Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 12th July, 2011 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 7th June, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Morrison Hall, Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman),Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Louise Symes - Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects
Simon Young - Transport Policy Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Paul Clark.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201107121930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 March 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201107121930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting on 19 May 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would three Public Presentations at Agenda Item 5: The Voice of Hitchin Youth, Hitchin in Bloom and Keep Hitchin Special and one additional petition (ROTW Festival 2011 - Sound Levels).

The Chairman also agreed with support from the Committee that Councillor Lawrence Oliver would make a presentation at Agenda Item 9 concerning the delays to the Hitchin Town Hall and North Hertfordshire Museum Project.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those making a
presentation at Public Participation, and thanked those who had attended Town Talk and in particular congratulated Councillor Joan Kirby on her appointment as Vice - Chairman of the Council for 2011 - 2012 on 19 May 2011.
(2)The Chairman offered her congratulations to the re-elected Councillors.
(3)The Chairman advised the Committee that following the successful re-fencing ofthe childrens' play area at King George V Recreation Ground there had been an
arson attack causing a lot of damage.
(4)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of
any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr John Moss - Blundell as the Lead Petitioner and representative of residents in Standhill Road and adjacent residential roads thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and to present a petition entitled ‘ To oppose the appeal by the Rhythms of the World organisation to vary the condition of its licence by increasing the noise level limit at nearby residences above last year's 65dB to 73/75dB (The National Guideline Limit) at the event to be held in the Hitchin Priory grounds this summer (2011) and thereafter' with 102 signatures.

The Chairman thanked the lead petitioner for the presentation and acknowledged the receipt of the petition. The Chairman advised the lead petitioner and the Committee that the petition would be presented to the Licensing and Appeals Sub - Committee on 20 June 2010 via the Licensing and Enforcement Manager.


(1)That the receipt of the petition be recorded;
(2)That this petition should be passed to The Licensing and Enforcement Manager as supporting evidence for the Variation to Licence Application to be determined on Monday 20 June 2011.
Noted  Licensing & Enforcement Manager


Mr Adrian Knight as the Lead Petitioner and representative of Friends of Rhythms of the World thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and to present a copy of an e -petition entitled ‘ We the undersigned, implore North Hertfordshire District Council to allow Rhythms of the World to function properly as a community music festival with a sound pressure limit of 75dB (Laeq15)' which contained more than 800 signatures.

The Chairman thanked the lead petitioner for the presentation and acknowledged the receipt of the petition. The Chairman advised the lead petitioner and the Committee that the petition would be presented to the Licensing and Appeals Sub - Committee on 20 June 2011 via the Licensing and Enforcement Manager.


(1)That the receipt of the e - petition be recorded;
(2)That this petition should be passed to The Licensing and Enforcement Manager as supporting evidence for the Variation to Licence Application to be determined on Monday 20 June 2011.
Noted  Licensing & Enforcement Manager


The Chairman advised the Committee that the representatives of North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum were unable to attend the meeting and it had been arranged to attend the next meeting. The Chairman also advised that there was one additional Public Participation item to that originally published viz. Keep Hitchin Special. The order of speakers would be as follows:
1. The Voice of Hitchin Youth;
2. Hitchin in Bloom
3. Keep Hitchin Special

The four representatives of the Voice of Hitchin Youth (VHY) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The VHY meet fortnightly with on average 10 attendees, and that VHY would be holding a Talent Competition at Hitchin Town Hall on Saturday 25 June 2011, with the winner receiving a spot at the forthcoming ROTW Festival this summer. VHY is supporting Alcohol Awareness month in June and an Alcohol Awareness Stall will be at the talent Competition. an awareness event held in Hitchin Market Square on 25 June, and a spot at the forthcoming ROTW Festival this summer. One problem that required attention was an improvement to lighting of the footpath from King George V Playing field to the Priory School for the winter period with a request that the installed lighting was not too obtrusive. A request was also made for more litter bins in the vicinity of Hitchin Girls School.

The Committee noted the problems and issues faced by school children at several large stores in Hitchin which was unfair and demonised the vast majority of the Hitchin School children and it was very unfortunate that the action of a few affected all school children.

The Chairman thanked the four youngsters for the presentation and enquired as to how more members were or could be recruited. In reply VHY advised that every effort was made to recruit new members and that word of mouth was usually the most productive. It was proposed and agreed to invite VHY to attend the meeting of Hitchin Committee on 13 September 2011 with an update on activities during the summer period.


(1)That the representatives of the Voice of Hitchin Youth be thanked for the presentation;
(2)That the Voice of Hitchin Youth be encouraged to involve as many young people as possible in this important venture that would encourage young people in Hitchin participate in the Community;
(3)That the Voice of Hitchin Youth be invited to make a further presentation to the Hitchin Committee at the meeting to be held on 13 September 2011.

Mr Steve Howells from Hitchin in Bloom thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Hitchin in Bloom was not just about flower beds but equally important was the work done in schools, with Community Groups and promotion at sports competitions. There were six categories in the annual competition which required a lot of public involvement and there was a possibility that Stevenage, Hitchin and Letchworth could be entered into Anglia in Bloom for 2011. The Committee noted that the closing date for entries for Hitchin in Bloom was 13 June with a possible extension for a few days but that the actual judging was programmed for the period 15 June to 15 July and that awards would be presented in last week of October and hosted by North Hertfordshire Arts College.

The Committee applauded the efforts made by all concerned towards Hitchin in Bloom and County Councillor R.A.C. Thake advised that he was happy to provide the sum of £250.00 from his 2011-2012 Locality Budget as a contribution towards the running costs of the Hitchin in Bloom 2011 Competition.


(1)That Mr Steve Howells be thanked for the update and presentation on Hitchin in Bloom for 2011;
(2)That every success be offered by the Hitchin Committee to Hitchin in Bloom for 2011
(3)That the possible entry into ‘Anglia in Bloom' be noted and welcomed;
(4)That County Councillor R.A.C. Thake be thanked for the donation of £250 from his HCC locality budget.

The Chairman advised the Committee that this item had been withdrawn and would be included in the agenda for the meeting to be held on 12 July 2011.

Mr Robin Dartington thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking on behalf of Keep Hitchin Special.

Mr Dartington presented a paper to all Members of the Committee which was a response to much of the content of the Information Note on the Churchgate Re-Development (Agenda Item 8) and stated that there were significant misrepresentations of fact in the Note. This issue was also replicated in the FAQs placed on the NHDC Web Site. Keep Hitchin Special also requested that the Churchgate Planning Brief should remain the NHDC Statement of Policy and that Option A in this Planning Brief should be confirmed as the Council's preferred option. There was considerable anxiety expressed by Mr Dartington about the approval by the Churchgate Project Board of any scheme proposed by Simons Developments prior to presentation to the NHDC Planning Control Committee and that Council should be the decision making body for any scheme.

Keep Hitchin Special considered that the Churchgate Development would be the largest single change to Hitchin Town Centre and many residents were concerned at the apparent departure from the previously agreed Churchgate Planning Brief and the various options contained therein. Mr Dartington referred the Committee to his paper and the alleged misrepresentation of fact in the Information Note and the lack of progress by Simons Developments in presenting a scheme for public consultation.

The Chairman thanked Keep Hitchin Special for the report and the concerns presented by Mr Dartington and advised that it was not possible to give any answers at the meeting at such short notice on this important issue. It was proposed and agreed that officers should be given time to consider a response and present a formal report (not the regular Information Note) back to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 12 July 2011.


(1)That Mr Robin Dartington be thanked for the presentation;
(2)That the comments made by Keep Hitchin Special concerning the proposals for the re-development of Churchgate be noted;
(3)That the comments made by Keep Hitchin Special on the alleged misrepresentations of fact in the Information Note (Agenda Item 8) be noted;
(4)That the request by Keep Hitchin Special to confirm that the Churchgate Planning Brief remained the NHDC Statement of Policy with Option A being the Council's preferred Option be noted;
(5)That the Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects be requested to
(6)That the Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects be requested to present a report to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 12 July 2011 with a full response to the issues raised in the Keep Hitchin Special presentation paper.
Noted  Planning Projects Manager


Mr Reg Harman thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he had been a consultant in transport and urban planning to the Hitchin Triangle Residents Association.

Mr Harman provided a revue of the work undertaken to produce the design statement, the context, content and the transport study. This document had been discussed with Hitchin Councillors in 2010 but unfortunately despite all the hard work this document had yet to be included in any planning document at NHDC. Mr Harman advised the Committee that the forthcoming Localism Bill would propose more public involvement in planning and that there were very few examples of such an urban planning document in the UK.

The Chairman thanked Mr Harman for the presentation offered the congratulations of the Committee to all concerned. It was agreed that this very important document should be incorporated by NHDC as soon as possible and that the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager should be requested to undertake a critical and close review of the Triangle Design Statement for inclusion within the NHDC Planning Policy Document.


(1)That Mr Reg Harman be thanked for the presentation;
(2)That the Committee acknowledged the contributions made by the residents of the Triangle Area and congratulated them on the production of the Triangle Design Statement;
(3)That the Committee acknowledged the excellence of the Triangle Design Statement as a valuable contribution to urban planning in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire;
(4)That the Committee were very supportive of the Triangle Design Statement being put forward and endorsed the document for inclusion as part of an NHDC Planning Policy Document;
(5)That the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager be requested to undertake a close review of the Triangle Design Statement and take the appropriate action to include the contents of the Design Statement as part of an NHDC Planning Policy document at the earliest opportunity.
Agreed  Corporate Strategic Planning/Enterprise Manager

Appendix 1
Appendix 2

The Projects Manager - Planning Policy and Projects (PM) presented the Information Note of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and referred the Committee to Appendix 1 - Churchgate Liaison Forum 23 March 2011 and Appendix 2 - Frequently Asked Questions at May 2011.

In response to issues raised both at Town Talk and by Keep Hitchin Special the PM advised that it would take time to respond to all the comments raised but was able to confirm that the Frequently Asked questions ‘page' on the NHDC website had been updated recently to try and answer some of the known issues. The PM confirmed that this was a quiet reporting period for Simons Developments and the importance of a presentation of a scheme at a future meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum (CLF) was noted. Comment was made that it would be appropriate to hold back a meeting of the CLF until the presentation of a scheme was confirmed.

The Chairman thanked the PM for the update and it was agreed that the PM should present a full report to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 12 July 2011 specifically to respond to the issues raised and allegations of the miss representation of fact made by Keep Hitchin Special.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;
(2)That the Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects be requested to ensure that the next meeting of the Churchgate Liaison Forum should include a presentation by Simons Developments of a proposed scheme for the Re - Development of Churchgate;
(3)That the Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects be requested to respond to letters to the media on the Churchgate Re - Development by regularly updating the Frequently Asked Questions link on the NHDC web site;
(4)That the Project Manager - Planning Policy and Projects be requested to ensure that all comments and questions concerning the Churchgate Re - Development be included in the report to be presented to the Hitchin Committee at the next meeting to be held on 12 July 2011.
Agreed  Planning Projects Manager

Information Note

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Bernard Lovewell declared a personal interest in his position as Chairman of the Cabinet Sub - Committee (Hitchin Gymnasium and Workman's Hall Trust) and advised the Committee that he would remain for this item but reserved the right to withdraw.

Councillor Lawrence Oliver thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and stated that he was very concerned about the delays of some 160 days to the project relating to the appointment of a supervising architect. This was a fragile project, involved several partners and remedial action was necessary. Councillor Oliver questioned the delays as it was always known that a supervising architect was required and why had it taken so long to decide that placement of a notice in the OJEU.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) acknowledged the concerns raised by Councillor Oliver which were supported by the Committee. The SD confirmed that this was a long term project and time lost could be recovered, the project was still financially viable and technically achievable. The delays to the appointment of the supervising architect were caused by the extensive research and external legal advice necessary to confirm or not whether a notice was required in the OJEU. This procurement had now been authorised and a detailed report would be presented to Cabinet on 26 July 2011 and then to Council on 8 September 2011.

The Chairman expressed the views of the Committee that the delays were very unfortunate and more specifically the concern that the schedule for the imminent closing of Hitchin Town Hall had yet to be advised to user groups and local stakeholders, and just as importantly alternative venues for the user groups had to be identified.

Councillor Oliver next raised the appointment of a main contractor and whether this would be subject to delay as per the supervising architect and a placement for procurement in the OJEU would after all be necessary. The SD advised that there were no known problems and referred the Committee to the Project Plan where the OJEU notice for the Main Contract Works would be placed after the current date in the Project Plan of November 2011 subject to the appointment of the Supervising Architect.

The SD advised the Committee of the next steps:

1. Hitchin Town Hall and Museum users together with other stakeholders would be notified about the anticipated delay in closure of facilities as soon as possible.
2. An OJEU notice would be prepared and issued for a ‘Supervising Architect' and the project plan adjusted to accommodate the additional time.
3. Following receipt of confirmation of conditions from Future Builders, officers would progress to conclude the Development Agreement with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd.
4.Reports to the Council and Trust to consider a final agreement would be prepared to specifically seek authority to transfer part of the Town Hall and Trust property by way of a lease.


(1)That the concerns raised over the delays to this project by Councillor Lawrence Oliver be endorsed by the Hitchin Committee;
(2)That the contents of the Information Note be noted:
(3)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to publish in Members Information Service full details of the proposed closure schedule for Hitchin Town Hall and details of alternative accommodation for current Town Hall users;
(4)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to ensure that there would be no more delays to the project plan beyond the additional six months advised at this meeting for completion by June 2013;
(5)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to ensure that the appointment of the Principal Architect proceeds without delay;
(6)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to ensure that the appointment of the Main Construction Contractor proceeds without delay.
Agreed  Strategic Director of Customer Services

Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) referred the Committee to the Information Note and confirmed that the future of Bancroft Hall formed part of the NHDC Community Halls Strategy which had been presented to Cabinet at the meeting held on 14 June 2011 (Minute 12 (4) refers) and that the Strategy would be presented to all five Area Committees in the July cycle for consultation. The SD advised the Committee that the views and proposals made by Hitchin Bridge Club at the meeting held on 8 March 2011 (Minute 101 refers) would taken into account as part of the consultation process.

The SD advised that the final version of the Community Halls Strategy could have a direct impact on any proposals for Bancroft Gardens and that it would be sensible to wait until a decision was made about Bancroft Hall before finalising proposals for the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens.

In response to a question on grant applications and funding streams the SD confirmed that the Bancroft Project Board preferred to apply to the Heritage and Big Lottery Fund under the Parks for People Scheme.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director for the clarification of the Information Note and the Committee looked forward to the presentation of the Community Halls Strategy at the next meeting.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;
(2)That the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to present a report to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 12 July 2011 concerning the Community Halls Strategy as reviewed by Cabinet on 14 June 2011;
(3)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to include in the report at (2) above to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 12 July 2011 which will give an update on funding streams for the refurbishment of Bancroft Gardens.
Agreed  Head of Policy/Partnerships/Community Development, Strategic Director of Customer Services

Appendix A

The Transport Policy Officer presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise which summarised parking issues in Hitchin raised by Councillors, members of the public and other organisations.

The TPO referred the Committee to Appendix A - Hitchin Area Parking Review - List of Potential Schemes and described the criteria for the 4 Priority issues that were applied to each scheme. The Committee note that there were 5 Priority 1 Schemes, 1 Priority 2 Scheme, 5 Priority 3 Schemes and 2 Priority 4 Schemes and identified the cost estimates for each scheme.

There ensued a considerable debate on each of the five priority 1 schemes and in particular scheme G - Priority 3. During the debate it was clear that Members considered that the implementation of a CPZ in York Road, Bunyan Road, Lancaster Road and Lancaster Avenue was needed as a matter of urgency. It was clear from the debate that parking in residential roads in Hitchin was a very difficult problem to solve where it was often the case where the number of cars were in excess of the number of available spaces. The TPO noted the issues raised by the Committee and advised that the viability of any parking scheme would depend on finance from S106 monies and NHDC funding, and advised that lower priority scheme(s) could be moved up to another priority group, however, due to limitations on resources a higher priority scheme(s) would be displaced into a lower priority.


(1)That the information in the report be noted;
(2)That the Committee were in agreement to seek a re - working of the scheme priorities detailed at Appendix A = List of Potential Schemes due to representations made by Ward Councillors;
(3)That the Transport Policy Officer be requested to take into account the representations made on specific roads e.g. York Road, Bunyan Road, Lancaster Road, Lancaster Avenue and Ickleford Road with the intention of re- prioritising schemes;
(4)That the Transport Policy Officer be requested to present a revised Appendix A to all Members of the Hitchin Committee as soon as possible by e - mail for their consideration and agreement.

In order to progress as a matter of urgency a revised Hitchin Area Parking Review project towards implementation.
Agreed  Transport Policy Officer


The Hitchin Town Centre Manager (TCM) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that Hitchin Bids Ltd had spent £21,000 to date and that as soon as payment was received from the Community Builders Fund repayment of the loan element would commence immediately and that the Bid would be through 50 per cent of its existence. The winning designs for painting the external walls of Bancroft Toilets had been selected but £1500 was needed to start this project.

The TCM was pleased to announce that the Hitchin Festival 2011 programme had been distributed and this year there were 86 events of which 20 were free entries.

The Committee were pleased to receive news of recent developments on property occupations in Hitchin and that the Woolworths site was to be occupied by two retail outlets. One important development was the move made by Kentmore Interiors to the corner of Hermitage Road and Bancroft, although creating a vacant unit showed confidence in the Hitchin retail market and the Committee noted that overall vacancy level was at 6 per cent.

The Chairman thanked the Town Centre Manager for the update and wished every success for the Hitchin Festival.


(1)That the information provided by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be noted;
(2)That the details of the vacant premises occupancy success (less than 6 per cent vacancy) including the occupancy of the former Woolworths site be welcomed;
(3)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager's efforts to improve the outward appearance of Bancroft Toilets through an art competition be applauded;
(4)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager's update on the 2011 Hitchin Festival be noted.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

The Community Development Officer (CDO) gave a comprehensive update on activities since the last meeting and advised that the school surgeries had been very successful. The CDO proposed that a different day should be chosen for the surgery at North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum due to low attendance to date.

The Committee reviewed the budgets as presented at Appendix A and the grant application by Hitchin Historical Society (Minute 26 refers) and the CDO advise that the grant application from the North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum grant application had been withdrawn. The Members for Walsworth advised that the 2011 Walsworth Festival had been very successful and wished to place on record their thanks for the excellent support provided by the CDO especially concerning the application for licences. The Chairman advised that she had visited many street parties on 29 April 2011 and had not received any complaints about applying for licences or any imposed ‘rules'.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to one of the proposed efficiency savings where term time play schemes at Purwell, Westmill and Walsworth would be discontinued after the end of the 2011 school year this July. The Committee were unanimous in their agreement that every effort should be made to continue these play schemes which often attracted between 60 and 80 children each week.

The Chairman advised that the matter of financial support had been discussed with the Community Development Manager and that it was hoped that a report on the Community Play Projects could be brought to the next meeting to be held on 12 July.

There were no discussions on highway issues.


(1)That the Community Development Officer be thanked for the excellent work in furthering Community Development in Hitchin most notably in the procedures for holding street parties in Hitchin and licensing for Walsworth Festival;
(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning budgets be noted;
(3)That there were no additional highway schemes to be put forward to the North Hertfordshire Highways - Joint Member Panel.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, acknowledge the status of budgets.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 be confirmed as an award to the ROTW Festival 2011 from the 2011 - 2012 Discretionary Budget.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £6,500 be confirmed as an award from the carry forward Capital Visioning Budget (2010-2011) into 2011- 2012 to cover the costs of re-fencing the children's play area at King George V Playing Fields.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,900 be confirmed as an award from the carry forward Capital Visioning Budget (2010-2011) into 2011- 2012 as a contribution towards the costs incurred for investigations.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of up to £5,333 be confirmed as an award from the carry forward Capital Visioning Budget (2010 - 2011) into 2011-2012 as a contribution towards costs incurred for consultation and implementation.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of up to £5,333 be confirmed as an award from the carry forward Capital Visioning Budget (2010 - 2011) into 2011-2012 as a contribution towards costs incurred for consultation and implementation.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


This grant application was withdrawn.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500 be awarded from the 2011-2012 Discretionary Budget as a contribution towards publicity costs for the 2011 Hitchin Heritage Days.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Thursday, 30th June, 2011