Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 15th January, 2014 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 20th November, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Council, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Tony Hunter and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Development Services
Alan Fleck - Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Cllr Lynda Needham, Leader of North Herts District Council
Royston Town Councillor Bob Smith
Royston Town Councillor F J Smith
Royston Rown Councillor Lindsay Davidson - Public Participation
Mrs Charmian Flowerday, Royston Town Band - Public Participation
A member of the public
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Robert Inwood.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201401151930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 September 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendments:
- P5 Highways Matters - A sentence is to be added to the end of para. 2: "Members agreed to allocate carry-forwards to Highways, Waste and environmental projects".
- P7 Royston Town Twinning Association - para. 3 should read: "Royston will be visiting Villanueva-de-la-Cañada, Spain from 14-16 May 2014 and La Loupe, France at the end of May 2014."

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting, including Cllr Lynda Needham, Leader of the Council, Members of the Committee, NHDC officers, Royston Town Cllrs Robert Smith, Lindsay Davidson and F J Smith and the speaker at Public Participation;
(2) She informed the meeting that the annual successful get-together of grant applicants had just been held and that they had expressed their thanks to the Royston and District Committee for the financial assistance received and explained how the money had been spent;
(3) She read out the following: "Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote."

Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson addressed the Committee regarding the Royston Food Bank, and referred to the information on the Food Bank organisation which she had distributed to the Committee prior to the Meeting. Cllr Davidson gave the background to the setting up of food banks and explained that in 2012-2013 food banks had fed nearly 350,000 people nationwide with three days of emergency food. Many food banks had been set up in partnership with the Trussell Trust and the Trust last year saw the greatest rise in numbers given emergency food since the charity began in the year 2000. The Committee were informed that the Trust's headquarters was in Salisbury, which was too far away for it to take Royston "under its wing". There were families in need who live in Royston, but a high proportion of residents between the ages of 25 and 49 were in most need of help. Comparing Letchworth and Royston, Royston had less people on income support, but more were in need than Letchworth. Many were on the minimum wage and unable to keep up with the Cost of Living and to feed their families. There were pockets of deprivation, with many not drawing benefits but going without food to feed their children. A 67% rise in free school meals had been noted in the Royston area.

Councillor Davidson informed the Committee that the Royston Food Bank had been offered storage and The House Drop-In Centre would handle distribution. What was needed now was shelving, racking, tables, trollies and funds to cover costs over the coming year, totalling approximately £8,000. This was a long-term project for Royston and as such would benefit from careful setting up.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Davidson for her informative presentation on the Royston Food Bank and informed her that the grant application relating to the Royston Food Bank would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 10.

The Chairman invited the Committee to pose any questions they had to Councillor Davidson and she was asked how the extent of the problem was established. She revealed that the information distributed on deprivation had been collected by the Office for National Statistics, and that anybody who wanted to use the Food Bank would be issued with three vouchers to collect the food. The food was non-perishable and was donated by supermarkets. Tesco matched the food collection. It had been noticed that in general, people were happier to donate food, rather than give money. Royston Food Bank was on a smaller scale than Letchworth and in the surrounding villages there could be transportation problems. Councillor Davidson was asked whether the Trussell Trust monitored the Royston Food Bank and replied that they did not, but had helped them to set up and had given advice and help, leaving them to run it themselves. On being asked whether the food that was donated was in date, Councillor Davidson reiterated that no fresh food was distributed, it was all non-perishable, in undented tins etc.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Davidson for her presentation and wished her and the team at Royston Food Bank very best of luck with their enterprise.


(1) That Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson be thanked for her excellent and informative presentation on the Food Bank organisation in general and Royston Food Bank in particular;

(2) That the Royston and District Committee wish Councillor Davidson and everybody involved with the Royston Food Bank all the best in their efforts to set up and run the enterprise for the good of Royston residents.

Mrs Charmian Flowerday introduced herself as the Chairman of the Royston Town Band and thanked the Royston and District Committee for giving her the opportunity to address them. She explained that the Royston Town Band had been established 150 years ago and were about to celebrate this significant anniversary in 2014. They played at a lot of events such as carol services, town twinning events and events in and around Royston. They considered themselves a grassroots community band and members were aged between 7 years and 86 years of age. They were all volunteers and in the past they had run grant funded workshops, but now the old band room had been demolished and they badly needed a new one. The original sum required had been £55,000 but by doing the finishing themselves, the sum needed was £40,000. Mrs Flowerday revealed that they had already raised £30,000 and wanted to get together the last £10,000 in order to start building in the New Year. Planning permission had already been granted and they had surveyed other community spaces, as they required a facility with good acoustics and plentiful storage. It had been decided that a new build was the only option and this would be sited at the end of the school field at Tannery Drift School.

The Committee Members asked whether the Band were liable for VAT on the new band room and were told that they were. On being asked where they rehearsed at present, Mrs Flowerday replied that they used the school hall at Tannery Drift School, which was not ideal, especially for storing their kit. They had to rehearse where they could, but were keen to keep the identity of the group by having their own space. Remarkably, despite the current difficulties, they had not lost any members. They had submitted a grant application for £1,500 to the Royston and District Committee.

The Chairman thanked Charmian Flowerday for her excellent presentation and explained that the grant application relating to Royston Town Band would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 14.


(1) That Charmian Flowerday, Chairman of the Royston Town Band, be thanked for her informative presentation on the background, and operation of this important ambassador for Royston;

(2) That the Royston and District Committee send their very best wishes to the Royston Town Band for another 150 successful years.
Appendix 1

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Royston and District Committee stated that they had a Declarable Interest as they were both NHDC representatives on Royston First. They would take no part in the discussion or vote, but would not leave the room.
Councillors Burt and Hunter stated that they had a Declarable Interest as they were both Cabinet Members and that they would not vote or leave the room.

The Head of Policy and Community Services (HPCS) presented the report and explained that its purpose was to obtain the Committee's endorsement in principle of the proposals it contained, in order to progress to renewal ballot for a new Royston Business Improvement District (BID). She went through the report, emphasising the concept, the legislation and the purposes of BID proposals. She explained that the BID renewal proposals and its business plan were set out at Appendix 1.

However, some dates on the ballot timetable had moved (at the request of the BID company) and the deadline for application was not 11 but 16 November. The subsequent revised dates were as follows:

- Ballot packs issued to hereditaments entitled to vote - 9 January 2014
- Last date for proxy appointment - 27 January
- First date to request replacement - 2 February
- Last date for returning spoiled paper for replacement - 3 February
- On the day of ballot, sealed envelopes opened/declaration etc - 7 February.

The Committee were assured that at para 9.3 the BID proposals did not conflict with a formally-adopted policy, and discussions were ongoing for car parking, the Green Space Strategy etc. The Committee made the decision that their comments should be minuted and referred back to Cabinet at its meeting on 10 December 2013.

A Member remarked that para 8.1 fleshed out some areas of concern and the HPCS declared that the business plan remained under discussion. It was not clear what the benefits would be, it depended on what was wanted and required greater clarification of the intentions.

The sentence below had been noted by several Members on p.26 in the Draft Renewal Business Plan from Royston First along with other issues, and the Committee would like these explored:

"However, we would propose that the individual brought into the role would be ‘attached' to the private sector, working from the BID offices and with local business people rather than lost in the bureaucracy of the Council."

The HPCS responded that, as there were potentially other partners through whom the sharing of an economic/regeneration post could be explored further, it was not necessarily the case that NHDC would agree to contribute to the establishment and funding of this post, particularly if it were to be based in the private sector; the Council's aim must be to support the widest possible economic activity for the District. A comment was made that the Committee was pleased to see the Royston Splash Park mentioned in the main document.

The Committee agreed the resolutions, to be referred to Cabinet.


(1) That Members, having reviewed and commented on the proposals at Appendix 1 for the Royston Business Improvement District (BID) renewal, support the principles contained therein and confirm such to Cabinet for their meeting on 10 December 2013;

(2) That the above recommendation is accepted subject to the comments of the Members of the Royston and District Committee, including those who were Cabinet Members, and the officer.


(1) To ensure that North Herts District Council, as the billing authority, can express its support in principle toward ballot for the renewal of the Royston BID;

(2) To enable Cabinet to take into account the views of the Royston and District Committee, prior to considering the proposals received for the renewal of the Royston Business Improvement District.

The Chairman introduced this item and reminded the Committee that this item on the Agenda was for anything of concern to Members to be passed on to the Herts County Councillors.

She stated that costings are being obtained for the Phase 1 schemes for 2014/2015 under the Highways Locality Budgets for North Herts Rural (Cllr Hunter) and Royston (Cllr Hill). Confirmation of which schemes will go forward will be provided at the next Royston and District Committee Meeting on 15 January 2014.

The Chairman also advised that drainage work will be carried out in Newmarket Road by the end of November.

She thanked Royston Town Council for participating again in the scheme for free salt from Herts County Council, for use in the community and also thanked Councillors Davidson, Hunter and Morris for their help with distribution.

Regarding the Big Town Tidy Up, this was to be discussed first with Royston Town Council regarding a way forward and whether to set up a joint working party. Many of the items raised are already in hand.

The Chairman asked if there were any more specific schemes for Phase 2. She asked Members to bring any concerns back to her and Councillor Hunter, and this also applied to Royston Town Councillors.

The Chairman introduced this item.

She confirmed that the Coombes Community Centre AGM had taken place.

Royston Town Twinning Association
Councillor Green reported that the RTTA Dinner would be held on Friday 22 November 2013. The Committee was currently working out the dates for the visit to Spain. Teams of sportsmen (and women) and musicians were exchanging visits with Villanueva-de-la-Cañada.

Sport Royston
Councillors Hill and Hunter informed the Committee that there had been a very good turnout at the recent meeting. Generally things were much more positive and there were more members than ever before.

Learn to Live
Councillor Hunter thought that this was one to watch, as they taught young people about the pitfalls of driving vehicles under the influence of drink and drugs and of the dangers of using mobile telephones while driving. He thought that this scheme was very impressive. Nearly 300 young people had heard speeches and presentations on these subjects from the Fire Service, Police and families who had lost members as a result of the above actions.

Royston Community Association
Members were informed that the Annual General Meeting would be held on 25 November 2013.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix C2
Appendix D
Appendix D2
Appendix E
Appendix E2
Appendix F
Appendix F2
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. He updated the Committee on, and gave a brief summary of, the activities with which he had been involved since the last meeting on 18 September 2013 with details on the following issues:

ASB Issues
The CDO had advised the Committee of the installation of a "flower-bed" at the rear of the Coombes Community Centre to prevent damage by footballs to a resident's sitting room wall. The resident was happy with this. It was now proposed that whips be purchased and planted in this area.

Coombes Community Centre
Further to the Centre's grant application to help fund an extension, it was hoped to work on the successor to PACIF.

Salt Bins and Dog Bins
There have been a number of salt bin applications. Thanks were expressed to Councillors Burt, Hunter and Morris for their help with the salt bins and to Royston Town Council for its help with the salt. Dog bin applications are also being received.

Letters of Thanks
The CDO had received a letter of thanks from the Clerk of Barkway Parish council for funding towards the enhancements to the Reading Room.

The Chairman had informed the Committee that she had received a letter of thanks. This was from the Royston Volunteer Centre for the grant they had been awarded.

Highways Matters
The CDO reminded the Committee that, as stated in his report, a new section on Highways Matters would be introduced in his report.

The CDO took Members through the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budget, as presented at Appendix A. This included details of allocations in the Committee's base budget and carry-forwards which should be used before considering sums from this year's unallocated base budget.

Big Town Tidy Up
A list has been received regarding issues arising. A suggestion was made that the Royston and District Committee discuss with Royston Town Council the way forward and a report be brought back to a future Royston and District Committee Meeting in 2014.

Grant Funding
The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix B from Royston Food Bank, for financial support for funding for shelving equipment, subject to clarification of the criteria.

The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix C from Angels Support Group for financial assistance for fortnightly sessions until April 2014.

The Committee considered the grant application from the Rotary Club of Royston to support the Royston Technology Tournament, attached as Appendix D.

The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix E from Barkway Parish Council, for projection equipment.

The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix F from Royston Town Band for support funding towards the construction of a new rehearsal room for the Band.

The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix G, received from Budgetary Support for an extension to Coombes Community Centre.

The Committee considered the grant application at Appendix H from Royston Town Council, for funding for hanging baskets.

The Committee considered a grant application at Appendix I from Royston Town Council for financial assistance with clearing the site for the new Royston Town Cemetery.

Determination of these grant applications is recorded from Minutes 53 to 60 below.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for presenting the report and for his hard work for the people of Royston and surrounding areas.


(1) That the Committee thanked the Community Development Officer (CDO) and endorsed the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

(2) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved, be noted;

(3) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

(4) That the Royston and District Committee considers making a grant award of £1,000 to Royston Food bank for funding for shelving equipment, subject to clarification of the criteria;

(5) That the Royston and District Committee considers making a grant award of £1,250 to Angels Support Group for support for fortnightly Royston sessions and overheads until April 2014;

(6) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £300 to the Rotary Club of Royston for the Royston Technology Tournament;

(7) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £315 to Barkway Parish Council for projection equipment for the Parish Council;

(8) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £1,500 to Royston Town Band for construction of a new rehearsal room for the Band;

(9) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £500 to Budgetary Support Royston and District Committee for the Coombes Community Centre extension;

(10) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £1,000 to Royston Town Council for funding for hanging baskets;

(11) That the Committee considers making a grant award in principle to Royston Town Council for funding for site clearance for the new Royston Town cemetery.

(12) That Royston and District Committee discuss with Royston Town Council the way forward on the Big Town Tidy Up.

(13) That the Committee considers awarding support funding in relation to any potential Highways schemes, as proposed and discussed under paragraph 8.5 of this report.


(1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

(3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

(5) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.

Councillor Fiona Hill stated a Declarable Interest and advised the Committee that she would not vote to determine this grant application, as they had already verbally applied to her Herts County Council Locality Budget for funds. Councillor Bill Davidson also stated a Declarable Interest and would not vote, as his wife is the Chairman of Royston Food Bank. Neither of them would leave the room or take part in the vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be granted to Royston Food Bank for funding for shelving equipment. Royston Food Bank was asked to come back to the Committee if further funds were required.

Councillor Fiona Hill advised the Committee of a Declarable Interest and advised the Committee that she would not leave the room, nor vote to determine this grant application, as they had applied to her Herts County Council Locality Budget for funding.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,250 be granted to the Angels Support Group for support for fortnightly Royston sessions and a contribution towards overheads until April 2014.

Councillors Fiona Hill and Tony Hunter declared a Declarable Interest and stated that they would not participate in the determination of this grant application as they had also received an application to their HCC Locality Budgets from the Rotary Club of Royston. They elected to stay in the room during the vote and discussion, but would not take part.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £300 be granted to the Rotary Club of Royston to support the Royston Technology Tournament, an effective competition which has become an excellent annual event.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £315 be granted to the Barkway Parish Council to provide projection equipment for users of the Reading Room.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,500 be granted to the Royston Town Band for the construction of a new rehearsal room for the Band.

Councillors Bill Davidson, Fiona Hill, and Jean Green stated Declarable Interests as they are on the Management Committee of the Coombes Community Centre, Councillor Davidson being the Chairman of the Committee. They all stated that they would stay in the room but would not vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £500 be granted to the Coombes Community Centre through Budgetary Support to help fund a new extension to the Centre.

Councillor Fiona Hill stated that she had a Declarable Interest in this grant application, as she has already supported Royston Town Council with funds towards this from her HCC Locality Budget. Councillor Peter Burt also had a Declarable Interest as he is a Royston Town Councillor. Neither of them would leave the room or take part in the vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be granted to the Royston Town Council to help fund hanging baskets.

Councillor Peter Burt made a Declarable Interest as he is a Royston Town Councillor and Chairman of the Working Party for Cemetery Development. Councillor Fiona Hill revealed a Declarable Interest, as she is supporting this project through her HCC Locality Budget. She and Councillor Tony Hunter are consultants to the Working Party for Cemetery Development on Highways Matters. They all stated that they would speak but not leave the room or vote.

RESOLVED: That Members support the principle of the Royston Town Cemetery, but that allocation of funds be deferred until further clarification has been obtained, including sight of the full business plan.

The Chairman thanked the Leader of the Council, all Members of the Royston and District Committee, NHDC officers and Royston Town Councillors for their support throughout 2013. She wished them all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Not Agreed   
Published on Friday, 3rd January, 2014