Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 11th January, 2011 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 16th November, 2010 Time: 7.30 pm Place: St. Marks Church Hall, Lancaster Avenue, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: Lynn Saville - Head of Community and Cultural Services
Andrew Mills - Service Manager, Grounds
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Clare Body, Lisa Courts and Deepak Sangha.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201101111930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 September 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:
Minute 47 - Hitchin Conservation Area
Paragraph 5 - Last sentence to read as follows:
The Development and Conservation Manager advised the Committee that the Complete Conservation Area Statement and the List of Buildings of Local Interest would give guidance to Planning Control Officers when considering future development and that all officers should pay attention to these documents as well as other agencies such as Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Highways.

Councillor Joan Kirby thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to place on record the thanks of the Hitchin Branch of the Royal British Legion to Hitchin Committee for the financial support provided to repair and re-instate the flag pole at Hitchin Town Hall, Brand Street.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those making a
presentation at Public Participation, to Councillor Tom Brindley, the NHDC Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Economic Development, to Councillor Mrs Lynda Needham, Leader of the Council and thanked those who had attended Town Talk.
(2)The Chairman advised those present that Hitchin Swim Centre would make their
presentation at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on
11 January 2011.
(3)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of
any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to
influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Guy Wiseman and Mr Elias Xenophontos thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Unfortunately the Planning application to install High Ropes at The Dell, Hitchin had not proceeded, there were legal issues which delayed progress. JUMP now had an alternative site in Letchworth Garden City at the Healthy Living centre on Cambridge Road, this was a good site, adequate car parking and a café. Discussions were taking place on a lease, and funding was being sought from the Social Enterprise Fund. A Planning Application would be submitted very soon as funding was dependent on Planning Permission and had to be in place before the end of the current financial year. There had been over 30 agency enquiries about the facilities offered by JUMP.

A recent grant of £10,000 from the National Lottery had been spent on training, resilience training for Year 7 students and for young people with emotional, learning difficulties and physical disabilities. Thanks were also given for the support from the Hitchin Committee in a grant towards the rent of an office in Hermitage Road, Hitchin which had been staffed by 10 volunteers from Hitchin Girls and Boys School and St Helena College.

The Committee were pleased that JUMP had found an alternative location for High Ropes and wished them every success, with a word of caution from a Member that it was essential to ascertain any connection with the ownership of the land and the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation as this could materially affect any planning application.

RESOLVED: That Mr Wiseman and Mr Xenophontos be thanked for the presentation and support for Jump at the Healthy Living Centre, Letchworth Garden City.


Ms Heena Dave thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Ms Dave advised the Committee that with a business partner she wanted to open a new Community Café named as ‘Peabody Pantry' in either Hitchin or Letchworth which would benefit the local community in many ways. Ms Dave confirmed that all profits would be put back into the community via a Community Interest Company that would make a direct and measurable difference to public sector services. The café would be a vibrant modern venue for young people, would open in the evening, would not sell alcohol, would employ local people and use local suppliers. There would be free exhibition space for young artists and a meeting place for community groups and clubs at a minimal cost. A strong business model had been prepared to generate income and sustain ethical values.

Ms Dave advised the Committee that 94 per cent of respondents to an on-line survey had said they would be very likely or likely to visit the Peaberry Pantry and that at the Letchworth Festival 255 voted that they would support and visit the Peaberry Pantry (22 people said they would not). Support had also been given a consultation evening at Knights Templar School for a stylish evening venue for younger people with internet access and Wifi. At the moment it was proving difficult to find a suitable premises and one that would not require a change of use. In response to a question Ms Dave advised that there was a similar operation in Southampton, Peaberry was not part of a chain and the concept was new to Hitchin.

The Chairman thanked Ms Dave for the presentation on this very interesting Community Project and suggested that Ms Dave should make contact with the Hitchin Town Centre Manager about vacant premises in Hitchin and potential funding initiatives.

RESOLVED: That Ms Dave be thanked for the presentation and that the Community Development Officer be requested to liaise with the representatives of the Peaberry Pantry Café on the presentation of a grant application to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee.

Ms Vanessa Bednarz thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that the Resource Centre had been a registered charity since 1995 with the Centre currently based in Stevenage. There had been a significant increase in clients from the Hitchin Area and it was necessary to find a suitable premises to continue the service of Women Working to support Women with three main objectives: advance of education of women, to help women who need advice and information and provide facilities for recreation and leisure in the interests of social welfare and improvement of conditions of life. Two open sessions are held on Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning and appointments were not necessary. On a Wednesday morning a drop in centre was offered for women affected by domestic violence supported by Counselling and Supportive Psychotherapy. There was also an opportunity to discuss any financial or benefit enquiries with a member of the Citizens Advice Bureau. A job club would now be available on a Thursday morning and new Autumn course included: Moving on, Stress and Anxiety, First Aid, Protective Behaviours and Building Confidence.

Ms Bednarz advised that negotiations were underway to lease for three years a small shop in Bucklersbury, Hitchin which had two rooms above that could be used for consultation and would provide more volunteering opportunities for women and there would be retail training at North Herts College. Donations were being sought for a shop counter, a sales till, furniture and bookshelves. The Committee noted that the Herts Womens' Centre Committee had guaranteed the rent for the new Hitchin Office for 12 months from occupation.

The Chairman thanked Ms Bednarz for the information provided on this important community support project and suggested that contact be made with the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and Furniture Link in Letchworth for donations of what was required.

RESOLVED: That the Committee supported this important service to women in North Hertfordshire and wished Herts Women's Centre every success in the Hitchin premises.

The Chairman advised the Committee that there would be no presentation from Mill Media fm at this meeting.
Hitchin Town Hall

The Chairman wished to update the Committee and those Members of the Public present of the decision taken at the meeting of Council held on 11 November 2010.

For those unable to attend the Council meeting the Chairman was very pleased to confirm that Council had unanimously voted (Minute 55 refers) to proceed with the Community led proposals for Hitchin Town Hall.
NHDC Outside Bodies

Councillor Richard Thake thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding Hitchin Rugby Club Management Committee to which he was appointed as a representative from this authority.

Councillor Thake opined that being an NHDC representative to Hitchin Rugby Club was one of the best duties to perform outside of his Councillor obligations. The Management Committee were responsible for the sport activities undertaken at King George V Playing Fields including football and rugby and to ensure the continuity of service between NHDC and the Club. There was a very successful sports academy for over 400 children aged five years and upwards on a Sunday morning, with rugby coaching to the requirements of the English Rugby Football Union.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Thake for his presentation and for his attendance at meetings at the Management Committee as a representative of NHDC.

RESOLVED: That Councillor Thake be thanked for his presentation as the NHDC representative to the Hitchin Rugby Club Management Committee.
Portfolio Holder

Councillor Tom Brindley thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a summary of his duties via a power point presentation as the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Economic Development. The Committee noted the essential components of the three specific strands to this Portfolio. Planning included: Strategic Planning, Planning Projects, Development Control and Building Control. Transport included: On street and off street parking, Urban Transport Plans. Economic Development which included inter alia: Local Enterprise Partnership, Town Centre Managers, Business Improvement Districts and Chambers of Commerce.

Councillor Brindley next described the various Town Centre Projects and Green Issues and Sustainable Development within the Corporate Plan. The Committee noted the CIPFA Value for Money Review of Planning and Building Control followed by the assessment of the three Performance Indicators relative to determination of planning applications, the percentage of appeals where decision was overturned, and the indicator for quality and performance applicable to Building Control. Councillor Brindley next appraised the Committee of ticket sales from Parking in North Hertfordshire and in response to a question as to the variable charges for off street parking confirmed that every individual car park in North Hertfordshire was assessed in its own right and charges were set according to very local parameters. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that overall car parking ticket sales had fallen by 11. 6 per cent but only by 5 per cent in Hitchin and that sales in Letchworth had fallen by 17 per cent.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Brindley for his presentation.

RESOLVED: That Councillor Brindley be thanked for his presentation on his duties as the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Economic Development.

The Chairman presented the Information Note from the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance.

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Churchgate Project Timeline as presented at Paragraph 3.3 and that the third meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum had met on 29 September 2010 at Church House, Hitchin and the draft notes to that meeting were presented at Appendix 1. The Committee noted that the main topics discussed at the pre-discussion session were: Landlord Consent and Licenses of the existing Churchgate Centre, Use of Market Place, location and size of the Market, Wider public consultation, size and scale of the anchor store, The Biggin and proposed multi storey car parking and tariffs.

The Chairman advised that the formal part of the meeting concerned: The Status of the Churchgate Planning Brief, Market dynamics in relation to Hitchin Market and the Public Realm.

The Chairman referred the Committee to Appendix 2 which provided an update on Frequently Asked questions that were posted on the NHDC website with specific reference to Landlord Consent for the refurbishment of Churchgate and the need to separate the Corporate and Planning Functions of the Council in relation to the development of Simon's proposal.

RESOLVED: That the details provided in the Information Note be noted.

The Service Manager Grounds (SM) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services and reminded Members that the District Council had a statutory duty under section 214 of the Local Government Act 1974 to provide facilities for the burial of dead on behalf of the Community it served and that Area Committees were invited to provide local input into centrally determined specifications for all services.

The SM advised the Committee that since the approval of the Greenspace Strategy there had been an assessment of when the District Council managed cemeteries in Baldock, Royston and Hitchin would be at 100 per cent capacity, which was in 10 years and 6 years respectively, although some extra space for approximately 84 plots could be provided at Hitchin if a line of cedar trees were removed. The Committee noted that Wilbury Hills Cemetery in Letchworth had enough capacity for all of the District for more than 100 years. The SM referred the Committee to Appendix 1 which included findings of the survey.

The SM confirmed that officers had found no obvious alternative sites had been found in Baldock or Hitchin but in Royston there was one possible site of poorly maintained land adjacent to the Melbourn Road East that could be used as an extension. The SM advised that even if sites for expansion were found there would be little or no opportunity to use capital and revenue investment in the current economic climate.

The SM next described the three policies as presented at Paragraph 4.5 viz. Land allocation for NHDC Cemeteries, Improve the longevity of the other NHDC open cemeteries and Concessionary Charges. Incorporation of these policies would provide no extra land for open burials, and provide full burials at Wilbury Hills only, provide a differential charging policy to encourage greater use of Wilbury Hills and the introduction of a 50 per cent fee for full burials of under 18 (no charge at the moment). The SM concluded by confirming that the current policy of charging double fees for residents outside North Hertfordshire would remain.

The Chairman thanked the SM for the updating on the capacity of open cemeteries in North Hertfordshire and invited comments from the Committee.

The Committee were in agreement with the proposed policies 1 and 2 but did not approve Policy 3 as it was considered to be inappropriate to make a charge for burials of individuals under 18. Also, that the possibility of removing Lebanese Cedar trees from the Hitchin Cemetery should not take place.


(1)That the information provided on the cemetery capacity in North Hertfordshire and the proposed increased fees be noted;

(2)That the Service Manager Grounds be requested to forward to the next meeting of Cabinet to be held on 7 December 2010 the following comments raised by the Committee:
a. That the proposed Policy 3 which would introduce a 50 per cent charge for under 18 burials did not have the support of the Hitchin Committee;
b. That Policy 1 - Land Allocations for NHDC Cemeteries had the support of the Hitchin Committee;
c. That Policy 2 - Improve the longevity of the existing open cemeteries had the support of the Hitchin Committee.

(3)That every effort should be made to maximise the use and amenity of current open cemeteries in Hitchin.

To ensure that a consistent and highly valued burial service is delivered to the residents in North Hertfordshire.
Appendix 1.1
Appendix 1.2
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

The Head of Community and Cultural Services (HCS) presented this report which detailed the development and progress of a Centres and Halls Strategy for NHDC.

The HCS reminded the Committee that the need for such a strategy was identified in April 2009 that would support the Council's Supplementary Planning Guidance should evidence be required in support of any S 106 payment or other such developer contributions. The HSC also confirmed that there had been a need to define the Council's position in support of Village and other Community Halls in light of the recent £1.2M investment in the Parish Amenity Capital Improvement Scheme (PACIF) which was in its final year.

The HCS confirmed that there had been a comprehensive survey of all centres and halls, physical condition, which was funded through the NHDC Strategic Priority Fund in 2009 - 2010. The Committee noted that results of the survey were available at Appendices 1.1, 1.2 and Appendix 2 which highlighted that a considerable investment was likely to be required if the halls are to continue to serve the local community in the next five years, however the figures given were for full compliance with modern standards. The HCS next referred the Committee to Appendix 3 which gave details of the NHDC operating costs for District Urban Community Centres and the three managed halls for the last three years and the Committee noted that costs far outweighed the income received and that Appendix 5 detailed very low usage. The HCS advised that all centres and halls had been located and shown on the map in relation to local population density at Appendix 4 which indicated that most people resided within 800m to 1200m of a facility and would walk for up to 20 minutes to a facility.

The HCS advised the Committee that many of the original leases on the halls and centres were due soon for renewal and there was considerable investment required to maintain these facilities and provide support to the local population. The Committee noted that NHDC had no obligation to support these facilities but had made matched funding for rural halls through PACIF (see above) and that there was no funding beyond 2010-2011

There ensued considerable debate on the calculation of overhead charges, internal recharging process, capital depreciation, marketing with specific reference to the halls in the Hitchin Wards and the future of funding for Halls and Community Centres and Village Halls in North Hertfordshire as PACIF was in its final year of allocation. The HCS requested that Members should take time to check the list of Halls and Community Centres as listed at Appendix 2 as the list was put together in 2007-2008 and the HCS would welcome additions or amendments from Members.

The issue of internal recharge and the re-allocation of overhead charges was of concern to Members and it was agreed that the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management should prepare a paper for Members outside this meeting to clarify the process of recharging and the calculation of overheads.

The HCS concluded with confirmation that there was no specific resource identified for the refurbishment of NHDC Halls and Community Centres, however Westmill Community Centre and Jackmans Community Centre were under consideration as part of wider Community Regeneration Projects. Hitchin Town Hall had been given the go-ahead for investment and Bancroft Hall would be considered as part of the Bancroft Gardens Project. It was noted that Section 106 monies might be available to secure re-investment in local community facilities.

The Committee agreed that a Centres and Hall Strategy was a step in the right direction but that the allocation of costs and overheads required clarification.


(1)That the need for a Centres and Halls Strategy be noted;

(2)That the Committee gave its support to the development and implementation of a Centres and Halls Strategy;

(3)That the extent of the facilities surveyed in 2007-2008 in Hitchin as detailed at Appendix 2 be noted;

(4)That Members be requested to provide additions, deletions or amendments to the list provided at Appendix 2 to the Head of Community and Cultural Services as soon as possible;

(5)That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to prepare a paper for Members as soon as possible that clarified the calculation of overheads and internal recharges applicable to Community Centres and Halls in Hitchin.

To enable the establishment of a strategic position to provide best value for facilities for the community in North Hertfordshire.

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development and reminded the Committee that the 2010 ROTW took place over the weekend of 24 and 25 July 2010. Attendance figures were recorded as 19,500 on the Saturday and 11,500 on the Sunday.

The CDO advised that unfortunately a number of licensing issues were identified with regard to the 2010 festival and that the organisers had been served a final written warning from Licensing and Enforcement regarding these matters. The issues involved: More multi - agency planning meetings in advance; More Community liaison meetings; Noise improvement plan and proposed solutions. The Committee noted that an event specific Safety Advisory meeting would be convened to allow all the responsible authorities and other statutory bodies to assist with the development of a plan through the contribution of ideas to address areas of concern.

The CDO advised the Committee that there would be 30 minute allocation at the next Hitchin Town Talk on 11 January 2011 to enable representatives of the ROTW 2011 Festival Committee encourage more public engagement at the 20th ROTW Festival.

The Committee were very supportive of the previous ROTW Festivals and how popular they were to the residents of Hitchin and North Hertfordshire. However, now that the Festivals were no longer free and open to the general public as before it was proposed by several Members that as grant levels were likely to reduce in the next financial year it might be appropriate to agree a smaller grant or no grant at all. The Committee discussed the need for a grant and agreed to defer any decision on a grant until the grant budgets for 2011-2012 had been formally agreed by Council.


(1)That the ROTW 2010 Festival Committee be thanked and congratulated on running a successful event in 2010;

(2)That the proposal to use Butts Close, Hitchin as an overflow car park for 2011 be supported subject to the agreement of local organisations that had an interest in this land;

(3)That any decision on a grant for the 2011 ROTW Festival be deferred until the budgets for 2011-2012 had been formally agreed by Council;

(4)That any decision on a grant to the 2011 ROTW Festival Committee should be by supported by a set of audited accounts for the 2010 ROTW Festival;

(5)That the Community Development Officer be requested to advise the ROTW 2011 Festival Committee of alternative funding streams in the likelihood of a reduced grant or no grant at all.

To continue the support of the Hitchin Committee for this very important and very popular annual event in Hitchin.
Hitchin Town Centre Manager

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and applauded the support of the Hitchin Committee in many ways that led to the decision by Council on 11 November 2010 (Minute refers) to proceed with the Community led proposal for the development of Hitchin Town Hall as a Community Asset and home for the North Hertfordshire Museum.

Hitchin Market was producing good results, especially on a Sunday - 132 stalls, and that work would start soon on refurbishment of market stalls in Churchyard Walk and that fund raising was needed to finance the Christmas lights for the 14th year in succession. Regarding vacant premises in Hitchin Town Centre there was movement on the Woolworths premises being divided into two units, all vacant units in Churchgate were under offer, Vyella had opened in the town centre plus A Stitch, workmen had been observed in the empty unit next to Venue. The Committee noted that the vacancy list was steadily improving but the problem was Hermitage Road and the corner unit of Clement Joscelyne remained empty, with office rental being at a very low level.

The Town Centre Manager was very concerned about the condition of the Bancroft Toilet Block which needed immediate attention even to the application of a mural by students at North Herts College. Several Members were very concerned at the run down condition of these toilets and that some form of rubbish, litter clearance and overall clean up should be done as soon as possible. It was also proposed and agreed that a report should be presented to the Committee at the meeting to be held on 11 January 2011 that would clarify what could be done and what would be done to improve the overall appearance and cleanliness of this toilet block.

The Town Centre Manager hoped that all present would be able to make use of the shopping facilities in Hitchin leading up to Christmas and distributed copies of the ‘What's on Christmas Guide'.


(1)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the update on events in Hitchin and the status of vacant retail units in the Town Centre;

(2)That the NHDC Properties Manager be requested to present a report to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 11 January 2011 which would detail a status report on Bancroft Toilets, a clean up programme for the toilet block and the way forward to improve the overall appearance.

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development which inter alia covered her activities since the last meeting held on 14 September 2010.

The CDO advised the Committee that the Hitchin in Bloom Awards Ceremony would take place on 8 December, that there had been a good meeting between the Hitchin Boys pupils and the local Chamber of Commerce and that the TASTE event had been successful. The CDO was still seeking nominations from Councillors for School surgeries. The opening of the refurbished pavilion at Ransoms Rec. on Halloween had gone very well and was available for local groups to use and the CDO clarified that any graffiti on Hertfordshire County Council property would be cleaned off by the County and not NHDC.

The CDO next invited Members to put forward highway schemes and projects that could be considered by the Joint Member Panel at its next meeting to be held on 31 January 2011. One of the major concerns was to reduce the speed limit of 30 mph in residential areas in Hitchin, the 30 mph limit was too fast. Also a request for a trial scheme of ‘no right' turn from the A505 into Willow Lane was made. The Chairman requested that all Members should advise the Committee and Member Services Officer as soon as possible of any additional schemes (see (5) below).

One of the Members for Highbury Ward enquired why there had not been any progress update with the two funding applications approved at the last Committee Meeting held on 14 September 2010 (Minutes 56 and 58 refer) and also why the Hitchin Town Talk notes were not included in the Champion News Report. The CDO agreed to investigate further and report directly to the Member on the proposed Capital Visioning Funding issues and also why Hitchin Town Talk Notes were not regarded as part of standard authority business. After a short discussion it was agreed to include the Town Talk notes in the same paper as the Community Surgery, and that the appropriate officer be requested to report back to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 11 January 2011 with clarification on the proposed Capital Visioning Funding applications.


(1)That the Community Development Officer be thanked for the excellent work in furthering Community Development in Hitchin;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and the Visioning Budgets be noted;

(3)That the updated Annual Grant and Development Discretionary Budget as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(4)That the following highway schemes be forwarded to the NHDC Transport Policy Officer for consideration as potential schemes in 2011-2012.
a.A request for many residential roads to have a reduction in the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph i.e. Verulum Road, Stormont Road, Bearton Road, Periwinkle Lane, Water Lane, Ickleford Road, York Road, Bunyan Road, Dukes Lane, Lancaster Road, Lancaster Avenue, Brampton Park Road, Balmoral Road;
b.That a trial scheme to have a no right turn off the A505 into Willow Lane be progressed as soon as possible;
c.That the resurfacing of Walsworth Road be progressed as soon as possible;
d.That the traffic regulation order for Cemetery Road be progressed as soon as possible.

(5)That all Members of the Hitchin Committee be requested to advise the Committee and Member Services Officer as soon as possible of any additional highway schemes and projects for consideration by the Joint Member Panel.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, acknowledge the status of budgets and in the interests of road safety in Hitchin.
Published on Thursday, 9th December, 2010
9.32 p.m.