Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 10th September, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 16th July, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.R.M. Muir(Chairman), Councillor I.J. Knighton(Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Harris, Councillor S.K. Jarvis and Councillor M.E. Weeks
 IN ATTENDANCE: Mary Caldwell, Development and Conservation Manager
Ashley Hawkins, Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow, Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: 1 member of the public
1 member of the Press
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies had been sent by Cllr Andrew Young.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201209101930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 May 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman. Councillor John Harris pointed out that the list of Members on the first page of the Agenda had not been updated since the District elections on 3 May and was assured that this would be rectified for future meetings.

Councillor Harris then raised the subject of problems with the voids in Yeomanry Drive Baldock, which had necessitated road closures over the past 14 weeks. The Chairman agreed to take this update and discussion as Agenda Item 8, but for it to be scheduled between Public Participation at Item 5 and Section 106 Agreements at Item 6.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everybody to this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee, including Members, officers the speaker for Public Participation and the member of the Press.

(2) The Chairman reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.

Baldock Cemetery Group Consultation
Cllrs Knighton, Muir and Weeks declared a personal interest in this item as they are all part of the Baldock Cemetery Discussion Group.
Mr Chris Gomm of the Baldock Society went through the document he had distributed to the Committee, detailing the funding requirements, collation, distribution costs, feedback and sundry items, all of which came to £830. He also submitted the questionnaire for the survey to Members for their approval and brought up the subject of a website for the Baldock Cemetery Group.

Members' questions covered printing and delivery costs and the number of copies of the survey required - approximately 4,600 + additional copies in Baldock Library. The total came to about £180 plus funds for sundries, and Mr Gomm agreed that the sum of £250 would cover the amount required. He confirmed that the new cemetery was required just for Baldock town, as the surrounding villages all had sufficient space to last for some time to come. The existing cemetery has 10 years of burial space left and the new one would take 5 years to prepare. The Committee were reminded that Baldock residents had complained about the proposal to use the Wilbury Cemetery in Letchworth for burial of Baldock residents.

Mr Gomm advised that a potential new site had been identified, but due to the sensitivity of negotiations, he was unable to say exactly where.

Further Committee discussion covered the financial contribution of the Baldock Cemetery Group, Committee feedback on the questionnaire and their request to view the questionnaire before it goes to print.

The Chairman thanked Mr Gomm for his presentation and informed him that the Committee's contribution for the Baldock Cemetery Group would be determined later on the Agenda at Item 7.


(1) That Mr Gomm of the Baldock Society be thanked for his presentation;

(2) That the Members give their views on the proposed initial survey, to be distributed to all residents in Baldock regarding their views on a new cemetery for Baldock and the Committee wished to see a proof before the survey went to print;

(3) That the Committee wished the Baldock Cemetery Group every success with the survey and the establishment of a new cemetery for Baldock;

(4) That a decision on a grant award be made at Agenda Item 7 - Champion News and Finance Report.
Appendix A

The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) presented the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control in order to update Members of the Baldock and District Committee on the details of the current Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings. The spend of Section 106 monies is subject to three stringent tests under the legislation which must be satisfied. The release of funds will not take place until these are confirmed and an order or invoice is produced for the project concerned.

As a result of Section 106 monies, funds are available towards the water feature/pool and the youth shelter in Avenue Park. These are within the Council's capital projects programme. Service managers and Members were asked to come forward with suggestions for using these funds.

The DCM proposed the use of some S106 monies for Baldock Town Hall and also to contribute towards the disabled access for St Mary's Church. She confirmed that in some cases, highlighted in the Appendix to the report, that given the present economic situation, contributions were being collected on a monthly basis rather than by a lump sum.

The Chairman enquired whether the monies could be paid on completion of the first or second houses on a development, rather than on a monthly basis for those unable to pay in full at the commencement of the development. The DCM commented that the required commitment to monthly payments had been successful in most cases and provided the best opportunity for monitoring developments in respect of submission of contributions.

Further Committee debate ensued, covering:
- whether 106 monies have to be spent on capital projects - which they do;
- can recompense for Ashwell be increased as the Parish had more facilities - no, the charges are standard in the SPD and the final payment is index linked.

The DCM drew Members' attention to the introduction of CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) in April 2014 and the effects on Section 106 contributions, in particular the restriction to pool only five contributions from the monies received since 2010. Members are to be further updated on this when clarification is received.

The Committee noted that there is a lack of investment in Baldock East Ward. It was discussed whether or not to attribute Section 106 monies from the development behind California to Baldock East and whether there were any projects which satisfied the stringent tests for assigning monies. For example, Baldock East would benefit from a play area and this could be the sort of project to be considered as benefiting the whole area. Suggested projects are ranked according to the Council's priorities and those submitted by the parishes, so some proposals could be superseded.

The pavilion in Avenue Park needs a lift for the disabled and this could be provided from Herts County Council funds (NHDC has no control over how Herts County Council use their funds). The DCM will enquire as to where they are spending their money.

The Chairman thanked the Development and Conservation Manager for her comprehensive presentation of this report and looked forward to a further update in 12 months' time.


(1) That the contents of the report on Section 106 Monies and Unilateral Undertakings with regard to Baldock be noted;

(2) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to ensure that all allocated monies from Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings are used as soon as possible;

(3) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to investigate from Herts County Council where the S106 monies are being spent;

(4) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to present another updating report to this Committee for a meeting to take place in July 2013;

(5) That the Chairman and the Baldock and District Committee thank the Development and Conservation Manager for the comprehensive presentation of her report.


(1) To ensure that there is a robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106 monies and Unilateral Undertakings;

(2) To ensure that this is kept under constant review and that the risk associated with this activity is managed in an appropriate manner.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and explained that there were few updates to his report as follows:

Monthly Car Boot Sales
After a poor turnout at the first car boot sale in May, and the June one having been rained off, it was hoped that the July car boot sale in Baldock High Street on the last Sunday in July would be successful.

Baldock Bike Challenge
This event on 24 June generated £1,200 for the Baldock Town Partnership. Co-organisers Trisports informed the CDO that this was the best organised event that they had attended and was easier to start and finish in Baldock Town Centre.

The Chairman thanked the CDO for all his hard work in organising this event and for being instrumental in its success.

Baldock Day
The annual Baldock Day had been postponed from 14 July 2012 due to inclement weather.

The new date for Baldock Day was 11 August 2012.

Baldock Beast Big Brother Challenge
This event will start and finish from an industrial unit just outside Newnham, which has plenty of parking and all the land needed for portaloos etc. All funds raised from registrations etc will be split 50:50 between and the BTADP.

Balstock Community Fun Day
This event will take place on the weekend 7 to 9 September 2012 and while being a popular event in the town, has proved crucial for local public houses. The events in Baldock High Street are like a family Fun Day and the money raised will this year go towards the Baldock Town Hall Group. Over £2,000 was raised last year for Help the Heroes and it is hoped that this amount will be exceeded in September. The organisers have submitted a grant application to the Baldock and District Committee for help with publicity costs.


The Committee was asked to note the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development budgets and the Visioning budgets;

The detailed spend to date of the Baldock and District Committee was submitted on the spreadsheet at Appendix 1;

Fast Track Grants
The six Fast Track Grants detailed in the report at para. 4 were ratified by the Baldock and District Committee as follows:

- An award in the sum of £25 from the Baldock East Ward Member's 2012/2013 Base Budget to the organisers, to assist with payment for sundries for the Salisbury Road Jubilee Street Party;
- An award in the sum of £25 from the Baldock Town Ward Members' 2012/2013 Base Budget to the organisers, to assist with payment for sundries for The Rowans Jubilee Street Party;
- An award in the sum of £25 from the Baldock Town Ward Members' 2012/2013 Base Budget to the organisers, to assist with payment for sundries for the Pinnocks Lane Jubilee Street Party;
- An award in the sum of £25 from the Baldock Town Ward Members' 2012/2013 Base Budget to the organisers, to assist with payment for sundries for the Providence Way Jubilee Street Party;
- An award in the sum of £500 from the Baldock Town, Baldock East, Arbury and Weston and Sandon Members' budgets in the usual split to the Baldock Town Partnership, to assist with publicity and printing costs for the Baldock Cycle Challenge event;
- An award in the sum of £500 from the Baldock Town, Baldock East, Arbury and Weston and Sandon Members' budgets in the usual split to the Baldock Town Partnership, to assist with publicity and printing costs for the Baldock Cycle Challenge event;
- An award in the sum of £390 from the Baldock Town Preallocated Town Projects fund to Baldock District Guides to assist with the purchase of a new water heater and for electrical work to be carried out at the Guide Headquarters at Meetinghouse Lane.

Balstock Community Fun Day
The Balstock Music Festival Committee had requested the sum of £1,000 to assist with costs including insurance, equipment hire, publicity materials and security. After discussion, the Committee agreed to award the sum of £750, split between Baldock Town and Baldock East Wards in the usual ratio'

Baldock Cemetery Group Project
At the last meeting of the Baldock and District Committee on 28 May 2012 the Baldock Society had requested the sum of £1,000 to help fund the costs associated with the production and distribution of an initial survey regarding a new Baldock Cemetery Following a presentation under Public Participation, Members discussed this grant application and the other ways in which they could offer help, and agreed to award the Baldock Society the sum of £250. In the absence of the relevant paperwork, this grant application would be awarded once the relevant documents had been submitted and approved by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Baldock and District Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

(2) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award of £25 to the organisers of the Salisbury Road Jubilee Street Party;

(3) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award of £25 to the organisers of The Rowans Jubilee Street Party;

(4) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award of £25 to the organisers of the Pinnocks Lane Jubilee Street Party;

(5) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award pf £25 to the organisers of the Providence Way Jubilee Street Party;

(6) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award of £500 to Baldock Town Partnership to assist with publicity and printing costs for the Baldock Cycle Challenge;

(7) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track Grant Award of £390 to the Baldock District Guide Association, to assist with the purchase of a new water heater and electrical work to be carried out at the Guide Headquarters in Meetinghouse Lane;

(8) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant £750 to Balstock Music Festival to help with sundry costs including insurance, equipment hire, security and publicity materials, split in the usual way;

(9) That the Committee agreed to award the sum of £250 to the Baldock Society for the costs associated with the production and distribution of an initial survey regarding a new Baldock Cemetery. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will ensure that the paperwork is in order when it has been submitted.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant awards detailed at para 4 of the Community Development Officer's Report;

3) That the Committee awards the sum of £500 to the Saracens Cricket Club to assist with the purchase of equipment and to cover the costs of essential coaching training for its members, split in the normal percentage between Baldock Town and Arbury Ward budgets;

4) That the Committee defers a decision on granting the application for £1,000 requested by the Baldock Society to fund a public consultation exercise, until further details are presented at the next meeting of the Baldock and District Committee in 16 July 2012.

1) To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) This report is intended simply to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.


Councillor Harris addressed the Committee and explained that there had been problems in Yeomanry Drive, starting approximately 14 weeks earlier when voids under the carriageway had been discovered, some of which had collapsed, necessitating road closures and detours and disastrously affecting the business of the local shop. The voids had been filled in May 2012 by Hertfordshire Highways but unfortunately an inferior type of concrete appeared to have been used which compacted down, leading to voids again appearing on top of the concrete and under the carriageway. This meant that the work needs to be done again using a new type of concrete and residents have been told that this will be carried out by the end of July.

Councillor Harris was of the opinion that this action was taking an extremely long time to complete and was adversely affecting the traffic access and exit to Yeomanry drive, and this and the detours required and the closing of parts of Yeomanry Drive, together with the dire effect on the retail establishment in this road were all proving frustrating for the residents, visitors, the owner and would be customers of the shop.

He asked the Committee to send a formal letter of complaint to the appropriate person in Herts Highways to find out why the wrong type of concrete was used in the first place and to see if the slow process of repairing Yeomanry Drive to bring it back into full use could be speeded up.

The Chairman advised that he had already informed officers in Herts Highways that this project was taking far too long and could be done much faster. He would put this in writing and send it to the appropriate officers.

The Members discussed this issue and raised such points as: another 2 weeks were proposed on top of the 14 weeks it had already taken, before the correct concrete was to be used to finally fill in the voids; the residents of Yeomanry Drive and the shopkeeper had been very reasonable and patient so far, but the response by the Herts County Council Portfolio Holder was not satisfactory and something must be done immediately to rectify the situation.

Members also remarked that: using the wrong type of concrete in the first place has already caused an unacceptable cost in both money and time and this inefficiency on the part of Herts Highways should be highlighted; this has happened before, as people have asked for testing to discover the extent of the voids; between 8 and 10 years ago the road collapsed due to chalk voids when the sewers were laid and the concrete filling was not rammed down sufficiently; further tests were currently being done and Herts County Council would be investigating seeking compensation from the contractors who laid the original sewers; the road was completely closed a short while ago, allowing no vehicle movement at all, due to an accident; residents must be reassured that the voids are not present under their homes and Herts County Council must take the step of constantly updating them; Herts County Council had been invited to send an officer to a meeting of the Residents' Association but were unable to identify an officer to attend; perhaps the shopkeeper should be advised to seek a claim against Herts County Council.

It was agreed that Herts County Council must be requested to issue a strong communication to residents to reassure them that steps are being taken to alleviate the problem.

The Chairman confirmed that he intended to follow up this matter with HCC officers in his role as a Herts County Councillor and he advised Councillor Harris to contact Cllr Stuart Pile, the Executive Member for Transport at Herts County Council and ensure that he is informed of the problem.
Published on Wednesday, 22nd August, 2012
8.58 p.m.