Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 11th September, 2012 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 17th July, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: St. Johns Community Centre, St. Johns Road, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith(Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake(Vice-Chairman), Councillor David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard and Councillor Lawrence Oliver.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson, Strategic Director of Customer Services
Mary Caldwell, Development and Conservation Manager
Lorraine O'Gorman, Transport Policy Officer
Richard Kelly, Planning Officer
Andrew Mills, Service Manager - Grounds
Giovanna Silverio, Licensing and Enforcement Manager
Margaret Bracey, Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow, Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Heidi Hutton, Countryside Management Service
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Allison Ashley, Paul Clark and Deborah Segalini.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201209111930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 May 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The matter of a dangerous pedestrian hazard at Watersmeet, Grove Road, was brought up by Cllr Judi Billing. The Chairman agreed to add this to the Agenda as Item 17, but it would be taken after Item 13 on the Agenda.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and thanked those who attended Town Talk;

(2) The Chairman referred the Committee to the supplementary papers and Item A.2 concerning the proposed expansion at Samuel Lucas Primary School in Gaping Lane, Hitchin and advised Members that any comments should be made via the following HCC link:

(3) The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Councillor Leal-Bennett declared a personal interest as he is a Vice-President of Hitchin Rugby Club. Cllrs Millard, Oliver and Thake declared an interest in this item, as they all represent North Herts District Council on the Management Committee of Hitchin Rugby Club. All these Members stayed in the room and took part in the discussion.

Richard Stidolf introduced himself as Vice-Chairman of Hitchin Rugby Club Management Committee and thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Hitchin Committee.

He explained that Hitchin Rugby Club was currently "bursting at the seams", with membership standing at approximately 150 men, 30 ladies and 410 children. He was looking for support from the Hitchin Committee for the phased plan for expansion to the Club building, especially new changing rooms. He gave the background to Hitchin Rugby Club, including the fact that it had won administrative and quality awards. Members were informed that footballers using the pitches also used the changing rooms, as did their ladies and Colts teams. As there were currently communal showers, six changing rooms were urgently required and the first phase of this work would cost £300,000. The Club had raised £210,000 so far and had 7 years left to run on their 25-year lease. They were considering a 99-year lease which would make the Club feel much more stable while raising money for the building work and looking to its' future.

The Service Manager Grounds introduced himself and explained that he was involved in this project in order to protect North Herts District Council's interests, with the intention that King George V playing fields remained in public community use. The Rugby Club's proposals would address their future aspirations, along with those of the other clubs which currently use the pavilion, e.g. the football club, running club, cycling club etc.

Hitchin Committee Members discussed the project and were informed that: there was no conflict of interest as Hitchin Rugby Club are willing to share facilities with all other users of the building; negotiations had not as yet been commenced; as the second phase would cost £1.4 million, negotiations to extend the lease were vital. It was the Committee's opinion that they should support the proposal by Hitchin Rugby Club to negotiate a 99-year lease on the land as its use was to be shared by other community groups. Although these negotiations may take some considerable time, in the Committee's opinion these should be started as soon as possible.

The Chairman thanked Mr Stidolf for his presentation and the Service Manager Grounds for his supportive remarks.


(1) That Richard Stidolf, Vice-Chairman of the Management Committee of Hitchin Rugby Club, be thanked for his presentation;

(2) That the proposed development of Hitchin Rugby Club pavilion be noted;

(3) That the Committee wished Hitchin Rugby Club every success with the improvement works and their efforts to secure a 99-year lease for the land.

Diana Hedley and several young people from the King George V Skateboarders gave a Powerpoint presentation on the need for a skateboard park at King George V playing fields.

They explained that they had investigated different types of construction, materials and estimates for a skateboard ramp and had taken into account the risks of fire etc and the ongoing maintenance required. They decided on one made of wood and steel. They would be working beside Groundwork Hertfordshire on this project and making use of their expertise. The Group currently had 30 members and the expectation was that the wider community would also make use of the equipment.

The Committee discussion raised several points and were assured that: Groundwork Hertfordshire would assist the Group, but were unable to contribute financially to this project; funds were required for training young people and it was suggested that Section 106 monies may be appropriate for this project; no funds had as yet been raised but a consultation event was planned. On stating that they would be grateful for any advice and guidance possible, the Group were assured that North Herts District Council would ensure that they received this from the Community Development Officer and other relevant officers.


(1) That the King George V Skateboarders and Diana Hedley be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the presentation by the King George V Skateboarders be noted and the group are offered advice and guidance from the Community Development Officer and other relevant NHDC officers;

(3) That this project be added to the list of those benefiting in Hitchin from Section 106 monies.

Sheila Bardon thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she was representing K Entertainers.

She gave the background to the group and explained that they had 10-12 singers and a keyboard player and visited care homes, nurseries etc. to offer entertainment. The group also provided food, drink and transport for parties for pensioners, all free of charge, with K Entertainers covering the costs. The total provided for is approximately 400 old people.

As a result, Mrs Bardon stated that she was asking the Hitchin Committee for a contribution towards the cost of the free service they offered the elderly. Members expressed their support for the excellent service offered by K Entertainers and commended them for their community spirit.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Bardon for her presentation and informed her that a decision on the grant application submitted by K Entertainers would be made later on the Meeting Agenda at Item 15.


(1) That the representative of K Entertainers, Sheila Bardon, be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on a grant award be made at Agenda Item 15 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Ruth Willoughby of Hitchin Floral Art Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

She revealed that the Club has been losing members lately, numbers having dropped to 40 from 80 and the Club members have taken stock. They need to encourage new members of all ages and have decided that the best way to do this is to run four workshops. Club funds will pay for hall hire, materials etc. so that prospective participants will have little to pay. The Club do their own fundraising, which helps to keep members' subscriptions to a minimum, however financial assistance from the Hitchin Committee would be very much appreciated.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Willoughby for her presentation and informed her that a decision on the grant application submitted by Hitchin Floral Art Club would be made later on the Meeting Agenda at Item 16.


(1) That the representative of Hitchin Floral Club, Ruth Willoughby, be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on a grant award be made at Agenda Item 16 - Champion News and Finance Report.
Information Note

The Service Manager Grounds emphasised to the Hitchin Committee that this report was for information and for them to note only. He then introduced Heidi Hutton from the Countryside Management Service (CMS), who addressed the Hitchin Committee.

Ms Hutton informed the Committee that the improved access to Oughtonhead Local Nature Reserve had cost £50,000. The proposed fen restoration would take Oughtonhead Common through the next 5 years and the work was to include restoration of the river bank as well as the water table.

Members were informed that maintenance costs in the area depended on what was best for the area, but that CMS would help the Council to obtain grants. The Committee commented that the proposal was welcome due to the beneficial effect on wildlife in the Nature Reserve, and that the volunteers should be congratulated on what had been achieved through their hard work.

The Chairman thanked Andrew Mills and Heidi Hutton for the report which was welcomed by the Hitchin Committee, and sent best wishes from the Committee to the volunteers.


(1) That the Committee welcome the report and thank the Service Manager - Grounds and Heidi Hutton from the Countryside Management Service, for the update on what is planned for the Oughtonhead Common Local Nature Reserve;

(2) That the update on the Oughtonhead Greenspace Action Plan be noted;

(3) That the work of the Countryside Management Service, Friends of Oughtonhead Common and officers at NHDC be applauded;

(4) That the Service Manager Grounds be requested to keep the Committee informed of progress with the ongoing works whenever it was appropriate.

REASON FOR DECISION: To allow the Hitchin Committee to be informed of the progress with the Oughtonhead Green Space Action Plan.
Information Note

Councillor Leal-Bennett declared a personal interest as he was a Director of Hitchin Town Hall Limited.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SDCS) advised the Committee that negotiations were ongoing with Hitchin Town Hall Limited and Futurebuilders England and would for the time being remain confidential. Negotiations had proceeded with Hitchin Town Hall Limited and the Council was awaiting feedback. He reported that the Trust and the Council had met and a number of matters had been delegated. The SDCS then proposed that he should report back to the Hitchin Committee at the earliest available opportunity.

On being questioned, he responded that this project was complex and ambitious. Representations have been made to speed up the process while staying on course, as developments of this nature can take a long time. Regarding decisions on funding, the SDCS responded that this was an internal matter for Futurebuilders and he did not know whether they had enough information to proceed - they will be the arbiter of whether they need more information. Responding to a question regarding the final completion date, he stated that a programme projecting the development path was available but not, at present, a completion date as final agreements were not yet in place. These were matters upon which he was unable to comment, as they were Part 2 and therefore confidential. The SDCS confirmed that users were currently encouraged to book Hitchin Town Hall in the short term and that there was a closure date later this year.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director of Customer Services for his comprehensive Information Note and for attending the Hitchin Committee to respond to Members' queries.

RESOLVED: That the information provided in the oral presentation regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee was fully appraised of progress regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility.
Information note

The Chairman introduced the Information Note regarding the redevelopment of Churchgate and its' surrounding area and commented that there was no North Herts District Council officer present to introduce this report, as there was no material change since 22 June 2012.

The point was raised about when the last credit rating had been undertaken on the developers Simons, and it was commented that it appeared that nothing was settled as yet and the residents of Hitchin wanted to know what was happening.

On being asked why an officer was not present to answer any questions, the Chairman commented that if it was the wish of the Hitchin Committee for an officer to attend the Meeting in the future to respond to Members' questions, this could be arranged. However, as the item on the Agenda was an Information Note and it was stated that there was nothing further to report, it had not been considered necessary for an officer to attend.

RESOLVED: That the information provided in the Churchgate Project Board Bulletin issued to Members on 22 June 2012 be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee continues to be fully appraised of progress regarding the Churchgate and Surrounding Area Development.

Information Note

The Licensing and Enforcement Manager agreed to a request from Hitchin Committee that a report be brought back to update the Members on this issue in 12 months' time.

The Chairman thanked the Licensing and Enforcement Manager for her Information Note and for attending the Hitchin Committee Meeting to clarify any queries that may be raised by Members.


(1) That the progress to date on providing street trading consents in Hitchin be noted;

(2) That the progress in making available to the Hitchin Town Centre Manager on application an annual consent be noted and welcomed;

(3) That the principle of not charging not-for-profit organisations for consents be noted and welcomed;

(4) That a report updating the Committee on the Street Trading Policy be brought back to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months' time;

(5) That the Chairman thank the Licensing and Enforcement Manager on behalf of the Hitchin Committee for the comprehensive Information Note and for attending this Committee Meeting to offer any clarification that may be required.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee was fully appraised of the current situation regarding street permits in Hitchin.
Appendix A

The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) introduced the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control relating to Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings, to which was attached Appendix A, Hitchin's Section 106 Obligations - Finances.

She stressed that the report concentrates on money the Council actually has collected, not what is owed and some of the planning permissions set out in the Appendix may not be implemented. The process is audited on a regular basis. The DCM highlighted those monies which are specifically allocated to projects. The report did not include contributions made to Hertfordshire County Council.

The Committee were reminded that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations would come into force in April 2014 and that these set out the three tests to be satisfied for planning obligations. They were informed that the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) set out the means by which the monies were collected and that some had not been spent or committed to date, as it may prejudice Lottery Funding. The DCM stressed that an order or an invoice was required to release S106 monies and that the appendices were updated on a daily basis.

Committee discussion followed, with Councillors being informed that commitments may change and it was dependent on delivery of projects, unless the monies collected are for a specific purpose, e.g. Bancroft Gardens. Non-specific monies collected under the relevant areas in the SPD could be used for either Bancroft Gardens, the Swim Centre or Hitchin Town Hall. Councillors suggested that perhaps some of the money could be spent on a riverside walk and it was confirmed that the project for the rugby and the skateboard club may qualify for some of this money.

The DCM confirmed that she was happy to take back any specific comments made by the Hitchin Committee but that the Section 106 monies would go towards the Council's priorities and strategies first. A list was agreed by the Committee of four schemes that they deemed as priorities for Section 106 monies, i.e. a riverside walk along the River Hiz, Bancroft Park in general, improved facilities for Hitchin Swim Centre and a contribution towards the new Hitchin skateboard park.

The Committee thanked the Development and Conservation Manager for her detailed annual report and for attending the Hitchin Committee Meeting to ensure that they were kept up-to-date with Section 106 agreements and Unilateral Undertakings relating to Hitchin.


(1) That the status of Section 106 Monies and Unilateral Undertakings with regard to Hitchin be noted;

(2) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to ensure that all allocated monies from Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings are used as soon as possible, with projects covered by the Council's priorities and strategies being given precedence;

(3) That the Hitchin Committee requested that the following schemes be given priority regarding payment of Section 106 monies:
a. a riverside walk from Bancroft Park along the River Hiz;
b. Bancroft Park in general, to benefit children and young people;
c. improved facilities for Hitchin Swim Centre;
d. work on the new Hitchin skateboard park.

(4) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to present another updating report to this Committee at a meeting to take place in July 2013;

(5) That the Hitchin Committee is provided with an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy as soon as possible.


(1) To ensure that there is a robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106 monies/Unilateral Undertakings;

(2) To ensure that this is kept under constant review and that the risk associated with this activity is managed in an appropriate manner.
Appendix A

The Transport Policy Officer presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control to update the Hitchin Committee on the potential for 20 m.p.h. speed limits/zones in certain roads in Hitchin.

After some discussion and due to lack of detailed information on Government legislation, Members agreed to invite the organisation called ‘20 is Plenty for Hitchin' to address the Committee at the next Area Committee Meeting on 11 September 2012. The Group's objective is to have a total 20 m.p.h. speed limit for areas without traffic-calming measures in Hitchin and to inspire the surrounding villages to start their own groups.

A Member suggested that all streets with a current speed limit of 30 m.p.h. should be reduced to 20 m.p.h., as even if the new speed limit was not adhered to, and with or without enforcement, it would still be safer than at a speed limit of 30 m.p.h. and would, as a consequence, improve the road safety on Hitchin roads.

The Committee noted the roads on the list of potential 20 m.p.h. schemes, and agreed with the Member who proposed the addition of Bearton Road to the list. The Transport Policy agreed that Bearton Road be assessed for feasibility and added to the list of possible 20 m.p.h. schemes if this was appropriate.

It was agreed that the Chairman, in his role as a Hertfordshire County Councillor, should forward the views of the Hitchin Committee to Herts Highways regarding match funding for all or any specific roads to have their speed limit reduced to 20 m.p.h.


(1) That the Chairman of the Hitchin Area Committee in his role as a County Councillor be requested to forward the following 20 m.p.h. schemes for consideration by the next Highways Liaison Meeting:

Scheme A: Lancaster Road, Lancaster Avenue, York Road, Bunyan Road (excluding Fishponds Road to Nightingale Road) and Dukes Lane.
Scheme Cost: £13,500

Scheme B: Florence Street, Alexandra Road and Kings Road.
Scheme Cost: £10,000

Scheme C: Brampton Park Road and Balmoral Road.
Scheme Cost: £9,000

Scheme D: Dacre Road and Radcliffe Road.
Scheme Cost: £9,000

Scheme E: Whitehurst Avenue and Wilton Road.
Scheme Cost: £9,500

Scheme F: As per A above, but with the addition of the north end of Ickleford Road.
Scheme Cost: £15,700

(2) That Bearton Road be assessed for feasibility for a 20 m.p.h. speed limit and if appropriate, be added to the above list;

(3) That it be noted that only at Highways Liaison Meetings will decisions be taken to implement highways schemes and confirm or otherwise the amount of matched funding to be drawn down from County Councillor Locality Budgets and, if appropriate, NHDC Area Committees;

(4) That the decision to consider a town-wide 20 m.p.h. restriction on Hitchin roads be deferred to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee on 11 September 2012, pending discovery of the Government proposals and attendance at the meeting of ‘20 is Plenty for Hitchin'.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that any highway schemes within Hitchin are reviewed prior to consideration at Highways Liaison Meetings.
Appendix A

The Senior Planning Officer presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control on the Hitchin Post Office Development Brief, which included a draft Development Brief of the Hitchin Delivery Office site as Appendix A.

He informed the Hitchin Committee that at this stage he would be taking the Draft Development Brief to the meeting of Cabinet on 31 July for approval, and would then bring it back to the Hitchin Committee at their meeting on 13 November 2012 to report the findings of the public consultation.

Committee discussion was positive and it was noted that development of this site would affect the look of both Portmill Lane and Hermitage Road. One Member remarked that care should be taken regarding the height of buildings adjacent to the listed buildings in Portmill Lane and the Vice-Chairman concluded by commenting that hopefully this development would revitalise the centre of Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Committee notes the draft Hitchin Post Office Development Brief, which will be presented to Cabinet on 31 July 2012 to seek authorisation for public consultation.

REASON FOR DECISION: To raise awareness of the forthcoming consultation on the Development Brief within the town of Hitchin, should Cabinet authorise the consultation.

Keith Hoskins, Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and informed Members of the following:

- Sale of Hitchin Festival tickets have taken £16,500 so far;
- The BID company has recently undertaken a Business Survey, a Shoppers Survey and, more recently, a register of occupiers, all of which have been made available to officers;
- A new Town Ranger (Curtis Hossack) has been appointed, as Natalie Sullivan is now Town Centre Co-Coordinator for Hatfield;
- There is to be a BID meeting on 3 August 2012 regarding car parking charges The possibility of car park discounts at off peak times will be pursued, as this was a key requirement for businesses during the BID consultation process;
- The Community Enterprise and Training Shop is hosting an artists co-operative this week and the committee is pursuing the possibility of funding to enable the unit to develop as a dedicated community hub;
- Hitchin Market had a record number of 173 stalls on Sunday 15 July with quite a few potential traders unable to be accommodated;
- Street trading - North Herts District Council states in their Policy that not-for-profit organisations pay no charge. Hitchin Initiative has applied on that basis to be the consent holder for the whole town centre, including Bancroft Gardens, for ease of management and administration. Unfortunately however, this does not include street cafes or A boards which are the responsibility of the Highways Authority;
- Following a very successful fundraiser in June - Ascot Day, which raised approximately £11,000, there are events this weekend as part of Hitchin Festival: Hitchin Light Orchestra on Friday 20 at Hitchin Town Hall, Goldfield Ensemble at St Mary's Church on Saturday 21 and Savoy Truffle at Hermitage Road Bar and Grill on Monday 23;
- There will be a Business Breakfast held on Thursday 26 July at The Radcliffe Arms, Walsworth Road at 7.30am.

The Chairman thanked the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and encouraged him to "keep up the good work!".

RESOLVED: That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the information on events in Hitchin.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Hitchin Committee was kept fully appraised of the events due to be held in Hitchin.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

The Community Development Manager presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and confirmed that she had nothing to add to the written report. She then gave a brief summary of the activities in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 31 May 2012.

This consisted of:

British Schools Museum
The volunteers at the British Schools Museum had been awarded a Queen's Award for Voluntary Service by the Queen.

Westmill Fun Club
The Fun Club provided the young people with lunch during the recent half term thanks to the Hub Church organisation. A number of activities are planned over the summer holidays, including a visit to Hitchin Swimming Centre.

Smartys Day Nursery
The Nursery has now been registered as a Limited Company and will shortly be able to manage themselves. The new Trustees have appointed a new Manager and on completion of the legal work a celebration is planned.

Oughton Children's Centre
Due to the Centre having to accommodate a larger number of children, the Toy Library has had to move its location and it is not as accessible as before for families on Westmill. Longer term plans are being investigated for its future.

Community Centres
Representatives from the Management Committee of North Herts District Community Centres will meet on 11 July 2012 at St John's Community Centre, St John's Road, Hitchin for their twice-yearly meeting. They find discussions with their peers very useful and share good practice and up-to-date information and regulations.

Hitchin Senior Citizens Welfare Committee
The Committee's Annual General Meeting took place on 29 June 2012 when a new Constitution was adopted. This updated their Objectives, supporting organisations providing future activities for the elderly people of Hitchin and surrounding villages.

Westmill Play Project
Funding for this has been obtained from Herts County Cllr Nigel Brooks' Locality Budget, securing the project until Christmas 2012. Steps will be taken to find the £3,100 required for the Spring term and to secure funding for the future.

King George V Skate Park
A new date will be arranged and circulated for the consultation planned for 3 June which had to be cancelled due to bad weather.

Triangle Community Gardens
This won the Great and Green Award at the Comet Community Awards evening. The High Sheriff, a garden designer, visited and was enthusiastic about the work of the Community Garden.

Member School Surgeries
Members of the Committee had visited three senior schools and several issues were discussed, including problems with the timing of the Herts County Council-run buses. The young people were told to channel their complaints through their schools to the County Councillors and the Transport Unit at County Hall. The questionnaires from Hitchin Boys School were to be collated and the issues addressed.

Hitchin Area Work Programme
This was attached as Appendix B for the Members' consideration.

Highways Work Programme
This was attached as Appendix C.

Events 2012
The events to take place at para 3.13 started on 29 June and went on to 26 August 2012.


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 31 May 2012 be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.
Agreed  CDO 

The Community Development Officer raised the subject of the grant application submitted by K Entertainers, who had addressed the Hitchin Committee under Public Participation earlier in the meeting. The Committee considered the grant application and all deemed the service to the community provided by K Entertainers to be excellent. They unanimously agreed to grant K Entertainers the sum of £500 for the provision of entertainment and parties for the elderly in care homes and centres in the last week of November 2012.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500 be awarded to K Entertainers for the provision of entertainment and parties to the elderly in care homes and centres.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.
Agreed  CDO 

The Hitchin Committee were reminded that Hitchin Floral Art Club had addressed them earlier in the meeting under Public Participation and had requested a financial contribution to help them run four workshops with the objective of reconnecting with the community and recruiting new members from all age groups. As this was their anniversary year it seemed the ideal opportunity to increase membership and the Committee considered their grant application and agreed to award them the sum of £400 as requested.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £400 be awarded to Hitchin Floral Club to enable them to hold workshops to encourage more members in their anniversary year.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.
Agreed  CDO 

Councillor Judi Billing asked the Hitchin Committee for their support to either eliminate or control a dangerous pedestrian hazard at Watersmeet, Grove Road, Hitchin.

She explained that at the front of the Watersmeet development there was a dangerous drop which was a potential pedestrian hazard and she considered that an accident could be imminent. She had been consulting with Jephsons, the developers and the North Herts District Council's Environmental Health officers, to try and reach a solution before somebody was injured and she wanted to bring this dangerous situation to the attention of the Hitchin Committee and seek their support.

The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Environmental Health assured Cllr Billing that he would personally ensure that a solution to this problem was progressed and he would keep her updated.

Published on Wednesday, 22nd August, 2012
9.58 p.m.