Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 9th January, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 14th November, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor A.D. Young(Chairman), Councillor M.R.M. Muir(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton, Councillor M.E. Weeks.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Geach (Parks & Countryside Development Manager)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee & Member Services Officer)
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Data/Baldock and District Committee/201201091930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 September 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman announced that there would be a item at the end of the Agenda in which Committee discussion would be held regarding a temporary retail outlet which had been set up in Archers Estate Agents to sell cut-price fireworks, by erecting a sheet to section off half the shop.

(1) The Chairman announced that the Baldock Town Centre Manager would not be attending the meeting to address the Committee and that Item 7 on the Agenda would therefore be withdrawn;

(2) He welcomed Members of the Committee and officers to the meeting;

(3) The Chairman reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.

There were two items of public participation at the meeting as follows:

a) Baldock Town Twinning Association
Mr Phil Charsley, Vice-President of the Baldock Town Twinning Association (BTTA) addressed the Baldock and District Committee, explaining that the links with Eisenberg in Germany had lasted 20+ years and Sanvignes les Mines in France stretched back 10 + years. He revealed that they were not only twinned with Baldock but with each other as well, in a tripartite arrangement.

He gave the background to the (BTTA) and explained that members came from villages in the Baldock area, from Letchworth, Hitchin and all the Baldock Wards. Mr Charsley stated that North Herts District Council gave the organisation a grant of £300 p.a. and that the typical annual turnover was in the region of £2,000-£3,000. The Association members knew that other twinning organisations in North Herts District had been given grants for special events, but the Committee were informed that this was the first time that they had applied for a grant.

Mr Charsley explained that parties from both towns would visit Baldock during the same period at the beginning of August 2012, a first-time historic joint event. It was planned that all participants of the three TTAs would visit one Olympic event together and watch coverage of the rest of the Olympic Games together on a widescreen TV in a large venue in Baldock Town Centre (the venue has yet to be determined and booked but is likely to be a local public house or restaurant). The total expenditure forecast was around £15,000 compared to the normal expenditure of £3,000. The BTTA's intention was to publicise this event widely in the local newspapers and to include photo opportunities in Baldock Town centre.

The Committee were advised that most of the forecast expenditure had already been raised by contributions from the twin towns (to cover ticket purchase and travel) and by BTTA fundraising events. A small shortfall was forecast and it was hoped that both Herts County Council and NHDC would agree to provide grants to help with the cost of the visit.

The Chairman thanked Mr Charsley for his informative presentation and stated that the grant application submitted by the Baldock Town Twinning Association would be considered for approval later on the Agenda for the meeting.

b) Baldock Town Football Club
Mr Steve West, Chairman of the Baldock Town Football Club (BTFC) addressed the Baldock and District Committee and outlined the history of BTFC, including its demise in 2001 and re-establishment in 2003.

He informed the Committee that the Club nowadays has three teams, with the First Team playing at Step 7 of the Premier Division of the Herts Senior County League.

They have a very close relationship with the Baldock Town Youth Football Club (BTYFC) and their Third Team is the link team between the Youth U17/U18s and adult football, and meets the Club objective of "providing an exit route for the young people of Baldock and the local villages". They give the young players an interest and opportunity, rather than leaving them to the risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour around Baldock. The players train on Wednesdays, hold events on Thursdays and play in matches at weekends. Players are all unpaid, as are coaches and the Management Committee, and all are volunteers. The BTYFC have several teams, from U7s upwards, and include girls in several of their teams.

The Committee were notified that the Club operates on a non profit-making basis with an annual turnover of £10,000 although last season there was a loss of £100.

There was a probability that the Club would be promoted to Step 6 in the South Midlands League in the next season, but this would depend on a Football Association (FA) inspection of the pitch on which they play, at The Arena, Norton Road, Baldock at the end of March 2012, at a cost of £2,160. The pitch must be found to match the FA criteria in order for the Club to win promotion.

Finally, Mr West opined that progression of the BTFC up the League would bring in more spectators and supporters from Baldock and the surrounding area, thus promoting the town of Baldock and bringing extra business into the area. It would also retain player skills, which would otherwise go to rival teams in other towns and would give local people an improved leisure interest to support and enjoy.

The Chairman thanked Mr West for his interesting and informative presentation and stated that the grant application submitted by the Baldock Town Football Club would be considered for approval later on the Agenda for the meeting.

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Service in order to update the Baldock and District Committee on proposals to provide a sustainable water play feature at Avenue Park.

He explained that the paddling pool in Avenue Park had come to the end of its life and had so many cracks and leaks in the concrete that water was flooding out and it would take the equivalent of two bath taps being turned on constantly to maintain the water level. Broken glass in the base of the pool was a constant danger to children, and the uneven pool surround added to the hazards, together with contamination from animals entering the water or young children not using swim nappies and fouling the water. This resulted in the pool needing to be drained, cleaned and then refilled. The current running cost for the paddling pool was in the region of £20,000 and as it was open for only 14 weeks in the year, this equated to a running cost of £1,500 per week.

The PCDM explained that a system of exciting water play had been found that used jets, fountains, showers, sprays and water cannon as well as paddling pools linked by a small stream. The pools were suitable for toddlers and older children. There were boulders included to give the whole system a natural beach look. This system was unique to North Hertfordshire and would be activated by children using the feature - schools had been included in the consultation and selection process. Mains water would be used in the system and would drain into the shallow paddling pools connected by the stream and then into storage tanks, from which it would be used for irrigation of the bowling green and cricket table and to water trees and plants in the area. The system was not high maintenance and there was no requirement for complex pumping or filtration systems or for chemicals to be added to the water, as with the present paddling pool.

The Committee discussed the proposed system and were mainly in favour of it, although one Member considered the boulders to be a hazard to the children using the system. The Portfolio Holder for Leisure remarked that the current state of the paddling pool was extremely bad and that the system could not be switched off. When broken glass was found or the water was contaminated, the pool had to be drained and cleaned and was therefore out of use for two days each time. He declared that the park should be extensively enjoyed and that there was money within the capital budget to fund this project at the current time that would not be available in the future.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Development Manager for his informative presentation.

That the Baldock and District Committee note the report.

This item had been withdrawn from the Agenda for this Baldock and District Committee Meeting.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and updated his report as follows:

At the Wednesday Market, the pop-up free stall is popular with local organisations and charities, who regularly use it for fundraising.

The number of stalls at the Wednesday Market is now up to 10 and more publicity is planned to promote use of the market, following the proposed leaflet drop to all households in Baldock and some of the surrounding villages.

Membership Scheme and the Baldock Network Group
As stated in the report, this was doing very well.

Baldock Christmas Weekend Event
This event is planned to be bigger and better than in 2010.

Unfortunately, Letchworth are holding a Christmas event on the same weekend, which may affect attendance and possibly influence the Baldock event's success.

Baldock Youth Council
The CDO updated the Committee that the members of the Baldock Youth Council met once a week on Tuesday and a Member of the Committee commented that in his opinion weekly meetings were too frequent and some Youth Councillors may lose interest. Once a month would be better.

Baldock Half Marathon
The Committee were informed that the date of this race has had to be changed from 25 March 2012 due to a problem with starting and finishing the event at Hartsfield Junior School. It was proposed to change the date to one in May 2012 and to possibly start from the Zeus Hotel in Baldock High Street.

Baldock Fair 2011
The CDO informed Members that following the Fair leaving Baldock on the morning of 5 October, diesel spills were found along Bell Row and on the ground beside the Baldock war memorial. These have since been cleaned up by Abbotts. There was just one accident over the weekend, when a child was hurt on a slide.

The Committee were told that Abbotts would be supplying rides and food for the Christmas Fair in Baldock. As stated above, this Fair would be in competition with a Letchworth event and it was proposed that the Baldock and Letchworth CDOs get together with the relevant town planning committees to ensure that there is not a clash of dates in future years.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer, the Town Centre Manager and the Baldock Partnership for all their had work for the people of Baldock and the surrounding district.

The Committee then noted the budget spreadsheet as supplied by the CDO and went through the Highways Work Programme, making the following comments:
 A507 Baldock-Radwell, new footpath design and works - this is currently in progress;
 Weston Way, Baldock (feasibility study) - this will not be progressed;
 Car parking in Ashwell - the design, consultation and implementation will not be progressed at this time. Currently awaiting feedback from the Parish Council;
 Weston Way, parking outside Baldock Fire Station - design, consultation and implementation will be progressed via the North Herts Highways - Joint Member Panel.

The Committee discussed the pavements being dug up by BT in Baldock town centre and the resulting mess which, it was agreed, must be rectified by BT as soon as possible. The CDO was requested to chase this and ensure that it is done. Another subject for discussion was car parking in the evenings in Baldock town centre, which required enforcement by issuing tickets. Members agreed that on Friday and Saturday evenings at least 20 cars could be found to be parked illegally.

The CDO went through a justification for the Memorandum of Understanding for the Baldock Retirement Sewing Club and Members agreed to support the MoUs listed in Appendix 5 in future years. The CDO was asked to provide an update on the activities of all the organisations listed.

Fast Track Grants
These were ratified as follows:
 an award in the sum of £80 to Weston Voluntary Nursery School from the Weston and Sandon Ward Member's 2011/2012 base budget for the purchase of a new sofa for the story corner;
 an award of £350 to Hartsfield School PTA from the Baldock East Ward Member's 2011/2012 base budget for the purchase of a tiger glockenspiel for the memorial garden;
 an award of £350 to Ashwell Academicals from the Arbury Ward Member's pre-allocated Rural Community Projects budget for new goal posts;
 an award of £250 to Ashwell Play Group from the Arbury Ward Member's pre-allocated Rural Community Projects budget for the purchase of new fencing for the playgroup garden/children's play area.

Baldock Crusaders Netball Club
Councillor Young declared an interest in the Baldock Crusaders Netball Club as he is the Club Chairman and Councillor Knighton also declared an interest, as a family member belongs to the Netball Club.
Funding of £1,000 was requested by the Baldock Crusaders Netball Club in order to help fund the purchase of new equipment, coaching workshops, umpiring courses and Child Protection and First Aid training. The Club have also applied to Letchworth Committee for funding and will receive £200 from them, so Members agreed to award them the sum of £800, split between Arbury, Baldock Town and Baldock East Ward Members' budgets.

Baldock Town Twinning Association
Councillor Marilyn Kirkland and Councillor Michael Muir declared an interest in the Baldock Town Twinning Association as they are both members of the Association.
The Baldock Town Twinning Association requested the sum of £1,000 from the Baldock and District Committee to help fund the joint visit of two twin towns from France and Germany in 2012, which will hopefully include a trip to the London 2012 Olympics. Members agreed to award the full £1,000, split between all Wards.

Baldock Town Bowls Club
The sum of £1,000 was requested by the Baldock Town Bowls Club to fund the purchase of a greenhouse to enable them to produce their own plant stock from seeds and cuttings and thus to enhance and increase the park facility. The CDO had been impressed by their setup but a Member enquired whether or not they could raise 50% of the amount from their own funds. The Committee finally agreed to award them £800, split between Baldock Town and Baldock East Ward budgets in the usual proportions.

Baldock Town Football Club
The sum of £1,000 was requested by the Baldock Town Football Club (BTFC) to part-fund the £2,160 needed to have the football pitch on which they play inspected by the Football Association (FA). Members agreed that although they would not normally make an award of this sort, on this occasion and as a one-off, they agreed to award the full sum, split between Baldock Town and Baldock East in the normal proportion of 76%:24%.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £80 to Weston Voluntary School for the purchase of a new sofa for the story corner;

3) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £350 to Hartsfield School PTA for the purchase of a tiger glockenspiel for the memorial garden;

4) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £350 to Ashwell Academicals for the purchase of new goal posts;

5) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £250 to Ashwell Play Group for the purchase of new fencing;

6) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £800 to Baldock Crusaders Netball Team, split between Arbury, Baldock Town and Baldock East Wards, for the purchase of equipment, for new coaches and additional training needs;

7) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £1,000 to Baldock Town Twinning Association to enable the group to bring over representatives from the Baldock twin towns in France and Germany for a visit to the London 2012 Olympic Games;

8) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £800 to Baldock Town Bowls Club for the purchase of a greenhouse to produce plant stock from cuttings and seeds;

9) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £1,000 to Baldock Town Football Club to enable a Football Association pitch inspection and approval to be carried out to enable the Club to match the FA criteria in order to win promotion in the League;

10) That the Committee notes the responses given by the organisations currently receiving a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as detailed in point 4.2 and Appendix 3 of the Community Development Officer's report, and advises accordingly on the next steps in allocating future MoUs.

1) To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) This report is intended simply to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

The Chairman expressed his disappointment that Archers Estate Agents had allowed a short-term fireworks retailer charging low prices to share their premises. Members agreed with him that this had affected the fireworks trade at Tapps Garden Centre and they were surprised that this could be done without contravening planning laws.

Committee discussion covered suggestions of ways in which to prevent this happening in the future and how the Planning Department might be able to produce a "Good Practice" guide to enforce it. The Committee required an assurance that the same occurrence would not take place in 2012 and agreed that the best way was through co-operation between Planning and the Baldock Town Centre Partnership.

The Chairman thanked the Committee and the officers for their work on behalf of Baldock and the surrounding villages and wished them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Published on Tuesday, 6th December, 2011
8.45 p.m.