Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 9th March, 2011 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 12th January, 2011 Time: 7.30 pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor H.M. Marshall(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Bill Davidson, Councillor A.F. Hunter, Councillor R.E. Inwood
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green (Head of Policy, Partnership and Community Development)
Lois Stewart (Group Accountant)
David Miley (Democratic Services Manager)
Julie Williams (Electoral Services Manager)
Alan Fleck (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 4 members of the public, including 2 Royston Town Councillors and 2 members of the Press.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Grimes.

Councillor Hunter had sent his apologies for lateness and arrived at 8.13 p.m.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201103091930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Royston and District Committee Meeting held on 1 December 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings, and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no notification of other business at this Committee Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting, including officers, members of the Press and the Leader of Royston Town Council and Alderman F J Smith who is also a member of Royston Town Council. She wished all present a Happy New Year.

The Chairman congratulated Councillor Smith on being appointed an Alderman of the North Herts District Council and she had had the honour of seconding the motion of appointment by the Leader at Full Council. She thanked him for his support to herself as Chairman and to the Members of the Royston and District Committee in the past. A letter of congratulation would be sent to Alderman Smith from the Royston and District Committee.

The Chairman then went on to advise Members that Mr Peter Fielden had retired after 20 years at Roysia Middle School - 10 years as Headmaster and 10 years as Deputy Headmaster. A letter sending best wishes for his retirement and thanking him for all his work for education in Royston would be sent to him from the Committee.

She reported that a letter had been received from Oliver Heald supporting the retention of burials in Royston, as expressed by some Members at the last Royston and District Committee Meeting on 1 December 2010.

The Committee were informed that Item 6 on Land and Property Disposals had been withdrawn from this Agenda by the report author, subject to further consultation.

Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

There was no public participation at this Meeting of the Royston and District Committee.
Appendix A

As stated in the Chairman's Announcements, this report had been withdrawn from the Agenda of the Committee Meeting pending fuller consultation.
Appendix A1
Appendix A2
Appendix A3
Appendix A4
Appendix A5
Appendix A6
Appendix A7
Appendix A8
Appendix A9
Appendix A9.1
Appendix A9.2
Appendix A9.3

The Chairman thanked the Democratic Services Manager (DSM) and the Electoral Services Manager for attending this Royston and District Committee Meeting. The DSM presented the report of the Chief Executive and reminded the Committee that this report was part of the 4-yearly review of all polling districts in North Hertfordshire. All polling districts contained several polling stations and only one change was proposed for Royston.

Meridian Ward's electorate had grown to the extent that it was now recommended that the ward be split into two polling districts (DAA and DAB), with Newmarket Road acting as the dividing line. The DSM pointed this out on the wall map. A polling station would be sited in each polling district and the Guide Hut in Garden Walk had been investigated for polling district DAA as an alternative to Icknield Walk First School, but due to parking constraints this had been dismissed. The polling station will remain at Icknield Walk First School in Poplar Drive for polling district DAA.

The polling station for the new polling district DAB would be located at Studlands Rise First School, Studlands Rise, Royston.

All Members had been consulted in October and the DSM offered to take any further comments from the Royston and District Committee back to the Returning Officer.

Members commented on the report, making such observations as: this change could encourage those who did not vote regularly to do so, as they would have a polling station near to their homes; could polling day be held on an inset day so that schools would be closed anyway; the proposed polling districts were not balanced in area or the size of the resident electorate there; residents of the roads north of Newmarket Road should not be moved to a new polling station - less than 100 dwellings would not make a lot of difference.

The Chairman made the point that during a boundary review, Minster Road and Willowside Way had been moved from Heath Ward into Palace Ward and so did not have a convenient polling station, as they had to cross a busy main road to access it. The Electoral Services Manager proposed that the electorate in Minster Road and Willowside Way be provided with a postal vote application so they need not travel to a polling station. Both officers stated that Members would be provided with Appendix B to the report shortly and the Chairman thanked them

The Chairman and the Committee agreed with the suggestion put forward in the report and the Democratic Services Manager and the Electoral Services Manager were again thanked for attending the Committee Meeting, for giving their presentation and clarifications made.

1) That the Chairman and Committee of Royston and District thank the Democratic Services Manager and the Electoral Services Manager for attending the meeting, for their presentation and for their work on behalf of the people of Royston;

2) That the Committee agrees to establish polling districts as described in Appendix A for a further four-year period;

3) That the Committee comments upon the list of polling stations listed in Appendix B;

4) That the officers distribute Appendix B to all Members.

To enable the Council to review, alter and/or re-establish the polling districts with the area of North Herts District Council as necessary.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Group Accountant had been accompanied to the Royston and District Committee Meeting by the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development, and presented the Covering Note, methodically going through the Appendices to the report, with Members comments as follows:

Appendix A

 E1 - the total efficiency on 2011/2012 would be £15,000. Royston Town Council is awaiting the conclusion of the discussions. It was commented that it is vital to do everything to preserve Royston market.
 E2 - review of subsidy for Hitchin market was noted.
 E6 - plastic bring banks - some concern was expressed.
 E7 - reduction in provision of public conveniences - there are concerns over this and full discussions and investigations must take place before any action is taken.
 E12 - reduction in tree maintenance by 7.1% p.a. - the trees should be prioritised for this.
 E15 - Review of subsidy to local voluntary sporting and leisure organisations for maintenance of facilities - there could be alternative grants available through Herts County Council.
 E16 - Removal of Youth Development budget - alternative Youth type budgets could be available through other grant sources.
 E21 - cease financial support of the Handyperson Scheme - concern was expressed, as this was helpful to elderly people. It could be picked up by locality budgets. Figures were needed. HoPP&CD confirmed this was the supplement to seek priority over other users, not whole service removal.
 E23 - as E15 and E16 - budgets may be available through Herts County Council.
 E24 - Ditto. The Royston and District Committee commented that they felt the Youth and Sporting Budgets were very important, to encourage participation in sport by young people. This has been successful to date and members were concerned at the withdrawal of funding, particularly as the Olympic Games were fast approaching.
 E25 - The print quality of Outlook magazine was excellent and the costs are not high. Members asked whether it currently is, or could be, printed on recycled paper and were told that they would be notified of this possibility. It was suggested that savings could be made by issuing three times a year instead of four.
 E28 - Reduction in the noise call-out service in summer months only - assurances were requested, and given, that the service would not be affected if there was a real issue.
 E29 - Removal of the Gov Metric Service - the figure for Budget 2010/2011 should be £5,840.
 E32 - review of Blackberry and mobile usage - this should bring about more savings. Contract is cheaper, low per minute, for home workers. Figures were needed.
 E35 - Options for additional savings - this was noted by the Committee.

Appendix B

 I5 - Charges for allotments are to increase in April, but NHDC have none in Royston. The Royston Town Council charge a £10 "joining fee" for allotments (pro rata per annum) and it was suggested that NHDC also adopt a joining fee. RTC have a 3-year waiting list for allotments. Charges per annum, whilst rising by differing percentages, would be very similar under these proposals
 I8 - Introduction of Commuter Permits for parking - some Members thought this was a good idea as it could generate some revenue (see also comments in I10).
 I9 - Bank holiday charging in car parks. The Committee were very concerned about this. It was explained that this was more targeted at Hitchin. The Committee felt that the cost of administering and enforcing this would be higher than the revenue received and they felt users would park on nearby streets, causing problems for residents. The officers advised that different car parks within different towns should be treated differently and that what might be relevant in, say, Hitchin, would not necessarily work in Royston. The Royston and District Committee was adamant that they could not support charging for parking in Royston on Bank Holidays.
 I10 - There has been minimal take-up of Resident Permits for parking, as many residents object to having to pay for parking, especially as a space outside their dwelling cannot be guaranteed.

The Chairman then allowed the two Royston Town Councillors present to comment.

The Royston and District Committee asked whether for each district-wide proposal the impact for Royston individually could be separated out, so that they could judge whether the Committee would be able to assist with supplementary funding. The Chairman thanked the Group Accountant for presenting the Budget Setting Covering Note and the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development for accompanying her to the Committee Meeting for clarification purposes.

That Members' comments are incorporated into the budget report for the Cabinet Meeting on 25 January 2011.

 Burns Road, Royston - debris had been put down into a drain very close to a shop, causing constant blockages. This will be investigated.
 Pothole season - the helpline to report potholes and speed up dealing with them must be promoted. The telephone number is either: 01438 737320 or 01923 471320.
 The Chairman voiced the Royston and Committee's thanks to Herts Highways for their efficiency in gritting and salting the roads in and around Royston, even on Christmas Day. There had been plenty of grit and salt for the runs.
 Reed - there was serious flooding at the entrance to Blacksmiths Lane, where the roadside ditches fill quickly and the water drains away very slowly. This turns into sheer ice when temperatures drop, both on the pathway and the road, endangering pedestrians and vehicles alike. The Committee was informed that there is a school nearby in Jackson's Lane. The Chairman proposed, and the Committee agreed, that this matter be referred to the North Herts Highways Partnership-Joint Member Panel for investigation leading to solution of the problem.

That the above Highways issues raised by Members be noted and, where appropriate, be forwarded to the next Meeting of the Joint Member Panel to be held on 31 January 2011.

That the Joint Member Panel be requested, as a matter of urgency, to review the issue of flooding in Blacksmiths Lane, Reed as a potential scheme to be joint match-funded within the JMP Discretionary Budget in 2011/2012 following a site visit to ascertain the causes of the poor drainage.
Main report
Budget spreadsheet
Grant application - Appendix B
Grant application - Appendix C
Grant application - Appendix D
Grant application - Appendix E
Grant application - Appendix F
Supplementary budget spreadsheet - Appendix G

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development. The items on the Youth Council and Fish Hill Square, Royston Enhancement required no updating.

Reference Angel Pavement, a portable toilet and an area for spoil in the car park had been installed. There had been some confusion, which meant that the operator of a large stall had lost his space. After some negotiation, this problem had been resolved.

Updating the Committee on Dog Fouling in Royston, the CDO advised that dog waste bags were being distributed to those residents who request them.

The CDO took the Committee through the budget spreadsheet and then the grant applications, as follows:

a) A personal interest was declared in this grant by Councillors Peter Burt and Robert Inwood, as they are both Members of Royston Town Council who administer the Royston Museum, and are also on the Museum Sub Committee. The Royston and District Committee agreed the sum of £1,296 in principle and deferred the funding request to the next Committee Meeting on 9 March 2011 for the decision as to which Civic Year's budget would supply this amount;

b) £425 was requested by the Hertfordshire Constabulary for Royston DogWatch to be used for registration packs, badges and dog waste bags, to be used on a Neighbourhood Watch ‘Eyes and Ears' basis. The Committee considered this application and agreed it;

c) The sum of £200 was requested by the Ignite Youth Club to provide funding for on-going support costs for room hire at the Coombes Community Centre. This grant application was presented for ratification purposes only, having been previously agreed;

d) The Chairman declared a personal interest in this grant application, as she is a member of Home Start and also has a friend who works for this organisation. Home Start Royston and South Cambs requested £1,000 to help with Family Support Group project costs. The Committee considered this grant application and agreed it;

e) A personal interest was declared in this grant by Councillors Peter Burt and Robert Inwood, as they are both Members of Royston Town Council. £4,000 was requested by Royston Town Council for hanging baskets and their maintenance for Summer 2011, to be sited in Royston Town Centre. The Committee agreed this amount in principle and deferred the funding request to the next Committee Meeting on 9 March 2011 for the decision as to which Civic Year's budget would supply this amount;

The Community Development Officer then pointed out to the Committee the funds available for re-allocation on Appendix G which resulted in an outstanding revenue total available of £8,630.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his hard work and efforts for the residents of Royston and for his support for herself and for the Royston and District Committee.

1) That the Committee noted the budget and carried-forward expenditures set out in Appendix A;

2) That the Committee considers and approves the grant application in the sum of £1,296 requested in principle and defers the funding request to the next Committee Meeting on 9 March 2011 for the decision as to which Civic Year's budget will supply this amount;

3) That the Committee considers and approves the grant application of £425 to Hertfordshire Constabulary for Royston DogWatch sundries;

4) That the Committee ratifies the previously approved grant application for £200 to assist the Ignite Youth Club with room hire costs at the Coombes Community Centre;

5) That the Committee considers and approves the grant application from Home Start Royston and South Cambs in the sum of £1,000;

6) That the Committee considers and approves the grant application from Royston Town Council in the sum of £4,000 in principle and defers the funding request to the next Committee Meeting on 9 March 2011 for the decision as to which Civic Year's budget will supply this amount;

7) That funding be allocated to Royston Town Council towards disability improvements in Royston Town Hall. The amount will be decided at a future Royston and District Committee;

8) That the Community Development Officer be thanked for his actions, which had promoted greater community capacity and well-being for the residents of Royston.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer.

Coombes Community Centre
Following the report by Councillor Davidson at the last Royston and District Committee Meeting, a draft letter has been prepared for the Community Facilities Manager.

The Chairman thanked Members and officers for their hard work for Royston.
Published on Thursday, 3rd February, 2011
8.50 p.m.