by Hitchin Swim Club and the Committee were pleased to note a compliment received from a customer visiting Hitchin from St Ives in Cornwall. There had been 22 days of very warm weather which unfortunately occurred in June and July when the outdoor pool had been at maximum capacity.

Following the request made by the Committee last year there had been an improved marketing campaign with 100 mixed size posters A4,A2 and A1, some 3000 A5 leaflets, a promotional sign in the swim centre car park and a large banner.

The Committee thanked Mr Bliss and Stevenage Leisure for providing and supporting the extended hours in the summer season and confirmed that ‘in principle' and subject to confirmation of available funds in 2011-2012 agreed to support extended swimming sessions in 2011.


(1)That Mr Bliss be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That in principle Hitchin Committee supported the proposal to continue with financial support for extended swim sessions at Hitchin Swim Centre in the summer of 2012;

(3)That the Community Development Officer be requested at the appropriate time in the Financial Year 2011-2012 make the necessary arrangements for a grant application.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


The following representatives of The Voice of Hitchin Youth ( Peter Saville and Josh Massey) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The Committee received an appraisal of the activities undertaken by members of The Voice of Hitchin Youth: A lot of effort had been made in the local community to publicise their objectives, three market stalls, two community taste events and a visit had been made to the Houses of Parliament with the Hitchin and Harpenden MP. Although there had been a concerted effort to recruit members there had been little success, renewed efforts would be made at school lunchtime clubs but there was not always a continuous attendance. The next step was to organise a talent competition to raise the profile of Voice of Hitchin Youth, with competition at Sub Zero and the main prize being a slot at Rhythms of the World 2011 Festival. And pupils at Hitchin Girls School and The Priory. Another proposal was to hold a big Lunch on 29 April in Priory Park with hopefully a large screen to view the Royal Wedding.

In response to questions on why recruitment tended to be poor it was confirmed that despite questionnaires there had been very little feed back and that prospective members were invariably not those who were members of youth organisations such as Scouts, Guides and Boys Brigade. The use of Facebook and Twitter had not been a success for new members and that invariably it was contact by word of mouth that proved to be the best.

Despite the problems outlined above the Committee congratulated the Voice of Hitchin Youth on what had been achieved and a Member wished to place on record the thanks of the Committee and the residents of Hitchin for the assistance provided in the Market Place during the inclement weather on 18 and 19 December 2010.

On conclusion of this presentation the Chairman was pleased to invite the Voice of Hitchin Youth to the meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for June 2011.


(1)That the representatives of The Voice of Hitchin Youth be thanked for their presentation;

(2)That the members of the Voice of Hitchin Youth be congratulated on their support to the public in Market Place during the inclement weather on the weekend of 18 and 19 December 2010;

(3)That the members of the Voice of Hitchin Youth be invited to make another presentation to the Committee at the meeting to be held in June 2011.

Mr Colin Dunham thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on an important road safety issue. There was an urgent need to restrict or at least warn drivers in Bedford Road of the 30 m.p.h. speed limit by the installation of a vehicle activated sign at the southern end of Bedford Road to compliment the VAS installed on this highway adjacent to Priory School. Local residents had undertaken a private one hour recording of vehicle speeds which had shown that 80 per cent of vehicles exceeded the 30 m.p.h. speed limit in Bedford Road and that a second VAS would help alleviate this problem.

The Chairman thanked Mr Dunham for his presentation and the Committee were aware from previous representations at Hitchin Town Talk of this road traffic management issue in Bedford Road and agreed that it would be appropriate to forward this request to the Joint Member Panel. It was noted that the Hitchin Committee would probably be invited to match fund the cost of the VAS.

RESOLVED: That the information provided on speeding traffic be noted and the request for a illuminated 30 mph Vehicle Activate Sign be supported.


(1)That Hitchin Committee supported the need for a Vehicle Activated Sign in Bedford Road, Hitchin at a location to be confirmed on the northbound side of the carriageway from the roundabout junction with Redhill Road and Bearton Road;

(2)That the Joint Member Panel be requested to review this request at the meeting to be held on 31 January 2011 and ask highways officers to prepare a cost estimate for installing such a sign for consideration at an agreed location through matched funding by the Hitchin Committee at the meeting to be held on 8 March 2011.


Declaration of Interest:
Councillors Paul Clark and Bernard Lovewell declared a personal and prejudicial interest as they were both Board Members to the Caldicott Youth Centre Trust. Both Councillors would remain for the public presentation item but would leave the room for the duration of the grant application.

Mr R. Buchart thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The clubs organised and supported by the Caldicott Youth Centre invariably assisted the young people who did not join Scouts, Guides and other similar youth activities. There were two clubs: 7 - 10 years of age and 11 - 13 years with about 15 children attending each week who were in need of additional funds to provide modern computer equipment for games such as Wii.

The Chairman thanked Mr Buchart for describing the set up at the Caldicott Youth Centre and Mr Buchart confirmed that there were more children attending each club and that there was a maximum number that could be safely accommodated at each meeting.

RESOLVED: That Mr Buchart be thanked for the presentation and it was agreed to consider this grant application at Agenda Item 16 - Champion News.

The Chairman advised those present that Cllr Tricia Cowley was unable to attend this evening and that it was hoped that this presentation could be made at the next meeting to be held on 8 March 2011.
Appendix 1 - Churchgate Liaison Forum

The Chairman introduced this item and referred the Committee to the latest update on progress with public consultation on proposals for Churchgate and the Minutes of the last meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum held on 24 November 2010. The Committee agreed that the regular presentation of this Information Note and especially the Minutes of the meetings of the Churchgate Liaison Forum should continue.

There were no questions raised for feedback to officers.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted and the Minutes from the last meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum held on 24 November 2010 be noted.

Ros Allwood the Cultural Services Manager (CSM) referred the Committee to the Information Note prepared by the Strategic Director of Customer Services on the current status and progress towards the proposal sponsored by Hitchin Initiative for a Community Centre and North Herts Museum at Hitchin Town Hall.

The objective was to develop design proposals up to a planning application and secure planning and listed building consent prior to 31 March 2011. The CSM referred the Committee to the project plan which detailed the specific actions in the short term and gave an update on the last meeting of the Museums Project Board. The CSM also advised the Committee that the next meeting of the Cabinet Sub - Committee (Hitchin Gymnasium and Workman's Hall Trust) would be held on 3 February 2011 which would assess the Hitchin Initiative Proposals and whether the proposals would meet a Charity Commission ‘Public Benefit Test' to determine if this would be an appropriate way for the Trust to meet its future objectives.

The CSM concluded the presentation with details of the longer term project plan for construction and fit out works with the expectancy of confirmation or not of an award from the Community Builders Fund on 18 January 2011.

The Chairman thanked the CSM for the update and invited comments and or questions concerning Hitchin Town Hall. In response to a question the CSM confirmed that all milestones on the GANT progress chart had been achieved and specifically the Stage D proposals.

It was agreed that there should be as much publicity as possible on the announcement of the award by the Community Builders Fund.


(1)That the information provided and confirmation that milestones on the GANT chart had been completed to date be noted;

(2)That the continued excellent co-operation between Council Officers and Hitchin Town Centre Initiative be applauded and welcomed;

(3)That the Cultural Services Manager be requested to ensure that the decision made by the Community Builders Fund on 18 January 2011 be communicated in Members Information Service published on 21 January 2011.
Agreed  Cultural Services Manager


The Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and updated the Committee on progress towards an award from the Community Builders Fund and recent and future activities in Hitchin. The TCM thanked officers for the support in preparing documents for this positive scheme, everyone was working very hard and the announcement of hopefully a successful bid would be made on 18 January 2011.

The 2011 Hitchin Festival will take place from 1 July to 28 July and to date 50 bookings had been made with the launch on 13 January. The impact of increased car parking charges since 1 April would be discussed inter alia at the next meeting of the Hitchin Business Rate Payers on 13 January and the AGM of the HTCI would take place on 26 January to which all Councillors were invited. There would be some form of organised celebrations in Hitchin for the Royal Wedding on 29 April and there would be a concert at St Marys Church on 15 April in celebration of Henry Wood by the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

The TCM advised the Committee that representatives of Hitchin Market had met with Simons the Churchgate Developers and that Hammersmatch had been invited to discuss their refurbishment plans for the shopping centre. The TCM had no updating on vacant commercial properties.

In response to a comment on the poor external state of Bancroft Toilets and decaying fabric the Town Centre Manager agreed that the fabric of the toilets were deteriorating very quickly and that he would contact North Herts College again about the possibility of painting murals on the external walls of these public conveniences.

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the information and that the Committee wished every success to Hitchin Town Centre Initiative for the development of Hitchin Town Hall.
Appendix A.BAA
Appendix A. BBA
Appendix A.BBB
Appendix A.BBC
Appendix A.BBD
Appendix A.BCA
Appendix A.BCB
Appendix A.BDA
Appendix A.BDB
Appendix A.BDC
Appendix A.BDD
Appendix A.BEA
Appendix A.BEB
Appendix A.BEC
Appendix A.BED
Appendix B

The Electoral Services Manager (ESM) presented the report of the Chief Executive. The ESM reminded the Committee that Area Committees had delegated powers to define polling districts to enable the electorate the opportunity to vote at a polling station that would be convenient. The ESM confirmed that reviews of polling districts had to take place every four years and that the last review had occurred in 2007.

The ESM referred the Committee to Appendix A which contained details of the roads and dwellings within the 15 polling districts that come under the remit of the Hitchin Area Committee and to Appendix B which listed the 14 polling stations. The ESM confirmed that there were no proposed amendments to the current polling districts and that the Returning Officer did not currently propose to re-locate any of the present polling stations.

The Chairman thanked the Electoral Services Manager for the information provided and invited comments and or questions on the current boundaries of the polling districts. The Committee were pleased to continue with the current arrangements.

(1)That the proposal to maintain the polling districts in Hitchin as listed at Appendix A be agreed;

(2)That the current list of polling stations in Hitchin as detailed at Appendix B be noted and agreed for the forthcoming elections in May 2011.

To allow the review, alteration or re-establishment of polling districts in North Hertfordshire.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Accountancy Manager (AM) presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management which detailed the efficiency proposals presented in the draft budget report made to Cabinet on 7 December 2010 (Minute 67 refers). The AM advised the Committee that unfortunately the announcement of the provisional financial settlement meant that further savings were required to balance the budget for 2011-2012. The additional efficiencies needed would be presented to Cabinet on 25 January 2011 and the AM confirmed that an additional £137,000 was required to balance the budget for the next financial year. For the year 2012-2013 it was anticipated that an additional savings of £286,000 had to be made to balance the budget.

The AM advised the Committee that the reduction in relative spending power for 2011 - 2012 was announced as 5.2 per cent which included parish precepts and special grants (Benefits, Homelessness and Council Tax freeze grant). The AM referred the Committee to Appendices A, B and C detailing the revised general fund estimates following the provisional settlement and through the Chairman invited comments and or questions concerning the information placed before the Committee specifically related to Hitchin.

The Committee reviewed Appendix A - Efficiencies, Appendix B - Investments and Appendix C - Capital Investment Proposals in detail with a consensus that some proposed efficiencies should be held back for 12 months and then phased in future years to mitigate the impact of such savings in one tranche. Comments and suggestions were made by the Committee and as shown at Resolution (5) below, which the Accountancy Manager agreed to incorporate into his report to Cabinet on 25 January 2011.

Comment was made that it would be essential for Cabinet to be given sight of each quality impact assessment for each proposed efficiency and investment as it was very likely that not all sectors of the community would be affected by one specific proposed efficiency or investment. The Head of Policy and Community Development was pleased to advise the Committee that a review of each assessment had taken place and agreed that if there were any changes made following the presentation to all five Area Committees there would be a new assessment and further review by Cabinet.


(1)That the details provided in the covering note be noted;

(2)That the proposed efficiencies and investments (Appendices A,B and C) as presented to Cabinet on 7 December (Minute 67 refers) be noted;

(3)That the Committee reserved the right to comment more fully on the District Wide budget proposals that would be presented to Council on 10 February 2011;

(4)That the Accountancy Manager be requested that Cabinet has sight of each original and each revised equality impact assessment for each efficiency and income increase option and that it should be noted that such proposals would affect some communities more than others;

(5)That the Accountancy Manager be requested to take note of the following comments and proposals specific to Hitchin and incorporate in his next report to Cabinet on 25 January 2010:
E2 - Review of subsidy for Hitchin Market
The proposed cut of £12,000 was too large in one tranche and that the subsidy reduction should be phased and put back one year to commence in 2012-2013.
E7 - Reduce Public Convenience provision.
There should be no removal of the Market Public Toilets until the new location of Hitchin Market was agreed and an appropriate public convenience was provided. It was commented that the current wooden doors to the Arcade toilets were too heavy and cumbersome for senior citizens to open easily.
E8b - Reduction of Grant Funding for town centre partnerships
This reduction would have a significant impact on Hitchin Town Centre. The cost should be absorbed in 2011-2012 and reviewed in 12 months for possible implementation in 2012-2013.
E8d - Phased reduction of subsidy to hall hire for local organisations
I2 - Review of Hitchin Town Hall fees and charges
This efficiency and income increase option were linked and considered to be in-appropriate to the development of Hitchin Town Hall as an improved Community Centre and location for North Hertfordshire Museum Service. There is a need to maintain interest from individuals and local organisations and increased charges would be counter productive.
E11 - Re - prioritisation of maintenance works in Town Centre
The Committee did not support this efficiency nor the proposal to seek financial support from Area Committees to meet the reduction of 7.1 per cent each year.
I8 - Introduction of Commuter Permits for Parking
This proposal did not have support as much effort by Councillors, Officers and local residents to implement Controlled Parking Zones and Traffic Regulation Orders had occurred and that it would be wrong to reduce residents parking in favour of commuters.
I9 - Bank holiday charging in car parks
This proposal did not meet with support as there should be much encouragement for visitors to Hitchin on Public holidays to shop and enjoy the amenities, civic and charity events.
I10 - Phased increase of resident parking permits to cover costs
The costs of producing a parking permit should be reduced and concession rates for parking permits should be introduced.
I11 - Ten per cent increase on Parking Season Tickets
This proposal did not meet with support as off street parking for people who worked in Hitchin was essential and every effort should be made by reduced ticket prices to encourage the use of long stay car parking and relieve residential roads that currently did not have permit parking.

To advise Cabinet of the concerns expressed by the Hitchin Committee of the effect of efficiency proposals that would affect the business sector, voluntary organisations and private individuals.
Agreed  Accountancy Manager

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

Agreed  Transport Policy Officer

Appendix A
Appendix B

The Transport Policy Officer(TPO) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise which assessed the NHDC car parks ticket sales in the period 1 April to 30 November 2010. The TPO advised the Committee that the 2010-2011 Corporate Business Process had confirmed the increase in car parking tariffs in North Hertfordshire and that in Hitchin changes had had been set to compare with private car parks in Hitchin. The TPO confirmed that long stay car park changes had not increased as much as short stay charges for example the majority of 1 hour tariffs increased to £1 and 2 hours to £1.50. The Committee noted that the 1 hour tariff at Woodside had dropped to 50 pence and the 2 hour raised to £1, to reflect the distance from the town centre.

The TPO referred the Committee to Appendix A which set out the tariffs in 2009-2010 and as charged now, and referred the Committee to Appendix B set out the ticket sales for the period April to November 2010. The TPO reminded Members that a new pay by Phone service to all NHDC Car Parks had been implemented in mid March 2010 with details of usage and income presented at Appendix C for the same period.

The TPO confirmed that previous tariff changes would result in a reduction as much as ten per cent in sales, experience showed some recovery but could not be defined precisely. The TPO advised the Committee that other local authorities in Hertfordshire had seen a downturn in ticket sales even though no increase in charges had been made at 1 April 2011 and by way of an example referred the Committee to Appendix B which showed that sales at fallen at Hitchin Swim Centre without any increase in ticket prices.

With regard to Hitchin the TPO confirmed that in the period 1 April to 30 November overall car parking ticket sales had fallen by 6.1 per cent - against a downturn of 11.6 per cent for all car parks in North Hertfordshire. Despite the fall in ticket sales there had been an increase in income and that a considerable sum had been received from the Pay by Phone service, with income increasing month on month. The largest reductions in ticket sales occurred at those car parks with the largest increase in short stay tariffs (Lairage, Christchurch and Biggin Lane). Even if ticket sales were expected to fall at St Mary's Square and Portmill Lane usage remained strong due to the proximity of shops and Hitchin Town Centre. However there had been a considerable increase in ticket sales at Woodside and Bancroft Car Parks which had a cheaper short stay tariff and was possibly caused by the implementation of the Triangle CPZ and the loss of the car park at B and Q - adjacent to Hitchin Station.

The TPO concluded his report with comment that Penalty Charge Notices had fallen compared to 12 months ago which could indicate fewer people visiting town centres and that retail vacancy rates in Hitchin had fallen in the last 12 months and compared favourably with the four towns in North Hertfordshire of 11.9 per cent and the national rate of 14.8 per cent.

The Chairman thanked the Transport Policy Officer for the report and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

The Committee were pleased to note that the fall in use and income from car park charges compared to other towns in North Herts was lower, however, Members expressed concern at the loss of revenue following the increase in car park charges at 1 April 2010 despite some variances where pricing had been set lower to draw short term parking away from the town centre. The TPO advised that there were several opportunities for ‘free' parking such as Sainsbury and Waitrose Car Parks and that a full review of all car parks in Hitchin covering the 12 months (1.4.10 to 31.3.11) would be necessary to draw a final conclusion on the outcomes of the increased car park charges.

The Committee also requested that following the presentation of a planning application by Simons that a full car parking review should be made of existing car parks, lost car parks and new car parks included in the Churchgate Development.


(1)That the detailed assessment of the outcomes of the increased car parking charges in Hitchin since 1 April 2010 be welcomed and noted;

(2)That the Transport Policy Officer be requested to report back to the Committee at a future meeting with an assessment of charges and usage of all car parks in Hitchin following the full parking review for North Hertfordshire;

(3)That any planning application presented by Simons the appointed developers of Churchgate and surrounding area should include an assessment of town centre car parking provision and estimated usage.

To allow the Hitchin Committee comment on the reported effects of the increased car parking tariffs at 1 April 2010.
Report and Appendix

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) presented the report of the Head of Environment and Leisure Services which provided an update on the consultation process and a request for funding from the Hitchin Committee. The PCM appraised the Committee of the consultation that had taken place since late July 2010 to date and advised that the Project Board would next meet on 24 January 2011.

The PCM advised the Committee of proposals for Bancroft Parks and Gardens with reference to Appendix 1 - Development Proposals which included inter alia:
-There would be more public use of the Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club;
-There would be a limited number of vehicles allowed in the Parks and Gardens and avoid it being used as a car park;
-Open up views of the Parks and Gardens;
-Reduce the hard surface areas and increase green space areas;
-Improve the appearance of all entrances to the park and gardens;
-Improve the provision of play equipment for teenagers and young adults;
-Refurbish the surface of pathways;
-Improve the area next to the River Hiz;
-Redesign and replant the design of soft landscaping;
-Provide electricity to the Bandstand;
-Provide an informal BBQ area;
-Encourage the development of a Friends of Bancroft Park support group;
-Remove the hedge surrounding the bowling green, replace with a sympathetic railing and open up views to the green;
-Improve lighting throughout the Park;
-Encourage more community use of the bowling pavilion;

The PCM advised the Committee that the proposals (as listed above) for the development of Bancroft Park and Gardens could not be implemented without the guarantee of funding estimated in excess of £500,000. The Committee noted that funding was confirmed that £75,000 had been secured from S106 Contributions with a potential for another £90,000 S106 monies (originally allocated for a children's facility at Bancroft Gardens). The PCM confirmed that capital funding budget contained £95,000 for park improvements and £150,000 towards a new multi use games area, but at the moment these monies could not be guaranteed until the 2011-2012 budget had been approved by Council. Despite the monies agreed there remained a shortfall even though Groundwork would be applying for external grants and approaching local businesses. With this in mind the PCM proposed that the Hitchin Committee might consider an allocation in principle of a grant of £30,000 from the visioning budget.

The PCM referred the Committee to a previous request for remedial works to refurbish the external appearance of Bancroft Public Conveniences and the potential for including these toilets in the Bancroft development. At the moment this building was not part of the development and there was no budget for the maintenance of the toilets. However, the NHDC Asset Management Group would meet once the final plans for Bancroft had been agreed and the future of the disused toilets could be agreed.

The Committee were concerned that even with a grant of £30,000 from the visioning budget there was still a shortfall of some £40,000 if all the above funding was confirmed. The Committee agreed to grant £30,000 from the visioning budget with the proviso that these monies should be designated for the refurbishment of the Bowls Pavilion and increased youth activities and hoped the shortfall could be met soon from additional sources. A Member suggested that there could be more S105 monies that could be allocated to Bancroft. With regard to the Public Conveniences it was considered that the deterioration of the building was getting worse day by day and that every effort should be made to include these toilets in the Bancroft Scheme.


(1)That the details of the consultation as listed at Paragraph 3.3 be noted;

(2)That the draft development proposals as detailed at Appendix 1 be noted;

(3)That the shortfall in funding as detailed at Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 be noted;

(4)That the request for financial support to this project amounting to £30,000 be agreed in principle subject to the continued availability of visioning monies in the next financial year;

(5)That it was the unanimous wish of the Committee that the allocation of £30,000 should be set against improvements to the Bancroft Pavilion and other park facilities for the benefit of young people.

To ensure that progress was made towards securing sufficient funding for the refurbishment of Bancroft Park and Gardens and specific allocation of £30,000 towards works at Bancroft Pavilion.

Agreed  Transport Policy Officer

Report and Appendices

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) presented the report of the Head of Environment and Leisure Services which detailed the NHDC Policy relating to the fencing of childrens' play areas and was agreed at Cabinet on 28 September 2010 (Minute 48 refers).

The PCM advised until recently NHDC had maintained fencing of childrens' play areas, however current national governing body guidelines recognised that children benefited more from play integrated into a wider environment and the guidelines recommended that fencing of play areas should be avoided.

The PCM referred the Committee to Appendix 1 which detailed the rationale against which the fencing policy was agreed and that a risk assessment would be undertaken for each specific childrens' play area. The PCM confirmed that RoSPA as an independent body undertook their own assessment of a newly provided childrens' play area such as King George V Playing Fields, and the PCM referred the Committee to Appendix 2 which detailed the Risk Assessment for this play area which indicated that there was little justification to enclose this play area with fencing.

The Chairman thanked the PCM for the report and the clarification of the current NHDC Policy regarding the non fencing of childrens' play areas and that RoSPA had not deemed it necessary to fence in this particular childrens' play area. The Chairman invited comment on the decision taken by Cabinet and the validity of the RoSPA assessment.

Notwithstanding the decision taken by NHDC it was very clear from the ensuing discussion that there was unanimous support for perimeter fencing to be retained at this site and that the policy should be repealed. There remained great concern about the potential lack of deterrent to dogs entering this play area and in equal measure the fouling of the area by dog excrement was of great concern to Members, members of the public and parents with young children who regularly visited these playing fields. In addition a Member confirmed that dog excrement was a constant problem for the users of the rugby pitches and that there would always be irresponsible dog owners who did not remove the excrement causing a problem for all users of the playing fields which were a very important and well used leisure amenity. It was also agreed that the independent site assessments did not readily take into account the day to day activities of individuals and that any form of enforcement (should there be no fencing and only enforcement notices) would be very difficult. It was also agreed unanimously that this was much more of a public health issue than a safety issue and that it was well known that dog excrement was a health hazard.

The Chairman thanked the Committee for the reasoned and balanced debate on what could be an emotive issue and it was agreed unanimously that Cabinet should be invited to reconsider their decision taken last September in the interests of safety and public hygiene.


(1)That the rationale for a fencing policy, including Government guidance involving the need for perimeter fencing at children's play areas as presented at Appendix 1 be noted;

(2)That the findings of the independent assessment by RoSPA be noted;

(3)That the findings of the fencing assessment for the King George V Childrens' Play Area as presented at Appendix 2 be noted;

(4)That the Committee were unanimous in their disagreement to the policy, guidance and the findings of the RoSPA assessment with respect to provision of perimeter fencing at the Childrens' play area at King George V Playing Fields;

(5)That the Committee unanimously agreed to propose to Cabinet that perimeter fencing be re-instated at the Childrens' play area at King George V Playing Fields as soon as possible in the interests of public safety and public hygiene.

RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That perimeter fencing be re-instated at the Childrens' Play Area in the King George V Playing Fields as a matter of urgency to ensure that dogs were prevented from entering the play area and fouling the play area.

To ensure that the Childrens' Play Area in the King George V Playing Fields was safe for use by all children which was free from incursion by dogs and free from dog excrement.
Agreed  Parks & Countryside Development Manager

Appendice A
Appendice B
Appendice C
Appendice D

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development which inter alia covered her activities since the last meeting held on 16 November 2011.

The CDO advised the Committee that there were now seven applications for Youth Spend with a closing date of 31 December 2010 and the presentation of applications would be held at Sub Zero on 29 January 2011. The CDO confirmed that the target of £250,000 for the Youth Wing at the Queen Mother Theatre was exceeded by £50,000 and that all donors were thanked for their support.

The Chairman thanked the CDO for the comprehensive report and the Committee noted the current state of the Budget as presented at Appendix A, the Hitchin Committee Work Programme at Appendix C and the Highways Work Programme at Appendix D. With regard to the availability of sufficient funds to cover the Caldicott grant application the CDO advised that £240 was available in the budget and the balance could be met by an individual grant of £7.00 from each Councillor's Discretionary Budget. Each Councillor present agreed to this proposal of an individual £7.00.


(1)That the Community Development Officer be thanked for the excellent work in furthering Community Development in Hitchin;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning budgets be noted;

(3)That the confirmation of seven applications for Youth Spend be noted;

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and acknowledge the status of budgets.



(1)That a grant of £500 be awarded to Caldicott Youth Clubs as a contribution towards the establishment of a Youth Club for ages 10 - 13 and the purchase of equipment and computer games which were an essential element in young people's modern leisure activities;

(2)That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the necessary arrangements to gather funds totalling £500 from the Discretionary Budget 2010-2011 and individual Members Discretionary Budgets.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Monday, 31st January, 2011