Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 9th September, 2013 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 15th July, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor I.J. Knighton(Chairman), Councillor M.E. Weeks(Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Harris, Councillor S.K. Jarvis and Councillor M.R.M. Muir.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Herts County Cllr Tony Hunter
Steve Geach (Parks & Countryside Development Manager)
Brendan Sullivan (Scrutiny Officer)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee & Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: Two members of the public and one member of the Press
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Andrew Young.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201309091930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 June 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman announced that Hertfordshire County Councillor Tony Hunter was in attendance at the Committee Meeting and would address the Committee on the subject of his Herts County Council (HCC) Locality Budget. This item would be minuted as Item 9 at the end of the Agenda, but would actually be taken straight after Public Participation.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including Herts County Cllr Hunter, Members, officers and members of the public and Press;

(2) He then asked the Committee to stand for a minute's silence to show their respect for the passing of Cllr David Billing, a fellow District and Herts County Councillor. Cllr Billing had been on the North Herts District Council for a number of years and was well liked and respected by all. He had, over the years, made an immense contribution to North Herts District Council;

(3) The Chairman then informed the Committee that the Committee and Member Services Officer had offered to return to the Council Offices any used despatch envelopes they wished to bring to Area Committee Meetings, to save them making a special journey to Letchworth to return them;

(4) Finally, the Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and they are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest or a Non-Pecuniary interest, which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Mr Graeme LaRoche introduced himself and thanked the Chairman and the Baldock and District Committee for giving him the chance to address them on the subject of the Balstock Music Festival, to be held on the 13, 14 and 15 September 2013. He revealed that it is the largest free music festival in Hertfordshire and that the organisers were asking for volunteers to help with the Community Day on Saturday 14 September. Mr LaRoche explained that most of the performers were young bands, many of them from outside the Baldock area, and so attracting people to the town and its business.

The aim of the Community Day was to raise funds for charity - in 2013 60% of funds raised will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society North Herts and the other 40% raised will be ploughed back into Balstock for next year to give the organisers a start. The grant application submitted would, it was hoped, cover the cost of security, insurance, St John's Ambulance, equipment hire, promotion and publicity.

The Chairman asked what percentage of the acts came from Baldock, and was told 10-15% and 80% from the local area outside Baldock. The vast majority of local acts played for free and those coming into Baldock from the villages and from outside the area had contributed in 2012 to Costcutters running out of food and the chip shop running out of chips. It was hoped that this year the same amount or more, people came into Baldock to spend their money on food and drinks.

He thanked Mr LaRoche for his presentation and informed him that the grant application would be considered later on the Meeting Agenda.

(1) That Mr Graeme LaRoche of the Balstock Music Festival be thanked for his presentation;

(2) That the Committee supports and wishes the Balstock Music Festival every success with their event, including the Community Day which would raise money for Multiple Sclerosis Society North Herts;

(3) That a decision on a grant award be made at Agenda Item 9 on the Agenda - Champion News and Finance Report.
Appendix A

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCDM) introduced the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services and the Draft Strategy itself at Appendix A, which had been updated for the period 2014-2019.

He summarised the Chairman's Briefing Note, which had been tabled at the Committee Meeting and which stressed the importance of external investment in allowing schemes over the past five years to proceed, with a 19% increase in usage of green space and its inherent benefits. This had only been possible by demonstrating the genuine community support for the schemes which had resulted in securing over £3,420,000 of external investment for green space in the District. The outgoing Strategy would expire in March 2014. Much of the proposed investment in the new Strategy would rely on external funding bodies and would have to be delivered with reduced staffing resources. The proposed schemes should be affordable and meet the requirements of the Council's existing adopted policies and strategies.. Without this and local support, it was unlikely that external funding would be secured or schemes progressed.

The PCDM then explained that the updated Strategy itself had the aim of maintaining and improving green space for both current and future requirements of the local community at a reduced cost to the Council (NHDC had managed to fund just £30 out of every £100 of investment. It was hoped that this trend would continue for the next five years, also including funds from small grants, as it would mean that much-needed improvements could be made at a minimal cost to the Council. The PCDM went through the aims of the Strategy and brought the Committee up to date with the resolution of Cabinet of 18 June 2013 - to agree the provision of a Green Space Management Strategy in principle and to circulate the Draft Strategy at Appendix A to all Area Committees for their comments. He explained that this Strategy had been very successful through match funding and with the help of Groundwork and the Countryside Management Service. Despite staffing levels having been reduced, another £3.5m could be invested. However, generating funding was getting more difficult. He confirmed that the Draft Green Space Management Strategy would be referred to Cabinet on 24 September 2013 before the expiry of the current one in March 2014. Of the £920,830 investment made in Baldock, NHDC had directly contributed only £255,000.

The PCDM listed the actions, with costs, scheduled in Baldock over the course of the new Strategy as follows:

- Baldock Cemetery - reconstruction of pathways and roadways - £35,000
- Clothall Road/Bakers Close - replacement of boundary fence and gate - £15,000
- Clothall Road/Bakers Close - grant aid improvements made to changing rooms - £50,000
- Bush Springs - renovation of Play Area - £75,000 and
- Development belt - provision of new wheeled sports facility - £100,000.

The PCDM concluded by asking the Baldock and District Committee to give their views on the Strategy as a whole, and also on those schemes specifically related to Baldock.

The Committee commented that: 25% of the area had not been addressed at all, while Royston and Great Ashby had been included . It was a disappointment that lines had been drawn around towns and had not included parishes/the whole of North Herts District. The Chairman admitted that this was a valid point, which had been raised in the past at Cabinet. He assured the Committee that this would be rectified to demonstrate continued help and guidance for parishes and "built in" before the Strategy went back to Cabinet in September. One Member referred to the 30,000 hours of work done by volunteers, but considered that that could be increased, while another stated that that was excellent provision when converted into cash terms. The PCDM was thanked by the Ward Member for Baldock East for what he had achieved in his area, but another Member considered that, although Baldock had done very well, there were still not enough green spaces.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Development Manager for his clear and concise presentation of the Draft Green Space Management Strategy.

(1) That the comments from the Baldock and District Committee be reported back to Cabinet on 24 September 2013 by the Parks and Countryside Development Manager;

(2) That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be thanked for presenting the Draft Green Space Management Strategy to the Committee and for clarifying various points raised.

To enable Cabinet to take into account the local views of the Baldock and District Committee prior to considering the adoption of the Green Space Management Strategy.
Appendix A - scope

The Scrutiny Officer (SO) thanked the Chairman for allowing him to address the Committee and he explained that he was canvassing Members for their views in order to contribute these to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee's Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues. The object of the exercise was to find out how the Highways budget was split and how NHDC could communicate with Highways.

The SO gave a verbal itemization of the questions in his report, with comments from Member discussion as follows:

- What is the level of satisfaction with the current state of the highways? The standards of roads is generally poor - there are a lot of potholes and minimum operating standards need to be examined. A large number had been patched rather than repaired properly and the profusion of potholes and poor repairs combined were a safety issue, as they often caused motorists to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid them. On the plus side, the contractor, Ringway's local Highways Officer was very helpful in dealing with enquiries;
- How clear is Herts County Council's approach to highways maintenance and repair? They have an up-to-date system, by which the website will track the problem which is given a reference number and completion dates online. The process appears to have been automated but the priority system could be baffling. The pavements in Blackhorse Road, Baldock had recently been renewed despite diminishing footfall and a number of business closing on the industrial estate, while elsewhere more urgent work for which there was greater need and which would provide wider benefits was not carried out. This appeared to be poor prioritising and poor use of funds;
- How much Member time is taken up with highways matters? The amount of District Councillor time varied. Generally highways matters did not take up much time although certain issues could be time-consuming. Difficult issues tended to be referred to Herts County Councillors to progress;
- How easy is it to report faults, and are they fixed properly and in good time? The fault reporting system generated a large number of emails but it was unclear when faults had been repaired. Occasionally faults were reported as having been repaired when the repair was temporary and this could undermine faith in the system. A Herts County Councillor on the Baldock and District Committee revealed that the system had recently been improved. A member reported that in one area it had taken 5 months to resurface potholes. The Committee considered that repairs in areas which are used most should take priority and more flexibility would be welcome. Instances were cited where crews had repaired one pothole while leaving another nearby untouched, returning some time later to repair that one. This entailed the waste of time and funds. However, the improved system was now in general use;
- Are Members consulted about the County Council's changes to structures, processes, operations and policy and how does this consultation take place? District Councillors get feedback and this is the consultation! One Member commented that Councillors should recognise that a Locality Budget programme is not the only one which can be of help in this case - all Highways programmes could potentially be of assistance;
- How does the new Highways Liaison Meeting (HLM) compare to the previous Joint Member Panel process? The HLM is a vast improvement on JMP. It is up to County Councillors to put schemes forward. The HLM will meet twice a year and officers can be questioned and take comments. The Chairman stated that Members considered that the HLM should meet more frequently than twice a year;
- How effective is the County Council's communication with the public of North Hertfordshire and its representatives?
- Are you satisfied with the information provided by the County Council on highways matters?

On being invited to speak, Herts County Councillor Tony Hunter advised that the contractor, Ringway, regularly sent parishes in North Herts the Integrated Work Programme (IWP) and on being asked whether Ringway could also send this to District Councillors, he noted the request to carry forward to Ringway.

The Chairman thanked the Scrutiny Officer for presenting the report and said he hoped that the views and responses of the Baldock and District Committee had been noted for presentation to the Task and Finish Group.

(1) That the Scrutiny Officer be thanked for his comprehensive report on the Scrutiny of Highways Issues in North Hertfordshire;

(2) That the Baldock and District Committee has considered and commented on the Scrutiny Officer's Report.

To enable Members to contribute to the Overview and Scrutiny's Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and explained that there were a few updates to the report.

He went through the budget spreadsheet and emphasised that the Small Area Grant Award of £160 had gone to Baldock East Ward in this financial year, as the Wards take turns in receiving it. He also revealed that there was more money in each Ward budget as a result of the latest census, and the correct figures were:

- Baldock Town - £13,389
- Baldock East - £4,038
- Arbury - £5,713
- Weston and Sandon - £5,892

The weekly market on Wednesdays continued to operate and the Farmers Markets each month were currently successful.

The CDO listed the future events being held from July to September and reported that on Baldock Day on 13 July 20 stalls contribute, but unfortunately footfall was lower than had been expected.

Sale Drive
Following the Committee's recommendation at the Baldock and District Committee Meeting on 3 June 2013, the CDO reported that the Head of Policy and Community Services was progressing this matter. Quotations had also been requested from Herts Highways regarding the footpath and the associated lighting required behind Sale Drive.

Car Boot Sales
Members were informed that there had not been a car boot sale in Baldock Town Centre in June 2013. These events were not big income generators but they did bring activity into the Town Centre from other towns and from the surrounding area.

Baldock Firework Display
This event was planned for 26 October at Hartsfield JMI School. Tapps Garden Centre were donating the fireworks, and a skilled professional would be running the firework display.

Grant Funding
The Committee was asked to note the funding applications in the Ward Project table in this report, and relating to Baldock Town, it was commented that more than 50% of the children attending Hartsfield School come from Baldock East Ward. The suggestion was made that the funding support for the Friends of Hartsfield School Committee be a joint venture between Baldock Town and Baldock East. The decision was made that Legal Services need to be consulted regarding contributions to this funding application.

Members were asked to consider grant funding in the sum of £750 to the Balstock Musical Festival to assist with the cost of the Balstock Family Fun Day on Saturday 14 September 2013. This would help with publicity costs, security costs, St John Ambulance costs and public liability insurance, together with costs for the provision of inflatables and funfair rides. The CDO reported that the event grew more successful each year, to the extent that during last year's Family Fun Day Costcutters had run out of food and the chip shop had sold all its chips!

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.

(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budget spreadsheets at Appendix 1 be noted;

(2) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved are noted;

(3) That the Committee acknowledges the recent grant award of £650 to Baldock Allotments and Leisure Gardeners' Association to cover the costs of replacing a small section of fencing across the car park at the North Road site;

(4) That the Committee considers and grants the sum of £750 to Balstock Music Festival to assist with costs for putting on the Balstock Family Fun Day to cover publicity, security, St John Ambulance and public liability insurance for the provision of inflatables and fun fair rides.

(1) To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

(3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(4) Production of the report is a requirement of the Corporate Plan, in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Area Committee on six occasions each year in line with the Civic Calendar.

The Hertfordshire County Councillor responsible for North Herts Rural Ward addressed the Committee and briefed them on the progress of schemes covered by his HCC Locality Budget within Clothall Common, Baldock.

Schemes included resurfacing of Wallington Road and Icknield Road East, a small section of Yeomanry Drive and the Bellmouth area to Mercia.

He commented that he was in regular contact with the District Councillor for Baldock East Ward but invited other Members of the Baldock and District Committee to advise him of any possible schemes that could be within his Locality Budget.

The Committee Members discussed a suggested dropped kerb for disabled access to a walkway near the A505, which was feasible. The Ward Member for Baldock East thanked HC Cllr Hunter for his assistance, as Baldock East had seen the completion of a considerable number of schemes.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Hunter for attending the Area Committee Meeting to update Members on his Locality Budget and for his offer to use it to help resolve highways problems in this area.

Finally, the Chairman thanked all NHDC officers who had assisted with the Business Plan and the transfer of Baldock Town Hall for their valuable assistance. He also sent congratulations from the Baldock and District Committee to the Baldock Town Hall Group on successfully acquiring the building and sent best wishes for its successful future as a facility for the use of Baldock residents. He stated that the Committee would support them and they looked forward to attending future performances there.
Published on Wednesday, 21st August, 2013
8.40 p.m.