Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 13th November, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 11th September, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Hitchin Boys School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman)Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman), Councillor David Billing, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson (Strategic Director of Customer Services)
Margaret Bracey (Community Development Officer)
Nigel Schofield (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 11 members of the public.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Alison Ashley and Bernard Lovewell. An apology of absence had also been received from Keith Hoskins the Hitchin Town Centre Manager.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201211131930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman agreed to a request from Councillor Judi Billing to discuss the Briefing Note prepared by the Head of Housing and Public Protection concerning the pedestrian hazard at Watersmeet, Grove Road at the end of the meeting.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;

(2)The Chairman advised the Committee that Councillor David Miller (Hitchwood, Offa and Hoo Ward) died on Sunday 9 September 2012 after an extended illness. The Chairman proposed and it was agreed to send the condolences of this Committee to Mrs Miller and her family.

(3)With regards to the absence of an Information Note on Churchgate Development the Chairman read out the following statement:

‘The Council and Simons have had a number of detailed discussions on potential options to achieve viability of a suitable scheme. These discussions were ongoing and would be reported to Members once there was sufficient clarity'.

(4)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

(5)The Chairman advised that all Members had been given a copy of the Briefing Note prepared by the Head of Housing and Public Protection concerning the pedestrian hazard at Watersmeet, Grove Road, Hitchin.

Mr Ambrose thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Ambrose advised the Committee that he was a resident of Watford and that Hertfordshire Highways had installed a 20 m.p.h. zone in part of Watford with very little consultation with residents and as a consequence a group of residents including himself had investigated further the benefits or not of a specific 20 m.p.h. zone or a total town centre 20 m.p.h. speed limit.

Mr Ambrose gave a detailed and very informative PowerPoint Presentation and the first point made by Mr Ambrose was the inaccuracy of the statement made by Highway Engineers at the meeting of the JMP held on 30 June 2012. The Highways Authority have not needed Government approval for 20 m.p.h. schemes since 1999. The 85 percentile rule was no longer applicable since 2006 where speeds should be used as the basis for determining local speed limits - a change from 1993 DoT Circular. Also, that traffic calming did not have to mean speed humps since regulations made in 2011 stated that 20 m.p.h. repeater signs and carriageway roundels were classified now as traffic calming devices. This was emphasised in the costs of road humps and associated street lighting being £15,000 per hump plus £1,500 per gateway sign, with a comparison cost of one mile in a 20 m.p.h. zone equivalent to 56 miles in a town wide zone. Mr Ambrose described the benefits of a full zone against individual zones which not only included cost savings, no traffic calming, a high level of compliance by drivers, and most importantly the survival of persons in an accident at 20 m.p.h. went up to 95 per cent against 55 per cent at 30 m.p.h. and 15 per cent survival at 40 m.p.h.

The whole town concept would include all residential and shopping areas, and the whole area dealt with at the same time, in Portsmouth the cost for 1,200 streets was c£500K against £100K for 5-7 streets in Watford. The Committee noted that Portsmouth was the first scheme implemented in England and that casualties were reduced by 22 per cent. Manchester City Council had approved a motion for the introduction of a 20 m.p.h. speed limit citywide in February 2012 and likewise Watford Borough Council made the same decision in March 2012 and Bristol City Council in July 2012 agreed to have a 20 m.p.h. zone in all residential streets. Other local authorities who had agreed to implement 20 m.p.h. speed limits were: Warrington, Oxford, London Boroughs of Islington and Southwark, Hull, Wirral, Lancashire, Warrington, Bristol and North East Somerset, Hartlepool, Newcastle and Cambridge.

The Chairman on behalf of the Committee thanked Mr Ambrose for the presentation and he was sure that the comments made that contradicted the highways statements were of great interest to the Committee.


(1)That Mr Ambrose be thanked for the presentation on ‘20 is plenty' which referred in the main to Watford;

(2)That the issues faced by residents in Watford concerning the introduction of a 20 m.p.h. town zone be noted;

(3)That the information provided by Mr Ambrose on the government guidelines and the current HCC Speed Management Strategy for the introduction of a 20 m.p.h. speed limit be noted with interest;

(4)That the Committee would discuss this presentation and the issue of 20 m.p.h. zones in Hitchin at Agenda Item 7.

Mr Keiron Murphy thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Murphy opined that young people were facing more issues, problems than ever before and struggled with a sense of self worth. Drug taking, under age drinking of alcohol and sexual activity was rising throughout UK and Hitchin was no exception.

Mr Murphy represented PHASE a Christian youth organisation and in partnership with Groundwork, Child UK and Hitchin Christian Centre had created a programme for every Year 9 pupil in Hitchin - R.I.S.E. (Relationships, Identify, Self Esteem, Belief/Awareness and Educated Choices). Mr Murphy advised the Committee that this project was supported by NHDC, YMCA, Pro Action North Herts Homes and Youth Connexions. The aim of the project was to assist young people to build a better and true sense of self that would empower them to take wise and healthy decisions in all aspects of their lives.

This project would be initially be with the Year 9 pupils at Priory School in a six week course commencing in October 2012 followed by community work in Westmill, Purwell and Hitchin Town Centre and culminating with a public showcase in Hitchin Market Square during Hitchin Festival 2013. Mr Murphy advised the Committee that the project budget was £17K and that £5K had been confirmed from Groundwork. Additional funding would be sought from Hitchin Youth Trust, North Herts Homes, Hitchin Educational Trust, HCC Locality Budgets and Mr Murphy hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the grant application for £5K.

The Chairman thanked Mr Murphy for the presentation and it was very clear from the ensuing discussion that the Committee had reservations and concerns about the objectives and the intention of the project and a Member considered that the problems for youngsters in Hitchin was not as serious as Mr Murphy suggested. In response to a question Mr Murphy advised that all mentoring was neutral and it was not intended to have any faith influence. Another Member queried that as this was an embryonic project and the budget was estimated at £17 in the first year it would be essential for the Committee to see the details of the budget line by line and it was agreed that the request for £5K was a considerable amount to allocate from the remaining Central Grant Budget of £19K.

Mr Murphy confirmed that the project had the full support of Priory School and that the project could not proceed without 100 per cent funding. In response to another question Mr Murphy advised that Priory School was the largest mixed comprehensive school roll in Hitchin and would provide a good data set.


(1)That the representative of Hitchin Youth Issues Group (R.I.S.E) be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the award of a grant be determined at Agenda Item 11 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Upon enquiry the Chairman ascertained that no representative of Oughtonhead Childrens' Centre was in attendance.

Councillor David Leal-Bennett declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as he was a Director of Hitchin Town Hall Limited and advised that he would leave the room for the duration of the item.

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) advised the Committee that since the last meeting of this Committee held on 17 July 2012 there continued to be meetings between all three parties seeking to resolve the final details of the legal agreements that would allow this important project to proceed. One final issue remained to be resolved and a meeting had been held with FutureBuilders - England on 10 September to find a way forward. The SD reported that Hitchin and Letchworth Museums had closed and in response to a question he advised that there was at least two years of cataloguing and indexing work before the collections could be moved to Hitchin Town Hall. Collections items would be made available to Hitchin Historical Society and behind the scenes visits were proving to be very popular.

In response to a question on meeting the milestones of the project timetable the SD advised the Committee that Hitchin Town Hall would still close for business at the end of October 2012 as planned. However, the Consulting Architect could not commence work until the legal documents had been agreed and signed by all parties. The SD considered that the implementation and construction schedule would be maintained unless there were delays of some magnitude and that the project would proceed to completion.

The SD advised that bookings for Hitchin Town Hall continued and he was not aware of any previous hirers being unable to find an alternate venue. In response to another question a Member was able to confirm that the Physics Garden adjacent to Hitchin Library remained open.

The Chairman thanked the Strategic Director of Customer Services for his updating on this project and for attending the Hitchin Committee to respond to Members' queries.

RESOLVED: That the information provided in the oral presentation regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility be noted.
Information Note

The Chairman referred the Committee to the Information Note which included Minute 7 from the meeting of the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel held on Monday 30 July 2012.

There was an overall consensus within the Committee that the Information Note did not answer questions made previously by this Committee about how a 20 m.p.h. town wide zone would be implemented in Hitchin. There was also concern expressed by Members in the detailed presentation by Mr Ambrose that the information on implementation of a 20 m.p.h. zone was contradictory to that given by Hertfordshire Highways at the meeting of the JMP on 30 June.

It was clear from the tenor of the debate that using the information presented by Mr Ambrose that this issue should be taken forward for scrutiny, either a Task and Finish Group, review by the NHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee or direct to the HHC Overview and Scrutiny Committee. However, a County Member reminded the Committee that Herts Highways Officers had to work to current HCC Policy and the current HCC Speed Management Strategy.

Notwithstanding the current position of Hertfordshire Highways it was evident during the discussions that the Committee wished to progress towards a 20 m.p.h. town wide zone using the events in Watford as a basis for implementation in Hitchin. A Member emphasised the need to use the Localism Act as a way forward to have 20 m.p.h. zones in North Hertfordshire and in particular clarification of the Power of Competence within the Act. Another Member requested that highway engineers and HCC Hitchin Councillors should be invited to the chosen form of Scrutiny meeting to add experience and technical knowledge. Funding of such 20 m.p.h. zones would have to be investigated and a Member suggested that as these schemes were a health and safety issue Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust should be approached for funding as well as other possible sources.

The Chairman thanked the Committee for their comments and suggestions and that as the Chairman of the NHDC Overview and Scrutiny and as a Member of the HCC Overview and Scrutiny Committee he would take this very important issue forward with the appropriate officers at Letchworth Garden City and Hertford.


(1)That the information provided on the current status of the introduction of 20 m.p.h. speed limits in Hitchin as per the HCC Speed Management Strategy in the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the Acting Monitoring Officer be requested to confirm the latest government guidance and legislation regarding the implementation of 20 m.p.h. town zones and subsequently undertake investigation as to the legal provisions within the Localism Act 2011 that would explore the Power of Competence within the said Act, in relation to this Authority implementing 20 m.p.h. town wide zones in North Hertfordshire;

(3)That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to include the issue of 20 m.p.h. zones in Hitchin and other towns in North Hertfordshire in the Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan for initial discussion at the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny to be held on 18 September 2012 and in conjunction with the Head of Planning and Building Control present a report to the meeting of this Committee scheduled for 4 December 2012, which would include the outcomes of the legal enquiries ((2) above);

(4)That the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Scrutiny Officer be requested to make investigations as to the feasibility of a joint scrutiny meeting with Hertfordshire County Council that would jointly review the issues and way forward for the introduction of 20 m.p.h. town zones in North Hertfordshire;

(5)That the appropriate Council Officer be requested to make investigations as to the provision of funding for 20 m.p.h. town zones in North Hertfordshire from external sources e.g. the Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust;

(6)That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to invite senior officers from Hertfordshire Highways to attend the meeting of The Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 4 December 2012 in order to clarify the HCC Speed Management Strategy and the HCC approach to 20 m.p.h. town zones with particular reference to the approved scheme in Watford;

(7)That Mr K Ambrose be cordially invited to attend the meeting of The Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 4 December 2012 to give his ‘20 is Plenty' presentation;

(8)That the four Hertfordshire County Councillors representing Hitchin be cordially invited to attend the meeting of The Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 4 December 2012;
Agreed  Acting Corporate Legal Manager, Scrutiny Officer


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Hitchin Town Centre Manager had tendered his apologies to the meeting and consequently there would be no updating to the Committee on activities in Hitchin.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies. There were no updates.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Manager presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and confirmed that she had nothing to add to the written report. She then gave a brief summary of the activities and future events in the report with which she had been involved since the last meeting on 17 July 2012.

TASTE 2012 - The fourth taste event for young people will take place on Saturday 6 October 2012 in Hitchin Market Place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HITCHIN YOUTH ISSUES GROUP - R.I.S.E. PROJECT - This is a group of youth providers in Hitchin that met once each school term to ensure no overlap of activities and services are provided in the right areas. Financial assistance had been received from Groundwork specifically for a youth project in Hitchin. The Group considered that a suitable project would be R.I.S.E. (Relationships, Identity, Self Esteem/Belief/Awareness, Educated Choices) and that other funding would be sought from other sources. The project, based at Priory School would be take place in Westmill, Purwell and Hitchin Town Centre during the 2013 summer term. The Group sought funding from the Hitchin Committee of £5000 to match that given by Groundwork. Further information on R.I.S.E. was presented at Appendix C.

YOR Radio - Roadshow held on 17 August in Hitchin Market Place, including a Voice Talent Competition.

YOPEY - Nominations sought for Young People of the Year Award 2012 with a closing date of 31 October 2012 and award ceremony at University of Hertfordshire on 21 November 2012.

Hitchin Youth Music Festival - The first Hitchin Youth Music Festival organised by Hitchin Town Band will take place on Sunday 25 November at Kingshott School and the Chairman and Vice - Chairman had agreed to grant £20 for the provision of a Festival Trophy which was supported by the Hitchin Committee.

Community Reassurance - Two events had been held in Hitchin during the Summer, one at Westmill in July and one in the Town Centre in August. A number of agencies had been involved working in partnership dealing with a broad range of issues from littering to the DVLA

Cycle Rack in Woodside Car Park - the CDO advised the Committee that the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise considered that it would be possible to install a cycle rack at this car park and that the Facilities Manager had been requested to prepare a costing.

Oughtonhead Childrens' Centre - Unfortunately the funding from Youth Connexions for this Young Parents Group had ceased and consequently the Youth Workers supporting these young parents were seeking funds to continue this support. The CDO advised the Committee that there might be a grant application to this Committee or an approach for funding via a County Councillor's Locality Budget.

King George V Playing Fields Skatepark - A reconvened consultation on the requested skatepark had taken place on 18 August 2012 with displays of the proposed improvements and skateboard competitions. The CDO advised the Committee that a revised work programme had been completed.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix A the Annual Grant and Development Budget and Appendix B the Area Work Programme and the Committee noted that details of highway schemes were now included in this Appendix as it was expected that there would be no more meetings of the Highways JMP. The CDO also referred the Committee to Appendix C which provided more information on the R.I.S.E. project.

The Committee proceeded to review and determine the R.I.S.E. grant application as detailed at Minutes 51 below.

The CDO advised the Committee that a request to hold a celebration event at Hitchin Town Hall prior to closure and mark the way forward towards the new location for North Hertfordshire Museums and a Community Facility had been put forward by the Hitchin Historical Society. The Chairman sought the views of the Committee on this proposal and it was agreed to award a grant (see Minute 52 below).


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 17 July 2012 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.

The Committee debated the grant award at some length and Members were not at all convinced about the viability of the project and the thrust of the presentation by Mr Murphy. It was agreed that more information was required and that it might be appropriate to receive another presentation from one of the youth groups that did not have a faith basis which could provide more details about the Hitchin Youth Issues Group. A Member queried whether this project would be good value for money and that a detailed budget was required with the stipulation that any grant award would only be made if the total sum was raised. The Committee requested that the Community Development Officer should make the necessary arrangements for another speaker to address the Committee and consequently the determination of an award would be deferred to the next meeting to be held on 13 November 2012.

RESOLVED: That a decision on the award of a grant of £5000 to R.I.S.E. be deferred and that a representative from Groundwork be invited to the meeting to be held on 13 November 2012 for a presentation on R.I.S.E. Also, that the Hitchin Youth Issues Group be requested to provide a detailed budget for this project.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

RESOLVED: That the Community Development Officer be requested make the appropriate arrangements to provide the sum of £500 for celebrating Hitchin Town Hall and the development of North Herts Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

REASON FOR DECISION: For the benefit of local organisations and groups who had used the Hitchin Town Hall and would use the developed and improved Hitchin Town Hall.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


Councillor Judi Billing thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to discuss again this important issue for the local residents. Councillor Billing objected to the release of the briefing note from the Head of Housing and Public Protection at short notice at the meeting. Councillor Billing opined that whilst the information reported on the current situation was to be noted there was no indication of the next step to construct a barrier that would protect pedestrians. It was not acceptable to her that NHDC officers would wait for a decision by Hertfordshire Highways on the use of its statutory powers to erect a guard rail before the Head of Planning and Building Control would pursue the relevant interested party for remedial measures linked to the planning application.

The Committee were agreed that action should be taken as soon as possible in the interests of public safety that a barrier even if it was a temporary structure be installed.

County Councillor R.A.C. Thake expressed surprise that the barrier or hand rail had not been installed and he advised the Committee that he would be visiting County Hall the next day and would meet with the appropriate Executive Member and highways officers and press for a resolution in the interests of public safety within the contingencies of footway structure and the adjacent highway.


(1)That the Briefing Note prepared by the Head of Housing and Public Protection be noted;

(2)That County Councillor R.A.C. Thake be thanked for undertaking to pursue this issue at County Hall;

(3)That the Committee agreed that the provision of a barrier or handrail should be installed as soon as possible in the interests of Public Safety.
Published on Wednesday, 19th September, 2012