Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 16th July, 2013 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 4th June, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: The Gurdwara, Wilbury Way, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith (Chairman), Councillor R.A.C. Thake (Vice-Chairman),Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor David Leal - Bennett, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver and Councillor Deborah Segalini.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Manager
Andrew Mills - Service Manager (Grounds)
Jamie Sells - Contracts Manager (Waste Management)
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 20 members of the public including two speakers at Public Participation.

Note: Councillor Judi Billing left the meeting at 9.40p.m.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: David Billing and Lisa Courts.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201307161930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 March 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201307161930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 May 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(2)Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, Other Pecuniary interest or Non-Pecuniary interest, and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring either an Other Pecuniary interest, or a Non-Pecuniary interest which requires they leave the room under paragraph 16.3 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote;
(3)The Chairman congratulated all those who had taken part in the recent Hertfordshire County Council elections on 2 May and in particular County Councillors D. Ashley, D. Billing and R.A.C. Thake on their success and commiserations to the unsuccessful candidates;
(4)The Chairman proposed and it was agreed to send best wishes to Councillor David Billing and that the thoughts of the Committee were with him.

Declarations of Interest:
The Chairman advised the Committee that this presentation was for information only and was not an item for decision or resolution. Members of the Hitchin Committee who were also Members of the NHDC Planning Control Committee were advised not to make any comments on the presentation to avoid the perception of pre-determination in any future planning decision.

Mr Shadbolt thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was representing Whitebarn Developments regarding the Hitchin Post Office site between Hermitage Road and Portmill Lane. Mr Shadbolt provided Members of the Committee with a copy of the latest architectural drawings following discussions with Planning Officers and advised that he would be meeting soon with officers to discuss the latest proposals.

Mr Shadbolt updated Members on progress to date and advised the Committee that the latest plans had residential as much the same as the original proposal above approximately 3.5 K square feet of retail units on Hermitage Road, a Hotel with 60 beds plus supporting facilities but as yet no formal agreement had been signed with an operator. There would 30 staff at the hotel and an estimated £350K per annum injected into the local economy. Other residential units would be private designation at the high end of the market with a high finished specification. There were Also proposals for a café with retail units on the ground level. The River Hiz walkway would be widened and improved between Hermitage Road and Portmill Lane. Mr Shadbolt concluded his presentation with confirmation that he would meet with planning officers in the week beginning 10 June and that this was an evolving scheme.

The Chairman invited questions and in response to a question as to why the scheme design had changed. Mr Shadbolt advised that the final design would have to be consensus and that the design was subjective and the original use of modern materials was a bold choice but discussions with the planning officers had resulted in the current design and there could not be two designs to choose from. Several Members considered that the new plans placed before them were not as bold or as exciting as the first designs and one Member strongly supported the need for more involvement and discussion on this scheme with local groups and the Hitchin Committee. A Member considered that the first design which was modernistic would meld with existing buildings in Hermitage Road and Portmill Lane and opined that the first design from Whitebarn Developments was superior to the plans placed before this Committee, would be good for Hitchin and the local economy. Members agreed that the benefit of this scheme for Hitchin should not be discounted and that the Churchgate Project (Simons Developments) was too strong and too large for the town.

The Chairman acknowledged the points raised by the Committee and it was agreed that the best way forward was to pass on the suggestions to the appropriate Portfolio Holder.


(1)That Mr Mark Shadbolt be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise the suggestion of the Committee that Planning Officers should look again at the original design concept with the developer;

(3)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise a request by the Committee that further discussion on this scheme should take place with Hitchin Members and local community groups prior to the presentation of a planning application;

(4)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise a suggestion by the Committee that old and new architectural designs could be acceptable side by side at the Post Office site.

Mr Adrian Gurney of Hitchin Forum thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that The Hitchin Society, Hitchin Forum and Hitchin Historical Society together with Hitchin Initiative had met recently to discuss the pro active preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan within the Localism Act whilst at the same time recognising resource and cost issues and the need for the NHDC Local Plan to be in place first.

Of most import to local community groups was the development of Hitchin Town Centre due to the demise of Simon's Developments proposals for the Churchgate Centre. The Groups considered that Hitchin should be developed as a destination town centre with more day and evening visits, with the building of a critical mass of leisure and cultural facilities, with the provision of flexible buildings and spaces in the town centre for a wide range of uses with the main objective of meeting the changing community and recreational needs of local people.

The local groups had proposed four policies and four proposals for consideration by this Committee and Planning Officers. With regard to the historical character of Hitchin should there be Design Principles in the Hitchin section of the Local Plan? Was there a need for a revision of the NHDC Licensing Policy as there could be a decline in the retail core with any development being incremental and small scale and have a change in use. That the NHDC Transport Policy should give priority to those using the town centre, parking provision, improvements for buses, pedestrians and cyclists and should Hertfordshire Highways be involved more with this aspect of town centre improvements?

The four proposals made by these local groups touched on: St Marys Square, Churchgate and Hitchin Market - changing the quality of a significant town centre; Moss's Corner, Brand street and part of Bancroft - major improvement to the core of the shopping area and the setting of the Town Hall Museum; Paynes Park, introduce a creative quarter at a major gateway to the town centre and conversion of the old Museum for community use and improving pedestrian movement plus two way traffic on this highway; and at Woodside Centre provide the opportunity to strengthen cultural and youth facilities in an established area near the town centre.

Mr Gurney concluded his presentation on behalf of the Community Groups and confirmed that there had been a preliminary workshop on Paynes Park for revisiting the Hitchin Development Brief and enquired of the Committee if the Hitchin Town Centre Working Party should be revised?

The Chairman thanked Mr Gurney for the detailed presentation and on behalf of the Committee thanked the Community Groups and Hitchin Initiative for the constructive points raised.

Members agreed that a lot of excellent work had been undertaken to produce the 50 page document which would be a valuable contribution to the Draft Local Plan, that any developments should be linked with the National Planning Policy Framework, that the document from these groups would help Hitchin and local Councillors very much.

It was evident from the ensuing discussion that the Committee welcomed the initiative from local community groups shown in preparing the above document and considered that in the future representatives from such local groups should be invited to contribute their ideas to the Local Plan in consultation with officers. It was also agreed that subject to further discussions by all parties that the feasibility of bringing back into use The Hitchin Town Centre Working Party had merit. Members also considered that changes of use in town centre properties could affect the NHDC Licensing Policy and that the prospected use of Paynes Park, Thomas Bellamy House and Sanctuary House should be fully investigated before final decisions were made. Overall the Committee accepted that any future plans for Hitchin Town Centre must be moved forward as soon as possible and not put to one side for several years.


(1)That Mr Adrian Gurney be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise the suggestion of the Committee that Local Community Groups in Hitchin should be invited to contribute on a regular basis to that part of the Local Plan pertinent to Hitchin;

(3)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transport and Enterprise the suggestion of the Local Community Groups, supported by the Hitchin Committee that the Hitchin Town Centre Working Party should be reinstated.

Inspector Daniel Lawrence of Hertfordshire Constabulary thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and introduced Sergeant Stephen Oliphant from Hitchin Police Station. The main point of the presentation was the new Neighbourhood Policing Structure, Crime and Performance and the Way Forward. The Inspector confirmed that there were six Police Constables and five Police Community Support Officers based at Hitchin Police Station.

Inspector Lawrence was pleased to report a steady decline in recorded crime from 2011 -2012 to 2012-2013 which was 289 less. Detected crime in 2011-2012 was 804 cases with the following year reducing to 722 solved cases, being a fall of 37.8 per cent in 2011-2012 and 39.3 per cent in 2012-2013. For 2013 - 2014 the forecast of recorded crime was 1735 incidents with 309 to date and detections of 673 for 2013-2014 with 120 detections to date which was equal to 38.8 per cent.

Inspector Lawrence advised the Committee that there would be no adverse impact for the people of Hitchin due to the New Neighbourhood Policing Structure, no change which would allow the Police Sergeants to use resources from all Safer Neighbourhood Teams in North Hertfordshire to provide re-assurance and to prevent and tackle emerging issues. The Way Forward would disseminate news and information via NHDC Committee Meetings, and have a priority setting via Twitter, Survey Monkey, Hertfordshire Constabulary Internet Site and attendance at Hitchin Councillor surgeries on the first Saturday of each month, and input from all Partners would be welcomed.

The Chairman thanked Inspector Lawrence and Sergeant Oliphant for the presentation and all agreed that Hertfordshire Constabulary were providing an excellent service to the Hitchin Community and the residents of North Hertfordshire.

There were several questions concerning reportable crime such as taxis parking outside designated zones in residential areas in Hitchin Town Centre, the use of the new non emergency police telephone number and that it appeared that there was little reporting of crime to Hitchin Police Station. A Member queried the communications regarding Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and Inspector Lawrence agreed to follow up this as soon as possible, and a Member advised the Committee that there would be a meeting about Neighbourhood Watch Schemes at Waitrose supermarket in Hitchin on 15th June to which all Members and residents were welcome.

In response to a question on the assessment of people's priorities Inspector Lawrence confirmed that the police would attend the monthly Councillor Surgery in Market Place. Also, suggestion boxes could be placed in local shops in the rural areas.


(1)That Inspector D. Lawrence and Sgt. Stephen Oliphant be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the new neighbourhood policing structure and no changes to resources in Hitchin be noted;

(3)That the Committee supported and welcomed the work of Hertfordshire Constabulary in Hitchin and surrounding villages.

The Strategic Director for Customer Services (SD) gave an oral presentation to the Committee on the new recycling and waste service in North Hertfordshire supported by a tabled paper that gave details of the changes, the need for even more recycling of residential waste, and the programme for introducing the new general waste wheelie bin plus the instructions for differing recyclates.

The main objective was to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and for example where non compostable card went to land fill last year cost NHDC £12,500. Consequently there would be a marked change in the collection of recyclates, with cardboard removed from garden and food waste and the kerbside collection of plastics, this was in result of a grey bin contents analysis which clearly identified items that could be recycled. Bring banks for plastics and glass on NHDC land would be removed by the week commencing 12 August 2013.

The SD gave a comprehensive description of the new service and described the materials to be placed in each wheelie bin or box. Also, how the residents of North Hertfordshire would be informed of the changes and the timetable for changes. The SD advised the committee that regular updates on the timetable would be published in the weekly MIS.

In response to questions the SD confirmed that the delivery of purple waste bins would be on a street by street basis and not by Wards, that information hangers would be put through letter boxes in a bin was not left outside a property, that glass and broken glass was collected early in the separation process of recyclates as glass damaged machinery. The roll out programme for flats would take place in the Autumn and Members requested that there should be a minimum of delay between the completion of house collections and collections of waste and recyclates from flats. With regard to cross contamination of items in wheelie bins the SD advised that there would be a long ‘settling in' period and the authority would be reluctant to withdraw the waste collection service unless it was absolutely necessary.

The Chairman thanked officers for the presentation and the detailed answers to Member's questions and the SD agreed to send Members the electronic version of the presentation in order to answer questions to Members from ward constituents.


(1)That the information provided on the new recycling and waste service be noted;

(2)That the Strategic Director for Customer Services be requested to ensure that all Members of the Committee were provided with an electronic version of the Powerpoint Presentation;

(3)That the Strategic Director for Customer Services be requested to ensure that the new waste recycling and waste service would be provided to residents of flats in North Hertfordshire without delay following the introduction of the new service to houses.
Information Note
Ground Floor Plan

The Strategic Director for Customer Services advised the Committee that he had nothing to add to the report and confirmed to a Member that the Terms of Reference for the Architect were very precise. Also, that although there had been a slight slippage due to the final approval from the Adventure Capital fund not being received until 7 May 2013 there would be no change to the public opening on 16 March 2015.

RESOLVED: That the information concerning the works programme for this project be noted.
Appendix A

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) presented the Briefing Note of the Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD).

The PCM advised the Committee that Cabinet on 25 September 2012 (Minute 48 refers) approved the proposal to make an application for grant funding to improve
Bancroft Gardens under the Parks for People Lottery within the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

The PCM referred the Committee to the ten outcomes within the three categories: Outcomes for Heritage; Outcomes for People and Outcomes for Communities. The PCM confirmed that the appointed Consultant would prepare an application for Bancroft Gardens and ultimately oversee and manage the redevelopment of the Gardens which would be split into four distinct phases. The PCM explained the main tasks in the Project Plan and that the first five tasks had been completed at 15 May 2013. The PCM was pleased to advise the Committee that funding for this type of project had risen to 80 per cent of the projected costs from 60 per cent. Also, that there had been many positive comments on the improvements to Howard Park and Gardens in Letchworth which would it was hoped also happen at Bancroft Park and Gardens.

There ensued a strong debate on the proposals during which Members expressed support for the refurbishment of the Park and Gardens using a Heritage Lottery Grant. However, a Member questioned why the completion date was not until 2017? that the scheme was not very imaginative and why had not all Ward Councillors been involved in the development and proposals for the proposed scheme? The PCM advised that the procurement process had to follow the Official Journal of the European Union regulations and that the HLF had set times for the submission of bids and it took six months to evaluate each stage. The SD informed Members that the scheme was in the Hitchin Conservation Area which placed restrictions on what could be designed and constructed. The PCM confirmed that the main objective was to refurbish the Park and the layout at Appendix A met this purpose.

Despite the comments made by the PCM it was clear that Members wanted a more imaginative design and that there should be much more consultation on what people wanted. Park users needed a kiosk, good toilet facilities, and play areas as well as grassed areas and flower beds and that the bandstand should be retained. The PCM confirmed that all these proposals were already included in the Master Plan and the appointed Consultant would be seeking the views of residents to further develop these outline proposals.

The Strategic Director for Customer Services (SD) was aware of complaints but did not accept that the consultation to date had been inadequate, there were heritage and policy objectives as well as the Green Space Strategy that had to be considered.

The debate continued with a Member expressing deep concern about the programme of works and proposed layout as this was the first time that he had sight of the Master Plan. Of particular concern was the need to have a strong linkage between the Community Halls Strategy and the Green Space Strategy and Members agreed that this had been lost and could not see how such a relationship was apparent in the ‘Master Plan' proposals for Bancroft Park and Gardens. Members stated that there was a lot of evidence that suggested some level of community support for a Community Hall in Bancroft Park and Gardens and comment was made that the wishes of the public should not be ignored and the people of Hitchin should be encouraged to put forward their own plans. A Member commented that here had been no maintenance of the tennis courts for many years, who was going to manage facilities in the Park, who will look after the Multi Use Games Area. Was there a business plan for the Park? and more importantly it was considered that the Master Plan at Appendix A should not be regarded as the final design.

The SD advised the Committee that there was a lot of information on the NHDC Website regarding Bancroft Park and Gardens and the maintenance of the tennis courts was discontinued due to cost savings awaiting the lottery application. The use of the Park was very seasonal and that the objectives of NHDC was to increase the amount of land given over to green spaces and there had to be a 10 year management plan for schemes such as these under Heritage Lottery Funding rules.

Discussion then took place on the lack of a Community Hall Facility in the Master Plan and it was noted that there would be no funding from NHDC for such a facility but the debate between Members sought assurance that should funding be provided from another source that the Local Authority would seek to facilitate such a proposal.

It was finally agreed that the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee should be invited to convey to the appropriate Portfolio Holders the suggestions made by Members during the discussions and debate on the linkage between the Green Space Strategy and the Community Halls Strategy, the need for more public consultation, that the plan placed before this Committee should not regarded as the final plan and the need for a community facility in the Park should funding be made available from outside sources within the community.


(1)That the information provided on the progress towards a submission for a Heritage Lottery Fund Application be noted;

(2)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure confirmation by Members of the Committee that works to refurbish Bancroft Park and Gardens should proceed without delay and funding should be sought from the Heritage Lottery Fund;

(3)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure the proposal by Members of the Committee that any works to refurbish Bancroft Park and Gardens should not be separated from any provision of a new Community Hall in the Park and Gardens and that the Master Plan presented at Appendix A should not be taken as the final plan;

(4)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Area Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure the suggestion of the Committee that the Community Halls Strategy should be re-assessed in respect of Bancroft Park and Gardens and that due recognition should be made of the strong linkage between the Community Halls Strategy and the Green Space Strategy with particular reference to Bancroft Park and Gardens;

(5)That the Chairman of the Hitchin Area Committee be requested to convey to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and the Portfolio holder for community Engagement and Rural Affairs the following statement ‘ The Hitchin Committee proposed that the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs, together with Cabinet be requested to provide in the main plan for Bancroft Park and Gardens refurbishment an ability to receive a proposal for a community facility to be incorporated in the Park and Gardens Project that would replace the existing Bancroft Pavilion should the community provide sufficient funds for a replacement building. This proposal should be coupled with a review of the Green Space Strategy which could accommodate such a building'.
Appendix A

The Service Manager - Grounds (SMG) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services which is in the main a response to the request from the Hitchin Committee to consider the establishment of a Garden of Remembrance at St. John's Cemetery.

The SMG referred the Committee to Appendix A which gave details of the completed proposal from the Countryside Management Service (CMS) which took notice of the Committee's aspirations, retained the usefulness of the site, planting of wild flowers, benches and the scattering of ashes. There had been a good flush of meadow flowers this Spring (Photographs at Appendix A) and the work of volunteers was a very valuable contribution, supported by the CMS.

The Committee were very pleased to note the progress made with the Garden of Remembrance and a Member suggested that the toilet facilities could be opened outside the time of funerals and another Member questioned whether there could be a role for a Park Ranger or like person to supervise a crafts person/handyman and /or volunteers for the upkeep of the Remembrance Garden.

RESOLVED: That the information regarding the Garden of Remembrance be noted.

To note the development and progress towards the development of a Garden of Remembrance.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager advised that he had little to add to the meeting other than:

-Hitchin BIDS AGM on 6th June to confirm a renewal ballot in February 2014;
-That car parking remained a major issue for the business community, visitors and local residents;
-Business breakfast at The Bull PH in Gosmore on 20 June;
-Hitchin Festival runs from 24 June to 28 July with the Box Office opening on 14 June;
-That despite the loss of a major retailer in Bancroft it was hoped to announce soon the arrival of two retailers in Bancroft this September;
-That Hitchin Town Centre Initiative supported the developer's original proposals for Hitchin Post Office;
-That designated taxi ranks should be located much nearer to late night establishments;
-That Hitchin Town Centre Initiative supported the need for a community hall in Bancroft Parks and Gardens;
-That the linkages between the NHDC Community Halls Strategy and The Green Space Strategy should not be ignored.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the information in his presentation;

(2)That the updated details on Hitchin Festival be noted.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

Hitchin Town Band
Councillor Alan Millard was pleased to advise the Committee of more competition success for Hitchin Town Band.

London & Southern Counties Region of the National Brass Band Championships
Hitchin Band had qualified for the Section 2 finals of the National Brass Band Championships 2013 to be held in Cheltenham in September. At the London and Southern Counties Section 2 regional qualifying contests, held at Stevenage's Gordon Craig Theatre on March 17, Hitchin Band beat seventeen other bands in the 2nd Section competition. Hitchin Band were also awarded two other prizes, the best trombone section and the best musical director.

Councillor Millard agreed to pass on the congratulations of the Committee to the Hitchin Town Band.
Apppendix A
Appendix A.1
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

The CDO advised the Committee that the carry forward allocated funds from 2012 - 2013 were confirmed as £21,968 and the total Grants and Discretionary Budget for 2013 - 2014 was £96,292, and that the individual Ward Member budget remained at £500 for 2013-2014.

The CDO confirmed good feedback on the success of the RISE project at Priory School and requested that Members should contact her about availability to attend the next meeting of the North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum on 7 June.

The CDO reported that the application by the proposed Hitchin Free School to the Department of Education for funding for the development of a half day community programme in the weekly timetable had not been successful.
The CDO gave a brief update on: Hitchin Society Heritage Buildings Open Days from 12 to 15 September (Grant Application - Minute 19 below refers); The 2013 Vaisakhi Procession; Vintage Taste for the over 50's on 6 April and Voice of Hitchin Youth Talent competition on 22 June;

The CDO referred the Committee to the tabled Appendix A - Annual Grant and Discretionary Budget for 2013-2014, Appendix B - Hitchin Area update for 2013-2014 and to appendix C - Grant Application.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 5 March 2013 be noted;

(2)That the tabled budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets (Appendix A) be noted;

(3)That the confirmed total of £21,968 for the Central Area Grant unallocated budget to be carried forward into 2013-2014 be noted;

(4)That the confirmed total of £96,292 for the Annual Grant and Discretionary Budget in 2013-2014 be noted;

(5)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme as presented at Appendix B be noted.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £500 be awarded as a contribution towards the costs of publications promoting the Heritage Buildings Open Days in Hitchin.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the heritage of Hitchin.
Published on Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013