Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 10th June, 2014 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 4th March, 2014 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Bernard Lovewell and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement 13 members of the public, including four registered speakers (Note: The fifth registered speaker joined the meeting at 8.05p.m)
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Joan Kirby, David Leal-Bennett, Alan Millard, Lawrence Oliver, Frank Radcliffe and Richard Thake.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201406101930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 January 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk.
(2)Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote;
(3)The Chairman advised all present that Margaret Bracey (Hitchin Community Development Officer) was retiring on 26 March 2014 and accordingly wished to record a vote of thanks from the all members of the Committee including past Members in respect of the excellent service provided by Margaret to this Committee and the Hitchin Community at large. The Chairman presented a bouquet of flowers to Margaret;
(4)The Chairman wished all candidates good luck and every success in the District Elections on 22 May 2014
(5)The Chairman advised the Committee that as this meeting was quorate with seven Members any departure from the room say for a Declaration of Interest on any item the meeting would be inquorate and consequently no decision could be made.
(6)The Chairman advised the Committee that as requested during Town Talk the Draft Agenda List for the meeting to be held on 10 June 2014 would include a report on the potential disposal of NHDC assets in Hitchin (e.g. Charnwood House and Thomas Bellamy House);
(7)In response to a request made by a Member at this juncture of the meeting the Chairman agreed that the Draft Agenda List for the meeting to be held on 10 June 2014 would include an Information Note that would update Members on the progress towards 20 m.p.h. zones in Hitchin.

The Chairman advised that no one from the Voice of Hitchin Youth was able to attend the meeting tonight.

RESOLVED: That the incoming Community Development Officer be requested to contact representatives from the Voice of Hitchin Youth in order to make a presentation to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee.

Charmaine Rogers thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that Home Start North Herts supported disadvantaged and vulnerable local families. A new project Healthy Lifestyle will last for eight weeks during the summer of 2014 and the purpose was to encourage older family siblings to join their respective family group for which a grant was being sought from the Hitchin Committee The project will promote the benefits of physical activity and offer a wide range of stimulating pursuits to increase awareness of healthy lifestyles. Mrs Rogers advised that the first part of this project would take place in February, March and April with funding from Oughton Children's Centre. Home Start welcomed collaboration with Oughton Children's Centre and together they were able to support such families, many of whom lived on the Westmill Estate.

In response to several questions Mrs Rogers advised that she would approach County Councillors for a grant from Locality Budgets, there were more than 100 families using Home Start with at least 20 families per meeting, that Home Start had been established for more than 20 years at Westmill. Mrs Rogers thanked County Councillor Derrick Ashley for the advice about seeking a grant from the HCC Public Health Budget. A Member enquired about the expenditure of the grant award and Mrs Rogers confirmed that the grant was for hall hire, a min trampoline, food used for domestic cookery demonstrations and sundries.


(1)That Charmaine Rogers be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.

Mohammed Alam thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum (EMF) sought a grant from the Hitchin Committee to provide day trips for vulnerable families and young people as a way of keeping children positive and activities in the school holidays. These trips would go to places of educational interest.

Mr Alam advised that these day trips would be in addition to the regular services offered by the EMF such as courses on numeracy, literacy, job training as well as information and advice on health, housing, benefits, education and training. EMF was a well used forum by local black and minority ethnic communities in Hitchin, especially young people and provided a valuable service.

In response to a question about the potential for the grant application to be on an annual basis Mr Alam stressed that funding was very difficult and there would always be the need to approach inter alia the Hitchin Committee for support.

In response to another question Mr Alam confirmed that there had been no support for the Italian Luncheon Club.


(1)That Mohammed Alam be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.

Mr Keith Hoskins thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and apologised for his late arrival but he was required to attend the first meeting of Hitchin Bid in its second term.

Mr Hoskins reminded all present of the immense value to Hitchin of The Market Place and the activities that took place throughout the year. The Market place attracted shoppers to the town centre which benefited local shops and businesses but also raised awareness as a shopping centre well worth visiting. However, in order to provide facilities for local groups the availability of some form of shelter and tables had proved to be very useful. The current stock of gazebos had been well used over the last ten to twelve years and were in need of replacement.

Mr Hoskins considered that the purchase of eight new gazebos would be a valuable asset for the town which was the reason for the grant application and that Market Place would continue to provide a focus for the creation of a pleasant working, shopping and leisure environment, which also benefited the Hitchin Members who held their monthly Councillors Surgery in Market Place using a gazebo.


(1)That Keith Hoskins be thanked for presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.

Anthony Lloyd thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and circulated some advertising cards for the Sound Base Creative Media Course. Mr Lloyd advised that the trust's aim was to engage with and educate young people through creative media. The purpose of the grant application was to provide free educational and engagement work with young people using the resources and equipment supported by experienced staff in studio and educational environments. The youngsters would explore a range of artistic interests such as vocal, instruments, rappers, DJs and film making. It was proposed to provide the free sessions from 24 March to 30 may 2014 as evening sessions in term times and in the school holidays for youngsters in the 14 to 21 age group. The attendees would have free access to all media equipment including recording equipment for which the commercial hire rate was £25 per hour. Mr Lloyd advised that it was hoped to run these free events up to 4 times per year depending on success

Mr Lloyd stated that the free sessions would seek to improve confidence, team work and punctuality which would enhance self development. Other sources of funding would be sought from the Social Investment Company, owned by Sound Base who in turn ran Bliss Music Ltd.

In response to a question Mr Lloyd advised that the courses would be for a total of 20 to 30 days with up to 5 attendees each day.

The Chairman thanked Mr Lloyd for the presentation and advised that there could well be a problem when the grant application was considered. This meeting was quorate with seven Members but the Chairman confirmed that he would be declaring a Disclosable Interest as he was a trustee of Hitchin Educational Foundation and that he was aware of problems on financial issues between Sound Base and the Foundation. He would leave the room for the duration of the item and consequently the meeting would not be quorate to determine the Sound Base Grant Application. Following advice from the Clerk the Committee agreed that in case of inquoracy the way forward would be to delegate the decision to the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs in consultation with the Strategic Director for Finance. Policy and Governance.


(1)That Anthony Lloyd be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.

Mrs Charmaine Rogers thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee again and that she was speaking on behalf of Oughton Children's Centre which was a Sure Start Children's Centre that provided a range of services for children and parents from pregnancy to the first days at Reception Class at Primary School. With many parents attending on a daily basis the ‘parking' of children's buggies had become an acute problem due to the shortage of space in the Centre and had the potential of being a hazard in an emergency in exit corridors.

Mrs Rogers reminded Members that services were aimed at improving children's health and well being and for families and economic well being through education and employment. Other services included Job Centre Plus, Parenting Groups, Creative and Messy Play, and the Munch Lunch Club.

Accordingly it was proposed to alleviate this problem by the provision of a buggy shelter outside of the Centre in Mattock Road which would allow parents to securely store the buggies in a safe and dry place. Ms Rogers advised the Committee that County Councillor David Barnard had provided £500 from his Locality Budget leaving a shortfall of £953 and it was hoped that the Hitchin Committee would after due consideration grant £953 so that the buggy shelter could be completed.

There were no questions for Mrs Rogers.


(1)That Charmaine Rogers be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.

Mrs Norma Harris thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she was speaking on behalf of Stevenage and North Herts Athletic Club. The Club wished to extend to promote satellite clubs to the main athletics club in Stevenage and Hitchin as the main club track was to the south of Stevenage and a journey involving a train and buses or car was necessary for young athletes to attend training. The Club would provide free core skills training in the techniques for hurdles and the high jump for pupils at three Hitchin Senior Schools in the 11 to 14 age group. Following two taster sessions- more than 35 at one session- 25 youngsters had registered an interest to continue. Mrs Harris advised the Committee that over 65 per cent of the attendees were from North Hertfordshire.

Unfortunately the high jump pad at Hitchin Boys School was at least ten years old and becoming dangerous to use and it would be necessary to replace the high jump bed before the training sessions commenced. And in addition the hurdles at Hitchin Boys School were obsolete and should not be used. Ms Harris advised the Committee that £2000 of the £3000 cost had been raised and she hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the grant application for the final £1000.


(1)That Norma Harris be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision be taken on the grant application at Agenda Item 10.
Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) provided an update on progress with the conversion of Hitchin Town Hall to the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility by reference to Table 1. Table 1 gave timeline details of the Construction Contract and the Exhibition Design and that the removal of the roof to the Gymnasium was on hold due to the inclement weather this winter, although this delay had allowed pilling work to continue.

The SD advised the Committee that there had been several project issues to resolve but had not affected the project overall. A well had been discovered during the demolition of 14 and 15 Brand Street but the NHDC archaeologist had confirmed that whist it was interesting in the archaeological sense there was no need for retention. Asbestos had been found at 15 Brand Street in a blocked up fireplace and following the statutory two weeks notice the asbestos was removed. New bricks would be purchased to a higher specification for the Town Hall in order to match the existing brickwork, plus a revision to the design of a storeroom in the Town Hall had been agreed between NHDC and Hitchin Town Hall Limited and instructions given to Borras Construction Ltd.

The SD was pleased to confirm that the Heritage Lottery Fund Team visited the Town Hall site on 12 February to assess progress as part of the Stage 2 grant application for the fit out, with an announcement on the award due for the middle of March 2014. The SD advised that Heritage Lottery Fund were very pleased with the plans

The SD referred the Committee to Table 2 which listed the timeline for the high level project plan and that due to various delays the public opening was now scheduled for Monday 22 June 2015 which included two weeks of contingency but remained on budget. However there remained a lot of construction and fitting out to be done and updates could be found on the NHDC flickr account with a wide range of photographs.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director of Customer Services for the update on progress to date for the North Herts Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

A Member asked the SD for a response concerning this project and indications that there were problems between the Council and Hitchin Town Hall Ltd on certain aspects of the construction phase. Was anything wrong? and could these problems prejudice the completion of what was a very important Council development including a Community Facility for the residents of Hitchin and North Hertfordshire.

The SD advised the Committee that he was unable to disclose certain aspects of the contractual arrangements with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd - to which the Member might be referring - under Part 1 Conditions. However, the SD stated that he would be happy to discuss in private with individual Members any particular concerns they may have on this project. The SD explained that that this stance was necessary in order to safeguard the Council's interests being party to the Development Agreement with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd.


(1)That the Strategic Director for Customer Services be thanked for the update on the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility;

(2)That the progress towards the Stage 2 Grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund be noted.
Information Note

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCM) distributed to the Committee an artist's impression of the new entrance to the Gardens and a Plan View of the major improvements to the Gardens and he was very pleased to confirm that the Stage 1 submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund had been completed on schedule on 28 February 2014.

The PCM advised the Committee of some of the key messages from the consultation period which included: support for tennis and bowls, toilets provision was essential, make the River Hiz part of the park and safety matters were considered to be essential parts of the re-development of Bancroft Gardens.

Following on from the comments made during the Consultation the PCM provided some responses from the Council : It was considered that there were too many tennis courts in the Gardens and that car parking arrangements would have to be made for park users with NHDC not supporting car parking in the Gardens. Toilet provision would be considered as part of the Pavilion building up grade. Much could be done to improve and integrate the River Hiz, remove some low value trees and regrade the river banks. Safety improvements would come with entrance enhancement and the exclusion of vehicles, pedestrian paths would be improved , more lighting and design work on spaces to deter anti - social behaviour and finally review and enhance the planting of shrubs on the road frontage to the Gardens.

The PCM concluded his update with advice that Council Officers had confirmed to the Heritage Lottery Fund that some local user groups had expressed their opposition to the re-development of the Gardens and this opposition was detailed in the consultation exercise and conveyed to the local media. These concerns were recognised but it was clear that new users and the local community in general must be encouraged to use the refurbished Gardens. The PCM recognised and welcomed the input from Hitchin Members who sought to work with existing user groups to try and resolve outstanding problems so that all community groups and visitors to Hitchin could enjoy and use the Gardens.

Subject to the approval by the Heritage Lottery Fund of the scheme in June 2014 the Council would continue talks with Hitchin Tennis Club, undertake further studies to make good use of The Pavilion, have more discussions with Hitchin Bowls Club about Car Parking, more user surveys this Summer, gather more historic records of the Gardens, develop a balanced membership of a Friends of the Bancroft Gardens Group and develop a design to meet the requirements of a Round 2 HLF submission.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Development Manager for the update and confirmation that this project was progressing well. The Chairman encouraged the PCM to continue discussions on the way forward with Hitchin Tennis Club and Hitchin Lawn Bowls Club

A Member required clarification on the issue of car parking in the re-development especially for patrons of the bowling green and tennis club as in visiting teams would need such provision. The HCM stated that no user of Bancroft Gardens had any right to park cars and officially there was no permitted parking in the Gardens. It was considered under safety grounds not to have motor vehicles moving in an area with many pedestrians, prams, buggies and young children. The current ad hoc parking was not controlled and a solution had to be found.


(1)That the information on Bancroft Gardens be noted;

(2)That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be thanked for all the hard work taken to finalise the Stage 1 Bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager was very pleased to confirm that the Hitchin Bid had been renewed and tonight had been the first meeting of its second term The Town Centre Manager also wished to place on record his sincere thanks to Electoral Services at NHDC for their support in all aspects of the BID including the ballot.

Mr Hoskins was pleased to advise the Committee that there was a 51 per cent turnout of which 85 per cent voted yes for the renewal of the Hitchin BID. The BID would be working on many projects in the next three years e.g., Town Wide WiFi, Click and Collect for commuters and increase the shopping footfall in Hitchin through the Government proposals for the 21st Century High Street and other marketing ideas.

Hitchin Town Centre Initiative and Hitchin Bid would be working with NHDC on the development of a Local Economic Strategy and the Local Enterprise Partnership for funding. Mr Hoskins advised that the Christmas Lights contract was to be renewed.

Car parking provision remained an important issue for Hitchin and the temporary car park at the old post office site would close at the end of April 2014 and on occasion other town centre car parks had been full at 10.30 am with vehicles queuing for a parking space.

Mr Hoskins enquired about developments for Churchgate and the surrounding area as Hitchin was a very busy town and this part of Hitchin should not be neglected. It was over a year since the Development Agreement with Simons Developments had been cancelled.

The Chairman on behalf of the Committee thanked Mr Hoskins for all the hard work he had done for Hitchin and congratulated him on the successful ballot for the renewal of Hitchin BID.

A Member enquired why there had not been any form of discussion, presentation or reporting to the Hitchin Committee on the next steps for the Churchgate Area development as she did not consider there was any problems with commercial confidentiality at the current time.

The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that officers be requested to present an Information Note on Churchgate to the next meeting to be held on 12 June 2014.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the details of the successful Hitchin BID renewal be noted;

(3)That the Strategic Planning and Projects Manager be requested to discuss with the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee the best way forward to update the Hitchin Committee on Churchgate.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

There were no updates.
Appendix A
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
A;ppendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J

The Community Development Officer (CDO) thanked the Chairman and the Committee for the lovely bouquet of flowers. The CDO presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting held on 7 January 2014.

The CDO advised the Committee that the 2014 Vaisakhi Festival would take place on Saturday 19 April and would follow the usual route from the Gurdwara in Wilbury Way at 1 p.m. and in a loop via Hitchin Town Centre arrive back at the Gurdwara for approximately 4.15 p.m. There was a significant cost for the festival each year which included the hire of a Traffic Management Company and this year the cost estimate was £7,900. A grant application for £1,500 was presented at Appendix C.

The North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum Councillors Surgery last met on 10 January 2014 at which several issues were raised and would be dealt with by Councillors and the Community Development Officer. The next surgery will be on 4 April 2014 and Councillors were requested to advise the incoming CDO if they could attend.

The CDO was pleased to advise the Committee that K Entertainers had written to the council with thanks for the grant award for the 2013 Christmas shows.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix J for a list of grant awards in the last three years and Members were requested to advise the incoming CDO of whom they would like to have a follow up presentation on how the monies were spent (see (5) below). Box Cleva a recent recipient of a grant award (7 January 2014 - Minute 61 refers) held their first session on 6 February with seven attendees and the programme had held another session on 13 February and during February Half Term.

The CDO proceeded to give a short update on the seven grant applicants.

The CDO concluded her report with details of the events to take place in Hitchin from Friday 29 March to 27 July including; Walsworth Festival on 18 May, British School's Summer Fair on 21 June, Hitchin Festival from 27 June to 27 July


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 7 January 2014 be noted;

(2)That Margaret Bracey be warmly thanked for her support to the Hitchin Committee and the Community in Hitchin with best wishes for a long and happy retirement;

(3)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(4)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix B be noted;

(5)That the incoming Community Development Officer be requested to contact the representatives of the following Community Groups with an invitation to attend future meetings of the Hitchin Committee and give an update on progress since their grant award:
1.Hitchin Committee - 10 June 2014
RISE - Workshops in Local Schools
Friends of Oughton Centre
2.Hitchin Committee - 2 December 2014
Angels Support Group
Herts Young Carers


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.


(1)That the sum of £1,000 be awarded to as a contribution towards the costs of the 2014 Vaisakhi Festival including road closures and liability insurances.

(2)That representatives of Vaisakhi be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community.


(1)That the sum of £1,500 be awarded to Home Start North Herts as a contribution towards the costs of the costs of a Healthy Life Style Project;

(2)That representatives of Home Start North Herts be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community and disadvantaged families.


(1)That the sum of £953 be awarded as a contribution towards the costs of building a buggy shelter to be used by parents visiting the Sure Start Childrens' Centre;

(2)That representatives of Oughton Children's Centre be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community and avoid a potential hazard during an emergency evacuation of the Centre.


(1)That the sum of £980 be awarded as a contribution towards the costs of providing free day trips for vulnerable families and young people during school holidays;

(2)That representatives of North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

To support the local ethnic minorities in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire.

Declaration of Interest:

Councillor Bernard Lovewell declared a Disclosable Interest as he was a member of Hitchin Town Centre Initiative in a personal capacity and advised the Chairman that he would leave the room for the duration of the item.

Councillor Judi Billing declared a Disclosable Interest as she was a Board Member of Hitchin Town Centre Initiative and advised the Chairman that she would remain in the room but not vote.

With the departure of Councillor Lovewell the Chairman confirmed that the meeting was inquorate and consequently could not determine this Grant Application

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to delegate to the Chairman, Vice- Chairman. Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance authority to determine this grant application.

To support local community groups and charitable organisations in Hitchin.


(1)That a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Stevenage and North Herts Athletics Club as a contribution towards the cost of providing a new high jump bed at Hitchin Boys School for the use of young athletes;

(2)That representatives of Stevenage and North Herts Athletics Club be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

To promote the development of sport for teenagers in North Hertfordshire.

Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith advised the Committee that he was a trustee of Hitchin Educational Foundation and that he was aware of financial issues between Soundbase and The Foundation. Councillor Shakespeare - Smith declared a Disclosable Interest and that he would leave the room for the duration of the Item.

Councillor Deborah Segalini advised the Committee that she was a representative of the Priory School Board of Governors to Soundbase and was aware of financial issues between Soundbase and The Foundation. Councillor Segalini declared a Disclosable Interest and that she would leave the room for the duration of this item.

With the departure of two Members due to the declaration of a Disclosable Interest and that six members had tendered their apologies to the Chairman the Committee Clerk confirmed that the meeting would be inquorate with five Members present and accordingly this grant application could not be determined at this meeting.

As there would not be determination of this grant application at this meeting the Committee Clerk advised the Chairman that the grant application could be decided under delegation by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance.

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to delegate to the Chairman, Vice- Chairman. Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance authority to determine this grant application.

To consider the application for a grant to promote the use of music and entertainment for the development of young people by the provision of free educational and engagement work with young people using the resources and equipment supported by experienced staff in studio and educational environments.

Following the completion of business as per the published agenda the Community Development Officer sought permission from the Chairman to provide an update on the Grant Application made by the Charlton Society at the meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 8 January 2013 (Minute 86 refers) as additional business. The Chairman proposed and it was agreed by the Committee (which remained quorate) to receive this update as additional business.

For clarification Minute 86 from the meeting held on 8 January 2013 is presented below:


RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be awarded ‘in principle' as a contribution towards the cost of installing a village sign in Charlton which would include reference to the bi-centennial Bessemer celebrations in 2013 with the proviso that this grant would not be released until the Community Development Officer had confirmation that the balance of funds required had been achieved.

Note: The Priory Ward Members advised the Committee that Priory Ward would contribute £500 with the same proviso that the full cost must be confirmed before payment was made by the Community Development Officer.'

The CDO thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to update the Committee and advised that the balance of monies required to meet the full cost of the signage and installation had been approved by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Fund but at the date of this meeting the Charlton Society had yet to receive the funding.

Following a short discussion on the way forward to resolve this grant award the CDO proposed and it was agreed that as the Hitchin Committee did not meet again until 10 June 2014 it would be appropriate that any release of the Hitchin Committee Grant Award would be subject to scrutiny under the Delegated Authority process following confirmation of the release of funds by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Fund to the Charlton Society.

RESOLVED: That the Community Development Officer be requested that post this meeting and subject to confirmation of the release of monies by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Fund to the Charlton Society to implement the award of grant from this Committee of £1000 and a grant from Priory Ward of £500 to the Charlton Society under the Delegated Authority process following approval by the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance, The Head of Policy and Community Services, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Hitchin Committee and if appropriate the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs.
Published on Tuesday, 25th March, 2014