Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 14th June, 2010 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 8th March, 2010 Time: 7.30pm Place: St. Mary's Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor I.J. Knighton(Chairman), Councillor M.E. Weeks(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, and Councillor M.R.M. Muir.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Louise Symes (Project Manager, Planning Control)
Claire Morgan (Community Development Officer)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: Sanjay Patel - Hertfordshire Highways
Murray Fastier - Baldock Town Centre Manager
7 members of the public.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Councillor Andrew Young.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201006141930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That subject to the following amendment, the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 January 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Minute 56 - both references made to ‘Weston and Sandon Parish Council' should read ‘Weston Parish Council'.

There was no notification of any other business to this Committee Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.

He also welcomed the new Baldock Community Development Officer, Ashley Hawkins, to this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee and on behalf of the Committee, wished him all the best in his new appointment. He was due to take over from Claire Morgan, and the Chairman thanked her for her work on behalf of the residents of Baldock and for the assistance she had given to the Baldock and District Committee.

The Chairman stated that several grant funding applicants had made a last minute request to address the Committee, and that they would be heard under Public Participation.

The Committee were informed that an additional funding application had been added to the business of the meeting since publication of the Agenda - Friends of St Mary's were seeking funds for a Family Fun Day at Hatfield House.

The Chairman then advised Members that for the foreseeable future, Baldock and District Committee Meetings would be held in the Baldock Community Centre, starting in June 2010 (exact date to be advised). He thanked St Mary's for their hospitality over the past six months.

The Chairman then reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest, and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared, at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of the relevant item on the Agenda.

1) Sgt Vine of Hertfordshire Constabulary was not present at the Meeting, and it was determined that he would be invited to address the Committee on the procurement of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras at a future Committee Meeting.

2) Mr Bob Eversden of the Baldock Festival Committee was also not present, and it was decided that he too would be asked to attend a Committee Meeting later in 2010 and address the Members.

3) The Revd. Brian Trudgion, Minister of Baldock Methodist Church, addressed the Committee on the subject of a ‘Money Secret Course' for which a grant application had been submitted. He explained that this church-based course would be run over six weeks and give advice to people on managing their personal finances and any debts they may have incurred. The course would be open to anybody in the community and would cost £2 per person. Professional help would be given by the Citizens Advice Bureau and come also from other qualified ‘technical' sources. This course would be advertised by flyers and word of mouth throughout Baldock and the outlying villages. The Chairman thanked Revd. Trudgion and advised that the grant application would be debated later on the Agenda.

4) Murray Fastier, Baldock Town Centre Manager brought the Committee up to date with activities with which he was involved. He explained that:
 He continued to facilitate the charity boxes throughout Baldock for the Christmas lights;
 The Baldock Town Partnership business luncheons had proved successful, and more were scheduled for 3 June, 13 October and 25 November;
 The weekend of 13/14 March would see the arrival of the first Italian Market in Baldock with children's entertainment available and the Ferrari Owners Club would also drive through the town and display the cars from 11am to 3pm on Sunday 14th. Further Italian Markets were booked for 18-20 June and 4/5 December (the latter with ice skating);
 St Patrick's Day on 17 March would be celebrated at The Boot with Gor Jus Wrex;
 There would be a White Lion Easter Bike Run on 4 April;
 French Markets were booked for 17/18 April and 30/31 October;
 A St George's Day Lunch had been arranged for 23 April in a marquee in front of The White Lion;
 The Old White Horse would hold their Cider Festival from 1 to 3 May;
 The Baldock Festival would take place from 1-16 May;
 Five Farmers' Markets were booked for the period from 22 May until October 2010. The intention was to make them Farmers' and Community markets, involving schoolchildren and their parents, and everybody consulted was keen for this to happen;
 July 10 was Baldock Day, and would include a Farmer's Market, tug of war, Punch and Judy and other children's entertainment and a classic car show;
 23-25 July would be an Open Weekend, celebrating Countrywide Olympics;
 The Old White Horse Beer Festival would take place on 28-30 August;
 The White Lion Bike Show would take place on 5 September; and
 Balstock would be on 10-12 September.

The Committee discussed the extensive programme presented, and asked for clarification on several points. The Baldock Town Manager confirmed that he was encouraging people in the outlying districts to attend the events arranged for Baldock, through contacts he had made in Ashwell, Weston and Bygrave.

The Chairman thanked the Town Centre Manager for his comprehensive presentation, and for his efforts on behalf of the residents of Baldock and the outlying villages.

5) Alexandra Milne addressed the Committee on behalf of Friends of St Mary's Church. She advised Members that on 27 March 2010 a Family Fun Day would be held at Hatfield House, with family entertainment, live music and refreshments, and incorporating a 10k run, a sponsored 10k walk and a sponsored 10k bike ride. It was possible for participants to take part in one or all of the events. All proceeds were to go to the St Mary's Church Restoration Fund, and the use of Hatfield House had been donated free by the Marquess of Salisbury. Contributions had been received from numerous organisations, volunteers were giving their time and the funds were short of £675.63 to fund the hire of Portaloos for the day. Publicity for the event included posters, running group websites and the Comet. Schools had been notified of the event, as had Scout and Guide units.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Milne for her presentation and advised her that the grant application would be considered later on the Meeting Agenda.
Appendix 1

The Chairman invited the Planning Projects Manager to address the Committee and reminded Members that there had been a review of items and comments brought up and gathered over the year - all of which were contained in the report.

The Planning Projects Manager introduced the report and advised Members that the Service Manager (Transport Programmes & Strategy Group) from Hertfordshire Highways was present to help clarify any points raised by the Committee. She explained that the review would be ongoing, subject to available funding, and feedback would be brought to the Committee. She clarified that the Review Schedule at Appendix 1 was divided into three categories: design issues, parking issues and traffic management issues. It was pointed out to Members that paragraphs 5.2 to 5.7 of the report covered the fact that financial resources were available for some aspects of the items included in the review list through the Corporate Business Planning Process for 2010/11, possibly through Herts County Council discretionary funding, and that the Area Committee might be asked to contribute.

She then went through the appendix, giving clarification where requested with the assistance of the Service Manager, as follows:

Design Issues
A1 - Officers were to investigate options for relocating the loading bay as stated. A vehicle tracking exercise would be carried out and reported back to the Committee. Members commented that they were unsure why there was a parking bay in that location or in Church Street at all, as it was consistently abused by vans using it as a parking space, not a loading bay.

A2 - Officers were to arrange for the two posts on either side of the lamp column at the taxi parking bay to be removed and street clutter reduced.

A3 - Officers were in the process of investigating the cost of relocating the bench from outside the Zeus Hotel to a space outside the United Reform Church in Whitehorse Street. A request for funding the installation would be made through the Community Development Officer (CDO) in future. It was advised that elderly people would find it very helpful for a bench to be located on the southern side of Whitehorse Street as a place to stop and rest on the way up the street. Discussion ensued, and a leaning post was suggested as an option. Members agreed that the bench outside the Zeus Hotel was inappropriately situated and should be relocated, if not outside the United Reform Church in Whitehorse Street, then elsewhere within the scheme. However, a new location was not determined.

A4 - It was emphasised that in the interests of safety at the junction of Baldock High Street and Mansfield Road, various options and their costs needed to be established and then reported back to Members.

A5 - The pedestrian crossing outside the Town Hall in Hitchin Street continued to be monitored by Police and Herts County Council, as there was public concern about traffic coming off the roundabout not stopping in time. The Committee were advised that the Police have had no recorded incidents in this location apart from one near miss, and that the pedestrian crossing had the effect of deliberately slowing down traffic. It was stated that once traffic became accustomed to the crossing at that location, drivers were anticipated to automatically slow down when they approached. Members brought to the officer's attention that the Belisha beacons were not working at that location and also suggested consideration of more lighting on the south side of Hitchin Street by the town hall, as a means of further illuminating the crossing at night.

A6 - An additional pedestrian crossing had been requested for a location on the High Street close to Baldock Library, and this was discussed. Elderly residents had become used to crossing the High Street near Baldock Community Centre before the Town Centre Enhancement was carried out, using the traffic island that used to be situated in the middle of the High Street. The Committee was informed that it would be difficult to install a crossing in that location without removing parking spaces and the cost would be considerable. It was suggested that pedestrians make an effort to use the other pelican crossing in the vicinity of Pepper Alley.

A7 - The Chairman commented that Hitchin Street was poorly lit and that this needed to be improved in the interests of safety. The Committee were informed that investigation of the possibility of increasing the level of illumination in Hitchin Street was on the Herts County Council County-wide List, but needed to be actioned. The Service Manager from Herts Highways revealed that Hertfordshire County Council had won a PFI contract to upgrade the level of lighting across the county and that in Baldock, Hitchin Street was in the scheme to be upgraded in the next few years. Members requested that if the lights were on a dimmer setting, these be increased. The Service Manager agreed to investigate this proposal and report back to Members.

A8 - Members were informed that despite requests for hanging baskets on some street lights as before the Town Centre Enhancement, this would require specialist brackets, for which funds would have to be sought from the Area Committee, amongst other sources. It was explained that one objective of the Enhancement had been to replace the need for hanging baskets with extensive planting of bulbs in the green areas now in the Town Centre, but that the bulbs had not as yet appeared, possibly due to the inclement weather. As it was still within the defects period, this could be brought up with the contractors. A Member suggested that some suggestions could be made for planting that would fit in with the Baldock Fair in October 2010.

A9 - Officers assured the Committee that trees that had died would be replaced as part of the defects period under the contract with Skanska.

A10 - Members were reminded that despite requests from the general public for a fingerpost sign to the Methodist Church, there was no budget for such a sign. In addition, the idea running through the Baldock Town Centre Enhancement had been to de-clutter the Town Centre of street signs, and officers did not consider that such a sign was necessary. A Member disagreed, stating that a single signpost could contain signs for the Methodist Church, the Congregational Church and the Public Toilets. Officers were requested to take this concern on board.

A12 - Officers agreed to investigate the design layout of the two disabled bays and to report back to Members in due course.
Parking Issues
B2 - The Planning Projects Manager reported that the resident car parking scheme appeared to be working.

B3 - It was suggested that parking time outside the Post Office in Whitehorse Street should be better enforced. This would be consistent with the rest of the parking restrictions and ensure that the existing TRO did not require amendment, which would incur costs and lead to confusion about time restrictions amongst drivers wishing to park along Whitehorse Street.

B4/B5 - Officers would carry out a town-wide non-resident parking review including Thurnall Close and The Twitchell, reporting back to the Committee in June 2010 and outlining their recommendations. It was suggested that seven or eight further roads would also benefit from a review of both resident and non-resident parking.

B6 - Complaints had been received concerning lorries parking overnight towards the southern end of Baldock High Street and enquiries had been made regarding the possibility of introducing a weight restriction ban for vehicles below 5 tonnes (there was a ban on vehicles over 5 tonnes parking overnight). Members were informed that regular monitoring of the signs were carried out by Police and officers, but they enquired what measures were taken to enforce the ban. The Planning Projects Manager advised that after further investigation the Committee would receive feedback on this subject.

Traffic Management Issues
C1 - The Herts Highways Service Manager advised that this was not undeliverable, but a considerable cost would be involved. This was not used as a regular cycle route. A report could, if wished, be brought back to the Committee in the future with facts and figures.

C2 - General concern had been raised about traffic speeds through the centre of Baldock, and a 20mph speed limit was proposed. However, it was thought that this would mean greater speeds outside the limited area. It was suggested that this be monitored for six months and a report brought back to the Committee at the end of this review period.

C4 - Comments had been made by residents about the No Right Turn from Station Road into Icknield Way not working, and Herts Highways were considering putting forward a proposal after consultation with the Police, emergency services and other statutory bodies. Members would be presented with the recommended option and feedback at a future Committee Meeting.

C5 - A Committee Member commented that there was a new traffic lights system at the junction of Jubilee Road, Weston Way and Clothall Road which would allow cars to leave Baldock Town Centre faster and ensure that they slowed down on entry. The Service Manager was asked when this system was likely to ‘go live' and replied that the system would be completed at the end of March and would be working at the end of April 2010. It would then be checked on an annual basis. He explained that any further effort to check traffic travelling through Baldock from Letchworth towards Royston may affect general timings on all traffic lights in the system, as they were linked. The traffic lights at the Jubilee Road junction had been installed as a safety measure because of turning and movement accidents. The Chairman requested that a review be ongoing through all work streams, and that one final report be presented to the Baldock and District Committee.

C7 - Lastly, the Committee was informed that the update requested on the introduction of a No Left Turn lorry ban from Station Road (A507) into the Royston Road, should also apply the other way (i.e. Royston Road onto Station Road.

The Chairman thanked the Planning Projects Manager and the Herts Highways Service Manager (Transport Programmes & Strategy Group) for their comprehensive presentation, and once more requested that they come back to the Baldock and District Committee at a future meeting with an update on all the concerns raised.

1) That Members note the issues raised under the review and agree the recommended actions as set out in the Review Schedule at Appendix 1;

2) That North Herts District Council and Herts County Council officers be requested to provide progress reports on the outstanding items listed at Appendix 1 at set times to be stipulated;

3) That North Herts District Council officers bring a report to the Baldock and District Committee in June 2010 on the town-wide parking review, listing the roads and the possible types of parking restrictions that could be implemented for prioritisation in accordance with available budgets.

The issues raised in the Review Schedule at Appendix 1 are adequately addressed and progressed in accordance with available funding arrangements.
Appendix 1 - financial updates
Appendix 2 - grant application for Baldock Festival
Appendix 3 - grant application for Knights Templar School
Appendix 4 - grant application for Christchurch, Baldock
Appendix 5 - grant application for Baldock Town Partnership

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District did not have much to add to her Champion News report, published in the Agenda.

She commented on the item at paragraph 3.3 - Baldock Youth Council, reminding Members that the Youth Council are preparing a bid to the Youth Opportunities Fund for approximately £25,000 for the Bfestival 2010 on 10 July, and that they plan to attend the Baldock and District Committee Meeting in June 2010 (date to be advised) to request funding and will submit a grant application.

The Committee were informed that a Fireworks and Family Fun Day was being planned for the autumn of 2010 (the date to be confirmed) at the Hartsfield JMI School playing field, at the rear of Tapps. A grant application for help with funding this event would possibly be reinforced by a presentation from Friends of St Mary's Church at the next Committee Meeting in June 2010.

The Community Development Officer ran through a number of Fast Track grants which the Committee agreed, as follows:
 £200 from discretionary budgets by the Ward Member for Weston and Sandon to Weston Village Hall, to help fund additional equipment for the Strength and Balance Class for older people and those with health and mobility issues;
 £350 from discretionary budgets by the Ward Member for Arbury to help pay the increased room hire charges;
 £465 from discretionary budgets by the Member for Arbury Ward to Ashwell Parish Council to assist with improvements to Ashwell Cemetery, i.e. a new notice board and hedge and fencing replacements;
 £500 from discretionary budgets on a percentage split across Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury Wards to Baldock Cricket Club to assist with purchasing an automatic bowling machine for training all sections of the Club;
 £500 from discretionary budgets on a percentage split across Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury Wards to Baldock Bowls and Cricket Social Club. This would help fund the upgrading of the pavilion used as a community facility for all clubs based at Avenue Park and other community groups from Baldock. Renovations are planned to the main club room, staircase and inner lobby area;
 £500 from Baldock East Ward to the North Herts Highways Partnership-Joint Member Panel for a crossing at the junction of Bygrave Road and Station Road.

The Committee were reminded that at the last meeting on 11 January Members had been asked by the Community Development Officer to consider grant funding of £1,500 on a percentage split across Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury Wards, to go to the Knights Templar School Duke of Edinburgh Award Unit for the purchase of essential equipment. Members now agreed to ratify this sum.

Members then discussed the grant applications whose presentations had been made earlier in the meeting, and agreed that:
 £370 be awarded to the Christchurch Baldock ‘Money Secret' course on a percentage split across Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury Wards, to fund a 6-week course in personal finance, budgeting and debt management, open to anyone in the community at a cost of £2 per person;
 A grant of £924 be made to the Baldock Festival in order to purchase additional lightweight market stalls for the May Street Fair. The stalls would be lent to community groups and organisers of local events such as Friends of St Mary's and the Baldock Youth Council;
 £1,300 be awarded to Baldock Town Partnership to help provide marketing and publicity materials to set up a monthly Farmers' Market in Baldock Town Centre. Discussion also took place as to whether or not to obtain another generator for use when the markets and fairs arrive in Baldock. The Chairman proposed, and it was agreed, that a second generator be hired when necessary, funds to be taken from a discretionary budget;
 A last-minute grant application was presented to the Committee for £800 towards the cost of setting up an event in 2010 by the Spotlight Drama Academy, who run theatre workshops and classes throughout the year. The funds would be split across Baldock Town and Baldock East Wards;
 The Committee discussed the application from Friends of St Mary's Church for £676 to fund hire of Portaloos for the Family fun Day on 27 March 2010 at Hatfield House. Points were raised such as the fact that this event would not directly benefit people from Baldock and North Hertfordshire, and that it was not officer recommended but at Members' discretion. However, all monies raised would go to the St Mary's Church Restoration Fund and it was agreed to support this grant application, with a percentage split across Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury Wards. Councillor M. R. M. Muir declared a personal interest in this grant application as he is a member of St Mary's Church Council. He remained in the room and voted.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for her presentation and efforts on behalf of the residents of Baldock and as this was her last Committee Meeting in the post of Baldock and District Community Development Officer, wished her all the best from himself and the Committee.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the Committee considers the allocation of uncommitted budget balances prior to the end of the financial year, as outlined in Appendix 1;

3) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for the Baldock and District area be endorsed;

4) That the Baldock and District Committee thanked the Community Development Officer for her efforts on behalf of the residents of Baldock and support for the Committee and wished her all the best on leaving the Baldock CDO post;

5) That the following Fast Track grants be considered and granted:
 £200 to Weston Village Hall;
 £350 to Ashwell Baby and Toddler Group;
 £465 to Ashwell Parish Council;
 £500 to Baldock Cricket club;
 £500 to Baldock Bowls and Cricket Social Club;

6) That the sum of £1,500 for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Unit at Knights Templar School, considered at the Committee Meeting on 11 January 2010, be ratified;

7)  That the following grant applications be considered and agreed:
 £370 to Christchurch Baldock for the ‘Money Secret' Course;
 £924 to Baldock Festival to purchase additional lightweight market stalls;
 £1,300 to Baldock Town Partnership to facilitate setting up a monthly farmers' market in Baldock Town Centre;
 £676 to Friends of St Mary's Church for the hire of Portaloos on their Family Fun Day at Hatfield House on 27 March 2010;
 £500 from Baldock East Ward to the North Herts Highways Partnership-Joint Member Panel for a crossing at the junction of Bygrave Road and Station Road.

8) That a last-minute grant application to Spotlight Drama Academy be considered and agreed, in the sum of £800 split between Baldock East and Baldock Town budgets.

The allocation of funds would improve the services provided by the local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by various members of the community.
Published on Friday, 16th April, 2010