Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 10th September, 2013 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 16th July, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice- Chairman),
Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Brendan Sullivan - Scrutiny Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement 16 members of the public, including three speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors Judi Billing and Lisa Courts.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201309101930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 June 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman save for the inclusion of an amendment to Minute 8 - Chairman's Announcements.

Minute 8 -
(5) In response to a request for the Hitchin Committee to review the Churchgate Report on 16 July prior to presentation to Council on 18 July the Chairman agreed to place this report as an agenda item for consideration at the pre - agenda meeting for the Hitchin Committee to be held on 18 June.

Minute 14 - Items (2), (3), (4) and (5)
The Chairman was pleased to advise the Committee that he had presented the suggestions of the Committee to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and that he was awaiting a response to the suggestion at (5) made subject to the availability of funds that there should be a Community Facility in Bancroft Parks and Gardens.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that all present would stand for a minutes silence in memory of Councillor David Billing and his valuable contributions to the Hitchin Committee and to the Hitchin Community.
(2)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(3)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Ms Susie Taylor and Mr Martin Hill thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that they were representing Herts Young Carers who met every two weeks during the school term at the Nightingale Centre to give emotional and practical support to Young Carers in the 8 to 18 age group. The main objective was to provide Young Carers with respite and peer group support in a safe and fun environment. This group had been set up in March 2013 following the demise of Carers in Hertfordshire who had existed for 13 years before funding was withdrawn in March 2013. There had been no support following closure and a small group of volunteers had formed a small charity with advice from North Herts Centre for Voluntary Service plus emergency funding for two months to cover taxi costs from Rotary Hitchin Tilehouse which brought Young Carers to meetings

The speakers advised the Committee that the purpose of the grant application was to contribute to the costs of training volunteers, immediate operational costs and transport costs as Young Carers faced many issues which included isolation, frustration and coping with school work.

Ms Susie Taylor introduced Zoe a Young Carer to the meeting and Zoe explained that she had been a carer since she was ten years old and that the activities of general exercise, sports (badminton, table tennis), cookery, arts and crafts, board games and karaoke were very helpful, stimulating and rewarding. Young carers must have a break even if only for an hour or so.

The Chairman thanked the representatives of the Herts Young Carers and invited questions from the Committee.

Members agreed that this was a very valuable service for young people and Mr Hill considered that young carers were a ‘ hidden army'. Ms Taylor confirmed that there were seven volunteers and that at the moment this service was only in Hitchin but it was hoped to have a county wide support service in a couple of years within a five year plan. Mr Hill advised that funding was sought for an initial 12 months and that Hitchin Youth Trust had given £1000 as a set up grant. In response to a question on the need for taxis Ms Taylor stated that as the period in which carers could be away from home was so short that the use of taxis made the maximum use of time and was also safe and removed travel worries with public transport.


(1)That Susie Taylor, Martin Hill and Zoe of Herts Young Carers be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application by Herts Young Carers be made at Agenda Item 11.

Dr Mike Clarke thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was representing Hitchin Forum.

Dr Clarke advised the Committee that the last time Hitchin Forum had participated in consultation meetings was in November 2010. Hitchin Forum had presented at Cabinet on 24 January 2012 (Minute 83 refers) and wrote to the Leader of the Council about the lack of consultation with the public on the future of Bancroft Park and Gardens. Dr Clarke opined that it was very unfortunate that NHDC decided to demolish Bancroft Hall (deemed to be surplus to requirements) as soon as The North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall was open. Subsequently Dr Clarke advised that he had contacted many of the users of Bancroft Hall and the Park, e.g. The Tennis Club and Bowls Club and it was clear that there was a lot of discomfort with the Council's Master Plan for Bancroft Park and Gardens as approved by Cabinet on September 2013 (Minute 48 refers)

The next problem was the lack of public toilets which was a high priority raised during public consultation and proposed by NHDC in the Master Plan as part of ‘potential catering outlet' Members of the public used Bancroft Hall toilets and tried to use Bowls Club and Tennis Club facilities.

Hitchin Forum and others local groups considered that the proposed lottery application was premature as there were many issues still to be agreed with various park users. Dr Clarke stated that there could be difficulties with the Heritage Lottery Fund and Parks for People Initiative for example in the need for an active Friends Group who would need to be in agreement with the Master Plan and that this requirement was accepted by the Bancroft Project Board. One of the key outcomes for the Parks for People was to increase park users and gather a willing group of volunteers - now formed as the Bancroft Users Group and Supporters - and the Council could lose three important park users: The Bowls club, the Bridge club and casual tennis players.

However, Dr Clarke stated that the above comments whilst relevant were overshadowed by the statements made in the Pre-application Draft to the Heritage Lottery Fund: A stakeholder user group had been established whereas the last meeting of the Bancroft Recreation Ground Consultation Group was in November 2010. The last two meetings had been attended by 11 separate local groups including Hitchin Forum who supported the project. Dr Clarke advised the committee that the local groups were opposed to the Master Plan in its current format and that consultation had not taken place as described in the Pre-application draft. Also, this document talked about priorities but had ignored the priorities raised by consultees, and the biggest priority for users was either the retention and refurbishment of Bancroft Hall or a new Bancroft Hall which was supported by the following statement ‘ the retained 1920s bowls pavilion will be renovated and possibly extended to provide catering facilities and would be promoted as a community space for events and activities that enhanced the character and value of the gardens'.

Dr Clarke concluded his presentation by stating that Hitchin Forum and other user groups wanted to see improvements in Bancroft Park and would support an appropriate grant application. Unfortunately local groups could not agree with the statements made in the Pre - Application Draft Document and the contents of this document would be raised with the Leader of the Council, Chief Executive and possibly the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Chairman thanked Dr Clarke for the presentation and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

A discussion took place on the Pre-Application Draft Document and the points raised by Dr Clarke and a Member considered whether it would be appropriate for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review this draft document. Another Member expressed concern about the lack of consultation with many parents and young children who used the park on a regular basis. During the discussion it was also agreed that this was an important project for Hitchin and that there should be no delay to the refurbishment of the park and gardens. Another Member expressed concern about the statements made by Dr Clarke on the Pre -Application Draft Document and whether a challenge should be made on the document's accuracy. The Strategic Director of Customer Services advised that he would be pleased to look at the pre-application draft document following the comments made by Dr Clarke.


(1)That Dr Mike Clarke of Hitchin Forum be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the points raised in the Powerpoint Presentation on the future of Bancroft Parks and Gardens be noted.
Information Note

The Strategic Director for Customer Services (SD) advised the Committee that he had nothing to add to the information provided other than that a design review had been undertaken on the museum entrance arrangements for the consideration of several alternatives and it had been decided to proceed with the original scheme which had been given planning permission. The SD advised the Committee that work continued to conclude the draft Deed of Variation to the Development Agreement with Hitchin Town Hall Limited.

The SD confirmed that NHDC had appointed Mather and Co. Ltd as the exhibition designer and that this partial award (to allow adequate preparation for the bid to the Heritage Lottery Foundation) will proceed to the submission of the Stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund grant application at mid November 2013 and the Committee should note that this date was the last opportunity to apply for the funding of £925K.

The SD referred the Committee to Table 1 which listed the Tasks in the schedule of works and in particular the Exhibition Design and Procurement and Fit-out with the public opening still set for 16 March 2015.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director of Customer Services for the updating and invited questions and or comments from the Committee.

In response to a question concerning the provision of a stage for performing arts, storage and changing rooms and had there been any changes to the plan, the SD advised that all works were proceeding as per plan. That there would be a sensible provision for a stage, there would be temporary changing rooms in different parts of the building and any changes would depend on budget.

The SD advised that the project timetable was on schedule with some aspects ahead of schedule.

The Chairman congratulated officers on the progress made with this very important project for North Hertfordshire and that the success to date must be continued and developed.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the Hitchin Committee urged the Strategic Director of Customer Services to maintain the programme of works to the schedule and implementation.
Noted  Strategic Director of Customer Services

Appendix A

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) referred the Committee to the Briefing Note from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure tabled at the meeting which stated the essential need for external investment in order to complete the proposed schemes for the next five years. Consequently this would only be possible by the demonstration of genuine community support for each scheme as per the achievement in the last five years where £3.4M of external investment was used for green space improvement. It was therefore very important in the current financial climate to continue with this objective of much external investment for schemes, which must be affordable and meet the existing NHDC adopted policies and strategies. Without such an objective and much local community support it was very unlikely that external funding would be secured or schemes progressed.

Following the above introduction the PCM presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services which sought the views of the Hitchin Committee on the Draft Green Space Management Strategy. The existing Strategy had provided the evidence base for the need for investment and contained action plans to deliver improvements across a wide range of sites in North Hertfordshire. The Strategy had given the Council the opportunity to apply for external grants and in five years from 2009 to 2014 there had been in excess of £3,420.000 external investment. The PCM advised that for every £100 spent NHDC had provided £30. The PCM advised the Committee that Cabinet on 18 June 2013 (Minute 14 refers) had sought the views of the five Area Committees on the draft strategy.

The PCM referred the Committee to Appendix A which was the Draft Green Space Strategy for the next five years and described to the Committee the five main aims of the Strategy. The PCM reminded the Committee of the improvements to date at King George V Recreation Ground, Purwell Recreation Ground, Ransoms Recreation Ground, Old Hale Way and Burford Way Allotments, Oughton Head Common. With improvements to be completed in 2013 - 2014 at Walsworth Common, Ransoms Recreation Ground and the submission of a Stage 1 Lottery bid for Bancroft Gardens. Also, that some £2.31M were earmarked for schemes in Hitchin at: Hitchin Cemetery, Purwell Recreation Ground, Smithsons Recreation Ground, Cadwell Lane Green Space, Butts Close Open Space, Swinbourne Recreation Ground, King George V Recreation Ground, Walsworth Common, Ransoms Recreation Ground, Windmill Hill and Bancroft Park and Gardens for the next five years.

By way of a brief summary the PCM advised the Committee that recent studies had shown that there was good scientific evidence that urban parks contributed to human and social wellbeing. People greatly valued local green spaces, from parks and gardens, ,sports pitches and recreation grounds to woodland and playgrounds which was confirmed by a MORI survey in 2012 where nine out of ten adults identified parks, playgrounds and green spaces as contributing as a good place to work and live. Also, that in the past five years there had been an increase in customer satisfaction relating to green space with a 19 per cent increase in usage which was amplified in Section 5.1 of the Strategy. It was clear that quality green space would continue to play a vital role in sustaining and improving local communities, but it was widely recognised that for the next five years at least Local Authorities would face an ever increasing constraint on finances for providing services to local communities. This Draft Green Space Management Strategy recognised the importance of ‘living within our means' and this would be enhanced by co-operation with external agencies such as Groundwork Hertfordshire and the Countryside Management Service and close ties to the local community in order to secure external funding which would supplement a limited NHDC Capital Investment programme. The proposed investment over the next five years for the total capital investment from NHDC recourses was £3.316M which was a reduction of £1.62M from the previous five years.

The PCM advised that the five year action plan included a reduced investment programme which would focus on health and safety issues at cemeteries and essential investment to meet local community needs at a local level in neighbourhood parks and amenity green space. Also, that it was well recognised that green space can help to mitigate against climate change with the Forestry Commission stating that trees in towns reduced the urban heat island by up to seven per cent.

The PCM completed his presentation by stating that it should be recognised that even if the proposed strategy was adopted and that with a reduced investment whilst appropriate and essential in the short term it would not be sustainable in the long term and the benefit of green space would quickly fall away.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Manager for the information provided on the Draft Green Space Management Strategy and invited questions and or comments from the Committee.

Several Members were in support of this Draft Green Space Management Strategy as there was a strong dependence on grant funding which would bring real benefit to Hitchin. Reference was made to the refurbishment of Bancroft Park and Gardens within the Green Space Strategy and how user groups would be consulted and the PCM confirmed that the appointed consultant would amend the Master Plan following consultation with users in the summer holidays for the Stage 1 application and for the Stage 2 process consultation would be much more with schools and local businesses. A Member stated the views of many that the re-development of Howard Park and Gardens was very popular and in particular the water play area and whether Bancroft could have a similar feature. The Strategic Director of Customer Services advised that some thought was being given to such a water feature but stressed that it could not be of the size at Howard Park. The PCM confirmed that water play had benefit for young children and that the Master Plan was indicative and could be changed or altered.

A Member expressed concern about the need for amenity space for play in Highfield and Pinehill locations and the PCM stated that there was a level of provision of new green space but the main objective of the Strategy was to improve the known green space.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Manager for the description and details of the Draft Green Space Strategy and on behalf of the Committee recognised the hard work needed to produce this Strategy.


(1)That the details of and the proposals in the Draft Green Space Management Strategy be noted;

(2)That the Committee supported the five aims of the Strategy for the next five years (2014 - 2019);

(3)That every effort should be made to proceed with the Heritage Lottery Fund Application to ensure that the refurbishment of Bancroft Park and Gardens was completed without any delay.

For the Committee to support the Draft Green Space Management Strategy and reinforce the need for refurbishment of Bancroft Parks and Gardens without delay.
Agreed  Parks & Countryside Development Manager

Appendix A

The Scrutiny Officer (SO) advised the Committee that the NHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee had set up a Task and Finish Group that would review highway issues in North Hertfordshire. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 11 June 2013 (Minute 16 refers) had requested that the views of the five NHDC Area Committees be sought on highway issues in North Hertfordshire during the July 2013 cycle of meetings.

The Scrutiny Officer referred the Committee to Appendix A which presented the Scope for the Task and Finish Group and described the aims of the review which inter alia would: Identify HCC's responsibility for Highway Issues, understand the way in which NHDC Councillors fed into highways policy and operations, could communications be improved between all parties as this was thought to be a major issue and canvas the views of members in other Local Authorities in Hertfordshire.

The SO advised that it was recognised that a considerable amount of District Councillor's time could be expended on highway matters even though it was a County Council responsibility. The Task and Finish Group would seek the views of Members on service standards, consultation, information streams, the new highways liaison arrangements and highway issues generally. The SO then read out eight questions to which the Committee responded as per the comments listed at (3) a to v and at (4) a to g below.

The Chairman thanked the Scrutiny Officer for the introduction to the aims of the Task and Finish Group and invited any further comments and or questions from the Committee.

Several Members advised the SO that to date there had not been any significant communication stream to Hitchin Councillors from Hertfordshire Highways but it was an easy task to register potholes and one Member stressed the need for immediate attention to the problems with A Boards and street café culture on the footway in Hitchin.

Other Members provided the Scrutiny Officer with details of local schemes that had not progressed as examples of problems dealing with Hertfordshire Highways and the shortage of information. Other comments were made on the effectiveness or otherwise of the new arrangements following the demise of the Hertfordshire Highways Joint Member Panels and the move over to Highways Liaison Meetings.


(1)That the intentions of the Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues in North Hertfordshire be noted;

(2)That the Scope of the Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues in North Hertfordshire as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to take note of the following issues and comments applicable to Highway Matters identified by Members of the Hitchin Committee:
a. There are improvements to the highway but not to the footway;
b. Quality of highways works has not improved;
c. Some highways repairs are never completed;
d. Need correct location described e.g. several St Albans Roads;
e. Need a post code to identify the location;
f. Impossible to identify a specific stretch of highway for repair;
g. Very little time spent on highways work, problems identified when driving around Hitchin;
h. Not all local interested groups are invited by highways officers to site meetings;
i. Need to address the issues of large lorries in residential areas;
j. Many highways issues raised at Hitchin Councillors Surgeries;
k. Slow response to request for marking of white lines;
l. Too soon to comment on effectiveness of Highways Liaison Meetings as only one meeting to date (Note: Next HLM is on 7 October 2013 at NHDC);
m. There should have been much more information at the changeover from the JMP to HLM;
n. Not good communications for the HCC Contractor - Ringway;
o. The problem with A boards and street café licences should be addressed as soon as possible - enforcement is required as a matter of urgency;
p. Notification of local highway works to nearby residents is good;
q. Good access to property for local residents during highway works;
r. Doubtful if much of the repairs to highways is effective;
s. Need action on 20 m.p.h. limits;
t. Need interaction between highways and Local Planning Authority and difficult to understand the rational behind the advice of a Statutory Consultee;
u. The Scope at Appendix A is all about communications and it is this aspect which should be scrutinised;
v. The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transport has expressed reservations about the effectiveness of the Highways Liaison Meetings.

(4)That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to take note of the following issues and comments applicable to Highway Matters identified by County Councillor
a. Doubtful of the effectiveness of Scrutiny Task and Finish Group on highways;
b. Highways are a County Council service not a District Council service;
c. HCC have scrutinised Highways several times before but no positive outcomes;
d. Solutions would be very expensive;
e. Much better to scrutinise specific activities undertaken by Highways;
f. Repairs to potholes depended on location and a triage assessment was made;
g. Highways collect a lot information but do not disseminate it well.

To provide the Scrutiny Officer with comments and observations on highways issues in North Hertfordshire.
Agreed  Scrutiny Officer


The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (TCM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The TCM advised the Committee that there were ten days remaining of the 2013 Hitchin Festival and in cash terms more tickets had been sold than in 2012. The ROTW Fun Day had not been any more problematic than any other busy Saturday and that there would be a ‘buskers' day on 27 July. Forthcoming events were:
1.Networking at Redcoats Hotel on 31 July at 6 p.m.;
2.Business Breakfast at the Bull in Gosmore on 22 August at 7.30 a.m.;
3.Picnic in the Park at The Priory on 1 September from 2 - 5 p.m.;
4.Mobile Kitchen in the town centre on 7 September;
5.Counter skills training for two weeks commencing on 9 September;
6.Hitchin - Deep clean of the town centre streets for ten days in September;

With regard to Hitchin BID activities the TCM advised that Pub Watch was operating very well and thanked Messrs Kingsley and Sells for their support on waste and recycling issues and that Hitchin had been awarded a Gold Standard in recycling especially glass. Over 100 hanging flower baskets had been on show thanks to grants from NHDC and other sources. The TCM stated that the Free after Three car parking scheme was operating quite successfully with additional parking at the Old Post Office site and it was hoped to extend this free parking in two major car parks in November, December and January.

On the retail and commercial front the TCM stated that offers were in for the Conservative Club in Sun Street and there was some movement on retail units in Bancroft and there was a low vacancy rate. The Hitchin BID had been worthwhile with a ballot planned for January 2013 and in response to a question the TCM confirmed that money expended in the BID renewal process was allowable against tax.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the details of the Hitchin BIDS renewal be noted.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Committee that he and several other Hitchin Councillors had recently attended a meeting of the Hitchin Educational Foundation which was a very good charity that fulfilled a great need for in the main secondary school pupils who were grant funded for travel.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 4 June 2013. .

The CDO advised that the project to rebuild the Westmill Community Centre was proceeding, comments had been made on the revised draft plans and there was a proposed consultation soon. A site had been identified for an Edible Community Garden at North Place, Hitchin under the auspices of North Herts Homes. At the recent meetings of the North Herts Minority Ethnic Forum problems for residents in Strathmore Avenue, Storming Road and Water Lane had been identified as commuters were parking in these roads and sight lines for exiting residences was very difficult which could be controlled by single yellow lines.

The CDO reported that the talent competition organised by the Voice of Hitchin Youth had to be cancelled due to lack of support. The CDO advised the new VOHY Committee would make a presentation to this committee at the meeting to be held on 7 January 2014.

The CDO advised that there had been two fast track grant awards i.e. Hertfordshire Cricket Board with a grant of £200 for a table cricket project in Hitchin and the part funding of a dog bin in St. Ippolyts. The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix A for full details of the Hitchin Discretionary Budgets for 2013-2014.

The CDO next referred the Committee to the grant application from Hitchin Young Carers listed in the report as Appendix C which was tabled at the meeting:

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the grant application as detailed at Minute 32 below.

The Chairman thanked the CDO for the update.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 4 June 2013 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

(3)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix B be noted.

(4)That the Community Development Officer be requested to invite Herts Young Carers to the meeting scheduled for 12 November 2013 to report on progress.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,900 be awarded to Herts Young Carers as a contribution towards the costs of the project;

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the work undertaken by Herts Young Carers.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Thursday, 8th August, 2013