Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 15th November, 2011 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 13th September, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Judi Billing (Chairman), Councillor Paul Clark (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor David Billing, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor R.A.C. Thake.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Simon Young - Transport Policy Officer
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Alan Millard and Deepak Sangha.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201111151930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 July 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman advised that there would be no other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those making a presentation at Public Participation, and thanked those who had attended Town Talk;

(2)The Chairman proposed and it was agreed that a vote of thanks be made to Mick Furr OBE in respect of her excellent support to the Westmill and Hitchin Community as the manager of the Westmill Community Centre and that every best wish be offered for a healthy and long retirement. Mrs Furr was presented with a bouquet of flowers to a round of applause. There would be a celebration of the Manager's support to the Community and a presentation on 24 September 2011;

(3)The Chairman advised those present that had been very little progress to report on either The Churchgate Development or Bancroft Hall and Gardens Project since the last meeting and that an update on both would be reported at the meeting to be held on 15 November 2011;

(4)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.



Ms Diana Hedley thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Ms Hedley advised that over the last few months Groundwork Herts in partnership with Youth Connexions had worked hard to ensure the future of a local community radio station. A new studio was established at Bancroft Youth Centre which would house the radio and office space for technical support at daytime and evening sessions. It was hoped to have advertising through the youth portal channel mogo. Ms Hedley on behalf of everyone involved with this youth project thanked the Committee for the grant that allowed the purchase of a new radio station to deliver radio shows, advertise local events and have live performances on air.

As this was a new venture away from Westmill local young people were consulted on a new name and three names were proposed of which YOR Radio was selected. During this summer's school holidays it had been planned to broadcast live but this had not been possible. However, this delay had not been wasted, the studio space had been painted a new Myriad system installed, 32 young people logged 144 hours of training, uploading, editing music and planning for the future. The design of a new website for the radio launch was necessary as the granting of a one month FM radio licence was severely delayed due to a very long lead in time and it was very important to launch this Community Radio station in some format this autumn to maintain interest and confirm viability. Ms Hedley advised the Committee that there would need to be several one month licences granted before there could be an application for a full Community Radio Licence and ultimately operating on a 24/7 basis.

The Committee noted that the station would go ‘live' on the Intranet on 27 September between the hours of 3p.m. and 7 p.m. The radio station would be advertised in local schools and particularly at the Voice of Hitchin Youth Taste Event on 1 October. Ms Hedley advised the Committee that local businesses would be approached to advertise on the radio station and website and there would be daytime workshops at schools to ensure sustainability and support running costs.

The Chairman and several Members congratulated Ms Hedley and those involved with YOR Radio on the progress made and that the new name gave a strong identity for the community. A Member enquired what would be done for advertisers and Ms Hedley confirmed that there would be events and leafleting to advertise sponsors and listening figures would be made available as soon as possible. The radio station would be a focal point for community events, radio interviews and charity events would be advertised without charge.


(1)That Ms Diana Hedley be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the change of name from Mill FM to YOR Radio be noted;

(3)That the work of Groundwork Herts and Youth Connexions to establish a new radio station in Hitchin be applauded;

(4)That representatives from YOR Radio be invited back with a progress report to a future meeting of this Committee;

The Strategic Director for Customer Services (SD) advised the Committee that a meeting had been held with FutureBuilders England Ltd. on 7 September 2011 to determine a revised drawdown schedule for the grant/loan. At the date of this meeting neither NHDC or Hitchin Town Hall Ltd had received the decision in writing.

The SD confirmed that Hitchin Town Hall had verbally confirmed acceptance of the company and governance structure which formed part of the Development Agreement. In response to a question the SD advised that the Development Agreement must be approved by Full Council and if necessary a special meeting of Council would be called for this purpose. The SD advised the Committee that Hitchin Town Hall Ltd were in the process of providing for the Development Agreement: an Option Agreement, a Transfer Deed and a legal charge over the lease of 14 Brand Street.

The SD referred the Committee to the tasks table and advised that the procurement of the Supervising Architect was proceeding well. Tenders were issued on 9 September 2011 and a site visit for tenderers had taken place today - 13 September 2011.

The Committee were pleased to note that a partial VAT exemption certificate had been issued by HMRC which confirmed that capital expenditure would not be subject to VAT.

The SD was able to advise the Committee on user data for Hitchin Town Hall since the increase in hire charges. In the previous 12 moths there had been 18 regular hirers and this figure had remained constant although there had been a few departures balanced by new clients. There had been a reduction in irregular users from 30 to 16 but this was thought in part due to the expected closure, however the SD advised that the increased budget income was largely in line with targets.


(1)That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2)That the details relating to the tender and award of contract for the Supervising Architect be noted;

(3)That the delay to signing a Development Agreement with Future Builders which in turn could delay the appointment of the Supervising Architect be noted;

(4)That the possibility of a Special Meeting of Council to endorse and sign a Development Agreement with FutureBuilders England Ltd be noted;

(5)That the Strategic Director of Customer Services be requested to submit an updating Information Note to the next and subsequent meetings of the Hitchin Committee.
Agreed  Strategic Director of Customer Services


The Transport Policy Officer (TPO) presented the report of the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager and that the views of the Committee were sought on a number of parking issues affecting Hitchin Town Centre within the NHDC Car Parking Strategy Review. The Transport Policy Officer reminded the Committee that one of the agreed priorities was a review of town centre parking and that consideration of on - street charging for parking was explored within this report.

The TPO described to the Committee the relevant points of four particular parking issues affecting Hitchin Town Centre i.e. Town Centre Parking Review, On Street Charging, Potential Town Centre Investments and Sunday, evening and Bank Holiday car park charging. Led by the Chairman the Committee discussed each of the four issues in turn. Points raised by Members included inter alia The need for a controlled Parking Zone in Highbury Ward adjacent to Queen Street; the need for free short term parking bays adjacent to retail outlets; consultation with interest groups; improve parking signage in Hitchin Town Centre; real time signage for spare spaces in large car parks and at bus stops for bus arrivals; no support for evening charging or Sunday charging; need for cost/benefit analysis of the value of additional charging against the cost of enforcement; Objection to the proposed ban on motor cars entering Hermitage Road; and proposed to move bus stops from Queen Street and Hermitage Road to Bancroft.

The Committee in its overall discussion made the comments which are detailed at (2) below. It was noted during the discussion that any comments or proposals on car parking should be considered as to the appropriateness of Corporate Business Planning.


(1)That the details provided in the report on the four main issues for parking in Hitchin i.e. Town Centre Parking Review, On Street Charging, Potential Town Centre Investments and Sunday, Evening and Bank Holiday Car Park charging be noted;

(2)That the Transport Policy officer be requested to take note of the following comments, especially if there is a contribution to the Corporate Business Planning Process:

-That interest groups such as disabled badge holders, licensed taxi association, cyclists, motor cyclists should be consulted on parking proposals;
-That urgent consideration should be given to the implementation of a Controlled Parking Zone in Hollow Lane, Storehouse Lane, Mount Garrison and adjacent residential roads with a request for a separate report on this issue to the next meeting of this Committee on 15 November 2011;
-That due consideration should be given to the provision of short term parking bays in Hollow Lane;
-That there should be extra provision of free short term parking in Hitchin Town Centre (20 minutes or 30 minutes maximum stay);
-That signage for car parking in Hitchin should be improved, and as soon as possible real-time information signs introduced which show the number of available car parking spaces in various Hitchin Car Parks, which would alleviate the need for drivers to drive around the town seeking a parking space ;
-That enforcement of parking controls in Hitchin High Street (between the barrier and Market Square) be increased to ensure that only designated users were able to park;
-That any trial of on-street short term parking charges should be implemented first in peripheral parts of the town and not in core areas of the town centre;
-That any decisions on charging for short term parking and which areas would be used should be subject to a business case analysis;
-That charging for short stay on - street parking in Hitchin Town Centre did not have the support of the Hitchin Committee;
-That the Transport Policy Officer should enquire of retailer outlets in Hitchin the feasibility of using payback for parking charges, such as a rebate or scratch cards;
-That there should be a very detailed benefit/cost analysis of the introduction of any proposals for charges for parking on Sundays, Public Holidays or evenings, as the Committee considered that any projected income would not cover the costs of implementation or enforcement;
-That due consideration should be given to needs of church congregations when decisions might be made on the introduction of Sunday parking charges;
-That due consideration should be given not to impose parking charges in NHDC car parks during the evening as a nominal fee of 50p would be insufficient to cover the cost of enforcement;
-That there should be a business case plan on the costs/benefit on any proposals for charging in the evening either in NHDC Car Parks or on-street;
-That the introduction of any parking charges should be realistic and must be of benefit to visitors and residents of Hitchin;
-It was the view of several Members that residents were subsidising the costs of enforcement of parking regulations e.g. an extra 12 hours of controlled parking would require an extra 12 hours of enforcement;
-That due consideration should given to the asset for the Local Authority which are the car parks and income generated;
-That consideration should be given to charities and voluntary groups who use Hitchin Town Centre on a Sunday and the effect of parking charges;
-That consideration should be given to moving service bus stops in Queen Street and Bancroft to Hermitage Road or developing a new service bus area in Bancroft as this was a much wider highway;
-That the relocation of service bus stops could free up space for car parking;
-That service bus providers should be encouraged to restrict the layover of service buses in Hermitage Road to a much shorter time or not at all as these vehicles occupied parking spaces for other service buses;
-That the Hitchin Transport Plan should incorporate improvements for pedestrians moving from Waitrose or The Lairage Car Park across Paynes Park to Hitchin Town Centre;
-That the service bus providers and Hertfordshire Highways should introduce accurate real time information at bus stops as soon as possible.

(3)With regard to Town Centre Enhancement the Committee did not support a radical plan to close Hermitage Road to motor cars and that the location of bays for service buses should be assessed as to the viability of such a proposal and that the re-location of all bus service bays to Bancroft should be given due consideration;

(4)That the Transport Policy Manager be requested to provide regular updates on progress with the Area Parking Review and Town Centre Enhancement.

To progress the Area Parking Review and any potential Town Centre Enhancement.

The Town Centre Manager thanked everyone for the warm welcome and the Chairman commented on how well Mr Hoskins looked.

Although the matter of town centre parking was by its very nature a contentious issue Hitchin Initiative were pleased to be included in discussions with NHDC and were encouraged by the proposals for Town Centre Enhancement and that there should be a business case to review the benefits/costs of any new parking controls and charges. Mr Hoskins said that any introduction of charges for evenings or on Sunday would have a detrimental affect on businesses in the town.

The recent Food Festival had been very successful and over 400 bottles of apple juice produced which would be sold to raise funds for the Christmas Lights.

One of the most interesting projects underway was the establishment of a Community and Enterprise Training Shop in a vacant property in Hermitage which was rent free for a few months courtesy of Hitchin Property Trust. The purpose of the venture was to mentor embryonic businesses, teach life skills for young people (18-25 years), showcase community groups, and most importantly meet the needs of young people labelled as NEETS (not in education, employment or training). It might be possible for a local business to adopt a NEET and that funds were needed to pay for day to day expenses, running costs and a possible rent payment towards the end of 2011. There would be a fund raising day on Trafalgar Day (21 October), a fashion show on 15 October followed by Christmas celebrations. For 2012 plans are underway to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee and a Hitchin Olympics Weekend (7/8 July).

The Town Manager advised the Committee that HTCI continued to have discussions with Simons Developments and Hammersmatch and that it was very important to agree on a location for Hitchin Markets. There would be a visit soon from business people in Orpington, Kent concerning business improvement grants and that the presence of Hitchin in the television series ‘Location, Location, Location' which had generated a lot of interest in the town.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for the update on events in Hitchin and at the Chairman's enquiry the Town Manager confirmed that he intended to submit a grant application concerning the Community and Enterprise Shop at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee on 15 November 2011.


(1)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be welcomed and congratulated on his return to good health;

(2)That the comments made by the Town Centre Manager on proposals for parking be noted;

(3)That the information provided on previous, current and future events in Hitchin be noted;

(4)That the information provided on the opening of a Community and Enterprise Training shop in Hermitage Road be welcomed;

(5)That the Town Centre Manager be requested to discuss with the Community Development Officer the presentation of a grant application in support of the Community Enterprise Shop at the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 15 November 2011.
Noted  Transport Policy Officer

Appendix A
Appendix A.1
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and provided a synopsis of her activities within the Hitchin Community since the last meeting held on 12 June 2011.

The first Hitchin Primary Schools Fair had been successful despite the wet weather and would be held again in 2012. The recent Member and School Surgery at Priory School was cancelled at short notice and a meeting would now take place in December. There had been a very successful Community Reassurance Event in Bearton Ward at the end of July with the Fire service visiting 300 residences, advice from the Safer Neighbourhood Team and Crime Prevention Panel. Local residents were very pleased at the litter collection on roads and pathways and graffiti removal.

The CDO advised the Committee that the vacancy for the post of Westmill Community Manager had been advertised and interviews had taken place and that there would be a celebration and presentation to mark the retirement of Mrs Furr on 24 September 2011.

The Committee were pleased to note that another TASTE event would take place in Hitchin Market Place on Saturday 1 October 2011 and that Hitchin Youth Trust had opened their newly refurbished Youth Rooms on 3 September and that the rooms were open to all people involved in youth activities.

The CDO referred the Committee to the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme as presented at Appendix B and the updated Highways Work Programme as presented at Appendix C. Following a short discussion the Committee agreed to the additional expenditure on highway schemes as detailed at (3) and (4) below.

The Committee also agreed to carry forward monies allocated from the Visioning Budget for Bancroft Parks and Gardens to 2012-2013.

The Committee were also in agreement to provide financial support to Play Projects and the confirmation that Walsworth Members would provide an additional £2000 to confirm the Purwell Project.

The Committee thanked the Priory Ward Members for the award of £3000 to re-fence Smithson Recreation Ground.

A final comment was raised by a Member in that it had been at least two years since officers from Hertfordshire Highways had attended Hitchin Committee to discuss highway schemes in the Hitchin Area. The CDO was requested to contact Hertfordshire Highways and invite officers to a future meeting of the Hitchin Committee.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 12 July 2011 be applauded;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the additional allocation of £3,333 from the 2011-2012 Visioning Budget to support the Junction Protection Schemes in Hitchin be agreed;

(4)That an allocation of £1,250 from the 2011 - 2012 Visioning Budget to cover an investigation into the provision of pedestrian islands in the vicinity of Our Lady's Primary School, Hitchin be agreed;

(5)That the proposal to reduce the deficit of the Visioning Budget be agreed and that the sum of £26,403 be the new allocation towards Bancroft Gardens and this revised sum reinstated again in the 2012-2013 financial year be also agreed;

(6)That the proposal made at the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 12 June 2011 (Minute 41 refers) to allocate £2,000 to support the Oughton Play Project and £2,000 to support Purwell Play Project from the Central Area Grants budget be agreed;

(7)That the proposal made by Walsworth Members to allocate £2000 towards the costs of the Purwell Play Project be welcomed and noted;

(8)That the granting of monies towards the Play Projects at Oughton and Purwell by the Oughton and Walsworth Members be noted and welcomed;

(9)That the allocation of £3,000 by Priory Ward Members towards the costs of replacement fencing at Smithsons Recreation Ground be noted and applauded.

(10)That the Community Development Officer be requested to make the necessary arrangements for meetings of Councillor Surgeries at Schools and at North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum to take place this autumn.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets.

Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Friday, 30th September, 2011
9.25 p.m.