Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 13th June, 2011 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 21st February, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.E. Weeks(Chairman), Councillor A.D. Young(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton, Councillor M.R.M. Muir
 IN ATTENDANCE: Mary Caldwell (Development and Conservation Manager)
Steve Cobb (Licensing and Enforcement Officer)
Simon Young (Transport Policy Officer)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 1 member of the public and the Leader of North Herts District Council
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201106131930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 January 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business was put forward for discussion at this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee, particularly the Leader of the Council and the member of public. He explained that this would be his last meeting as Chairman of the Baldock and District Committee and he wished his successor all the best. This would also be the last meeting of the Baldock and District Meeting in the Civic Year 2010/2011.

The Chairman then reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.

There was no public participation at this Committee Meeting.
Section 106 Agreement and Unilateral Undertakings

The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) introduced the report of the Head of Development and Building Control, together with the two appendices. She explained that this was the annual report to update the Baldock and District Committee with the details of the current Section 106 agreements and Unilateral Undertakings in their area as at 15 February 2011 and for Members to air any questions they may have. She stated that if any Area Committee Members would like to meet for discussions, she would be happy to arrange this. She was already meeting with Hitchin and Royston Committee Members to discuss any action to be taken and with the Community Development Officers (CDOs) to find out which S106 monies can be used.

The DCM asked for any priorities, steer or highways projects which the Members would like to nominate but did advise of the limited funding available (approximately £5,000 for S106), with less than that in Unilateral Undertakings. Parish Councils had been visited (including Weston and Ashwell) and Parish Councillors consulted. She sought Members¡¦ views on:

1) £3,236.84 for Community Safety Measures in Baldock (providing a facility in Nightingale Park, i.e. a joint-funded project with North Herts Homes for teenagers);
2) £9,500 due for Sustainable Transport on first occupation of the development off Icknield Way, Baldock to be used for a traffic management project in the immediate area.

The Chairman thanked the Development and Conservation Manager for her succinct presentation and asked Members for their views.

Members commented and asked questions, such as: would the money be enough (no, but other contributions could be added to it); the park in Nightingale Way required at least a basketball court and hoops for children¡¦s groups to use and the park lights would be on a timer. North Herts Homes were keen to get involved with joint funding and an enthusiastic residents¡¦ association would manage this. It was mentioned that there had been some worries regarding damage to a lockable barrier and cars had been driven onto the grass and around the barrier.

The DCM stated that a steer was being requested from the Area Committee so that the money could be released at the appropriate time ¡V there were two items still to be progressed in Radwell and Clothall.

Cllr Young declared a personal interest in Radwell, who have a Parish Meeting rather than a Parish Council. The DCM agreed with him that it was vital to work with the Parish Councils using the monies in an appropriate manner and she is happy to do so.

Another Member suggested that as Clothall and Weston have the same facilities it made sense to pool their resources. He stated that £80,000 is owed to Weston and wanted to know when it is likely to be collected. He was informed that Legal Services had been asked to pursue this, as the longer it was left, the harder it would be to collect the monies owed.

A Member enquired whether the monies collected must be spent in the same area and stated that there was money in the central Herts County Council (HCC) ¡§pot¡¨ which could possibly be spent elsewhere. He was informed that there were funds available for libraries (£3,000), childcare at Beechridge (£4,500), Weston Way (£3,000), primary education (£75,000), secondary education (£42,000) and Beechridge Lodge (£3,000). It was agreed that there was justification in asking the question of HCC as to whether there were any specific plans for use of the monies in the Baldock area, but it was not clear what would determine the response. A Member suggested writing to John Harris in Children, Schools and Families (CSF) at HCC and copying in Cllrs Muir and Hunter who could follow up to ensure a speedy reply.

1) That the Baldock and District Committee note the contents of the report;

2) That a report on Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings be presented on an annual basis in the March round of meetings;

3) That the Development and Conservation Manager writes to the Hertfordshire County Council in respect of any specific plans for the use of the Section 106 monies held for Baldock by HCC.

1) To ensure that there is a robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106/Unilateral Undertaking monies;

2) To ensure that this is kept under constant review and that the risk associated with this activity is managed in an appropriate manner.
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H1
Appendix H2

The Senior Licensing and Enforcement Officer (SLEO) presented the report of the Head of Housing and Public Protection and informed the Committee that the consultation had been carried out between 7 June and 30 August 2010. The Letchworth Town Centre Manager had made some suggestions during the original consultation that officers were looking to progress, but had suggested that the Area Committees¡¦ views be obtained on the new proposals contained in this report, which was the reason for his presentation to the Baldock and District Committee.

The SLEO explained that in 2005 a contentious issue had been raised ¡V there were consent streets and prohibited streets but there was no policy in place to deal with them. A policy was therefore created and this was part of the consultation process on that policy. Members were informed that the use of town centres was encouraged for selling, be it through foreign markets, craft sales, farmers¡¦ markets, bric-a-brac and cake and charity sales, but each stall needed a consent. This could be complicated and time-consuming so it had been suggested that:

1) Each Town Centre Manager (TCM) be given an annual permit for the area and the TCM could then decide who was permitted to use it and what was to be done with the income from it. It had been considered splitting the amount earned from the permit ¡V the bare minimum for enforcement costs and the rest to whatever the TCM suggested.

2) Local community and charitable organisations holding sales ¡V were they to be charged for the use of a stall?

The SLEO asked the Committee for its views on this and stated that markets were held in the vicinity of the War Memorial on Baldock High Street, but the High Street had been designated a prohibited street by the Council in 2005. Removal or amendment of this designation would have to be by recommendation to full Council and the Council¡¦s agreement.

The Committee discussed the report and the remarks made by the SLEO, commenting that: had Baldock been breaking the law for 5 years (reply ¡V yes, but no enforcement had been applied as it would be contrary to the Council¡¦s Town Centres strategic priority and not ion the public interest); it would be more appropriate for the Baldock Town Centre Partnership to administrate this, rather than the TCM (BTCP have no powers of enforcement in their own right. NHDC could enforce this, but would need some recompense and could maybe make a nominal charge to the BTCP); could Hitchin Street be put onto the prohibited streets list? The market place by the War Memorial is the venue most used to hold events and this should definitely be on the consent street list, as should the area near Brignalls Balderston Warren and between the George and Dragon and the butcher¡¦s shop at the top of Church Street. It was proposed that the High Street was prohibited with the exception of certain areas and a recommendation could be made to full Council to take certain streets off the prohibited streets list with certain exceptions. The SLEO emphasised that the purpose is not to stop trading in all streets but to encourage local street trading with safeguards against traders not wanted in town centres. The Committee agreed that there was a need to make the policy simpler and easier to work, perhaps by making all streets consent streets.

The SLEO confirmed that the policy needs to be simplified and accurate, with:

„X The High Street removed from being a prohibited area and Hitchin Street, Whitehorse Street and certain small areas placed on the prohibited streets list;
„X Local community and charity groups not to be charged;
„X Baldock Town Centre Partnerships to run the permits ¡V a permit issue could be sublet with a nominal fee to cover the cost of enforcement;
„X Cabinet/Council to change the current policy and to have consent streets with conditions attached.

That the Baldock and District Committee note the report and provide feedback as part of this additional consultation on the specific Town Centre Issues.

¡¥Town Centres¡¦ is one of the North Herts District Council¡¦s strategic objectives and in order that the report fully addressed this objective, it was felt necessary to ask the Area Committees for their views as part of the wider consultation.
Appendix A

The Transport Policy Officer (TPO) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise. He went through the report which resulted from a survey carried out at the end of 2010 and explained that each zone had its own recommendation. He dealt with the issues raised by Members and stated that the plans reflected the recommendations, as well as the views of Herts Highways and the Hertfordshire Constabulary.

The Committee discussed the schemes proposed for parking management in Baldock and commented: that people would have to investigate online to discover the cost of car parking permits they had already stated in the survey that they wanted. It was worrying that the permits might be ultimately rejected due to cost; there was no clear direction in some areas; could parking permits be rescinded after having been rolled out? (Post Meeting note: use of experimental orders for 18 months was discussed but subsequent investigation revealed that this approach is not lawful). The TPO stated his belief that the proposals submitted made sense over the whole area, but the Chairman admitted that the results of the survey were not what the Committee were expecting. He was informed that Zones 1b, 4 and 5 had a low level of support but the other zones had done reasonably well at 50%.

Further discussion ensued, with a major emphasis being on the real possibility of car parking displacement into lesser used zones. Debate also covered: staged implementation of the scheme; the making of an arbitrary decision by the Committee when individual residents/streets should be consulted; the cost to impose a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO); who would make the end decision; and the timescale (possibly late May/early June).

The Chairman stated that it was vital that the views of local Members and the Chairman of the Baldock and District Committee were taken into consideration when the final decision was made. A Member requested that the information was also submitted to the Baldock Mail to give it further publicity. The TPO also confirmed that all affected residents and businesses would be advised by letter drop when draft TROs were published.

The TPO clarified the process for considering objections to TROs as agreed recently by the North Herts Highways Partnership ¡V Joint Member Panel. He confirmed that the process would involve all Ward Councillors before any decision was made on whether to implement any of the draft parking management schemes.

1) That the Baldock and District Committee endorses the Parking Management recommendations set out below and instructs the Transport Policy Officer to prepare and publish draft Traffic Regulation Orders at the earliest opportunity;

a) It is recommended that all of the streets included in the Zone 1a consultation (not including Pond Lane) have permit parking controls introduced, Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm to remove long stay, non-residential parking and prioritise residents¡¦ parking. Subject to detailed discussion with Herts Highways and the Police, yellow line restrictions at junctions and narrow sections of road should also be introduced;

b) It is recommended that the streets included in the Zone 1b consultation have permit parking controls introduced, Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm to remove and protect against displaced long stay, non-residential parking and prioritise residents¡¦ parking. Subject to detailed site visits with Herts Highways and the Police, yellow line restrictions at junctions and narrow sections of road may also be introduced;

c) It is recommended that in Simpson¡¦s Drive on the south side, some parking for disabled badge holders and 2 hour waiting be provided alongside yellow line restrictions at junctions and narrow sections. In Simpson¡¦s Drive on the north side, permit parking for up to 8 spaces be provided and permits sold to businesses along with yellow line restrictions at junctions and narrow sections;

d) In the Twitchell and Thurnall Close it is recommended that a permit scheme is introduced from Monday to Saturday between the hours of 8am and 5pm. Yellow line restrictions should also be introduced at junctions and narrow roads. Consideration could be given to extending the permit days to Saturdays but there was little feedback requesting this from residents;

e) It is recommended that at least 50% of the 2 hour limited waiting bay in front of The Cock public house is returned to unrestricted use to help accommodate some of the displaced long stay parking;

f) It is recommended that additional yellow line restrictions are implemented at the eastern end of Mansfield Road in the area between Park Street and High Street;

g) It is recommended that a permit scheme is introduced in The Gardens (Zone 3) on Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm. In addition yellow line restrictions at junctions should be considered where necessary (i.e. the junction with Hitchin Street);

h) It is recommended that, if parking management is introduced to Zones 1a and 1b, a solution should be proposed for Zone 4 (Bygrave Road, Larkins Close and Salisbury Road). The consistent, area-wide approach would be to define the whole area as permit parking only. A limited permit scheme could be defined as permit holders only Monday to Friday for one hour per day (11am to 12 midday). In addition, yellow line restrictions should be considered where necessary at junctions and bends;

i) Given the amount of off-street parking, it is recommended that a single yellow line ¡¥commuter ban¡¦ restriction (No Waiting Monday to Friday 11am to 12 noon) is introduced to Zone 5 (Grosvenor Road and Grosvenor Road West) to protect these roads against displacement;

j) In addition to all the above zones, it is recommended that a single yellow line Monday to Friday 10am-11am and 4pm-5pm waiting restriction is introduced on both sides of Clothall Road nearest to the traffic signals junction. A short section of double yellow line should also be provided to protect the school access. This would be to discourage rail commuters from displacing to this section of road.

2) That the Baldock and District Committee receives regular updates on progress with the Parking Management proposals from the Transport Policy Officer.

To progress the Baldock Parking Management project towards implementation, following the significant consultation work undertaken in 2010.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District took the Committee through the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development which detailed the CDO¡¦s activities since the meeting held on 15 November 2010. Members were taken through the budget spreadsheet at Appendix 1 and asked to note the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Developments and the Visioning Budgets and to allocate the remaining budget funds from the 2010/11 area base budget before the end of the current financial year. They were also asked to review and consider the potential reallocation of any existing funds that have been allocated for more than two years, as detailed in para 3.9 of the report. The CDO then went through the Work Programme 2010/2011 at Appendix 2 and the Baldock Town Partnership Calendar of Events for 2011 at Appendix 3, all of which were noted by the Committee. The majority of events required no updates.

However, there were some updates as follows:

B¡¦Fest ¡V Be Healthy 2011
It was planned to include information on combating peer pressure for young people at this event on 16 July 2011.

Balstock Event 2011
This event would have more of a community feel than before, more facilities and more for families than in previous years.

Grassed Areas along Baldock High Street
The damage done to these by recent bad weather and by Baldock Fair and other events run by the Baldock Town Partnership was discussed, with Members suggesting solutions. Further sowing of grass seed was proposed, although it was acknowledged that these areas were likely to be too shallow to allow efficient drainage.

Highways Joint Member Panel
Out of the two potential schemes for Baldock identified for the JMP, after discussion it was decided not to go ahead with the footway link feasibility study at Weston Way, the estimated cost of which was £6,600.

However support for the new footpath at the A507 at Radwell, the estimated cost of which was £10,000, was agreed. Herts Cty Cllr Hunter would contribute £1,000 and Herts Cty Cllr Muir would contribute £500, with the Committee agreeing £2,000 from the budget for the Civic Year 2011/2012.

The CDO then took Members through three grant applications, for: electrical equipment for Knights Templar School in Baldock; essential equipment for the Asheteria Drop In Centre in Ashwell; and the salary, expenses and room hire charges for the St Mary¡¦s Church youth worker. The Committee considered and agreed to award these grant applications to accompany the Fast Track grant awards already agreed and paid.

The Vice-Chairman voiced the Committee¡¦s congratulations to the Baldock Town and District Partnership for running the events in Baldock over the past year and for raising their own funds.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.
The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District took the Committee through the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development which detailed the CDO¡¦s activities since the meeting held on 15 November 2010. Members were taken through the budget spreadsheet at Appendix 1 and asked to note the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Developments and the Visioning Budgets and to allocate the remaining budget funds from the 2010/11 area base budget before the end of the current financial year. They were also asked to review and consider the potential reallocation of any existing funds that have been allocated for more than two years, as detailed in para 3.9 of the report. The CDO then went through the Work Programme 2010/2011 at Appendix 2 and the Baldock Town Partnership Calendar of Events for 2011 at Appendix 3, all of which were noted by the Committee. The majority of events required no updates.

However, there were some updates as follows:

B¡¦Fest ¡V Be Healthy 2011
It was planned to include information on combating peer pressure for young people at this event on 16 July 2011.

Balstock Event 2011
This event would have more of a community feel than before, more facilities and more for families than in previous years.

Grassed Areas along Baldock High Street
The damage done to these by recent bad weather and by Baldock Fair and other events run by the Baldock Town Partnership was discussed, with Members suggesting solutions. Further sowing of grass seed was proposed, although it was acknowledged that these areas were likely to be too shallow to allow efficient drainage.

Highways Joint Member Panel
Out of the two potential schemes for Baldock identified for the JMP, after discussion it was decided not to go ahead with the footway link feasibility study at Weston Way, the estimated cost of which was £6,600.

However support for the new footpath at the A507 at Radwell, the estimated cost of which was £10,000, was agreed. Herts Cty Cllr Hunter would contribute £1,000 and Herts Cty Cllr Muir would contribute £500, with the Committee agreeing £2,000 from the budget for the Civic Year 2011/2012.

The CDO then took Members through three grant applications, for: electrical equipment for Knights Templar School in Baldock; essential equipment for the Asheteria Drop In Centre in Ashwell; and the salary, expenses and room hire charges for the St Mary¡¦s Church youth worker. The Committee considered and agreed to award these grant applications to accompany the Fast Track grant awards already agreed and paid.

The Vice-Chairman voiced the Committee¡¦s congratulations to the Baldock Town and District Partnership for running the events in Baldock over the past year and for raising their own funds.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.

1) That the Baldock and District Committee notes the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets;

2) That the Committee allocates the remaining budget funds from the 2010/2011 Area base budget before the end of the current financial year;

3) That the Committee reviews and considers the potential reallocation of any existing funds that have been allocated for more than 2 years, as detailed in para 3.9 of the report;

4) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £107 awarded to the Hinxworth Archery Club for the purchase of an arrow finder;

5) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £140 awarded to the Ashwell Village Trust for the purchase of a beehive composter;

6) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £300 awarded to Ashwell Tennis and Sports Club for the purchase of two netball posts and nets;

7) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £250 awarded to Ashwell Badminton Club for the purchase of nets and other equipment;

8) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £200 awarded to Ashwell Cycle Club ¡V Youth Section for the purchase of grass track tyres;

9) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £400 awarded to Ashwell Youth Cricket Club for the purchase of a catching cradle;

10) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £300 awarded to Hinxworth Village Hall for the purchase of tables;

11) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £400 awarded to Ashwell Cycle Club for the purchase of a junior bicycle;

12) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £495 awarded to the 2nd Baldock Scout Group for the purchase of equipment;

13) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £500 awarded to the Baldock Town and District Partnership for the purchase of a laptop;

14) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £400 awarded to the Merry Go Round Under Fives Playgroup for the purchase of a laptop;

15) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £250 awarded to the Magic Moments Nursery for the purchase of a printer and software;

16) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £500 awarded to Wallington Play Area for the purchase of a safety bark;

17) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £400 awarded to Sandon Sports Club for the purchase of new windows;

18) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant application for £205 awarded to Bygrave Bell Ringers for the purchase of tables and music stands;

19) That the Committee considers and agrees a grant application of £1,338 to Knights Templar School for the purchase of microphones and an amplifier. £760 would be taken from the pre-allocated Baldock Initiatives fund, £240 from the Baldock East base budget and £169 from the Arbury pre-allocated Rural Youth Initiatives fund and £169 from the Weston and Sandon base budget;

20) That the Committee considers and agrees a grant application of £700 to the Asheteria Drop In Centre for the purchase of equipment, payment to be from the Arbury Ward Member¡¦s Rural Youth Initiatives funds;

21) That the Committee considers and agrees a grant application of £2,000 to St Mary¡¦s Church for the salary, expenses and room hire costs of the Youth Worker. This be split as follows: £450 from Arbury pre-allocated Rural Youth Development funds; £1,130 from the Baldock Town pre-allocated Town Projects Initiatives fund and the remainder of £420 from the Baldock East base budget.

That with reference to the following highway scheme at para 3.10 of the Champions News and Finance Report:

Scheme Ref. (vii) Scheme: Weston Way, Baldock ¡V Footway Link (Feasibility Study).
Scheme cost estimate: £6,600
The Baldock and District Committee decided not to pursue this Scheme.

Scheme Ref. (x) Scheme: A507 Baldock ¡V Radwell ¡V New Footpath.
Scheme cost estimate; £10,000
The Baldock and District Committee decided to grant an award ¡¥in principle¡¦ of £2,000 from the budget for the Civic Year 2011/1012, to be accompanied by £1,000 from Cllr Hunter and £500 from Cllr Muir, giving a total amount available for match funding from the Baldock and District Committee of £3,500.

1) To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, acknowledge the status of budgets and confirm support for highway schemes in Baldock;

2) This report is intended simply to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Area Committee¡¦s budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority¡¦s Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and Strategic Priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Published on Monday, 28th March, 2011
9.45 p.m.