Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 14th September, 2010 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 13th July, 2010 Time: 7.30 pm Place: The Gudwara, Wilbury Way, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare-Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Andrew Mills - Service Manager, Grounds
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Anthony Roche - Acting Senior Lawyer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: 24 members of the public, including registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Joan Kirby.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201009141930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 June 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised the Committee that she had agreed to an additional item of Public Participation at Agenda Item 5 following the publication of the agenda.

She also gave an update on Convent Close, informing the Committee that work is proceeding on the drafting of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and that the Department of Transport approval is required for special signage, which is presently being sought by officers. She also clarified that this work will complete the Triangle CPZ scheme which was previously agreed to proceed in part in November 2008.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked those that had attended Town Talk.

She welcomed the speakers who would be heard during Public Participation, especially the young people who had come along to present to the Hitchin Committee.

Finally, on behalf of the Committee she welcomed the Committee and Member Services Officer who was sitting in for the usual Hitchin Committee Administrator.

The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Josh Massey and Lewis Copper from Hitchin Boys School addressed the Hitchin Committee. They explained that they were both in Year 9 and were working on a school project to improve their functional skills by holding a local business promotion event in Hitchin Market Square on Saturday 7 August, from 11am to 4.30pm. This was part of a Government initiative to improve literacy and numeracy skills in schools.

The boys proposed hiring stalls from the Hitchin Town Centre Initiative and then renting them out for £25 each for the whole day, to local businesses invited to take part in the project. 70% of the funds raised would be passed to the Hitchin BID and 30% would go towards other projects similar to that run by Josh and Lewis.

They had sent out letters of invitation to local businesses and hoped to get local radio coverage and leaflets printed, to attract more visitors into Hitchin on that day. To date, 15 businesses had responded positively and each would be given a marquee and a stall. The boys hoped that the Hitchin Committee would help with the funding required. They revealed that their objectives for the event were:
 To provide publicity for local businesses;
 To allow businesses to sell their products in a friendly and lively environment;
 To provide an attraction for local residents and for visitors to Hitchin;
 To raise funds for the Hitchin BID;
 To make Hitchin a more lively place for the chosen day;
 To try and get the whole community involved in the event.

It was also hoped that the Hitchin Rangers would take part in the event, in order to raise their profile and enable the general public to fully understand the nature of their role.

The Chairman thanked Josh Massey and Lewis Copper for their interesting presentation and expressed the Committee's good wishes for the success of their project. The Hitchin Committee then discussed the granting of funds to this project, and it was pointed out that in a the Minutes just agreed and signed, dated 8 June 2010 (page 8), "the Committee were minded ‘in principle' to grant £1,000 subject to a formal grant application . . . ". The Committee agreed that subject to the arrival of the grant application with the Community Development Officer and provided the boys returned to apprise the Hitchin Committee of the success of their project, the sum of £1,000 would be awarded to this project from Hitchin Boys School.

(1) That the representatives from Hitchin Boys School be thanked for their presentation;

(2) That subject to receipt of a grant application, the sum of £1,000 would be awarded to this project from Hitchin Boys School;

(3) That the representatives from Hitchin Boys School be invited to return to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee to apprise them of the success of their local business promotion event.

At the start of this item, both the Chairman and Councillor David Billing declared a personal interest, as their granddaughter was part of the group from The Priory School presenting the item on a proposed trip to Vietnam.

Rachel Barnes, a teacher at The Priory School, addressed the Hitchin Committee, accompanied by several students. She explained that students were hoping to take advantage of a trip to Vietnam in 2011 laid on by the World Challenge Company. This would involve such activities as trekking through the jungle, helping local communities through physical work and working in orphanages. In this way it was hoped that the students would reap benefits and forge links with young people in Vietnam. Each student would be charged £3,500 for the trip, and students were selected from volunteers across Years 9, 10 and 11.

The young people used a Powerpoint presentation to illustrate the benefits of the trip and explained that they had already started fundraising for the trip by organising social events such as quizzes. The benefits would affect their life skills, leadership skills, money management and teamwork. They had already had a stall at the Walsworth Fete earlier this year and had raised several hundred pounds.

The Committee applauded the young people's efforts and advised that an application for funds be made to Youth Spend as well as submission of a grant application to the Hitchin Committee, to assist with funding the Vietnam trip.

(1) That the representatives from The Priory School be thanked for their presentation on the forthcoming trip to Vietnam;

(2) That subject to receipt of a grant application, the Hitchin Committee would consider financial assistance with The Priory School's Vietnam trip.

Mr Graham Endersby addressed the Hitchin Committee on behalf of the Steering Group of the community radio station Mill Fm. He reminded the Committee that he had previously attended a Hitchin Committee Meeting, when they had generously awarded Mill Fm £2,500 which was half the £5,000 development funding they needed to run Mill Fm for the next three years. This would help to expand Mill Fm and to incorporate more youngsters from different areas of Hitchin into the project.

The Committee were reminded that this community radio project was supported by the Children and Young People of Westmill (CAYPOW) and the Rewind Project and they were working with the Sound Base Studio Trust at Sub Zero. The young people involved had made many positive comments on their involvement, and were happy to get others involved.

The Youth Opportunities Fund had offered to match fund the resources raised by Mill fm, but this project had now been scaled down. Mr Endersby listed the equipment and other resources needed for Mill Fm to function adequately, and stressed that at present they had limited time booked, a limited broadcast range, they shared a small space in the building. However, they offered many young people experience as a DJ, building confidence and teaching organisational skills, possibly leading to career opportunities, while giving young people an interesting and safe project with which to become involved. The objective was to have an annual internet broadcast and one month's activity in the Summer holidays (Hitchin-wide radio broadcasts).

The improvements they were looking for, were to offer the young people:

A different building;
More training;
Bigger online presence;
More advertising - so more young people could become involved and get off the streets;
Longer broadcasting period.

They currently required £2,500 for revenue and £16,250 for capital expenditure.

He concluded by reminding the Hitchin Committee that overall Mill Fm was an inspiring project which helped the young people of today to gain important life skills. Everyone involved enjoyed the radio station and would be eager to participate over the following three years. He declared that it was a great way to express their feelings on social matters, especially by becoming involved in the regular chat shows held among a variety of different age groups.

The Chairman thanked Mr Endersby for his interesting presentation on Mill Fm.

The Hitchin Committee discussed the presentation on Mill Fm and comments made included: the possibility of diverting funding to youth training provision; awarding funds for permanent equipment, as it was unlikely that grants will exist in the long term; making a capital grant; borrowing equipment from Diversity FM in Luton; the short lead time to involve young people before the schools break up for the summer holidays.

Mr Endersby replied that they could possibly manage with borrowed equipment, but would prefer equipment to be permanent in a quality establishment, which would engage students from the schools they contacted. They wanted to put a benchmark on the project and move forward.

The discussion continued with further questions, which were dealt with by Mr Endersby.

It was proposed that it be investigated whether £16,250 could be taken from the Hitchin Committee Capital Visioning money and awarded to Mill Fm, and agreed unanimously, as was the decision to award Mill FM the £2,500 top up to their development funding budget as requested. This was subject to appropriate conditions relating to disposal of the equipment if the project is discontinued and relating to productive use of the equipment when not being used by Mill Fm.

(1) That the Chairman thanked Mr Endersby on his informative presentation on the community radio station Mill Fm;

(2) That it be investigated whether the Hitchin Committee could award Mill Fm £16,250 from their Capital Visioning budget, subject to appropriate conditions relating to disposal of the equipment if the project is discontinued and relating to productive use of the equipment when not being used by Mill Fm;

(3) That Mill Fm be awarded the sum of £2,500 to top up the sum required for development funding to ensure that the radio station could operate for the next three years.
Presentation of a petition and address to the Committee

Mr Paul O'Shaughnessy thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to present a petition with 32 signatures, entitled ‘Petition for the introduction of traffic control measures on Willow Lane/Charlton Road'. He then addressed the Hitchin Committee on the subject, citing the traffic management, speeding and safety issues in Willow Lane and Charlton Road and the non-observance of the 7.5 tonnes weight restriction in these two roads.

Mr O'Shaughnessy explained that he represented residents in the area, many of whom were elderly or were families with young children who were extremely inconvenienced by traffic using the narrow lanes in this location in the rush hour as a way of avoiding the ring road bottleneck where the A505 meets the A602. The sheer weight of fast moving traffic made it difficult to cross onto the A602, and the traffic backed up to beyond the No Entry road that led into triangle forming the residential area. Some drivers even ignored the No Entry sign and drove up to Willow Lane, turning onto Charlton Road further down off Hawthorn Close, or raced up Meadow Way and rejoined the A505 at the Pirton mini roundabout. During off peak times, this was used as a shortcut. Associated problems for the residents were excessive traffic noise and pollution bringing health issues and affecting their quality of life.

The speaker revealed that results of a Police survey undertaken over seven days in March 2009 showed that 53,347 vehicles had used Willow Lane, over 13,000 or 25% of which were recorded at speeds over 35mph, but these figures were distorted by the position of the survey, taken at a location close to where the traffic backed up, meaning that during busy periods the traffic was more or less stationary as it progressed towards the A602.

Mr O'Shaughnessy declared that there were regular accidents at the Charlton Road junction with the A602, possibly caused by the speed limit drop from 50mph to 30mph and the 2009 survey revealed that 7.5 tonnes weight restriction was regularly ignored, 254 violations having been recorded during the seven days. As most heavy vehicles travel between 7am and 7pm, that equated to an unacceptable one every 20 minutes.

He touched on the physical danger to pedestrians and the fact that older residents consider it too dangerous to drive out of the estate using the Charlton Road exit due to overhanging foliage and speeding traffic.

The speaker concluded by stating that this country lane appeared to have become the preferred route for traffic between two motorways and two major conurbations, with several factors that actually encourage this. Traffic regulations were ignored hundreds of times each day and the residents would like to see relatively cheap physical measures used to control this.

He asked the Hitchin Committee to refer the issue to the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership-Joint Membership Panel and ask them to investigate the issues raised.

The Chairman thanked Mr O'Shaughnessy for his presentation and accepted the petition on Traffic Management Issues in Willow Lane and Charlton Road, Hitchin.

During the debate, Members commented that the problems should be brought into the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan and that the issues should be referred to the NHHP-JMP.

(1) That Mr O'Shaugnessy be thanked for addressing the Hitchin Committee and presentation of the petition on Traffic Management Issues in Willow Lane and Charlton Road;

(2) That the issues raised which cover traffic management, speeding and safety in Willow Lane and Charlton Road and violation of the 7.5 tonnes weight limit for heavy vehicles, should be considered as part of the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan;

(3) That the Hitchin Committee formally agree to support the investigation and proposed solution of the issues raised.

That the Panel be requested to review the issues raised in this petition and presentation and take any appropriate action to investigate and alleviate the traffic problems in Willow Lane and Charlton Road, Hitchin.

The Chairman advised that this item had been withdrawn from the Agenda and that the Hitchin Councillors who were appointed as NHDC representatives to Hitchin United Charities would make the presentation at the next meeting to be held on 14 September 2010.

Councillor Deepak Sangha addressed the Committee and reminded them that the Group was started three years ago and the objective of the Task and Finish Group was to look at noise and dust and safety issues along Cadwell Lane and Grove Road. The issue of transportation to and from the railway sidings was also added, dealt with and the results reported to the Hitchin Committee in 2008.

He explained that overall the situation had changed and some actions had been completed, some had moved on and some monitored by other agencies, e.g. Police, the Environment Agency, and a public enquiry was currently ongoing. A separate access road was proposed through the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan. A number of new Ward issues were appearing, such as fly tipping and it was necessary to await the outcome of the public enquiry before deciding what should be done about these.

Councillor Sangha stated that the Terms of Reference need to be defined and he would recommend that the Group meet only to consider areas where enforcement has been carried out. The Task and Finish Group had almost come to an end.

Members discussed Councillor Sangha's address, giving him their support in the main and commenting that it was sometimes hard to engage with Herts Highways. Some Members had not realised that the link road was in the potential schemes arising from public consultation on the Hitchin Urban Transport Plan.

Members declared that the HUTP Steering Group of Members had not met for over a year because Hertfordshire Highways had awaited decisions about the northern Luton bypass, which would affect Hitchin traffic flows. A list of issues had been made, but it was in the Hitchin Committee's remit to insist strongly that these issues were taken forward.

It was suggested that the scrap yard and local residents were encouraged to work together and that a night time ban on lorry movements was imposed. It was commented that the Group had co-ordinated these efforts and passed them on to other agencies and that there should be one more meeting of the Task and Finish Group. They also needed to seek advice on a weight limit for parking, such as had been imposed in Baldock.

Councillor Sangha stated that the Group would be wound up as the scope was now so limited. He assured the Committee that this matter was an immense achievement, well accomplished and paid tribute to the large part played by local residents.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Sangha for his address.

(1) That the Hitchin Committee supports the proposal for a night time ban on lorry movements;

(2) That the Cadwell Lane Action Group meet for a final time at a future date and time to be advised;

3) That the Cadwell Lane issue remains a standing item on the Hitchin Committee Meeting agenda.


The Chairman reported that she had taken this matter to Cabinet on 15 June 2010 and asked them to note the Hitchin Committee's concerns in respect of the delays in confirming an approved scheme for Hitchin Town Hall.

She requested that Cabinet and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs be asked to take the appropriate action to ensure that the NHDC Scheme and the Community Scheme for Hitchin Town Hall were presented to Council on 30 June 2010 for a decision as to which scheme should be developed more fully.

She had requested that the proposal was well looked at and asked for a speedy response.

However, although the Cabinet Chairman shared the Hitchin Committee's concerns, the deadline for submission of the Business Plans for both schemes was the end of June 2010, by which time the Business Plans had to also have been evaluated by an independent consultant. In addition, the outcome of English Heritage's decision as to whether or not Hitchin Town Hall would be classified as a Listed Building was not expected until late June/July 2010 and this decision would impact on both schemes. This clash of dates resulted in some confusion.

The Chairman reported that both Business Plans were complete and were being scrutinised.

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) referred the Committee to the Information Note prepared by the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance. She stated that she and the Acting Senior Lawyer were willing to clarify any points that Members found unclear.

Members asked who would Chair the Churchgate Liaison Forum and requested the dates of the Churchgate Project Board Meetings. This information will be supplied in due course.

That the content of the Information Note updating the Hitchin Committee on the redevelopment of Churchgate and its surrounding area be noted.

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) presented the report of the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager which detailed the procedures for the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Kershaws Hill and Storehouse Lane. Estimates of the total costs and confirmation that S106 monies previously agreed with Leach Homes could be used on this occasion and all arrangements could be in place before the deadline for the allocated 106 monies. She declared that the Acting Senior Lawyer had attended this Hitchin Committee Meeting to assist in case any legal clarification was required.

The Vice-Chairman thanked the officers for a clear and precise report. He revealed that the Portfolio Holder had promised a review during 2011.

Members discussed the Information note, and it was commented that as stated in paragraph 2.6, these issued should be taken forward as part of the town-wide review in 2011/2012.

The PPM responded, assuring the Committee that Hitchin will be split into sectors for the purposes of a scoping report which will be brought to the Committee, that will identify which zones they consider are to be prioritised. The reason for this was that there were not enough funds to deal with all the issues raised. The budget was £65,000 and this was for both the review and the implementation of all schemes. She stated that the Section 106 monies consisting of £12,000 must be spent by December 2012 or it will be lost to the Hitchin Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Planning Projects Manager and the Acting Senior Lawyer for presenting this Information Note.

That the content of the Information Note detailing: the procedures for the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone in Kershaws Hill and Storehouse Lane; an estimate of the total costs; confirmation that Section 106 monies previously agreed with Leach Homes could be used in this instance; and that all arrangements could be in place before the deadline for the allocated Section 106 monies, be noted.

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCDM) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services. He gave an update on the progress with lease extension arrangements at the Hitchin Lawn Tennis Club and the timescales of the Conservation Area Consent, Planning Permission and Building Regulation Approval.

The PCDM went through the report point by point, covering all issues such as: issue of the lease extension; public use of the Club; and the required statutory consents.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Development Manager for his clear and comprehensive presentation of the report and confirmed that this had been noted by the Hitchin Committee.

That the content of the Information Note updating the Hitchin Committee on the redevelopment of Churchgate and its surrounding area be noted.

The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services.

He explained that it was proposed that the Grounds Maintenance Contract remain the same except for the points outlined under Key Considerations. These would be built into the Contract instead of each one continually going out to tender. In addition, the proposals under Maintenance of Shrub Borders would see considerable cost savings.

The Committee discussed the report and volunteered comments and suggestions which were noted by the Service Manager- Grounds Maintenance. These covered: the river culvert behind St Mary's Church in Hitchin; the malfunction of the fountain near the church, and the fact that a new bespoke pump had been ordered for it (the pump would now be checked quarterly); weeds had grown out of control in Cadwell Lane; snow clearance and gritting in the Kershaws Hill and the cemetery area; whether grass cutting included the verges on highways (it did); complaints about shrubbery and brambles growing onto, and thus narrowing, various footpaths.

The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance asked Members to contact him directly by email if any other matters came to mind and he would either deal with the problem himself or refer it on to Hertfordshire Highways for a solution.

(1) That the Committee noted the proposed new contract arrangements for Grounds Maintenance and put forward any comments and suggestions on the proposals at this meeting or by email to: the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance,;

(2) That officers be authorised to proceed with preparations to produce the new contract documents;

(3) That a report be presented to Cabinet to inform Members of the results of the tendering process and to seek approval for award at that time.

To allow reasonable opportunity for the Grounds Maintenance Contract to be renewed with minimal disruption to the service provision and to enable the North Herts District Council to better forecast its future financial commitments.

The Chairman advised that this item had been withdrawn from the Agenda and that the Hitchin Town Centre Manager would report to the Committee at the next Hitchin Committee to be held on 14 September 2010.
Appendix A.1
Appendix A.2
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

The Community Development Officer provided an update on her activities since the last meeting held on 8 June 2010. The CDO made specific reference to a funding request relating to £1,000 for Hitchin in Bloom 2010 which had been provisionally agreed at the last Hitchin Committee Meeting on 8 June 2010 and the Committee endorsed this grant.

She confirmed that subject to submission of a grant application, £1000 would be awarded to Hitchin Boys School for a local business promotion project on 7 August 2010 and that the pupils in question be requested to return at a future date to apprise the Hitchin Committee of the success of their project.

Also subject to submission of a formal grant application, the Committee agreed that £2,500 would be awarded to the Community Radio Initiative Mill Fm and that investigations would be instigated into whether £16,250 could be awarded from the Hitchin Capital Visioning Budget for this community project.

The CDO mentioned Democracy Week 2010, commencing on 11 October 2010 and the subject of problems with Members' NHDC email accounts was raised, as important emails were not reaching Members.

The Hitchin Committee reviewed the Appendices to the report and the Members representing Priory Ward stated that they would like the problem of constant speeding on the Pirton Road to be addressed by means of the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign and be referred to the next North Herts Highways Partnership-Joint Member Panel (NHHP-JMP) meeting on 26 July 2010. The Committee noted that Priory Ward would contribute £1,000 towards the cost of a VAS.

Finally, in answer to an item raised at the Hitchin Community Surgery on 5 June 2010, Cllr Thake requested that queries on placing children at local schools and the Herts County Council School Admissions Policy in general, be referred to him as the relevant Herts County Councillor - Executive Member for Children, Schools and Families.

(1) That the Committee endorsed the actions undertaken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being;

(2) That the expenditure to date and balances carried forward from the Visioning, Development and Ward Budgets be noted;

(3 That the award of a grant of £1000 made ‘in principle' for Hitchin in Bloom 2010, for categories such as: Best Front Garden, Best School Gardens and Young Gardener from the Town Centre Discretionary Budget for 2010-2011, be endorsed;

(4) That subject to the submission of a formal grant application, £1000 would be awarded to Hitchin Boys School for a local business promotion project on 7 August 2010 and that the boys in question be requested to return at a future date to apprise the Hitchin Committee of the success of their project;

(5) That subject to submission of a formal grant application, £2,500 would be awarded in principle to the Community Radio Initiative Mill Fm and that investigations would be instigated into whether £16,250 could be awarded to them from the Hitchin Capital Visioning budget for this Community Project, subject to appropriate conditions relating to disposal of the equipment if the project is discontinued and relating to productive use of the equipment when not being used by Mill Fm.

That the Panel be requested to investigate the problem of constant speeding on the Pirton Road, Hitchin and consider the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign, with £1,000 awarded in principle from the Priory Ward budget.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and continue the use of discretionary spending in support of the local community and to further the aims and Strategic Objectives of the Council.

RESOLVED: That the award of a grant of £1000 ‘in principle' for Hitchin in Bloom 2010 at the last Committee Meeting on 8 June 2010, be ratified.
Published on Thursday, 12th August, 2010